DayZ was a cultural phenomenon when it launched as a mod for ARMA 2 in mid-2012. As one of the first games to successfully implement survival elements and mechanics into its gameplay loop, it paved the way for an entirely new genre that is still just as popular today. That original experience was seven years ago though, and the world of video games has moved on and evolved since then in a rather dramatic fashion.
A whopping five years after the original announcement of a PS4 version, the title was dumped onto the PlayStation Store all of a sudden last week with absolutely no fanfare whatsoever. Although, it’s not like developer Bohemia Interactive has anything to shout about anyway. DayZ has to be one of the worst performing games we have ever played. Period.
For those that don’t know, what set the world on fire when the PlayStation 3 was still at the forefront of Sony’s hardware strategy feels severely outdated in 2019. Taking place across the gigantic land mass of Chernarus, your one and only objective is to survive. This is achieved by scavenging for supplies, food, water, clothing, and anything else a human needs to preserve life from the dilapidated towns and landmarks that make up the former Soviet Republic.
You’ll need to govern meters for hydration, calory intake, thermal comfort, blood level, and your health if you want to thrive - making the act of caring for these elements essentially the point of the entire game.
It’s a gameplay loop that’s far too simple for our liking. While other titles that make up the genre have introduced narratives, base building, extensive crafting systems, and unique mechanics that make them tick, DayZ just wants you to stay alive. This has paved the way for role-playing to take centre stage, the likes of which blew up in Grand Theft Auto V on Twitch recently, but that’s for a rather niche market. At its core, DayZ feels aimless and sort of pointless.
Testament to that is the laughably bad tutorial that introduces the game. Consisting of nothing more than a six-slide presentation that wouldn’t look out of place in Microsoft Powerpoint, it attempts to explain the game’s supposed depth. It tells us that the infected are the biggest threat you’ll encounter on your travels, while crafting new items from what you’ve looted at least gives you something else to think about.

You probably won’t want to though because it means interacting with the atrocious inventory and loot management system. It’s a clunky set of boxes, all of which don’t make a whole lot of sense. One will tell you what can be picked up within the vicinity, but then you’ve got separate tabs for storing equipment and further slots for different items of clothing.
They can all hold a range of items and none of it feels intuitive in the slightest. You’ll have to equip weapons to your hands, but then using the PS4 controller’s shoulder buttons makes navigating those menus a real chore. This might have worked on mouse and keyboard to a degree, but it feels like the game is working against you at every opportunity when mapped to a DualShock 4.
The map plays host to 60 players at any one time, but due to its size, encountering another person is a real rarity. You’ll have to join a server every time you boot up the title, with some even boasting of a high player count - but we failed to come across another living person during our weekend of play. There are differences between the various servers you can join too, with some persisting over multiple sessions and others wiping on occasion. It means that if you get a particularly good run going but you weren’t able to join a persistent server, it’s all going to be for nothing.

And then there are the technical issues. DayZ is far and away the worst performing game we’ve played on PS4 in quite some time thanks to a frame rate that defines inconsistency. Despite being capped at just 30 frames per second, the PS4 Pro version dips into singular numbers consistently, bringing the experience to a screeching halt on a regular basis.
It’s not like the title is particularly taxing in the graphical department, either. In fact, environments and textures look particularly woeful, so to see a port performing this badly is nothing short of baffling. Despite nothing especially taxing taking place on-screen, the game will dip up and down profusely, making the simple act of playing a chore. This is simply unacceptable in 2019, and we dread to think how badly the game performs on a standard PS4.
But that’s not all - numerous bugs and glitches round out the experience to create game-breaking issues that result in you having to back out of the server you’re populating. We managed to get stuck inside a door, stranded on top of a fence, the picture cut out leaving us with just the HUD, and it’s virtually impossible to see anything during night time. These sorts of flaws might have been accepted in the earliest of early access, but this is a full 1.0 release for the ridiculous price of $49.99/£39.99. You can do so, so much better than this.
DayZ is a complete and utter disaster on PS4. Not only is it profoundly outdated in 2019, it’s also technically inept. A horrendous frame rate brings the experience to a standstill on a worryingly consistent basis, while numerous bugs and glitches are a bewilderment. After taking five years to release, we can’t help but feel like this was an outright waste of everyone’s time.
Comments 80
Day Z? More like Lazy!
...Sorry. that's the best I've got.
When DayZ was announced for the PS4, we hadn't even heard of Days Gone yet, and Days Gone feels like it was announced an aeon ago. Yet Days Gone still managed to come out before DayZ, which makes one question why exactly it took so long for DayZ to be ported over when the far more ambitious Days Gone supposedly spent less days in development. This is something I'll be mulling over for the dayz to come.
