When Hideo Kojima stated that his next project would bring about an entirely new genre, he wasn't joking. Death Stranding may feel familiar in minor mechanical means, but it's also wholly unique among a sea of AAA titles eager to take advantage of the latest RPG levelling system. It's a social experience where you never see another human player, a narrative-based affair that rivals Metal Gear Solid, and a harsh, thankless undertaking full of otherworldly menaces. Death Stranding is unlike anything else that has come before it, making for one of the very best PlayStation 4 games around.
Despite a handful of lengthy trailers and over an hour's worth of in-game footage, Kojima Productions' first title since splitting from Konami still very much remains a mystery. That's on purpose, but gameplay-wise, Death Stranding is exactly what you think it is. Making deliveries is the name of the game, and it's your job to work out a reasonable route to those designated destinations.

Split across various sprawling maps, it's an open world similar in vain to Rise of the Tomb Raider. You'll accept numerous orders from Preppers spread across those landmasses and deliver whatever it is their hearts desire. But when it comes to Sam Porter Bridges' role in all of this, it's about the journey which gets you there more than anything else.
Equipped with various tools and pieces of equipment that aid you in your travels, you must navigate the harsh terrain of an America in ruins. The desolate landscape can be crossed with the use of ladders to scale cliff edges, climbing anchors which aid you in your way back down, and bridges to circumvent dangerous bodies of water. It's an arsenal of apparatus which may seem a little lacking, but it’s enough to get the job done.
The most important factor you'll have to consider as you deliver packages is weight. Sam, played by The Walking Dead star Norman Reedus, can only carry so much on his back so you'll need to work out a method of distributing the burden effectively. Piling it high is always an option, but that means our protagonist will constantly be off-balance as the cargo swings from side to side in the wind. You could attach some items to Sam's suit, which in turn makes him slower as he lugs about more than just his own body mass. Or you could opt to carry a couple of objects with your hands, which takes away a couple of interactive actions away from you. That's thanks to the L2 and R2 buttons having to be held for the entire trek to ensure you don’t drop them.

Striking a balance between the three options is key to making a successful delivery, otherwise the load will be damaged the more you drop it. It's a fascinating, incredible set of mechanics that serve as a perfect introduction to Death Stranding. You're made to think about what you will be taking with you as soon as the first order comes through, making for a weight management mini-game that competes with the very best: the inventory sorting of Resident Evil 4.
Weight distribution and environmental hurdles are two things you can plan for, but there is a threat you can only anticipate so much. Enemies roam certain parts of the map, scanning for the cargo you're carrying. Referred to as Mules in-game, they're a faction you'll want to avoid confrontation with in the early game. Combat, at least in terms of hand-to-hand action, remains fairly simplistic throughout. Throwing punches and kicks with the square button will down most foes, or you can choose to chuck some of your payload at a Mule to kill them instantly. Without a day and night cycle to speak of, you'll have to stay on your guard at all times as the cover of darkness isn't about to serve up a stealthier means of attacks.
There is another type of enemy that is completely immune to the typical damage dealing weapons of Earth, however. BTs are supernatural entities hell-bent on devouring the living, and the only way you can even detect their presence is through the use of a Bridge Baby. Found within Timefall showers, guns and grenades are injected with Sam's blood in order to take them down. You can instead choose to sneak around them by holding your breath, but it's risky business when coming into contact with one kick-starts a boss fight that wouldn't look out of place in Bloodborne.
There's a harsh, unforgiving world out there to explore which makes planning the routes you'll take and the equipment that'll be on your back all the more important. Should you risk a shorter, more treacherous journey through the mountains or play it safe across flat terrain but almost assuredly encounter Mule encampments? These are the sorts of questions Death Stranding needs you to answer.
Although, there is some help to take advantage of along the way. What makes Hideo Kojima's latest project stand apart from quite literally anything else is its social features. You will never encounter another human player out in the open world, but you will see their contributions to that map. Thanks to an online connection, other users' structures appear in your game, including their bridges, generators, and safe houses. Likes can be awarded to the most useful creations, but it's the way that players can come together which really changes the experience.

Roads can be built along certain pathways, mitigating the struggles you'll have in the early game of trying to steer a vehicle through uneven terrain. They require a lot of resources to build, but other players can contribute their own materials to your creation in order to get that highway up and running much faster. We laid the foundations for a street ourselves a few hours into the game and returned to the area a handful of days later to find that a road stretching half the length of the map had been constructed during our absence. It's an incredibly impressive feature that turns the title into something that doesn’t even need your input in order to change its ways.
Death Stranding is packed full of systems and mechanics to master, but its biggest flaw is that you'll have wrapped your head around them much earlier than the game expects you to. Making deliveries is a satisfying joy for the first ten or so hours, but when you consider that the title is more than triple that in length, it makes for a rather middling set of chapters in the centre. The delivery you make in chapter seven feels exactly the same as the one you completed five missions ago. This, in turn, makes the complete lack of a major change in gameplay that many had been hoping for all the more heartbreaking. It's justified narratively, but we can't deny the slight sense of tedium we felt halfway through.

That lacklustre feeling is only going to be around for a few hours though because boy does Death Stranding pick things up as you head towards its latter chapters. Gameplay becomes much more action-focused as the elements that fans of Hideo Kojima are here to see kick into overdrive. Supremely special settings and locations linger in the mind, outstanding boss fights that harken back to Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots create unforgettable moments, and that Kojima-brand of humour and charm seeps its way into every cutscene. Let it be known that the game's last couple of chapters contain some of the very best sequences and moments of the generation.
