While we appreciated VRFC’s goofy attempt at bringing five-a-side football to PlayStation VR, it never really felt like the right fit for virtual reality given the limitations of the technology thus far. American football – as Europeans will eagerly point out – makes much more sense given that, y’know, it’s mostly played with your hands. 2MD VR Football realises this, pitching you as an embattled quarterback with two minutes to save your team from crushing defeat.
Two-minute drills can be the most exciting part of any three-hour NFL match-up, and developer Truant Pixel’s title is on point. All of the standard rules apply, so working the sidelines and spiking the ball can help you to stop the clock. Otherwise you’ve got 120 seconds to make up some 80 yards, and you’re going to be calling the plays and throwing the ball to your receivers to move down field. You can also run the ball if you’re feeling like Cam Newton, but the controls aren't great.

The highlight here is the throwing system, which is the most realistic we’ve experienced in a PlayStation VR title to date. You snap the ball with the PlayStation Move’s trigger, and from there you just need to make natural throwing motions. Obviously none of us are Tom Brady so it fudges your arm strength slightly to help you make those ridiculous Hail Marys, but it feels so accurate that you can rarely ever blame the game for a throw going awry.
A locker room screen allows you to create up to eight different plays, which are assigned to different face buttons in game. You can manually draw the routes of your receivers, or stick to the default playbook if you don’t want to delve too deep. You can also personalise the colour and livery of your team, which is a nice touch. Our only gripe with the customisation options is that it requires you to reach quite low to interact with the in-game whiteboard, which depending on your setup means you may end up out of view of the PlayStation Camera.
None of this matters when you’re out on the field, though. Voice recognition means that you can audible to your teammates, and we found this feature to be flawless – albeit slower than the simpler button pushes. Your objective is to successfully complete seven two-minute drills, with the difficulty increasing in each round. While you’ll get your throws off without too much hassle at first, later rounds will leave you in a collapsing pocket – and sacked if you’re not careful.

As you can probably imagine, picking the right plays and executing them is an incredibly addictive experience. Whether you’re looking long for some Odell Beckham Jr-esque theatrics, or simply going short to make some quick yards, it’s satisfying when a play comes together perfectly. It’s also rare that the game’s at fault for an incomplete pass or interception; you’ll usually to be blame for a bad throw or poor play call.
And this makes the replay factor quite high. Because you’re only ever working with two-minute drills, it’s quite easy to lose hours to the title as you move your way up the online leaderboards. Multiple fantasy stadiums add a little visual flair to proceedings, although the foosball-esque character models won’t be to everyone’s tastes; there are no arms in this game, so a reception simply means sticking the ball to the body of one of your receivers.
But it works fine for what the title’s trying to achieve – it’s not striving for Madden NFL-esque authenticity after all. This is perhaps best evidenced by the end-of-round bonus minigames, which see you tossing balls through hoops in order to earn extra points. It’s all about that aforementioned throwing mechanic, which really is spot on; you can even put a little spin on the ball by working your wrist as you release – it’s superb fun.
2MD VR Football works so well because it has the best throwing mechanic we’ve experienced with PlayStation VR to date. The game’s relatively simplistic, tasking you with executing a series of successful two-minute drills, but the ability to design your own playbook paired with the implementation of recognised NFL rules mean that there’s some strategy to this arcade affair. The art style’s not going to appeal to everyone and it’s unlikely to keep you occupied forever, but fans of American football are sure to have a blast doing their best Tom Brady impression in virtual reality.
Comments 24
Reminds me of GFL Championship Football on the C64 (1st person football games are pretty rare afterall)
PSVR is garbage and this looks garbage.
PSVR is such a huge fail it’s untrue but was easily foreseeable.

@KingSandyRavage Donald is that you? I think you meant YUGE fail.😂😂
@get2sammyb it’s crap. End of.
Has no application or real benefit to video games as whole. It’s the wrong tech applied to the wrong medium.
The “experience” side of things as offered in VR Worlds is actually awesome and really had to be tried to be believed, can’t recommend it enough. But that is not video games.
