Republished on Wednesday 27th January, 2021: We're bringing this review back from the archives following the announcement of February 2021's PS Plus lineup. The original text follows.
Control could, and probably should, have been something worth shouting about. It’s been 16 years since Remedy Entertainment last released one of its games on a PlayStation platform thanks to the developer’s decision to jump into bed with Microsoft, so to see it back is a bit of an occasion. However, the title that brings about its return isn’t quite as noteworthy. This is a good game, but it doesn’t reach the heights we were hoping it would.
Had inFAMOUS: Second Son got a much darker, more mysterious sequel and limited its open world to the floors of a single high-rise building, the experience wouldn’t be all that dissimilar to that of Control. Jesse Faden’s range of superpowers is what sets this third-person narrative-based shooter apart from almost anything else out there, and it comes with a great degree of secrecy.

There’s a mystery to solve at the heart of the Oldest House, but initially, you’re just there to find out about your missing brother. As you work your way through its otherworldly corridors and lobbies, however, the position of Director becomes vacant, setting off a sequence of events that lead to all manner of discoveries.
Its narrative is perhaps one of the game’s biggest talking points, but there’s only so much that can be said before we find ourselves in spoiler territory. There’s a lot to unpack as each mission plays out, starting off somewhat straightforward before upping its complexities tenfold. It’s a genuinely interesting plot because, of course, some things aren’t as they seem, but it’s also one that’ll most likely require a YouTube explanation video to help you to fully grasp what’s going on. A highlight indeed, although it may be lost on some.
One thing that cannot be denied, however, is the title’s sense of style. Big, bold, booming typography welcomes you to each new area, while sound effects and audio design bring about a new industry standard. The menacing atmosphere sets a tone for exploration that will keep you on edge, while the Hiss – the enemies in the game – float ominously overhead. They’re minor details that don’t go unnoticed.
Exploration is at the heart of what makes the experience tick, so much so that Remedy felt comfortable dubbing it a Metroidvania. And it is, of sorts. Every area of the Oldest House has its own sprawling map that can be rummaged through at your leisure, with many rooms locked behind security clearance levels and others that require specific powers to access. The problem is that your reward is never particularly interesting. Maybe you’ll gather some materials for an extra upgrade or uncover a couple of collectibles, but they never feel like they were worth the effort.

Thankfully, side missions are a little more worthwhile. Cleverly hidden quests explore the inner workings of the office block, what life was like before the Hiss made their presence known, and how those that are left deal with the outbreak. The majority adds either historical or scientific context to the world, and alongside optional time-limited missions, are a welcome distraction from the main plot.
Engaging in combat with the Hiss is what you’ll spend much of your time doing, though, and it’s far and away the biggest highlight of the package. Equipped with a breathing gun known as the Service Weapon, Jesse can swap between numerous modes of fire on the fly. Kicking things off with the capabilities of a pistol, she’ll quickly amass variations that allow her to switch to the likes of a shotgun, machine gun, and a magnum, but it’s how the gun is used in tangent with superpowers that makes all the difference.
The Service Weapon operates on a cooldown rather than a normal reload, and it’s during those times when bullets are sparse that you can explore the full range of your abilities. Launch allows you to pick up any object or enemy in the environment and throw it at another foe, while Shield protects you from gunfire for a limited period. Evade is a quick dodge that’ll get you out of danger, Seize turns a combatant to your side, and Levitate lets you take to the skies and survey the battlefield from a vantage point.

Combining the use of these abilities with your Service Weapon is paramount to success. Different enemy types require various means of approach, such as shields that need to be whittled away with bullets before a killing blow can be landed. Meanwhile, airborne foes can dodge the objects you throw at them via Launch entirely. Striking the right balance between ammunition and abilities couldn’t come with a greater feeling when you get it right. Pulling an enemy towards you, who takes out a weaker adversary in the process thanks to sheer force, and then launching that body at another combatant to end the lives of three men in one smooth move is really quite special.
Unfortunately, the title completely fluffs its lines in the penultimate chapter. A gigantic, open space gives enemies the chance to take potshots at you from a distance, while those closer to the action bombard you with explosives. An overwhelming amount of foes are spawning in at the same time, meaning you’re never given the chance to catch your breath, resulting in sequence after sequence of close shaves with death. It’s not fun or engaging in the slightest, making for a series of encounters you’ll quickly grow to loathe following the tenth or so attempt.