That's something you need to discover on your own, but Death Stranding's narrative really is quite extraordinary. It's Sam Porter Bridges' job to re-connect the United Cities of America by making his way from the east coast to the west and signing Preppers up to the cause. In doing so, he'll bring the Chiral Network back online and take a major step forward to forming some sort of society and governmental backbone all over again.
That is, of course, just the tip of the iceberg. Told through beautifully shot cutscenes and in-game chatter, it's the type of plot that could only come from the mind of Hideo Kojima. Exceptional performances from Jessi Corti, Mads Mikkelsen, and Léa Seydoux in particular carry the story through its various twists and turns to an emotional conclusion that goes beyond bringing together a single country. It stands toe to toe with the very best, and if the weird and unusual brand of Hideo Kojima’s storytelling takes your fancy, then you're in for yet another wild ride.

What's more, Death Stranding is the best-looking video game currently available on PS4. From its lifelike character models through to the jaw-dropping beauty of each and every landscape, there's something stunning to be found around every corner. Environments can seamlessly transition from a snowy mountaintop to the dull greens of a rolling countryside, containing a cascading waterfall to give it life. There's a certain allure to be found in its emptiness, complemented further by an uncanny soundtrack that can provide relaxation during downtime and intensity when needs be.
Following years of mysterious anticipation, Death Stranding delivers on all fronts. An accomplished, fascinating set of gameplay mechanics allow you to make deliveries the way you want to, while social features let the game live on once you've put the controller down. It may become slightly tiresome as you hit the halfway mark, but the phenomenal narrative is on hand to pick things back up again and its outstanding visuals are the cherry on top. Death Stranding doesn’t raise the bar for any particular genre, it creates an entirely new one.
Comments 181
Hey folks, I made sure to keep this review as spoiler-free as possible, so enjoy!
If you have any questions whatsoever, feel free to copy me in.
Not even the least bit surprised.
Okay, steelbook special edition here I come
Great review. I have a couple of questions. One, is there an equivalent of the codec from MGS? Two, are there unlockables, maybe from competing the game, like MGS has had in the past, like different camo in 3 or the infinite ammo bandana? Not those things specifically, just things that change up the gameplay?
So you just wander about delivering packages
Guess I'm preordering it.
Wow, a 10. Nice review. Can't wait to experience it for myself.
I'm getting it, but it'll be interesting to see what the range is for this game.
@Matroska There is sort of a codec replacement, but it’s a one-way thing. Characters can contact and talk to you, but Sam never actually speaks during them.
I haven’t come across any unlockables.
So after watching (most of) that 2 hour video and reading this and a few other reviews I can safely say this game isn't for me, that wandering around delivering packages just didn't interest me at all. If you enjoy it great, I may pick it up cheap one day but for now back to The Outer Worlds for me
Wow awesome review. I set my alarm to wake me for the review, I'm glad I did.
I was already excited for this, now I can hardly wait.
Looking at the Metacritic review scores (83), it looks like it’s a pretty divisive game. Several flawless reviews dragged down by a few averages and god awfuls.
I think I’ll let the dust settle to see how it really pans out.
I haven't read the review, because I want to go in completely blind, I've waited too long, dammit.
but a 10/10 is indeed heralding a revolution.
Thanks. My hype cannot be contained anymore.
6.8 on IGN, yikes!
@MrGawain That's the problem with Metacritic, it lets weird outliers drag scores down. And those outliers might have very different tastes than you. The lowest score DS has (35) is from a guy that gave Ghost Recon Breakpoint a 70/100.
This is the game he thinks is a 70.
Jim Sterling's review of Breakpoint was him on the edge of a nervous breakdown, drunk because he said he could only bring himself to talk about it while drunk.
@LiamCroft great review!! Really interested in the concept of building something early, sounds like a sherpa setting up the climb for the Himalayas (without the real danger and minimum wage)! Are the structures you contribute to permanent? Is the game world changed forever when you build?
@R1spam Thanks! Yes, the structures you build are permanent.
Fetch Quest
A Hideo Kojima Game
Pass until it hits 10 bucks in a couple of years
I've just asked for next Friday off. With the wife meeting up with her old colleagues for dinner after her work i'll have a whole day to dive in to this game!
The review doesn't really sound like a 10/10 for me. Hours in the middle where it's not much fun, and gameplay which seems to be reliant on others who've played before.
Would it be a mistake to wait with this? If you pick the game up a few months after release, would you find that there were safehouses every two minutes and safe routes everywhere?
I also take exception with the hyperbolic description of Res 4's inventory juggling. Maybe Liam thinks this was a highlight of that game, but it wasn't a huge draw personally. That and the mechanics of DS themselves don't sound much fun at all.
Don't get me wrong, it looks phenomenal and plot wise I'm definitely interested, but the lack of combat and the seemingly repetitive gameplay is really putting me off this.
Think I'm gonna hold off on this one.
@LiamCroft Do you know how the social features will change the game long term? If I pick the game up in 6 months, is traffic on the 12 lane road built through the middle of the map going to be more dangerous than the BTs?
This review doesn't read like a 10/10 I've got to be honest. I think it is was we all thought it would be, not a game for everyone!
I'm still very much interested in playing it but I don't think I'll be buying it next week, might wait for reviews of Fallen Order and buy either that or Death Stranding this month.
It sounds like an indie game with a AAA budget. Not for me, sorry Koj.
@Thrillho I have no idea, because I can’t see six months into the future. But pre-launch, I was seeing quite a lot of player-made structures in my game. I don’t know if there’s a certain cap on how much crops up.
@ApostateMage What makes you say that? Explain without spoilers if you can.
@Matroska to be fair there are quite a few 7's out there too but that 35 is clearly nonsense, especially if he's given Ghost Recon a 70/100 as that game is dreadful
I make hundreds of deliveries everyday in real life and get paid for it. Do I really want to get home and make more deliveries in game?