I think in terms of offering an immersive experience to people or even as a therapeutic medium for the less-ablebodied, it has real potential and is a phenomenal experience.
Integrate into a real time handing word and it falls to pieces, can’t deliver and takes away without adding anything to the experience. Fact.
Graphic engines can’t handle it, the extent of pixelation and motion blur to the field of view ruins any immersive feeling. Controls become laboured as you attempt to approach the same game with a new view and it really presents more obstacles than anything else. Hence this back to basic las looking visuals Football game.
It’s all real bargain bin End-of-life Wii type gaming that people are buying to excuse the entry price of the VR set they are now stuck with.
There is no system selling app on PSVR and there never will be. Wrong tech for wrong medium.
@get2sammyb that GIF is also just childish and lazy. Thought you were meant to be a “writer” for this site?
@KingSandyRavage What does any of this have to do with the review of 2MD VR Football? Feel free to take your opinion into the forums if you want to discuss the future of VR.
@KingSandyRavage I’d argue that Moss, RIGS, RE 7, Superhot, Sparc, Eve Valkyrie all could be a PSVR system selling title. Really none of those were marketed that way. As for 2MD, it has a $12.99usd price and is on sale the first week for $9.99usd. At that price, I already know what I’m getting and will likely enjoy it for what it is. At some point, gamers need to look past graphics engines and visuals as the end all be all of what makes a great game. It’s experience, gameplay and story being the cores to a good game. Not the tech behind them.
@get2sammyb half of my comments in the second post are about the game and the state of VR market producing budget fodder “games” like this instead of full fledged actual video games. It’s basically flogging a dead horse, but people still willing to buy crap like this because they’ve bought the headset.
Look at other games that have been rated 7/10, a “game” like this should be getting 5/10 tops otherwise it’s misrepresenting it against other games rated at 7/10
According to this review, pushsquare recommends this over Beyond Two Souls and Mad Max? Actual games
@KingSandyRavage that's funny coz I just bought one and I had the biggest grin on my face while playing Battlezone which I'm pretty sure is a game and I doubt I can go back to playing WipeOut on a regular TV coz its just insane in VR and I'm pretty sure it's also a game.
I can kinda see where you're coming from but at the same time I don't know why you're surprised at the reaction you got when your first comment is clearly inflammatory.
@KingSandyRavage "According to this review, pushsquare recommends this over Beyond Two Souls and Mad Max? Actual games."
That's just not true. There are different expectations for different price points, genres, and much more. I enjoyed this game and I think it's worth buying for £9.99. The review explains what I liked and didn't like about it.
You're free to disagree, but your gigantic post about the pros and cons of PSVR is not really relevant to the discussion of 2MD, which is what this thread if supposed to be about. Hence, I recommend you head to the forums where I'm sure people will be willing to discuss this with you.
@KingSandyRavage U MAD BRO? Seriously.. what's a hostile opinionated 36 year old Nintendo fan to do eh? PSVR may not be for everyone, but neither are most things. Fact is that PSVR is for some people, but not all people. Personally, I like it but it gives me a blazing headache so I can't play it.. but I'd like to. Its early tech too, so from what I've seen, there is a definite problem finding ways to present games in the confines of the tech. I really liked Skyrim in 2011, but being IN the game and freely handling a spell in one hand and a sword in the other while admiring the massive architecture towering over you is really something to behold. Playing Rez's Area X for the first time made me think that this could be what being a soul freed from the confines of its body might feel like.. Superhot VR makes you feel like a superhero drifting in bullet time. The experiences are really inspiring, but it's stil not for everyone. When it becomes as small and as lightweight as glasses, projecting directly onto your retinas.. it might be. But for now - and for those who can tolerate the hefty early low-tech entries... it is something they love.
BUT if you would rather play your beloved Switch until Jesus returns.. have at it, but don't be a hostile middle-aged gamer to everyone else.
@Party_Cannon wow. Such an ageist and so insulting because I’m such an old man 👴 I’d best retire from games or take my youth pills and start thinking Fortnite is the greatest thing ever invented haha.