Last time I played this on PC, they removed the zombies due to performance issues.
Sounds like the developer really doesn't care and are trying to trick a few more people into buying into this trash.
Rest in zombie pieces, you will be forgotten 😪
It's not how it launches it's how it ends up.
@Acquiescence probably team size and funding
I had a feeling this game would fall on its face.
You would think that after the quiet man, nothing could get worse. But hey they went on and surprised me again. DieKaiser92...Out!!!
Dam such a shame i was looking foward to playing a real zombie game that's like real life'ish. @£40 in the psn store it's a bit over priced.
@Enuo I like it. lol
Thought it would be.
@3MonthBeef It falls on it's face before bouncing back and landing on it.
I thought this would be F2P, but no they are charging 30 quid for it on the PS store.
Terrible 2!!! Lol.
It is 2019 game makers. Please, pretty please, pretty please with sugar on it, just stop releasing games that can not maintain even 30fps. Geez!
wow, a game that is CPU heavy not running well on a mediocre system? gosh it's like it's Sony's fault for using a processor that can't handle CPU heavy games!
It would be a sin if they release this as a free PS Plus game of the month.
Its these sort of releases (& Fallout 76),etc. that annoy me about the PSN EU store. Clearly an under-performing buggy mess. Meantime Battle Princess Madelyn is still stuck in "review" purgatory for PSN EU/AU release. Only gotten released on XB,Steam,Switch worldwide & US/JP psn since late Dec. 2018! And been pretty much patched & had game-play fixes since probably about March. But hey why release that when we have buggy messes like this,right Sony EU?
Bwahahaha, "boohoo my antiquated console doesn't run DayZ well in 2019! It struggles to get 30fps and usually gets single digit frame per second!" The DayZ release on consoles is definitely a cash grab by Bohemia. With that being said, Xbone has had DayZ for 6 months now with the same exact problems(apparently the Sony fanboys didn't read any of the Xbone reviews LMAO). If you want a decent experience from DayZ you need to play it on PC. It's not optimized well but it plays fine on a ok rig. Expecting it to play ok on an obselete console is just plain foolish 😉😂😂
@RTGTacticalErect I play on PC. Actually, I have over 4000 hours of playtime, playing since 2014. And yeah the game is outdated (I'm also a DayZ main youtuber since 2015, so I am pretty much criticizing my job). I've seen how the game went. Released in 2013 and YET it's not safe to drive a car, how can anyone actually defend this?
DayZ>Days Gone
thanks saved 39.99
Oh my DayZ, this looks appalling
Did anyone really expect this game to be worth a damn anyway?
@JoeBlogs just ignore him. He wants to feel big because he has a pc and no one in the real world cares. Real gamers respect all platforms anyway. I don't own a Switch, for example, but I'll happily admit that breath of the wild (and others) looks bloody excellent. DayZ on the other hand is one bullet I'm glad I dodged!
The game has been ported incredibly considering how demanding this game is for a PC, there are the occasional fps problems but overall it is still dayz at heart. I really don't believe the person writing this has played more than a couple hours of this game. So just saw it as a running simulator, but when you actually exore and begin to learn what you are doing it becomes a very challenging and deep survival game. The fact that he said the survival was shallow was completely inaccurate just showing how little he actually knows about the game and has played it. As for the ps players saying giving it terrible reviews, it is mostly just because the game is very difficult for those that don't know what they're doing. To truly experience this game you need to grind and learn what to do, what not to do, and how to survive. I would rate 6.5/10, If they fix some bugs and improve the fps in certain areas it could easily be a 7.5/10. BTW never got into it on PC but did play it for about 20 hours so I am not just some PC master race elitist, although PC is the best platform 😂
@RTGTacticalErect you do know pc gaming was just destroyed by google, right? PC's were just replaced by anything that runs you tube.
@Circuitkun If it cant run on a system dont release it. Days Gone looks way better and runs better. 😜
I do not know how you did not come across any players when you were playing the game. How many hours did you play the game for and what locations did you visit?
Every session I play I come across players. To say the game is aimless makes no sense. Its a survival game, pvp, base building, roleplaying. The game is what you want it to be. You can be a travelling sales person or a solo survivalist. Join a group and kill people or play the protector of those who have been wronged. Its what you want it to be.
The world is truly massive no other game even comes close to it. The sound effects are great and the night time is truly brutal. Do you carry on your journey with a flare or torch and risk being seen or hold up in a house and wait till daylight. Do you light a fire to keep warm or not?