Read the review and I still have no idea how I feel about it. Less weird then it was making itself out to be though I think.
Thought it might've been a nine too (Not that I particularly care about scores in the slightest) before getting to the end with the thoughts about the middle being not up to snuff.
Think I'll wait a bit before purchasing Postman
PatSam but it's definitely something I'll get my hands on sooner hopefully rather then later.Nice read as well!
@Johnnycide Combat does not make a game better than another. There are plenty of things to do in a game besides combat and every game is repetitive. Just sayin. People ask for originality and something different then complain when they get it.
Thanks for the awesome spoiler-free review. Was not planning on getting this game till next year but i might change my decision now.
Just one question though, when did you start playing the game and when did you beat it? Just want to guage how long it will take me to beat it with a full time job as i mostly game on weekends.
@Netret0120 It took me 35 hours to beat, spread across 12 days of play. However, that includes 4 days where I couldn’t play due to travel. So give or take 8 days overall.
I didn't expect such a great appreciation from PushSquare (edit : it's not about the score, I always think that's BS). Made me more interested even if it's annoying not to really know what to expect ...
Excellent. I should be able to beat it within a month then.
Oddly enough, i read the review and am excited for a game i still don't know too much about lol. You did say its basically a new genre and i loved the MGS Series so thanks for convincing me to get this game.
A brilliant spoiler-free review. I’m hyped beyond all belief and the weird outlier scores from publications that consistently give Call of Duty great reviews is all the more encouraging.
" Stevivor Review - 35/100 "
Death Stranding is an irredeemable piece of garbage.
There is always one review website in it for the clicks.
@LiamCroft do you know how it runs on a normal PS4?
@Chippie same i deliver dangerous goods and yet i can't wait!
Awesome. Consider me hyped!
Seems 2 draggy for the limited time I have 2 play games. IGN's video review shows how long fast travel takes. I totally get the mediocre score.
Sounds like a 70 hour movie with fetch quests and inventory micro-management. Just read a few other reviews, honestly for me it just sounds rather tedious on the whole, I don’t have time for that.
The most anticipated 10 in Pushsquare history.... Saw that coming since game reveal.
It does not read like a 10 anyway to me. So it is actually a delivery man game with a pretty repetitive gameplay, especially in the first half.
Guess I will wait till sales/secon hands copies hit the stores...
@GodGamer A game where you have to sort and manage your delivery before trekking across various levels from A - B.
I'm sure there'll be a typically excellent story behind all of it but the actual gameplay to get there sounds rather tedious for my tastes.
@QualityGeezer I’ve only played the game on a PS4 Pro, but I haven’t seen any other reviews mentioning technical problems. I’m sure it’ll run fine on the standard model.
Interesting read. It's probably excellent at what it does, but I don't think I'd be too fond of it. The delivery missions sound like they'll get too repetitive. Plus I've never been keen on planning and strategy in games (prefer just to rush in to the action), so planning what route to take and what to carry could be a drag for me.
@Chippie I'm sure your deliveries are just as exciting, so no. This game isn't for you.
@ApostateMage Journey sounded tedious to me until I played it. If I were you, I'd rent it at some point or wait a few years till it's dirt cheap.
I can’t wait to pick up my collectors edition next week I’m so hyped. I do find it funny though that a game that as a 85 opencritic score where 81 percent of critics recommend it has certain “gamers” trying to say it’s divisive lol like in what world is that divisive.
Tbh I don't see how from your review that this games score is a 10 when one of the pros of the game is weight management? Nothing on the review makes the game sound fun or that you even play a game it seems all you do is manage weight and then plot a course. If this game was made by anyone but Kojima it would of been slated and forgotten about in a week, but because its Kojima and all the hype and faith people have invested since the reveal I think people are wanting it to be a 10 rather than it actually being a 10. Just my opinion.
@supergurr I mean, as the only person here who has actually played the game, I do believe it is a 10/10. I don’t need to “want” it to be a 10 when I’ve played it through to completion.
Did you get the same game to review as IGN?
This sounds like "Fetch Quest : The Game" which I do believe is the most hated style of quest in the gaming community 😂
My interest was low for this title for a while especially since nothing was given out what the game play was going to be like and now it is confirmed as a delivery boy simulator, I think I will be giving this one a miss.
Each to their own but this does not sound like a 10/10 game.
@supergurr I agree with out here. A 10/10 should have no flaws (in my opinion) and this has a con about certain scenes dragging on which I have seen knock points of a review in the past. Plus how is weigh management a Pro? Personally, I prefer games where that is sorted out for me, that is why Fallout 4 with added weigh cap mod is just perfect 🙂
p.s. sorry for caps and this is the ONLY review I'll be reading before playing! I don't even trust any other site!
@LiamCroft it's hard to argue with that logic but then again you thought Resident Evil 2 was only an 8, I'm not bitter about it though 😉
hmm.. colour me interested. even the 'negative' reviews seem to be marking it down because it's not full of the familiar tropes of AAA games, or it's too 'weird', or too kojima.
i just scrolled down to the 'Conclusion' right away, to see if it was good, and oh boy i was not disappointed. i am going into this game blind, so anyone talking about or playing this game on the internet will be ignored, until i have played and finished the game myself.
This review just highlights the flaws in assigning a numeric 1-10 score to something like a video game.
Well after all the videos, conferences and reviews I still have no idea if this game is for me. I am still no clearer if I will pick it up or not. Will check out some gameplay videos after it has been out a little while to hopefully get some idea.
Skill Up on YouTube made a great review (as usual) that helps to better understand the game and the mechanics. Very good listening.