However, the game’s biggest offender by far is its framerate. Strangely enough, the experience manages a somewhat stable 30 frames-per-second for roughly half of the 12-hour campaign, but the more you progress, the worse it gets. The back half suffers from major drops during combat that slow things down to a snail’s pace as you have to fight a framerate in the single digits as well as the more traditional enemies on screen. We don’t quite understand how the game has managed to ship in this state, but that’s not the only technical fault. The title can be made to freeze on demand for a handful of seconds after quitting out of the pause screen every single time you access it, while stutters are also present when coming in and out of a fast travel point. It’s absolutely unacceptable – a flaw that a series of patches will need to fix post-launch.
Elsewhere, its visuals fare a little better. Whilst some of the environments do become a little samey after a while, the locations that break away from the grey offices of the Oldest House are real lookers. Combined with its style that oozes out of every corner, bright oranges and blues illuminate a world twisted and ravaged by the Hiss. It’s not always on display, but Control does indeed have some artistic beauty to it.
There’s no doubting that Control is a good experience, but it’s not one that’ll go down in the history books. Its explorative and combat-focused gameplay is a major highlight thanks to abilities that give you the chance to get creative, but the unreliable framerate that goes with it puts a stop to the enjoyment far too frequently. This is most definitely worth playing, but that’s about as far as any substantial praise can go.
Comments 92
If anyone has a question, feel free to copy me in!
Do you think the framerate issues could be easily patched out?
Betteridge's law of headlines doomed this to mediocrity. Well done, @LiamCroft.
I’ve read that the Xbox One X version is more stable regarding fps. Not surprising though. :/
Glad I held off on this . Especially since its only 12-15 hours. not worth full price
@Dr_Derp I have no idea if that's an easy task or not, but I'd be surprised if Remedy didn't try to improve them.
Sigh (removes Control from wishlist)...
Looks good, but I’ll hold until a deep sale.
Hopefully the framerate issues will be sorted by then.
Hope the game does well for Remedy though.
Will wait for the £20 price range when the patches have ironed things out.
@Kidfried If every performance issue was fixed, it would have improved my opinion by a fair amount. I don't know if that would have pushed it to an 8/10, however.
I'm disappointed seeing people waiting for a half price drop because its a 7. Days Gone had framerate issues, was a 7 and I enjoyed the hell out of it.
I'm enjoying it so far, rough round the edges but Remedy have a clear style that makes them stand out. Maybe with a bigger budget and advice from certain studios that can deliver a classic wink wink Sony.
Also when was 12 to 15 hours "short"?
@danloaded Games that get 7s should be perfectly acceptable these days, and Days Gone is a perfect example of that.
That's you, but a lot of people, myself included, regret buying Days Gone at full price.
I won't be buying this one either, from the framerate issues alone. That's a massive deal breaker for $60, but I'm looking forward to it when it gets a sale.
The game seems interesting, but I'll probably wait until the future. I still have a few games I'm working on finishing so Control will wait.
Sounds superb!
I'll be picking this up tomorrow, really looking forward to it😁
DreamcastGuy gave this a 9.5/10.
So excited for this game 😊
Moved this over to PC for the RayTracing component (PCGamer gave it an 88 with Metacritic at 86)
This will not be the entire experience on console till PS5.
What is with these major releases launching with such serious framerate issues? I love gaming, but I can't deal with stuttering gameplay and hard crashes, especially when most studios* should know without question what the hardware is capable of at this point in the generation.
*Kinda giving Remedy a minor break here since this is their first game on a PlayStation platform in a while.
@Neolit Cheers dude!
I’ve been pretty interested in this game. I’ll try it out.
I guess I'll buy it on pc then, I hope my 1660 ti can play this game 60 fps on 2k or 1080p, and it's only $23 on epic games store.
I still have it preordered. After watching some gameplay, it still looks awesome.
@Neolit the game is getting great reviews .even on ps4 a 7 is a good score.but pushsquare is the only one that gives it a low score.so it's a great game.word up son
@Neolit Oh man, I know what you mean. My laptop can even run Hairworks but I tried that Quake 2 RTX and it basically ground to a halt. Ray tracing is beyond me until PS5 it seems.
this game is getting great reviews elsewhere.word up son
7/10, sounds about right then! Looking forward to trying it, I tend to like slightly polarising games.
