Republished on Wednesday, 28th December, 2022: We're bringing this review back from the archives following the announcement of January 2023's PS Plus lineup. The original text follows.
Fallout 76 will be remembered as a defining moment for Bethesda Game Studios, and not in a good way. This entirely multiplayer take on the Fallout franchise is a technical failure stuffed to bursting point with bugs and performance issues. The real kicker, though, is that even without all of its glitches and frame rate problems, Fallout 76 would still feel like a janky, hollow cash in that fails to justify its existence on almost every level.
The core of Fallout 76 is taken from Fallout 4 – an open world title that we rather liked. Although Fallout 4's role-playing elements were disappointingly dialled back, its gameplay loop of exploring, shooting mutants, looting, completing quests, scavenging for resources, levelling up, and crafting was well done and addictive. This same gameplay loop is present in Fallout 76, but it's placed in an open world that, in 2018, is woefully outdated both visually and mechanically.

The bottom line is that Fallout 76 feels like a fan-made multiplayer mod for Fallout 4, but it's obviously a full price retail release. So similar is it to Fallout 4 that many of the same bugs and glitches from the 2015 title remain, and taking the experience online has only increased their frequency. What's more, the engine, upgraded though it may be, still can't deal with large groups of enemies or particularly busy areas. It stutters constantly, both in and out of combat, and struggles to maintain 30 frames-per-second on a regular basis. It's an absolute embarrassment on a technical level.
But as mentioned, even if, by some miracle, Bethesda manages to fix all of the game's technical faults, Fallout 76 would still be a multiplayer experiment that completely misses the mark. Set in West Virginia just several decades after the nuclear apocalypse, this is a uniquely vibrant Fallout game. Abundant plant life gives the title a certain charm – the setting is more The Last of Us than it is Fallout as we know it – and that charm's just enough to make the game's world seem interesting on a surface level.
At this point Bethesda is generally regarded as one of the best in the business when it comes to creating intricate open worlds, and Fallout 76 is another title that practically begs you to explore every nook and cranny. Exploration is undeniably the highlight of the experience, even if the sense of place is marred by noticeable texture pop-in and various other visual hiccups. It also doesn't help that it barely looks any better than Fallout 4 – a game that already appeared dated when it launched three whole years ago.
Still, discovering decidedly weird locations and combing them for secrets is what kept us playing Fallout 76, because lord knows the quests didn't. The game is packed with throwaway fetch quests that see you zig-zag across the map just to find another note on a dead body, or a holotape that drones on and on and on, conveniently explaining the entire backstory of a certain character. And by the way, you'd better get used to seeing partially rotted bodies, because other than robots, there are no non-playable characters to interact with.
Bethesda made a point of this when the game was first announced. A potentially interesting concept that falls flat almost immediately in practice, every living human that you meet in Fallout 76 is another player. Except that with only 20 or so players populating each server, the chances of you actually running into another survivor from the vault are slim. You can go hours without seeing another soul, and this complete lack of human interaction makes finding another dead body seem comical. How is it that every human in West Virginia happens to be dead? Why are their bodies still there, perfectly placed next to the quest objective? How is it that you'll see Brotherhood of Steel aircraft engage in combat with super mutants, but you'll never see its soldiers on patrol? It's extremely poor world building.

And on top of all this, you've got the clunky moment-to-moment gameplay ripped straight from Fallout 4. Barely upgraded combat mechanics make Fallout 76 feel very wonky and unsatisfying by today's standards. When stuttering isn't throwing off your aim or forcing you to press buttons more than once so that the game actually registers your action, you're swinging melee weapons in the general direction of enemies in the hope that you'll make contact despite their dodgy hitboxes. And it's a shame, too, because some of the new foes that pop up in this irradiated West Virginia are nicely designed and reasonably exciting to discover.