You see my point and understand where I’m coming from, but quite rightly, disagree. That’s quite a mature response. Everything else? That’s just needlessly personal and insulting and makes you a disgusting human being. True response from a keyboard warrior, with nuts as huge as basketballs as long as he’s miles away behind a screen and anonymity.
Good day to you my boy.
@get2sammyb it is true.
After giving it an actual comparable score to other games while A closing comment of this is actually a lot of fun for a short space of time and £9.99 would make more sense.
Does that mean when Mad Max was free on PS+ you jumped back on and immediately updated its score tonday how fantastic it was as it was huge game that was now completely free so now worth 8/10 instead of 6/10?
@KingSandyRavage I enjoy how you get upset at people who act hostile toward you when it was your initially hostility that set the tone of the conversation. You would make for a fascinating subject in a David Attenborough-type nature documentary about a harmless little animal that snaps and barks at nearby creatures and then cries and acts wounded when the other animals fight back.
@hi_drnick seems you’re a fool also.
At no point have I got upset. Neither was I hostile toward any individual. What has happened is that I’ve dared to air a negative viewpoint on a PS4 product and several a couple of fanboys have got upset and spat their dummy’s out over a crap game for a crap peripheral. But hey ho, the world still turns. Relax children
@KingSandyRavage Here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna assume that you have minimal self-awareness (coz I'm a fool, and that's what fools do).
If you don't remember (coz it was a few days ago), your statement of intent was:
"PSVR is garbage and this looks garbage".
Now, because you have minimal self-awareness let me explain: this is what is known as trolling, and trolls (by their very nature) are hostile.
And yes, I expect your response to this will be that it's your opinion and you're entitled to your opinion blah blah blah etc etc ad nauseum (this is a facsimile of 90% of your posts).
But, in the interest of your continued education (because we all deserve one, even those who are conceited to realise), you cannot realistically expect to have an intelligent conversation when your conversation starter is:
"PSVR is garbage and this looks garbage".
And whilst @get2sammyb's response to your initial comment is a bit immature, I think we both agree that he is responding with humour whereas you resort to calling him childish, lazy and questioning his credentials as a writer. Not to signpost things too heavily, this is where self-awareness comes in handy.
As a last little point of amusement (as I am a fool and we are prone to it) it is interesting that you did not respond once to anyone that mentioned actual "games" that can be played on PSVR. This seems to indicate that you are simply here to inflame and your hostile responses are the result of your withering manhood.
Next time try to bring something worthwhile to the conversation.
Guys. Let's not do this.
@hi_drnick I brought a negative opinion as a gamer and consumer of Playstation products. I owned PSVR. It is garbage. That is an opinion.
If I saw it in a shelf, in a box, then took to the website to troll that it was garbage. Then yes you’d be right.
But unfortunately you’re just wrong on every level and would benefit yourself from some form of remedial education.
It’s all too easy to label a negative option on as trolling as that immediately discredits it in your eyes and lets the glittered turd shine all that little more brightly to you than it actually does or ever could.
Things, objects, games, products exist. Some people think some are good. Some people may think those same games are garbage.
Take monster hunter for example. Classic gamer divider.
My opinion is this game looks garbage, and that by its direct association with PSVR it is garbage as my personal experience as a gamer owning PSVR, PSVR is garbage. If all this is over your head, and you feel personally offended by the world not loving the same things you love, then..... the world is gonna hurt you a lot as you grow up.
@get2sammyb afternoon Sammy. Not intending to do anything here. I felt it is warranted to express an opinion on articles on here whether they are positively or negatively bias, as difference of opinion and vareity are the spice of life.
How a negative opinion is instantly jumped on by fanboys branding it as trolling is just irrititating. Especially when these so called gamers start being personal in a true and pathetic anonymous online tirade.
Surely there are games and aspects of the gaming world you have found no value in and can’t stand?
@KingSandyRavage You're entitled to your opinion and you're free to discuss it with others, but as I've said several times now, this is a review for 2MD. You've made your point, so I'd prefer if you would continue your conversation in the forums, please.
Sammy has asked for us to move on and this comment section has been quite for a few days now. Your comment was unnecessary and would only start trouble again, best to leave sleeping bears lie. Thanks for understanding -Tasuki-
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