When games are $60 that's the right thing to do sometimes
Gonna wait for a cheap sale on Amazon for this one.
'This is most definitely worth playing, but that’s about as far as any substantial praise can go."
Wow you sound harsh guys.
Reading the pros then the cons seem nitpicky.
That's how I feel, dont hate.
Dont care about score. Never do
Lowest score of the game I've seen so far, but not everyone is gonna have the same impressions.
@JJ2 I wouldn't consider a poor framerate a bit of a nitpick.
@danloaded this is pushsquare,
when good games gets a lower score
e.g. re2 remake
@PunkRx_Lockly I know right pushsquare is the only one that gives the game a low score.the surge gets a 5 but it's a 8 from me.a 7 is a 9 from me.dont care about the review score.i know this game is a 9 out of 10 from me.word up son
@Lekzie1 I agree with you.good game is getting low score is crazy.a plague tale of innocence.gets great score elsewhere.pushsquare didn't give it a great score.just play the game yourself.they gave evil within a 7.its a 9 from me.word up son
7 is a good score, but when a game has a bad framerate it'd make anyone who has issues with that immediately stay away from it.
I think the scores on Pushsquare are good and aren't simply boiled down to:
It really makes you FEEL like Control!
It has a little something for everyone!
@Constable_What but it may have framerate issues for him and not everyone else.you do know all games are not created equal right.so I play games that pushsquare says they have framerate issues .and when I play them I don't see it.word up son
Oh boy, I'm torn on this one...I tend to appreciate the combat more than exploration but at the same time I don't want to pay full price for a game not good enough for me to finish it in days...I just have a huge backlog.
@Neolit true but you can still get the game.the game that you buy might not have frame rate issues.i like pushsquare but they not always right all the time.word ☝ up son
I said that's how I feel. All your cons seemed nitpicky to me. I really appreciate your pros
Same. But then this is not a polarising game at all.
If it has framerate issues it has framerate issues. You probably just don't notice it.
All copies of Control are the same. Unless the discs are broken... So... Don't know what you're on about there.
Choppiness in framerate is unacceptable if it is an extended period of time. Days Gone was abysmal for me to play with the horrible stuttering and pop-in that would destroy my bike if I happened to drive over something that appeared.
@Neolit Same here the Dynasty Warrior games are solid sixes but i love them. 😉
Same here. A smooth experience is much preferred over graphics.
My eyes are sensitive to light and sharp inconsistent fluctuations make my head hurt. Framerate stuttering makes for a miserable time. PS5 cannot come soon enough.
I'll still get this eventually, and like you I have a backlog and am waiting for Death Stranding!
@Danloaded If a certain game has tech issues at launch, there's a 90% possibility it will be a better game after few months thanks to patches. At the same time there's a 90% possibility its price will be reduced in few months thanks to sales. Therefore, there's a 90% possibility you'll do the right thing if you buy that game few months after its release thanks to logic.
@Constable_What gamingbolt just review control and it did talk about the framerate issues of the base ps4.but they love the game and gave it a 9.i got a ps4 pro.but they gave it a 9.everyone else loves this game.word up son
I've no interest in gamingbolt.
I just read framerate issues and told myself I'd pass until it was cheaper.
7 is a good game according to the Push Square scoring policy. It seems good, but it just doesn't stand out. That's perfectly fine.
@playstation1995 I also have a PS4 Pro and gave it a 7.
... sigh... does this site give anything other than a 7 these days? :/ always seems a bit of cop-out...
Yet ANOTHER game scoring a 7 🤷🏻♂️ I read through the review and before getting to the score I thought ‘I bet it scored a 7’ and I was right. It’s just getting too predictable when scoring games on this site, it’s almost like your playing it safe rather than giving it a 6 or an 8.
@OneManDroid I know right this game is a solid 9 from what I seen.word up son
@MaccaMUFC I don't quite understand what you want us to do. Lie about our thoughts and feelings surrounding a game just so we can either bump the score up a notch or tone it down a little? If we think it's a 7, it's getting a 7/10.
@JJ2 @Frigate it is slightly polarising, in the sense it is obviously not a God of War or Breath of the Wild standard game. Which tends to work better for me, as I go in with an open mind and get more out of it.