Not even V.A.T.S., the slow-mo automatic targeting system from past Fallout titles, can save this janky farce. Entering V.A.T.S. in Fallout 76 simply highlights the enemy and presents you with a percentage chance to hit, all in real time. It's essentially auto aim, but the chance to hit fluctuates wildly as you and your opponent move, to the point where you're better off just aiming manually. It's a borderline broken mechanic, and you wonder how it ever got through testing, but then this whole game got through testing, somehow.
Moving on, survival mechanics aim to keep you engaged, with hunger and dehydration damaging your stats if you're not looking after yourself. While there's nothing strictly wrong with survival elements in general, they need to be well implemented. Unfortunately for Fallout 76, keeping your hunger and thirst in check comes across as little more than a chore. Food is plentiful and almost every beast that you kill has meat on it, so cooking is always an option. Drinks are a little less common but you'll still find plenty of water containers strewn through just about every old building or camp that you come across. In the end, it just feels like the game's wasting your time by asking you to hop into your poorly organised inventory menu and chow down.

And then you've got bloody weight limits to worry about. You're going to be wrestling with your inventory space a hell of a lot in Fallout 76, and there's no effective way to determine what's weighing you down. Is it your collection of stimpaks? Is it all the ammunition? The only way you're going to find out is by meticulously working your way through each individual item that you're holding. What's more, constant trips to your stash will be required in the opening hours as you work out what's worth carrying, and eventually you'll come to the realisation that you're probably spending more time fiddling with menus than you are playing the game — and that rings even more true if you're the type to build your own house.
We've barely touched upon the game's multiplayer aspects in this review, but that's mostly because Fallout 76 doesn't really feel like a multiplayer release. As noted, you're not going to be running across many other players, and when you do, most are happy to just ignore you and go about their business. The only way to guarantee any kind of interaction is to play alongside a friend or two, and this is honestly one of the few things that makes Fallout 76 enjoyable. Fallout titles have always been solitary experiences, conveying a sense of desolation and loneliness, so having a human companion by your side certainly adds a different dynamic.

We definitely recommend teaming up with a pal, because slogging it through West Virginia alone is asking for trouble, and not because the wasteland is particularly dangerous. Indeed, the issue with playing solo is that everything takes twice as long, and the gameplay loop is already more than enough of a grind. Some enemies, for example, have massive health bars, and thanks to brain-dead artificial intelligence, fighting them by yourself is just a question of whether you can be bothered repeatedly shooting them in the head for five minutes.
It's not even worth going into detail about player-versus-player combat, because it never happens, and when it does, it's an unbalanced, pointless mess.
On the flip side, there is one thing that we genuinely loved about Fallout 76, and that's the musical score. There are some fantastic ambient tracks on offer here, with brilliantly named composer Inon Zur crafting superbly atmospheric music that deserves to be used in a much better game.
Fallout 76 is a seriously shoddy attempt at trying to cash in on the multiplayer survival market. Fallout with friends is an intriguing concept on paper, but we can't think of many more ways that Bethesda could have screwed it up. Every online aspect of the release is half-baked and poorly implemented, but even as a single player experience, Fallout 76 would fall flat thanks to its archaic design and astoundingly poor world building. If you really, really enjoyed the gameplay loop of Fallout 4 and want to share it with friends, you might just find nuggets of fun scattered throughout, but even then, you're better off waiting to see whether Bethesda can fix the game's unforgivable technical performance. Fallout 76 is a stain on the developer's record, and one that won't be easily scrubbed clean.
Comments 160
wow that's a low score i was expecting a 5 maybe but a 3
glad i decided to skip this one
Sounds about right. Not fun... not even a little.
Now I know why that guy trashed a Gamestop store cos he couldn't a refund on this lol
Bethesda has gotten away with ‘it’s not a bug, it’s a feature’ for far too long.
I actually can’t believe Sony allowed this game to release in such a state on PS4.
I thought they didn’t do Early Access.
that is the right score The SithAxis gave it the same score as well terrible game.
Bethesdas days of making broken games & me buying them are over!
Glad i did not buy any game of bethaseda (excluding skyrim, doom and wolvenstein) since doom.
I honestly don't understand why there is no legislation in place to stop these companies releasing products which are nowhere near ready. They are clearly taking advantage of their dedicated fans.