Now I am more interested in the game
@LiamCroft like others have pointed out from your review the game doesn't sound anything like a 10 out of 10. I have read numerous reviews and the one thing they all have in common is that the game becomes repetitive and boring through middle and later sections. They all also say the same thing about the story that it's a mess and it's all over the place. And to say that a main highlight of the game is inventry micro management and the rest is just delivery missions no matter how beautiful the world the world looks games are based on gameplay and story and from what I can gather those elements are severely lacking.
But well done on acting like a child, I have played it so I am right. Kind of proved my point.
Thanks for the review. It has my interest piqued even more. I will be getting it eventually and this review has me moving it up a notch. Waiting on Fallen Order’s review since probably can only do one of those right now.
It’s not surprising the relative divisiveness that the game has created amongst reviewers. Kojima’s latest game MGSV has a similar mixture of opinions about it. (I for one am a big fan of it)
But yeah, I like how people who have never played the game are commenting that the review is wrong 😂. Play the full game through to the end and then you have earned the right to criticize someone’s opinion, people.
Normally I read Pushsquares and IGNs review....and often you hit the same things good and bad...but this time im confused...you give it 10/10 and IGN only 6.8 and points out quite a lot of annoying things with the game.... what to believe and think.... hmm
@supergurr You have not played the game, otherwise you'd have an entire review yourself.
Anyway, with a Metacritic score of 84 and 59 positive reviews at the time of writing, I don't know which ones you're reading.
Wait....... people actually listen to IGN reviews lol
The game sounds fascinating, and I can't wait to jump into this crazy thing.
They carry on with 'that should serve as a warning to publishers who give carte blanche.. ' you see exactly what's wrong with scores and what they think they are for.
@GodGamer that's not what I said. What I mean is that if the vast majority is made up of fetch quests, and the main challenge comes from not falling over then that's not a AAA title with original gameplay, it's qwop with cutscenes.
@Sentinel-88 Nice fake account created with the IGN score on your profile, what a life you must lead lol
It sounds like it doesn't make a good game, but a fun simulation experience if you are into it. Kind of like how some people like The Sims or Farm Simulator and other can't even understand why.
I don't really care about the scores to be honest, I think it looks fascinating and that's from someone that's only ever played one Kojima game before, so I'm anything but a fanboy.
The only review I've ever been most eager to read all the way and to finally come down to it's score. Liam, you've brought a tear to my eye, before even playing Death Stranding. MGSV is one of my favorite games of all time and even the negative aspects of repeating missions in Death Stranding, makes me believe this is a MGSV successor!
What if this is Kojima's style. What if MGSV was almost finished the way Kojima wanted, as he said it was done, after all. Reading this review, makes me think I'm going to go into the same ultimate experience as I did with Phantom Pain.
I can't wait to help others connect along my journey.
@JayDub. I know right its been more than 7 years since i stop watching ign review s.anyways a 10 is a hideo kojima masterpiece.word up son
@Sentinel-88 Says the dude with stickem finger to all of us lol
@LiamCroft The online feature sounds interesting. Do you know if that requires PS+ to get the benefits? I mean, it's not online multiplayer, but at the same time it kind of is. Kind of an odd grey area.
Also, if all of that stuff is permanent, I can't help but feel that the later someone buys this game, the easier it will be as the world will be full of highways and camps and shortcuts to get where you need to go.
Can the game be paused during cut scenes? I hear they’re long, and as a parent it’s important to be able to pause, so it would be a deal breaker if I can’t.
@GamingFan4Lyf I'm afraid I don't know. It's not something that has been completely cleared up yet, unfortunately.
@Mathieran Yes, you can pause every single cutscene.
I know this site is Sony-friendly but come on guys. You are my number one site these days. Don't push me away with this nonsense.
Review doesn’t read like a 10, other places seem to say 7 which is far more like I expected. Have to say I find the 10 disappointing. That means it’s almost perfect. This game is not perfect. Even the biggest Sony homer can see that.
I’d expect a 9 from here and know it’s between a 7 and a 8...It seems most agree looking at other scores.
Home goal here.
Word up son and to your mother not a instant classic unfortunately
so the more and more i saw of this game the more i was put off by it but then i watched this video from PlayStation Access
isn't it strange that all the official press releases were putting me off but then when someone who has been playing the game breaks it down and explains it all properly instead of in PR speak the view on a game can change, the PR was making it sound like a slog of a game, Rob made it sound like an epic i had to play
I've never been more undecided on whether I'd like a game or not
update on seeing other people's structures just saw this on skill up's review. You only see it if you play online. And if you play online you won't see it the first time through an area until you unlock the way station. Still don't know how messy it will look a month later though. Seems like early players can do some useful stuff and when it your turn its all been done. You will see names of players who built bridges etc and when you play it sounds like "what is left to do, we don't need another bridge here".
That could be the fatal flaw. You want to build and help other players, but if every stream has a bridge, every cliff has a rope down, every gap has a ladder...well then what is left to do?
Wow. This is the only perfect score ive seen. Tedious seems to be a common complaint with the delivers and the cumbersome inventory management.
graphics look amazing but gameplay looks a bit dull, i'm a gameplay guy so will give it a miss but i know a lot of PS4 gamers are big on cinematics so this should still do well.
@PhantomXIII Why would I trust the opinion of people commenting on sites who have never played the game for a minute over a plethora of reviewers who have actually played the game from start to finish?
theres over 70 reviews for the game already up on metacritic and about 60 are positive.
@Nyne11Tyme Definitely not perfect scores across the board. I've only paid real attention to this site and TSA but a quick look on Metacritic and..
Pushsquares 10/10
Trusted Reviews 10/10
Thesixthaxis 10/10,
Screen Rant 10/10,
Gaming Trend 10/10
EGM 10/10
Gaming Age 10/10
To name some of them. So this is definitely not the only place you'll find a 10.