The survival aspect is good and you are constantly thinking what can I risk dropping and what should I take. Are players I meet friendly or will they kill me when I turn my back. No other game is giving me this experience.
I belong to a number of communities regarding this game and they are not relaying the bad experience you have had.
Your reviews are so ******* ****!!! Get a new job.
@wtitersarebullsh Enjoy your ban kid
@Circuitkun we all know why your here stupid comment
Wow sorry if my post ruffled anyone's feathers. I wasn't trying to come off as an elitist. Was just saying this gen consoles should have passed on a DayZ release. Like I said it was a cash grab on Bohemia Interactive's part. I been playing DayZ since January 2016 and have 2K hours into it and know all too well about the bugs but still love the game. @Wonderboy1974 um consoles and PCs run youtube too ya know LMAO
@Flaming_Kaiser not as CPU intensive. that's why they got away with how it looks, plus they probably took the rendering technique where if you can't see it, it doesn't render fully or even appear at all. while as DayZ renders EVERYTHING regardless of if you are looking at it or not. it's not a case of the game being poorly optimized cause what they are using was mainly meant for PC, which only beefy PC's can handle, the ps4 struggles due to it's garbage processor
@Circuitkun I wont be really sad i have enough free to play stuff. And i dont want too pay €40 for bad optimised game that should be free to play. There is more then enough quality stuff for half the price. You should work around the problems if its a old processor. If its a old processor and still release it in that state even after all that time with the Xbox 1 it means you failed as a developer.
@Flaming_Kaiser Preach! If you can’t get the game optimized for PS4, don’t release it for PS4. In the meantime, there are plenty of higher quality titles to occupy a PS4 owner’s time.
@Shatter If you look at stuff like Horizon Zero Dawn, Spiderman, Uncharted, Shadow of the Colossus, GOW, Days Gone, Rachet and Clank, NIOH, RDR 2, GTA 5, Bloodborne why would you even waste your time on anything like that.
Hi liam.
Stop overeacting. I am currently enjoying the game at its fullest and so do other players. If the game is that bad, how can so much people keep playing it? At week-ends, eu servers are absolutely full, which is completely astonishing for DayZ. Anyway I just dont get it.
Then, you present the game as an absolute mess with its performance. I can agree with your point but you are acting like the game is know for high standards... Of course its not 60 fps constantly but the game runs well with maybe some quick little lags here and there but nothing that big like your saying. Basically i'll take your review as a dumb kid that couldn't find his friend in Chernarus.
Community's are being created on ps4... made a lot of online friends from foreign countries while playing, and people seem to enjoy the game.
Am I the only one that finds it interesting that several people in this thread appear to have joined the site specifically to comment in this discussion, either to defend DayZ, or to insult the PS4 hardware for not being powerful enough to run it?
@Circuitkun As per community rules
Do not use profanity; Use of unsavoury language including profanity and swearing is not acceptable, please remember that this website has users of all ages.
So let's watch the language please.
@Circuitkun The thing is, despite the downvotes, you aren't wrong. The Jaguar CPU in the PS4 was originally made for tablets iirc, and it's probably held some developers back. Thankfully Sony (and Microsoft) won't be repeating this mistake next gen, and are using Zen 2.
@Tasuki so apparently my two comments on here are profane? Alright bud. Hol up while i just agree with everyone here and just say DayZ is trash due to the devs fault, and not the companies fault due to an "upgrade" not meeting expectations
@Orpheus79V i'm not gonna hold my breath for next gen due to the stuff they brag about when even PC's still struggle with some games, even with RTX. It's down to sony to tell players that the console is gonna cost much more than what they are currently promising if you want a significant boost in performance. I'm gonna remain skeptical and just remain pc/switch until they show more.
@RTGTacticalErect I take it you don't know what Stadia is then. No more pc gaming.
@Circuitkun It had nothing to do with your comments, just the words you used
@Tasuki i dont see any profanity in my comments so idk what you are on about
@Circuitkun It because I already edited it.
@Shatter. 😆 Full disclosure i only joined recently if only to publicly gripe in new release threads etc. the wish someone find out why the PSN EU/AU store can't manage to release small indies like Battle Princess Madelyn 5.5 months on after every other storefront has?!
Back to DayZ though, it sorta reminds me of Fallout 76 when sites like eurogamer got a bunch of new very PR'ish influencer/commenters denouncing the F'76 review & vigorously defending it....the responses from the regulars having fun with them was the funniest belly laugh I had in ages! Even more so in light of Mr Todd howard's laughable recent response!