I took the liberty of writing down every single bug I came across while playing Fallout 76. The list was too big to fit in the review so I'm pasting it here.
Frame hitches, frame rate drops, crashing, invisible player character, invisible enemies, invisible armour pieces, enemies falling through the ground, player falling through the ground, player clipping through scenery and becoming stuck, enemies spawning in scenery, enemies spawning on top of one another, enemies spawning from the sky and dropping to the ground dead, enemies skating across the ground, enemies that just stand there and don't attack, enemies attacking through walls, enemies glitching through walls and locked doors, enemies clipping into walls so that they're unkillable, menu lag, server-wide lag spikes, enemies holding 30+ items upon death, items disappearing from loot lists, levelled loot not displaying correctly, player trade menus that kick you out for no reason, animation bug that prevents you from aiming straight, animation bug that angles your character to the side even while running, animation bug that removes player running animation, animation bug that removes facial features even when they should be loaded in, animation bug that ruins your aim in third person, crafting bug that uses no materials when repairing, crafting bug that makes some items uncraftable, camp placement bug that makes you unable to build anything, pop-in bug that makes the game look like it should be on PS2, lighting bug where light travels through solid objects and scenery, lighting bug where shadows will all turn bright white for a second, players leaving floating bodies upon death, and players shooting other players through walls.
Good. I'm glad at this. Whilst several other major devs are releasing jaw dropping, emotional games that push boundaries on all levels, Bethesda churn out this mutated fart. I hope it fails.
@RogerRoger Well when its €20 and fixed who knows. 😁
@ShogunRok Wow.
When I played the BETA I was pretty sure I'd be returning my Power Armor edition. I'm absolutely sure of it now. I'm glad I never opened it.
@ShogunRok Wow.
@AdamNovice wait is that true?
@ShogunRok and whilst in understand this is a PlayStation site there is a bug on the XB1 apparently where it would cause the entire system to shut down when you fast traveled
This is Bethesda's pachinko moment
Oooh dear....heres hoping this isnt a sign that bethesda arnt going go the same way as bioware
I’m surprised at how positive were about this game now. We gave it too much credit pre-launch. Yes, I’m talking all of us who were skeptical and didn’t think it would be very good. This has exceeded my expectations of its failures beyond belief.
@Jaz007 I was in the exact same boat. After the beta I expected a shoddy game, but I didn't think it would be this bad.
@FullbringIchigo Doesn't surprise me in the least.
@AdamNovice really ? wow that surprised me lol
@ShogunRok shame on Todd Howard for waste resources on this trash
in conclusion this is a lazy cash in as an attempt to have a recurring revenue game to keep the money flowing until Starfield is out which is still a ways off.
@WebHead Basically yes.
To think they screwed obsidian entertainment by not giving them bonus because fallout new vegas "only" got 84 metacritic score lol.
Fair play Robert for calling it how you saw it. I had a bit of fun in the beta with a code from a colleague at work and a couple of people we met online but it's not really for me just now. I think there will be a hardcore community for this who will love all things fallout, it just depends whether bethseda fixes and adds to this going forward.
Shameful to release this absolute mess. Leaves the Fallout name permanently tarnished as well. You'd think they'd be smarter than that with such a popular ip.
Superb review.
@ShogunRok not that I didn’t enjoy your review but you should have just used the list of bugs instead 😀
@LieutenantFatman That's probably my biggest concern at this point. It's bad enough that the game is bad, but it's left a stain on Fallout, and one that won't be forgotten any time soon.
Bethesda's reputation has been falling apart for years now, but Fallout 76 is the real collapse. Starfield and TESVI will be scrutinised to the extreme off the back of Fallout 76.
@Mergatro1d Haha, they wouldn't have all fit on the Metacritic page!
"A stain on the developers record".
Bethesda have made a decent game before?
Thank you for not giving them a pass. Skyrim is one of my all time favorite games. But for years now it seems that they want to do everything but what they do best. The elder scrolls.