@Dange It’s actually got 13 perfect scores so far. Not bad for such a divisive game.
Why anyone even bothers with meta is beyond me. Gamerankings.com sit it at an average of 85.97 over 33 reviews so far. Not bad at all in my opinion
It’s got Mads in it!
Pre-ordered ages ago
Although: can you pause the cutscenes?
I’m getting on a bit and need to pee regularly
PS. Thanks for the informative review
Tbf that review reads more like an 8 to me.
IGN, Gamesradar are mostly generous regarding review scores and if they can go that low, then I'll probably wait for a sale.
@3MonthBeef I noticed that too. Fake reviews
When you use words like "lackluster," "tedious," and "heartbreaking" to describe your feelings about certain gameplay elements, I find it incredibly odd that the game can still be called a masterpiece. I seem to remember games like Days Gone not being given a fair shake after using even less harsh criticism than those listed above.
@LegendOfStewart exactly. It’s ridiculous and I think it’s clear they always wanted to hype the game up even if the words don’t match the score
This is so fascinating - I had no idea what to think when the game was announced, had no idea what to think when gameplay was shown and now I have no idea what to think after reviews..... LOL
@Stocksy @LegendOfStewart No game is perfect guys.
10/10 – Outstanding
The pinnacle of a given genre at the time of release, these titles raise the bar in virtually all critical categories. You can be sure that a game awarded this score has the highest quality presentation and expertly honed gameplay, but also breaks boundaries and pushes the industry forward in a meaningful manner.
@FullbringIchigo Rob is the best.
@LiamCroft a Hideo Kojima hill is worth dying on
@LiamCroft How can the gameplay be expertly honed while also tedious and lackluster?
@Dange daaaaange! Lol😂. Proof that he is super unique just an acquired taste for some. Im excited to play
@LegendOfStewart This is my issue with this review too. The reviewer can give a game what ever score they feel but the text does not match the score here
Metro gamecentral gave it a 7 and they're usually my go to site as they seem to be more in line with my own gaming opinions. They didn't give metro exodus a poxy 6 for example.
not really a masterpiece tbh
re2 still goty so far
@LiamCroft Do you think the game you reviewed will be the same game people will be playing in a year or 2 or 3? I know the MGS games never change after launch, but w/ the social aspect this seems more like No Man's Sky than MGS, and NMS is barely the same game today it was at release. Has Kojima talked about his post game plans or is the game too story driven to change things up a lot? I could imagine changes in 3 months for the "easy" crowd, like dropping this requirement entirely - "That's thanks to the L2 and R2 buttons having to be held for the entire trek to ensure you don’t drop them." Maybe adding in couch co-op, or a pet pack mule to haul your stuff escort mission style.
PS did just do an article about how this game released so fast in only 3 years, maybe it's only 2/3 of the game like FFXV?
These scores are really upsetting the Xbox owners on Twitter I said something positive about the scores and they went mental I am not sure why because they can play it soon on PC with all their other so called average Xbox Exclusives Anyway Kojima is a GOD
Hi Liam, I was just reading another review on Gamesrader (gave it 3/5). That reviewer says they got to chapter 3 after playing for 30 hours!!!
Seems they got lost in sidequests and forgot about the story.
How necessary are the side quests? Are they worth doing or just padding really? (I'm speaking as a bit of an Assassins Creed Side quest completionist.)
@Futureshark I wouldn't describe them as padding, it's at least where you'll come across some of the celebrity appearances, but they're nowhere near the level of Assassin's Creed Odyssey's side quests. There's not really much story to them.
Great review Liam.
I'll probably wait on getting the game since I have a few games from October's releases that I plan on playing through.
I can wait, but for everyone else getting the game next week, have fun!
@RogerRoger Your comment is appreciated, thank you!
@Rick_Deckard There is no Photo Mode currently in the game, but there's a good chance it could be added with a patch after launch. The game is still a week out though so it could even be updated with the mode prior to the official release.
review Scores are all over the place. Think I might wait for the hype to die down before I consider this.
Sorry everyone... just not for me.
@Lekzie1 Why? Have you played it?
It amazes me how people are questioning Liam as a reviewer, just because he pointed out a few flaws yet he enjoyed the game so much that he thought it was worthy of full marks. No game is without flaws, throw out any highly rated game my way and I can tell you the problems they have, but also I will more then likely tell you that they didn't get in the way of my overall enjoyment.
Some of you have been on this site long enough to know that PS's review are more often then not very fair, if you think a game gets a 10 but the review reads like another score then it's probably on you rather then the reviewer.
@crazykcarter And we aren't finished yet. Also have a like for the Blanka rep.
This sounds like everything I hoped it would be!
look at all these people who have not played it but have the cheek to have a go at the reviewer what planet are these people from🤦♀️
this sounds great will see for me next week thanks for the great review 👍 👍
I'm personally gonna wait on it. Still have games I need to finish.
As for the review, I get why people are divided on it. "Tedious" isn't a word I'd use for 10/10 review, but it is Liam's review, he's played it, and since reviews are essentially opinions, he's entitled to it if he feels that way. He's not putting a gun to your head and telling you to accept it, is he?
@LiamCroft Thanks for the review Liam. Sounds like a slow burn towards a fab ending. Looking forward to it.
I was afraid that this game would fall flat on its absurdity, but glad that’s not the case. Looking forward to it!
@David187 I think the issue is (especially for me) is that the words in the review do not match the 10/10 score. Maybe 8/10 as it reads.
Between this review and the recent story trailer, I find myself really looking forward to this experience. Everything points to it being a rewarding undertaking for players.
@JayDub I still look at IGN reviews. As well as plenty of other websites.
