The premise behind 7 Days to Die is strong: it's an open-world zombie survival horror game smashed together with the crafting and building elements of Minecraft. That description sounds compelling, but the final product doesn't come anywhere near to being fun.
Before you jump into the actual game, you are given a plethora of options to customise your experience. You have a wide array of characters to choose from (pointless if you're playing single player as the experience is first-person), and you can also select how tough the zombies are, how the zombies act, and how the weather and time works in your game world. Furthermore, you can opt to play in a completely random world or in the pre-set district of Navezgane.
You have one goal in 7 Days to Die: survive for as long as possible. However, this endurance aspect seems kind of pointless as death doesn't set you back in any way whatsoever. You can craft bedrolls and set them down to use as a spawn point when you eat it – similar to how beds work in Minecraft – while similarly you can return to where you died to collect all of your belongings. The problem with this is that there is literally no consequences for dying, because no matter how many times you die on your way back, your backpack full of gear will always be there, waiting for you to collect.

The game also has an incredibly deep but also convoluted crafting system. You have a huge array of items that you can make, and you can find crafting recipes around the world allowing you to build guns or other complex items. However, crafting anything other than the most basic of items is needlessly complicated. Most concoctions require half a dozen different resources, most of which you'll need random luck to come across in the world.
Moreover, considering much of your time in this game is spent fighting off the undead, wild dogs, and bears, the combat is horrendous. Melee combat is incredibly clunky and cumbersome and the melee weapons you can craft are downright useless. We found most of the time it was actually more efficient and easier to kill zombies with our bare hands than with a stone club. Guns are what you really want to be using to defend yourself in this game, but unfortunately the means of obtaining one is extremely frustrating, for the reasons outlined above.
To make matters worse, the enemy AI is also annoying for the most part. Zombies rule in the night-time, and as a result you are forced to take shelter, but despite being locked away in your safe house and being incredibly quiet as to not attract any attention, zombies will still frustratingly smash your door down and attack you.

Meanwhile, you need to constantly be aware of the weather in 7 Days to Die, as snow and rain will make you cold and force you to take shelter if you don't have adequate clothing. Alternatively, when the weather gets warmer, you're forced to remove you armour and clothing so that you don't become dehydrated. This had the potential to be an interesting mechanic, but unfortunately weather conditions change far too quickly, resulting in you spending a significant amount of time equipping and unequipping clothing in the game's incredibly clunky and painful to navigate inventory.
But the very worst aspect of the game is that it runs terribly. This outing is less than stellar graphically – and the open world isn't exactly gigantic – so there's no excuse for the game to be freezing up every few seconds. We also encountered stacks of glitches like enemies clipping through walls or enemies floating through the air.
7 Days to Die has a compelling premise, but it withers within minutes. The gameplay here is fundamentally not fun, and having to deal with technical issues every few seconds becomes extremely grating. The multiplayer injects a little entertainment, if only because you'll be observing the release's shoddiness with others. In all, this is a bit of a rotter.
Comments 59
YouTubers: The Game.
I have never read a good review on this game. Yet some people do love it.
I saw somebody playing this on PlayStation Live. It looked wack.
@ekreig Oh God.
Huh Telltale publishing starts hot
My brother bought this game and swears its good. Tried to get me to get, so glad i ignored him. Sent him a pic of the review lol. That's what he gets for making fun of me for buying Star Ocean. Made my day, thanks.
EDIT: Before anyone else gets upset over this comment, I just want to clarify something. This is just a comment about a brother and sister who tease each other mercilessly. Our taste in games is so vastly different, we pick on each other. It is all done in good fun. This comment was in no way intended to make anyone feel bad about liking this game.
and to @hellbringer1975 it sure sucks to be a gamer in Canada.
It is laggy and clunky but iv had about 40 hours+ atm and still enjoying it with friends.
Saw a comment today on this site saying it was the best game on PS4 atm.....interesting.