@Tasuki if you are gonna edit my comments then lets keep context proper. Ps4 does not have a great processor. Don't let that preference leak into my comments please.
@Circuitkun Watch the language next time and I won't have to edit your comments
Thanks for understanding
And yet loads of comments on here on about how they can't wait for it, the game was broken back on pc years ago it was supposed to be a mod for Arma but they decided to sell it as a separate game which flopped. They never updated or never fixed anything and when it was time for new items to come in you'd have cheaters and hackers come back wait it out for anyone willing and kill them take all the loot (which doesn't respawn) and that's it.
The world would stay empty for another how long the Devs decided to do anything. And it was going to be the same broken mess on PS4 how it got on to PS4 I don't know Sony seriously need to start better quality control or it will end up like steam greenlight
You can tell who wrote this didn't even get off the coast and was also running it on a piece of junk on mine it runs fine maybe a few fps drops but really not that much and also the tutorial is bad? It tells you what you need to know its a survival game its not meant to hold ur hand you baby
@FullbringIchigo well all of the servers being full really messed up ur point bud lol
@Gokys the fact your profile was only just made and coupled with the fact every post you have done is just to antagonize people i'm just going to assume your a troll and completely ignore you
buh bye
Maybe we could start a forum topic for all the folks that just suddenly appeared called “DayZ Defenders”. Then they would have their own space to discuss what an incredible achievement in gaming the standalone DayZ is, how PS4 processors blow out of consoles if you look at them wrong, and various tips and tricks for disrupting peaceful online communities.
This guy is a sickness. Critics destroy any type of enjoyment, the games far from perfect but it’s not terrible, there’s tons to do with your friends and I think you should get a second opinion before giving up on this game. You can’t find anything like this on the console, the game goes above and beyond for such a small studio. While call of duty still re skins maps then throws them back out for the next year lmao.....
@FullbringIchigo Don't worry he's gone now.
@Tasuki i had put him on my ignore list anyway but good, we don't need trolls here
If Bohemia would fix the bugs it would be far better. I played on pc a few years back and now finally logging into ps4 dayz, everything’s changed, the people(obvious) the mechanics the zombies the loot everything. Which really disappointed me. The zombies can start chasing you from nearly 25 feet away unless your crouch walking and your stamina bar depletes far too fast to run from them considering they have no stamina bar and can run forever compared to the old dayz where your stamina bar was infinite and the combat system made it way easier to kill zombies. The problem is they made the game a lot more complex but yet still haven’t fixed glitches. Can’t count how many times I’ve died by a singular zombie killing me because i got stuck in a doorway after hours of me obtaining gear. Although at the end of the day when I log into a server with my friend and we play DayZ all day no matter how bad I hate it or how many times I’ll die by the games glitches, I’ll always find myself logging back in to play because once you get past the bugs and mechanics, the games fun.
An “Utter disaster”, coming from someone who has played the game for quite a bit since it’s came out, I can confirm that’s “Utter” BS, sure the game has its Issues, but it’s a good game if you like survival games, punching at the fact that a main aspect is to keep on top of food and water is a joke that’s what a survival game is lmao. Literally one of the harshest reviews I’ve read. Won’t be reading anymore from you Liam Croft thanks for putting possible survival game lovers off of the game due to your bad review 😂.
It just infuriates me for gods sake, “we dread to think how bad it runs on a standard PS4” I have one, and it runs fine. “The introduction is laughable”, it’s supposed to be realistic, in real life you aren’t gonna get a holographic powerpoint jump outta nowhere explaining how to do everything in detail, it adds to the game and makes it more rewarding when you learn how to do things rather than being spoon fed everything. I’m just a huge fan of survival games and seeing one that is not at all a bad game being ripped apart by someone who played it for a weekend just gets on my nerves.
Wonderboy1974 I do know what Stadia is. Guess what buddy there is already a streaming gaming service just like it that's out already. You are the TOOL for thinking that Stadia is going to end PC gaming. GG for being the world's biggest Google fanboy. Have fun playing your Stadia troll
@PsyKuhDelic420 @Tp12 Since you are new here I suggest maybe reading the community rules before you post.
As per community rules
Do not use profanity; Use of unsavoury language including profanity and swearing is not acceptable, please remember that this website has users of all ages.
So let's watch the language please.
Thanks for understanding
Okay...maybe instead of a forum group, we need to start a support group for the DayZ advocates. They could have meetings where they affirm “It’s okay to like a bad game sometimes” and together, they could talk through the hurt caused by a harsh review, so they can help one another get on the path toward healing. It could be very, very helpful, especially for some of the newcomers.
@Tp12 You're welcome!