I really enjoyed Fallout 4 and still play it occasionally but this looks dreadful, every video I've seen is a constant stream of bugs and a general lack of gameplay.
I mean who thought it'd be a good idea to remove all of the characters from an RPG? That has to be the single dumbest decision in the history of video games. Come on hands up those who ever played a Final Fantasy game or The Witcher and thought this game would be better if all of the characters were removed? Or how about removing Dutch and the gang from Red Dead Redemption 2 and just have them leave notes at camp telling you what to do next? No takers, thought so
@ShogunRok I can only hope this is some kind of come-to-Jesus moment for Bethesda. There's so much they're good at, but they can't continue to ignore their deficiencies while everyone else gets better.
Maybe TESVI turns out well, but at this point it's probably better to hope another developer gets into the immersive first-person fantasy RPG genre. There are probably fans who are more invested in TES lore than me, but I'd imagine most are ready to jump ship for another universe as soon as someone else does it better.
@turntSNACO Yeah in a lot of ways it's saddening. I've spent countless hours playing past Bethesda games, even when they've been at their worst (Skyrim at launch on PS3), but Fallout 76 in this day and age is genuinely embarrassing. The fact it's released just a few weeks after Red Dead 2, another open world game that's absolutely stunning in its presentation and application, just helps expose how bad it really is.
Like you say, we can only hope that the current backlash against 76 is enough to make Bethesda rethink what it's doing, get back on track, and above all, get with the times.
This review seems about right. While I'm here, I'll drop this video.
The fact that the netcode has no encryption alone is all you need to know about how much effort Bethesda put into this game, everything else is just icing on the cake.
At least with previous games (At least on PC until recently) you could mod them to fix any issuesso it was forgivable, but 76's online only nature kills that, plus with previous games there was still enough meat there to overlook if you were on console. The 1000s of hours I put into Oblivion can prove that. It's a shame, because the setting looks great, but it's completely wasted.
Even though this game has been 100% total jank while playing, I still really like the exploring factor. I don't regret buying it, though I do think they'll abandon it before too long.
Also keep in mind I actually find a lot of fun in trashy, broken games so... There goes my street cred right out the window.
@ShogunRok 'Too big to fit' seems to be a recurring theme with this game.
I'm actually enjoying the game. The exploration aspect is as enjoyable as it was in Fallout 4 but I didn't think anything could be more dull than that games quests and characters. Well Bethesda managed to lower that bar even further. I just hope the future is brighter than the release because at the moment, this game probably isn't going to last.
So you saying that Metal Gear Survive is actually better than this game?
Ouch...poor Bethesda...you've really hit a new low.
3 is generous should be minus 3 its a terrible game
My oh my, what a read. I had a hunch it would be really bad but this sounds terrible!
Technical issues aside, Bethesda probably sees this as a long-term project, something to expand on. So far some the people who really like the Fallout game-world seem to think it's OK (technical issues aside), at least on PC, which seems to have gotten the better end of the deal compared to consoles. It is a mistake though, for Bethesda to release a game in this state, charging full-price for it. It's something I would expect to see in a Steam early access game.
@ShogunRok so you are saying theres one ot two bugs in the game. )))
Is Todd Howard's name in the credits for this game? Of course everybody will hope that Bethesda will No mans sky this into greatness, but don't hold your breath.
well then that is clear.
but yeah,if all that is true then it deserves to fail.
let this be a lesson for bethesda to 1 not jump on the MP wagon for easy money when you don't have experience making online games,2 don't expect fans to forgive you and give you yet another pass because you are a well liked company,3 don't get to cocky after winning some award (most trusted dev) and 4 upgrade or change your engine.
oh and next time try not to blame sony for everything,when you can't even make a game with more content than bugs.
@ShogunRok "pop-in bug that makes the game look like it should be on PS2"
Oh damn, Bethesda implemented a retro mode in the game, similar to Hat in Time and Yooka-Laylee.
glad ya didnt hold back
That engine struggles with one player... I'm not sure how anyone was surprised at this. I'm sure even the devs knew it would be a pile of hot garbage, but I'm sure these decisions were above them.