One of them I have been enjoying watching others play on Live, but can't bring myself to play it. Strange...what is the world coming to?!
This is obviously let's player and YouTube bait, so its no wonder that it ended up garbage.
I do really like the premise though,
Zero quality control on PlayStation these days....this sort of rubbish belongs on Steam
The game looks like a really bad Counter Strike Source mod from the early 2000's.
To be fair its an indie game so I don't think you can review them the same way you would AAA games
Its still in its alpha stages so lots of bugs et,lc.
I had a lot of fun playing this with my brother, though there were a few cheap deaths here and there. Worth every penny spent.
@johnny30 They're asking £30 for it, though.
@get2sammyb offt thats ridiculous, didn't notice the price, guess they're trying to compete with the bigger publishers, just like bound by flame was an indie game and that was like 40 when it first came out. damn
Thank you for this, I've been thinking of buying this hoping it was going to be like "Ark:Survival Evolved" (without dinos and with zombies) but the £29.99 price kept me back..... Till now, I shall wait for ARK to release on PS4 now, again Thank You.
sadly some People buys only what other buys, they care about reviewers only on games they are not interested on buying, but since 7 Days to die is on peoples mouth they are gonna buy it even if it is a complete broken trash
we are gonna see demise of great games in favor of trash, If people keep buying what other hype
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi If you want to play this game, I suggest you to wait
there's other games like Star Ocean, in a few weeks I am Setsuna
please don't buy broken trash, buy it when it is fixed
@blah01 It's been on steam for years,in beta. You can thank your greedy Sony overlords for transporting this garbage. Remember, you don't have to buy it!
@twinspectre90 So what you're saying is....a majority of people are sheep? That's been a thing for years.
From the reviews this is not even a rental. Not even worth my time if offered free. Probably also has high motion blur with no option to disable it.
I cannot not believe you gave this game a 3 thats a travesty. How long did the reviewer play the game for? You can change settings regarding the backpack and toolbelt so if you die you can not collect anything. Crafting is not meant to be easy its about scavenging the world and finding the right items for what you need to build. Before everyone slams this game and never plays it give it a try the review certainly does not do the game justice. Yes it has flaws, its buggy and could be improved performance wise but get past that and you have a great game that tests you skills and decision making more than any game I have played on the console. No game is as challenging as this. There are so many different rulesets you can add to suit your gameplay. Finding it too hard then change how the zombies react to you. Not got enough time to collect items then increase the game time. You can buy this game for just about £22 and its well worth the money. The navigation system is not clunky and once you have played for even a short time its easy to find and craft what you want. If you are crafting one item a lot then put it in your favourites.The world is very large and everything is desctructable which not many games can say that. The reason why they find you depends on what you have on you if you have meat then they can smell it so will come after you. Its not advisable to use guns because they make a loud noise and attract more zombies so it gets you in more trouble. Arrows are better and silent. Regarding the weather if its hot outside I do not wear a jumper and gloves so i woudl take them off its the same in the game. If its hot you wear a hat and find shade and drink more water. Klling zombies you use a combination of axe to knock them back then use a shiv to finish them off. Searching the bodies afterwards and smahing them more gets you bones which you can craft with. Pick up rotting flesh and the zombies will attack you more. Using you hands is the least effective metod of fighting in the game. You also aways need to raget the head for maxium impact. How many 7 days cycle did the reviewer get through I did not even read about the 7th day hords of zombies when the action really hots up. The whole reason why its called 7 days to die.
@Napples this could lead on the demise of quality games, and I hope they will start supporting also Exclusives games because that's what make a console worth, If Sony will release their games on PC the fault will be to the North Americans because In Europe the Uncharted was top selling game being number 1 followed by Overwatch, do you think in the American charts we have the same result?
we have Mirror's Edge outselling Uncharted 4
this proves the majority of People don't want to play Quality games, because Uncharted has more quality than Overwatch and Mirror's edge
we Know Europe is smaller than NA
@dryrain do you know you shouldn't support a broken product ?