The weird thing about this game is, as great the reviews it's getting, some of them I've read are actually putting me off buying it. I don't think I've read one review that has helped me grasp exactly what the game is and I still can't tell if it will be something I'll enjoy.
I just don't know if I want to play full price to find out.
Did I just read somewhere that the ending 'cinematic' is over 2 hours long!??!!
@Futureshark That is incorrect.
No thanks, I'll stick with Metal Gear Survive.
Only kidding, great review. This is going on my Christmas list I think. @LiamCroft - are there collectibles of any kind? Just wondering about replayability and the incentives to take different routes if I play through it twice.
2 hour cut scene at the end geez. So it turns completely into a movie at the end. Can we have a review of the final cut scene then 😉😉. Maybe on Rotten tomatoes then.
Whoops my bad so it's not 2 hours long then. 😊
This is one of the only trusted sites that gave Death Stranding a really good review. IGN gave it a 68 and Game Informer a 70. Both cited the gameplay as boring/tedious, which is exactly what it looks like. Eurogamer called it a "vanity project". I'm glad Kojima is getting called out a little bit; I appreciate he has a unique vision, but his games just aren't fun imo.
I'll say this as someone who enjoys Hideo's previous work:
The one thing I take from looking at multiple reviews is that the game is largely boring, repetitive and I question if it weren't Hideo Kojima's baby then it wouldnt be getting the scores that it gets.
So many of the 10/10 reviews say that this game is not for everyone and is going to be a decisive game yet it seems to have universal acclaim other than IGN's review. How does that work? Im more confused reading these reviews and watching the scores come in.
How on earth can a 10/10 game be boring in spades, repetitive and have a story that apparently doesn't make a lot of sense to nearly all reviewers? The vibe is that everyone is pretending to love this piece of work simply because its Hideo, pointing out its massive issues but still score it unapologetically. Again im saying this as someone who really enjoys his previous work and his story telling in MGS I actually enjoyed.
Will keep my pre-order but im sadly going in to this expecting it to be pretentious tosh. Hopefully im wrong but the reviews and corresponding scores dont add up.
The ending cinematic for Metal Gear Solid 4 was 2 hours long as I recall. Might have been confused with that?
Great review, Liam. You've definitely got me interested in playing this one, sounds like an experience.
@solocapers Because the gameplay is "boring" doesn't mean it isn't compelling. Why do you think games like Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing and Euro Truck Simulator exist? Because there's a market out there for games that are about completing mundane tasks. DS just happens to have it's hiking and delivery gameplay in a strange world.
It comes back this outdated idea that games "have to be fun" which hugely limits the medium's appeal if developers had to stick to that outlook.
People get upset about a 10/10 review rating for some odd reason. Hmmm, there are plenty of 10/10 games out there that I don't like or don't fit my style, so why would that make the game any less good? A 10/10 rating doesn't mean everyone will like it; it means the reviewer ( @LiamCroft excellent review, written well ) finds the game exceptional.
I mean, I'd be a terrible reviewer since I don't finish enough games
@AdamNovice Id personally say thats a terrible comparison you are using there.
Having played tonnes of Euro Truck Simulator 2 and its expansions I dont think that ETS can ever be called boring if you actually enjoy the game. Relaxing, sure.. Boring ... no.
While the premise to driving a truck on motorways can clearly appear boring and put people off who find no interest in that task.. its relaxing and not at all a boring game. Its a paradox to say something is boring and enjoyable at the same time. The very definition of boring is "not interesting" and "tedious".
Reviewers over the industry are outright calling the game boring in spades but are still reviewing it extremely highly which makes no sense.
@starhops I wouldnt say people are getting upset about a 10/10 review.. its more struggling to understand why irrespective of the clear highlighted issues marked out in not only this review but nearly all major reviews that the end rating seems to gloss over and ignore the previous however many hundred words criticising large portions of the game.
Its not making sense for some, myself included.
Its very reminiscent of the music press fawning over Arctic Monkeys' last album: Tranquillity Base Hotel and Casino. Which now the dust settled will be remembered of as a boring, over indulgent, experimental album.
The text of the vast majority of reviews of Death Stranding seem to suggest the same, ignoring the scores.
@solocapers But isn't the whole "gameplay is boring" or "relaxing" rather subjective to begin with?
I think also a lot of reviewers that say it's repetitive but still give high scores because they know how the text comes across but aren't able to convey that DS is worth your time.
Youtubers YongYea and SkillUp actually do a great job of actually showing what their talking about (a limitation that written reviews have granted) I know some will feel like all you do is pick up gear and walk but you really have to think about where your walking and how you move your character.
At the end of the day it's a AAA game that goes against convention so it's bound to have push back from people because they have become so used to run and gun, sandbox 101 with lite RPG mechanics.
Many want original new IPs but also seem to want the same things as well.
I cannot wait for this game. Already have the PS4 bundle paid off and space in the entertainment center made!
@AdamNovice I wouldn't say something is boring and relaxing in the same sentence regardless of it being a subjective thing is the point I was getting at.
For example, you cant on one hand say a game is boring yet a masterpiece within the same review. Thats not strictly aimed at this review, although boring is mentioned I believe but seems to be the concencus overall. Its clearly a bit of a paradox which by playing it myself ill figure it out hopefully.
Ultimately games are meant to be atleast one of the following imo: fun, relaxing, exciting, thought provoking, rewarding and provide challenge.
If a game is barely any of those but is simply different and trying new ideas doesn't mean that its a thing to behold. Its simply a failed concept but with excellent art direction and tech running it.
Again, I await my pre order.. hopefully I can see past the reviews saying what seems to me that its a beautiful yet tediusly boring walking and inventory management sim.