Lol this game was set up for failure and to be completely honest with you, its actually a really fun game. Atleast for me. Did a man baby write this article? Lots of things to iron out in this game sure, but being salty that there are no npc's and you've no one to play with is an issue you need to get over or move on from...
I admire your honesty guys, tell it like it is!
So... the water is wet?
This is just sad.
Bag o' sh*te, as Paul Calf would say.
@Red-Ranger If they're the only negatives that you noticed in this review then you didn't read it properly.
"Resi/Dead Space syndrome" ... take a series everyone loves for the isolation of the solo player campaign, "modernise" it with multiplayer, and you deliver easily the worst game in the franchise!! How was this allowed to happen? What happened to quality control and playtesting? The fact that a reputable company had the audacity to release this is shocking in itself .. BUT when you factor in the premium price, its pretty cynical . . . a Mongolian Cluster F$$K for the consumer. This is why you NEVER pre order digitally ... even for a franchise you adore!! Doubt this mess is salvageable.
@ShogunRok No, i read it just fine. As i said, there is a lot to iron out (maybe you should read what i wrote properly), but certain criticism comes from personal preferences as supposed to the technical issues.
@Red-Ranger In other he wrote a subjective review, which is just a review - they are subjective by nature. How does that translate into insulting him by calling him a man baby. “The author doesn’t feel the exact same way as me with his well-worded and justified opinion, therefore he is man baby.” I’m not seeing it.
@Jaz007 reviews are subjective by nature? Hmm nope. There has to be a certain amount of impartial basis in writing a review. This guy is way to personal and emotional with a product he's reviewing. One of the many reasons the games industry is in the state its in is because of this type of journalism. Whether the product warrants positive or negative critique is a completely different aspect.
Quit shilling for this garbage fire of a game, dude. It's sad.
@Constable_What Then save your time and money by not buying the game and responding to comments about... Its sad. 😋
@Red-Ranger I'm glad you're enjoying the game but I think the review's fair based on my own experience with it. There's no need to resort to name calling just because you disagree. It's fine to have a different opinion and leave it at that.
I’m kinda glad the game is getting these scores everywhere. Was worried that it will have a pass since its Fallout, but the game is actually such a mess that even the longtime fans of the series acknowledge how bad it is. Can say for sure I won't be playing this like… ever Thanks for the objective review.
@ShogunRok I called him a man baby, i am truly sorry if that has pushed your social justice and politically correct insecurities to the extremes but its hardly a vicious attack in my books at least. Relax
wow ,Robert Ramsey an honest gaming journalist. a very rare breed indeed. 30% and Bad is exactly the score this excuse for a game and cash grab deserves.
Why aren't you playing the game? Hm? You wouldn't know SJW or PC if it bit you, by the way, but you're obviously utterly oblivious to anything other than being a jerk for no reason other than someone didn't like the thing you like.
Why you so mad, bro?
Nice honest review. Bethesda have been ripping the p*ss with their broken code for well over a decade. They're a Z list developer where QA is concerned, always have been.
I understand that 76 is bad...but did you honestly just say Fallout 4 looked dated when it launched? Are you living in a dream world?
Lol. If they even made this a standalone SP story-driven DLC with 4's assets like everyone thought initially, y'know like New Vegas 2, it would've done well but multiplayer...c'mon GTAO and Fortnite have that on lock.
@Constable_What Yes i get it, you're in with the cool kids because you watch JRE but my god stop trying so hard 😂
Reading this review gives me the feeling @ShogunRok is damn frustrated over the fact that one of his favorite past developers has fallen so far. I feel your pain, same thing happened to me with Bioware.
I'm sure you're cool too. What with your Power Ranger avatar, and your race car bed.
I wish I was as cool as you.
@ShogunRok The obligatory “thank you for playing this game so we don’t have to”.
You earned your fee with this one.