I guess back in the Atari era people were smarter compared to now, because today if a game is broken people are ready to support it and defend it with all cost, meanwhile in the Atari era If a game was trash company will pay the consequences
I'm usually really anal about frame rates etc but I'm currently really enjoying EDF which has tons of technical problems but it's just a load of fun so I'm not bothered when it starts getting really choppy and NPCs vanish into thin air etc.
Some games can get away with it and others can't I guess - 7 Days to Die strikes me as on of those games that's fun despite its technical problems. Given the praise it's getting from some people I think the 3 it's scored here sounds too low. But hey
@twinspectre90 the games not broken it has issues that can be addressed with future patches its certainly playable.
Mirrors Edge has cult following not suprising its selling well. Gamers like variety its not always about a perfectly polished game.
I do not know any game that does not get patched does that mean we should only play games that are a couple of years old after they have all been patched up?
The Atari era was totally different to today the games were much less complicated graphically and technically. Thats like comparing the complexity of a bike to a car.
@JoeBlogs I'm fuzzy on the whole good/bad thing.
It ain't perfect, and it's buggy, but it's the most fun I've had gaming in a long time. Me and my kid have a blast duo'ing.
@NoCode23 the game is a blast, this review is crappy imo.
@Azikira Same here
@mrobinson91 I have a lot of fun playing it. it cost me $26. Well worth it imo.
@brendon987 I love it!
@dryrain I don't buy games day 1, because I learned If I want to enjoy a game I must wait, till everything is fixed
I want to buy a Working product
yes, you can wait till the product is finished
there's tons of games you can find, You can buy 7days to die when everything is fixed, please support working games
if its really about playing a survival game, why not waiting for the "Ark: survival Evolved"? and playing other games now!
Of course 7 Days to die is cheaper, but dont we really respect the money we're spending?! I mean why pay like 30$ (or less) for a game like this...(I'm not saying 7 days to die is total crap 'cuz I haven't played it) but lets be honest, we deserve better...
@Ellysetta19 lol you are sad , at least he has fun with games he likes and makes his own mind your such a sad victim you will bypass all things just because some random nobody made a biased review and did not like it . how about star ocean its reviews are just as bad and i own both and can say at least this game is $50 cheaper the starocean in my country so i laugh at you and your uneducated victim way of life
@Hellbringer1975 While I get what you are saying, reviews aren't a random nobody's opinion. Ideally they are the professional opinion of some one who has knowledge of the medium (in this instance video games). Now my opinion would be a random nobody's and no one should really care, but I have come to trust this site for their reviews, which elevates them above the random nobody, at least for me.
This review is spot on.
I played this "game" on PC. It's another one of them horrible, permanently broken zombie cash-em-in's in the vein of the infamous Day Z. Awful graphics, sounds like a broken washing machine, and buggier than an anteater's lunch.
Re: future patches and other daydreams. It was released on Steam nearly THREE YEARS AGO, my humans! The fact that it's still fundamentally a nasty, buggy, poo-poo stinking mess means it will NEVER be fixed.
For them to be allowed to release it on Playstation is concerning. Y U NO QUALITY CONTROL, SONY? One for the litter tray.
If you like zombie action, DYING LIGHT is a much, much, much better game and available for cheaper than this rubbish.
@brendon987 It's the perfect YouTuber bait game. Expect to see people playing this while screaming unnecessarily for the next few months.
Rofl, i'd give it an 8 but if mainstream corridor shallow shooter's are your thing you won't appreciate the beauty of this game, you guy's suck this game is awsome.
@thatguyEZ I was really excited by the premise too, it's a shame it just doesn't function properly.
@dryrain The game is fundamentally broken. The game freezes up every few seconds.
@Vaedur Why is it crappy?
@Hellbringer1975 "A biased review"? What possible bias could I be holding against this game? Unless of course, pointing out the game freezes every few seconds is bias.