This review is trash, obviously they never played the game more than a day, there is quite a bit of crafting and base building. This game is brutal and not for the faint of heart, if you want something easy on console, go play 7 days to die or mindcraft, they are good games but mindlessly easy. You have to have a brain, and skill to play DayZ, also the game runs smooth and loot does spawn back, the mod has came a long way. DONT LISTEN TO THESE PEOPLE!
Also i wanted to add youre not just aimlessly running around, I mean if thats what you want to do then expect to die a lot, the main goal is surviving, and what it takes to do so. This games survival mechanics are pretty in depth.
Have you seen how many people play? DayZ proves that it's not all about graphics and frame rate. It's about being part of a group. PlayStation gives us nothing but 4v4 crap not realizing that we all have way more friends. I for one think it's there best game to ever come out on PlayStation simply because I can play with my entire friend list.
@Tasuki sure my bad just a bit frustrating seeing someone who's hardly played a game reviewing it.
@NoCode23 That would be a walhalla for this game 30Fps.
@HardcoreGamer23 Well there are a lot more sites that hate this game. 😆
And its because its utter garbage.
You do not know how to play this game and you certainly didn't put any real time into it to even understand what this game is, also do some proper research into its past before mentioning it's glory days as a mod.
To all the people complaining about how bad this game runs on consoles, I really wish you played it when it was a mod for PC when nearly everyone would be getting 15-20 FPS in cherno even back then high end PCs struggled getting 30+ in cities, and it was full of a godly amount of bugs. However everyone who ever played it praises it, as it offered something no other game did and regardless of FPS and stupid bugs like breaking your legs opening doors.. EVERYONE loved it. It's still DayZ.
Loads of things still missing but it will come in due time. Progress of this game has improved immensely since 0.63.
@Apexpred Lets watch the language please.
@Circuitkun the thing about ports I'd that you're supposed to fine tune them for the platform you're releasing it on. 5 years is enough time to move your game to entirely new engine with better console optimization. The fact that it's a direct technical port is lazy. It's probably bound to a single core and hasn't been optimized to properly utilize the shared memory on the APU.
@Farbringer here hold on, think about this one for a moment. DayZ doesn't even run well on high end pc's at times. why on earth would the ps4 that already has a hard enough time running CPU intensive games be able to run DayZ? They are also running on a new engine that isn't even optimized yet, even after the years they have been working on it.
dead z is dead
@Circuitkun How does any of what you say contradict what I said other than being more specific?
They've had years to make their software run properly and the fact that they can't is either incompetent or lazy. Don't port your game if the underlying code won't work properly to begin with or if you can't optimize it for the console you're porting it to. These problems aren't the concern of the people paying money to run your software.
@Farbringer As per community rules
Do not use profanity; Use of unsavoury language including profanity and swearing is not acceptable, please remember that this website has users of all ages.
So let's watch the language please.
Thanks for understanding
@Tasuki my apologies. Thanks for the warning.
This reviewer is a clown. The fact that they only played this game over a weekend and then broke it down as if they understood the entirety of the game is downright hilarious. Yes the main objective to the game it to survive. That's the premise behind it. But surviving is key here. You have to learn how to protect yourself, find weapons, locate rations, craft essentials, heal yourself from illnesses, find medical supplies, build bases, and oh yeah interact with and potentially battle it out with players who may or may not be aggressive.
During the course of your journey, you encounter other players as I've said before. Many of these players are friendly and many are not. I've made a number of friends playing this game simply because they were in need of rations or a bandage and I was there to help them out. They've returned the favors over time with guns/ammo that I've needed so there is the trade aspect of this game as well. Then there are the players that are KOS (kill on sight) types which will not even give you the chance to find out if they are friendly or not.
Then there are the locations which you can visit which can reward you with the best loot but also come with very high risks as KOS players tend to camp these areas as they are known as higher traffic areas. Here are the places where you will run into other players at a higher frequency. Again, some are friendly and others are not. That's all part of the experience and trusting other players takes time.
This game isn't without it's problems as they've been well documented and the developers are working at improving the game regularly. It's still an incredible playing experience and the best $50 I ever spent on a game aside from GTA V (which I bought twice ). But to spend a weekend playing a game and then act like you can accurately portray whether it's worth it or not is plain irresponsible. This game takes weeks to learn and appreciate. After one week of play, I wasn't thrilled with it. Once I learned more about survival skills and key points to the game I was hooked.
Don't be fooled by this fool of a reviewer.
@strkeout you just described EVERY survival game in the world. The issue with DayZ is the poor framerate, lack of content, bugs and glitches.
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