@LiamCroft control plays best on the ps4 pro.so that a 9 out of 10 for me.word up son
@LiamCroft What score you give a game isn’t important, it’s the written (typed) review that matters and it’s fine as always but it just seems there’s games that get scored a 7 on here more than any other score and it’s obvious that I’m not the only one who thinks this.
I'm sure it is. I saw there s a gun.
It sounds decent but I'll be picking this up in a sale sometime.
o7 to salute a magnificent game. That's what it means I think. Days Gone got the same praise.
Better than any other random number critics give.
@Neolit well what next gen consoles are for 😃
Cant wait for PS5/AMD to kill Nvidia overpriced stranglehold on RT. Anyway, Easy Allies just gave it a 9 on PS4Pro 👍
Probably worth mentioning yet again that 7/10 is a good score on this site.
This is why i Quit reading reviews. I like YouTuber ACG and his buy, wait for a sale, rent or never touch reviews. Heres his control review.
I am about half way through the game and the frame rates are terrible. The current state of the game really should have made the review score even lower. Other games that run like this were trashed score wise in the past. Story wise its a good game but techincally its a mess.
I had a bad feeling about the frame rate since I played a preview build way back in March. The fact that they couldn't (or wouldn't) fix the performance issues, even though they've been present pretty much from Square One is a head scratcher. I'll pick this up in the (hopefully near) future when — or if — they patch these issues out.
This game is getting 9/10 and 8/10 across the bored on all other review sites and YouTube channels. 81 on Metacritic right now with most people saying this is great if you like Remedy's games.
gamer95 do u have a problem reading and understanding? I clearly stated that pushsquare gave a good game a low score, example re2 remake an 8, that game is the best game so far this year and its clearly a 9 or 10, u need some reading comprehension kid
@playstation1995 finally someone understand what my point is, unlike that kid @gamer95 with low reading comprehension
Geesh why do we need scores anymore? This happens every time, people care more about the score than why the score.
Look at something like Bloodborne. It's praised for difficult so it gets high scores. But if the next one is much easier the scores will drop dramatically. However, for me, the game score would be higher since they are too hard for me.
So I always look at many reviews, and listen to all the pros and cons, then decide if it is right for me. I have passed on many top score games and bought many low score games based on the details of why they got the score.
Can we not resort to insulting each other please? Jeez people, it's only a bloody review. A review of a game none of you have played.
Gah, I can’t stand frame rate drops below 30 FPS. No matter how much horsepower you give devs, they always go beyond their means. Tsk tsk. Maybe next gen we’ll FINALLY get 1080p, 60 FPS across the board, but I know we won’t.
Sounds like I’ll wait for the PC release to go on sale. That way I’ll be able to run it at a solid 60 FPS at least, compared to this version.
And this looks like it’s exactly the game for me, but not really worth $60. Paying full price is usually too much pressure to enjoy the game, lol. Like, “This is good. I don’t know about $60 good, but it’s good...”
I wish I could CONTROL the amount of Control stories I just scrolled through on pushsquare (see what I did there). 9 consecutive stories PLUS a review is a bit excessive don’t you think... especially with a review score of a mediocre 7...
Since I got it on PC I would be able to get it without the framerate issues. I just wonder if I have to run it on 4K/30fps with ray tracing enabled.
But more than anything I am happy to hear the story is good. Thats the main reason for the purchase. And the combat is a great bonus.
I guess I should end up quite happy.
Quantum Break had a lot of problems but what I did really enjoy about that game was the combat and Control's combat looks like QB on steroids, so that's a plus. Picking up the game in a few hours and can't wait to give it a go once I complete Judgment.
@ShogunRok I played it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I didn't realise it came out today to be honest, I thought it was Friday. That's pretty cool, hopefully my copy is delivered today then!
I kind of get the impression that this has been switched up to be a tech showcase for ray tracing, even some of the screenshots here look like environments developed specifically for that purpose. I might pick it up in a sale if they fix the issues
@AdamNovice Well 12-15 hours is seen as short because you could complete it in 2 days on a weekend. 1 day even if it's all you did. It depends what games you normally play. I play a lot of RPGs and even 40 hours seems short for one if those and that's what I'm used to. I remember completing Fable after 20 hours (with extensive messing around fighting villagers while my character was drunk and other time-taking things) and I was stunned it was over so fast.
Replayability is an issue too. I've seen people on Steam with literally 1000s of hours in Dark Souls.