@LiamCroft sucks u had to be the one to review this game. I knew whwn i saw the score people would be coming at u, smh. I wish people would realize that this is a opinion, people's opinions differ. I would not like being a game reviewer, i think it would make me dislike video games, especially with how toxic responses have become. Just use reviews as a way to decide if u want to buy a game or not, if it would of just said 10/10 with no context that would be different, but obviously u really liked the game. Not everyone has the same tastes. Sorry to sound so salty but people are just rude.
Thanks for the review. Wasn't sold on the game having seen the gameplay footages and having read a few reviews, I'm more interested in the story than the gameplay. I think I'll maybe get it later down the line when it's cheaper.
@AstralSoul13 It's clearly a game that you need to experience yourself to get what's special about it. You may still not like it, but that's the only way. With most video games, a few gameplay videos are enough. It's clearly not the cas here.
A masterpiece? Of course it is, fanboy.
@OneMoreLevel Sounds like your a bit salty that it didn't get a much lower score.
@AdamNovice No, I'm salty that it didn't get more better scores. Meaning, many reviewers actually told the truth and I'm disappointed of this game already. Overmarketed, famous actors to rise up the fake hype, just something to get Kojima started his own company i.e. getting money.
@1_W1NG3D_4NG3L Accept fetch quests in other games are just filler, that's why people don't like them. This is different cos the game is designed mechanically around it.
This could have got a 3/10, I would have still got it day one.
Looks like a special “experience” to me, either that, or it’s a glossy version of “UPS simulator”, but I want to make my own mind up thanks.
This really looks like quite the experience, and a 10/10 is wow - this must be something else. However, I bought Uncharted 4 after reviews stated it was 'maybe too long'. I find it dreadfully long indeed... so these middle missions may stop me from playing. I'm having doubts...
Is it bad I don’t want to go to my friends wedding November 8th because I just want to play this game all weekend???
Death Stranding has 74 rated reviews currently on Metacritic. Of those, 62 are "positive". Of those, 14 are 100%, 2 are 98%, 1 is 97%, 6 are 95%, and 21 rank it 90-94. So of the 74 rated reviews, 44 are 90-100%.
Im waiting till there is no more room for any more bridges and all plots are filled so new stuff all gets built on top of other stuff and the game becomes a social exercise in growing the size of the world instead of a fetchquester. Otherwise no thanx.
I won't be picking this game up, I don't like fetch quests, no matter how good the story is.
Trying to make sense of the 10/10 and 'boring' gameplay too. Am wondering whether, like Twin Peaks The Return, the overall impact, and standout moments of the game, can balance out the 'boredom' or very slow element of some aspects; or, to be more precise, perhaps the standout moments become more significant and meaningful 'because' of the more quotidian moments. Or is it that the 'tedium' itself becomes more meaningful because of the wider context of the story and other moments in the game. The reviews have encouraged me to pre-order, so that's what I've done now... Perhaps this is the perfect hill walking simulator? The act of walking up a hill is, mostly, boring. But the elation of reaching the top, and knowing you did it through your perseverance and skill, is second to none...
A highway connecting al the way across already and it hasn't even been released yet? So by the time I play the country will be laden with ladders etc all over, which will make my tasks super easy and I will never require the use of my tools. I don't like that factor of removing some challenge.
I would prefer to hit a mountain and think for myself how to get up there, not just see ladders everywhere to use already.
Hope there's a way to just play solo without the connected world.
@LiamCroft How much swearing, particularly the F word does it have?
Am I the only one who thinks this sounds incredibly boring? And Kojima is a bit emporers new clothes? MGS V was overrated IMO. Games are supposed to be fun, Death Stranding doesn't really sound very fun, it actually sounds more like a chore.
alright fine i'll buy it at lunch, jeez.
I hope this isn't another RDR2; something we are supposed to love, but is dull and emotionless experience.
Cant wait for his next game, Rock Equipment: Flimsy starring main character Flimsy Serpent.
@jess3a3 If you think RDR2 was dull and emotionless then you must have played a different game than many other people. Sure, the game is slower-paced than most of Rockstar's previous games, but that doesn't make it boring. The game is a masterclass in storytelling (this extends into being emotional), writing, voice acting, and environmental storytelling. That doesn't mean the game doesn't have flaws — it certainly does, just like every game, but it succeeds in so many facets that many games can't even get close to achieving.
After 6+ hours i'm returning this game back to Gamestop. The gameplay is to damn mundane for me to continue this supposedly 40 to 50+ hour journey, no thanks..
@Nerdfather1 Thanks for saying that!
RDR2 is a masterpiece, not without its flaws, but a masterpiece nonetheless. And to say it's unemotional?!
Hahahaha, wow just wow.
On DS I still haven't made up my mind, I will definitely give it a whirl at some point but if I'm looking for a new game to start this side of Christmas I am leaning more towards Fallen Order. It doesn't help that I'm currently playing a massive game in AC Odyssey and juggling two such games at the same time isn't something I like to do.
Congrats to Kojima on branching out and making a game he's always wanted to do, but it's not for me as it looks boring after so long. But I'm glad it's done really good reviews wise and people are enjoying it.
@Bartig I read those same reviews for Uncharted 4 I didn't buy it in the end because I felt bored do the series, U2 was probably my fave of the franchise but U3 was tedious long in places but fantastic in some.
@BarefootBowser Very disappointed
@BarefootBowser Also thought lost legacy was better than uncharted 4 & felt like an actual uncharted game. The pacing was way better than 4, Druckman tried to last of us uncharted 4 smh..
@BarefootBowser I agree, The gunplay also irritates the hell out of me. Somehow it was more manageable in lost legacy, maybe because so many damn enemies wasn't on the screen...
To all still interested , Metacritic USER scores is 64% ... lots of zeros from gamers who bought this “game” ... This game is not a 10/10 , not by a long shot .. Boring is what 75% of people are saying ..