Poor frame rates is a game killer for me. Nothing else about a game matters when the frame rates are poor. Even with smooth as butter frames Fallout 76 still would have lots of other issues with bugs and the basic game play.
@Constable_What You're still here? No Joe Rogan conspiracy theories to watch while wearing your tin foil hat buddy?
@Red-Ranger Whether the game is fun is simply subjective. If you want an impartial review check the game's description and glitch list. Is the shooting, graphics, world design, quests, social aspect, writing, etc good is all subjective. "Being impartial" would simply going by popular opinion, of which he has no obligation to do. What you really mean is your opinion though. I don't think you quite understand what a review is here. It's completely subjective outside of stating a couple of facts about game mechanics and stuff like that, or that the game isn't a hack'n slash. A game isn't "objectively" good or bad.
I also don't see why you seem to keep name-calling. We want this to be a respectful environment with thought-out posts, not a place where points are made by an insulting, because whether you find it "offensive" or not, you did insult him without need. I'd also advise you take a look at gamerankings or metacritic to see an "impartial" deathly average of 44% the game currently has for it's average critic rating.
@Jaz007 Why would you put that much time and effort into telling somebody who doesn't give a cods wallop about what you think? 😂😂😂
You do know why the Power Rangers stand for right?
I don't understand why people actual bought it when 75% of pre beta reviews slated the dam game, then it never changed after that upon release. SkillUp on YouTube and loads of others who played the beta gave an honest opinion and said buy later down the line don't by on release because it won't be any different from the beta. Those who bought it must of known it wasn't a finished game or had some information regarding it, the game is a Rust clone always has and always will be with the Fallout Assets.
Landfill. Bf5 was released too early and this sounds even worse, by long way. These greedy companies need to be hit where it hurts, by boycotting their substandard products until they're fit for purpose.
Of course I'm here. You're so mad, and that's hilarious!
If you use any more crying until laughing emojis you'll have a brain aneurysm, guy. You care so much that you made an account, put on an avatar, and commented for hours, just to shill this game!
That's hilarious!
@Red-Ranger Please stop. Your opinion is fine. Condemning others for theirs isn't. Just accept it and move on. There isn't a fight to win here.
Great job in being objective on this embarrassment of a game, if it wasn't made by BGS and have the fallout name then this would be getting blasted from everyone, and right-fully so.
@Sanquine tbf Beth published titles are great, it's their own developed games and policies that are problematic.
@Eternallover21 at least No Mans Sky actually worked.
Finally people are opening their eyes and seeing that Bethesda is 50% crap overrated games and 50% good games.
Amen. Thanks for the best review I've ever read.
really dont know how people can defend this game, but hey its Bethesda and people always give them a pass, if any other company but them had brought this out people would be screaming for there heads. most of the reviews share the thoughts of this review, its positive compared to some other reviews.
look at the eurogamer review its probably less positive than this.
strange thing is ive never seen those people defending this game, make any posts before today!
@suikoden there was a guy called SALT AU that was defending this game and bethesda in general.
from the way he comented,you could tell that he for sure lived up to his username.
anyway,if that red ranger guy keeps on going like this,he will be banned in just a matter of hours.
Only just read the review and you can tell that this was a board level decision. Essentially, you have a franchise that is popular despite its problems (e.g. bugs, glitches, stuttering engines) because Bethesda do a great job of creating good story based RPG loops. Take out those qualities and it makes it all pointless surely?
I am surprised at how bad a lot of reviewers are calling this to be honest - I was expecting it to be mediocre but it does sound like a Fallout Sea of Thieves.
Are people asking for refunds like they did with NMS?
@ShogunRok I bought the f.... game and i cant even login !!
Every time i press play it says "Connection Failed : Timed out while waiting for the server to respond" I really don't know what to do !! What a waste of f..... money ! Even after the 47gb patch its still not working! is there some way i can contact bethesda other than f..... tickets ?
I say it again and again, Bethesda is absolutely overrated! Even their well received games are soulless chores. The only franchise they have that I find enjoyable is Wolfenstein but who knows when they mess that up.
in a world where we have open world's like the witcher 3 and rdr 2, we cant accept a game so ugly and dated as Fallout 76
@tameshiyaku I agree...