@Lekzie1 Let's watch then insults please. As per community rules
Do not post offensive remarks towards others; Show respect for all users,
Since it seems you can't refrain from insulting others then it might be a good idea just not to post anything.
Thanks for understanding
Played a few hours already. No performance issue yet but yeah they might come later. Anyway, had a blast !
i played the game now for 14 hours and i am so dissappointed for the following reasons:
1. Story for me is bad and this game looks like indie game from small group of people, many nonsense events no explanations; just through you in a building a huge one with power some missions you ask yourself what the hell i am doing and why.
2. sounds FX so annoying you cannot enjoy your playthrough with hisss sounds and people talking inside your head while using headset, i don't know what the sound engineer thinking plus no theme or pattern for music just hiss here and there
3. the gameplay ridiculously silly and easy no difficulty level, however enjoyable.
4. the map glitch on me like hell and it's a bad map anyway
5. drop frame rate i cannot complain about that it's PS4 Pro in the era of 30 FPS.
6. this game for me 25$ for it fair enough
The PC version with all the ray tracing effects looks incredible, a good preview of what's to come next gen.
@HellOfaHunter have you played a remedy game before? Haha the whole point of the game is secrecy, every game they have made is supposed to be confusing, plus the gameplay is no different to any other game they have produced.. I can't comment on frame rates, I've been using the X1 and no problems so far.
@Lekzie1. Dont worry haha.i got your back.word ☝ up son
I’ve played a bit of this, only just finished the first mission. You can tell straight off it’s your typical Remedy game and I really liked Alan Wake and Quantum Break but for some reason I just cannot get into this, it could be because it’s late and I’m tired or I may need to progress further before it gets better.
I’ll be giving it another go but if it still doesn’t suck me in like the other Remedy games did then I don’t think I’ll even bother finishing it which would be a shame because this is one game I’ve been really looking forward to.
@EquiinoxGII of course i played max payne, quantum break and alane wake i just finished the game it's like ghost buster movie with Quantum break haha
@HellOfaHunter it is a very strange one! But yeah it's most similar to Quantum I'd say. I'm enjoying it though.
I'm practically part of the way through the game and the casing rate is frightful. The present condition of the game ought to lessen this score. Different games played along these lines have been mainstream results previously. A savvy story has a decent game, however, actually, it is a debacle.
Just adding a note for anyone looking at this review and wondering.
Completed on PS4 Pro, very occasional slowdown, mostly when coming out of the pause menu for some reason, but for the most part it runs perfectly fine, and evidently miles better than on a base PS4. Loading times a little slow, but not the worst I've seen.
Very good story led game, but the plot is dense and opaque. You have to read the files to really fill in your knowledge. I thought it did a great job of pulling you in to the world and mystery.
There's a reason such recent game is on PS Now. Combat is a chore and indeed theres no payoff for backtracking like in good metroidvania games. Pretty but just meh.
Curious to see the PS5 upgrade score.
It was definitely more than 7/10 to me. The framerate drops didn't bother me much but hopefully they'll be gone in the PS5 version. Looking forward to replaying it (and playing the DLC for the first time) with the upgrade.
I would honestly give it a 5 or 6. The story was like Lost - intriguing events and setting, but with ultimately no explanation or resolution. No metaphor or symbolism - just random stuff happening for the sake of being cool. If there is no deeper meaning or anything to glean from the story, these supernatural events just seem meaningless to me. To me the story was as gripping as those crappy reality shows where the premise is "people keeping seeing a ghost at this old ranch. What's going on!?"
The gun was cool and fun to use, but I thought the combat overall was broken. About 15% of the way through the game, I upgraded the "throw" ability to the point where it's all I ever needed to do for the rest of the game. Just hold R1, look in the general direction of a group of enemies, and release R1. This is all I did for hours and hours - I found it extremely bland.
The setting was okay but overall I thought the level design was absolutely atrocious. Everything had to be spelled out explicitly to the player, with seemingly little thought about how to subtly or organically guide the player to their next objective. I had to constantly consult the map even the first time through an area, and I was lost constantly while backtracking. Some areas were pretty good, though.
There were some good parts of the game and obviously competent people worked on it, but I'm honestly surprised the game has decent scores and is beloved by many.
This game is absolute trash. The reviewer was clearly paid off by Remedy Entertainment.
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