@mrobinson91 that was me and I stand by that comment personal taste and all. I'm enjoying this game immensley and the 3/10 here doesn't suprise me at all, no bad there great site I visit it several time's a day etc etc, but my taste's nearly alway's disagree with most of the review score's. Quick edit to say that's probably all site's I disagree with, i'm assuming other site's slated it as well I only really use this one so I wouldn't know.
Urghh Metro said it was undead on arrival and probably the worst game of 2016 crazy world.
There's a really weird split between consumers and critics on this one it seems. We're not the only site to pan it: http://www.metacritic.com/game/playstation-4/7-days-to-die/critic-reviews
@dryrain If it is in this state they should not have released it and waited a few months to go gold.
@xMEADx to be honest it seems like a lot of people are really like this game but yet it's reviewing quite poorly. I'm seeing a lot of people saying it's really fun so it's definitely not just you
For 30 bucks its a riot to play , and glad made the purchase.
@bladerider agreed look past its technical issues and its the most fun I have had in a long time. Proves that a game does not have to look amazing or run perfectly to have a lot of fun playing. Bad reviews of a game does not mean it is not a great game to play. Its seems that the playability and fun factor of a game does not get featured in some reviews.
For me content quality and technical performance are seperate. No matter how great the content may be all is lost on lag, freezing, and poor frame rates. Then too smooth frames rates, ect does not really make a game with horrible content any better for me. I went through that with New Vegas. Great content but never patched to fix the technical problems caused as save file sizes rapidly become larger.
All of the many reviews of Far Harbor on PS4 mentioned the very poor frame rates and their scores reflected that performance. Now patched Far Harbor still demonstrates frame drops in some areas with heavy fog. Certainly better than before the patch. A no fog mod is what may fix it.
I have no desire to buy a game that needs patching. When will the patch come, will it work, and will the patch need patching i will pass on. Waiting for patches before purchase is not that easy as new reviews are needed and many patches are silently released and only found through repeated searching. There was no bulletin displayed when The Evil Within got a patch to allow for removing of the image cropping, but for many that game was now playable.
It is all really simple. Just release a game when it actually technically works properly with smooth frame rates and no freezing. Then offer in the menu the option to disable stuff like motion blur, out of focus blur, heavy god rays, and cropped images or images with black bars. You know, the stuff many don't want and asked to be PATCHED out.
Here is my experience, it seem if a game released on too many platforms and OS tend to be great! Mighty No.9 for example, it sadden me to say this but the game is horrible... they should narrowed it down to PS4/XboxOne and Windows PC (no OSX, Linux) so they can save that time and resources to polish the game.
Language -Tasuki-
How many of u guys hear of minecraft when it first came out I'm going to Guss not much how was the game play when it first came out not the best I look at this like minecraft a game that will never Turly be finsh all ways puting update out for it and single play is fun but playing with friend is were it is at and I see thing they did that minecraft did not there rpg spec in tower def spec and ever building and for dieing if u do die yes there is a const u lose wellness which make u die fast or cant run as far or mine as good then u have work your way back up on wellness to get it back up and look at minecraft now it on the top soon or later I think this game will be up there I because I'm playing it I get to watch it rase
If u are unsure if u want to play then watch some video of it look at what it offer I never go by what other people say Intill I see game play of the game then I can see if the game is for me who now some of u think u won't get it because of what this site say may chance your minds after watch game play and mean not 5 min of game play look up the different spec of the game like building, def, rpg and looting look up the thing people talk about in this game then is this game for me review are not all ways right about a game
im going to lol when this game is the number one game when all the bugs get fixed
i thought this would happen,pretty much a steam early access title for over priced on consoles.Potential in this this game - but so many issues at time of writing..i'll check it in a few months i guess to see if its been fixed at all.Also, my wallet is hurting -thought i wasn't going to a get a PSVR - but considering it now..and deffo can't resist ps4N,and crazy backlog to get through right now.
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