I was going to buy Death Stranding but not anymore ...
10/10 means it’s perfect , right ?
Like if you get 10 on 10 on a math exam , it’s a perfect score .. this game is a 50 hour BORING ( gameplay ) game , so how can it be a 10/10 game ?? Pure Fanboy review here ..
It reminds me of NieR. Quite strongly in fact. Still early, but the first encounter with the BTs was memorable.
@Johnnycide Thats not true though which is why people should play before they speal. I am about 20 hours in and loving it. Its amazing. Ironically The Witcher 3 was a bunch of fetch quests. The game has a unique concept that you can only grasp by playing it. You don't fetch anything actually. If you really want to know how it is then play it.
@ApostateMage You couldn't be more wrong. This is why people should play games instead of talking about them. You don't have to sort anythong. You have a load out to choose what tools you want to take and your cargo can be automatically stored on the character. Nothing tedious about it at all. This is not Deus Ex or Resident Evil where you have to manage your inventory. Funny no one complained about those games. After 10 hours of playing its amazing and it just sucks me in.
Alot of people are way off on this game. Those who have not played it don't know how off they are lol. I see why PSU gave it a 10. The game is magical. If course it will not appeal to everyone.
This is a visionary work like Ico, Shadow of the Colossus or Blade Runner. This is what gaming is supposed to be and what gaming needs.
I am sick of people crying about the lack of creativity or risks from AAA companies and wheb they finally get one and an amazing game to boot they cry about it not being what they are used to.
Simply put, Death Stranding is the game we need but don't deserve. Its like playing a game for the first time again. Hell your feet can bleed because your shoes degrade.
Physics are actually being used to make the world chalkenging. Its like 4D, which is the only way I can describe it. People won't appreciate it til later like the style of King's Field when Dark Souls came out.
If I where to choose a game to show to someone who does not play video games, I would show them Death Stranding. The guy has a baby strapped to his chest for Pet's sake lol.
Death Stranding defines what video games are or should be, an in depth interscrive and immersive experience.
This game is what makes video games as a medium special. It looks great, plays great and sounds great to boot with a great concept and interesting characters.
In my 30 years of playing video games I can ssy that Death Stranding is one of the best experiences I have had. Its like when I first played Super Mario Bros 3, but much better due to the technology. Well done Sony and Kojima Productions.
One last thing. No micros, no loot boxes, no GaaS, no broken games, no forced MP. Just a master class of game design, gameplay, directing, story telling and great performance.
Most people are not going to appreciate what this game means to the medium.
@GodGamer Hey man, I'm glad that you're enjoying the game. I've been watching streams of Death Stranding on PS Live and I personally think that it looks monotonous, cumbersome and full of Kojima's usual pretentious and often repeated waffle. I will say that the music, atmosphere and graphics/cutscenes look fantastic, though.
@ApostateMage Watching and playing it are two completely different things my man, trust me.
@GodGamer Spot on man, it took me a little while to get into the game but then it just clicked, can't stop thinking about it now, I love it.
@GodGamer so if I see footage of the game, read reviews of it which point out that the gameplay isn't something I'd enjoy, and disagree with a score based on the text of a review not matching the numerical score given, I should play it anyway? Surely reviews are there to inform purchase? In this case it looks like something I wouldn't enjoy, so I won't be spending fifty quid on it. If there was a demo then I'd be happy to try it, but I don't see why I should drop the cash on this right now.
I frequently use Push Square's game review to help determine whether to purchase a game at full price or wait several months for a major discount. Not this time. I'm not sure what game the reviewer was playing, but Death Stranding should have been titled Fetch Quest Simulator: Walking Dread. Death Stranding is no better than a 7 out of 10.
@FrequentlyFreaky "To all still interested , Metacritic USER scores is 64% ... lots of zeros from gamers who bought this “game” ... This game is not a 10/10 , not by a long shot "
Yeah because giving a 0 to a perfectly working game is totally sensible.
You really are a fool if you believe that Metacritic user is authentic and not full of trolls and fanboys, and them buying the game? lol Do you actually believe trolls will buy a game they hate? What are you? 12?
@LiamCroft You keep skirting the questions I would also like answers to, is this a one and done game, is there any kind of repalyability ? Cheers.
@RustyBullet No replayability.
@LiamCroft Cool, as I am totally undecided on this I may just wait till it's a bit cheaper and work on my backlog.
People please DISCONNECT your ethernet cable from the back of your PS4 then start the game and enjoy this ONE PLAYER game the way it should be played.
Ok, so I initially said that this games was a solid 8, but the more I play it, the more I feel that a 6 or a 7, at best, is what it deserves.
This game is boring. Yes, it is a different experience. And it's nice, for a bit.
But at the end, it's a go there and get/give that kinda game.
So every person that says this game is incredible, next time they play a game with too many fetch quests, they should be in paradise..
I just bought this on a whim because i had a voucher which needed spending by today.. Faced with the prospect of choosing a new iron, soft furnishings, Christmas decorations, a bottle of port or a new real (not digital) game in a cover i bought this.. Not played a metal gear solid beyond the 1st one on PS and been vaguely interested in this game since discovering push square. Essentially it was a free game so it's all good i guess.. I do enjoy reading the discussions you all have about the games, better than reading news of the world falling apart... 👍
@carlos82 Now this is what I call character development!
Went from not wanting this game to playing over 80 hours (I believe?)
Kojima would be proud of your character Arc.
@DonJorginho haha yep 85 hours and one Platinum trophy and all after my misguided comments before even playing it
Gave the game 4-5 hours. Boring story , endless cutscenes , it's a walking simulator for fedex junkies. The interface was most likely
created by committee or worse. One point for the pretty pictures.
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