Bethesda's engine is so exceeded,
and they said that TES VI and Starfield will use the same engine.. ooh boy, we will see the same old bugs and low textures as always LOL
@suikoden exactly,
if it were ubisoft, people would speak "bugsoft uuh drrrr", and the current ubisoft is light years ahead of bethesda....
But hey, it's Bethesda, it's cool right? hahahaha
@MalrickEQ2 fallout 4 is sooooooooooo ugly, man...even in 2015 looked dated.... The witcher 3 was released in 2015 too,
and look at the difference in the graphics
@awesomeandstuff thats why wolfstein is good hahahaha
same thing about doom, prey ......
@tameshiyaku If Arkane Studios games are "soulless chores", then I'm a soulless gamer. The Dishonored series and Prey are a joy to play because of their game design. Doom, Wolfenstein and The Evil Within are all worth playing even if you are not a fan of shooters and horror.
Hope this crap won't pollute in any way the works of other studios...
counterpoint: I've got dozens of hours into this game (albeit on the PC) and I think it's absolutely amazing. I'm up to level 45 and am completely addicted. If everyone would just stop reading things on the internet and getting outraged at OTHER peoples (mostly manufactured) outrage we'd all be having much better times.
Good. Every single game that is released in a half-finished, half-hearted, lazy state should automatically be given a low score and an absolute slating like this has. Maybe if it happens often enough and the games sales take a hit then the likes of Bethesda (and many other companies to be fair) will treat their customers better.
@andreoni79 No offense, too each his own. I actually finished the first Dishonored but it didn't leave much of an impression. It had some fine mechanics, but also felt like a re-skinned Deus ex.
@awesomeandstuff sure, the evil within is great.
Bethesda is a good publisher, but developer....
I did review the game too, everything that could annoy in a game Fallout 76 have it all. I was really looking forward to play it but so disappointed. I wrote my review as soft as I could (giving it a 5+), but Bethesda was kind of pissed because of the negative review. Like wooooww please get your things together, I'm not the only one thinking like that. Disappointed me even more with their reaction.
@ShogunRok I wish more reviewers could be that honest as yours is now. False reviews to make sure you will still receive them is destroying it all for a large community.
@RogerRoger Please stop making excuses for this game - the kid gloves truly need to come off here. Any vitriol that Bethesda gets regarding Fallout 76 at this point, whether nasty, personal, or otherwise, is fully earned and justified. They screwed up, big time, and they need to be called out on it. And, what exactly entitles Bethesda to being "given a chance" to fix problems that should not exist in the first place? Bethesda is not some scrappy, small indie team struggling to get their poo together - they are a AAA developer and there are expectations that come with that. Fans of the Fallout franchise really need to take this moment to draw a line in the sand and proclaim "This far! No further!" (Picard-style) regarding the state of 76 at launch. Just because this sort of thing is becoming more common, does not make it ok. What's more, even putting aside the bugs, glitches, and poor performance, 76 just isn't designed well. Bethesda is not too big to fail, and I hope 76 tanks hard sales-wise. As long as it makes Bethesda money, no lessons will be learned, and we can expect more and more of these sorts of games going forward. Reading the post-launch reviews so far, the ratings are universally poor (except for the occasional apologist outlier), and deservedly so.
Shame, Fallout online is a great concept and it had much potential. Too bad it's a money grab without a soul!
This guy just missed the patch that came out, which was bigger than the game lol
@Fight_Teza_Fight They should be more critical with more games.
@Loki7T1 As per community rules
Do not use profanity; Use of unsavoury language including profanity and swearing is not acceptable, please remember that this website has users of all ages.
So let's.watch the language.please.
Thanks for understanding
There is this new thing called RedBox.
$3 a day. $7 for three.
A day is all anyone would need to see if they'd like it. Granted, that's not enough for a detailed review, but that's absolutely enough time out of a weekend for people that work for a living.
I thought it was garbage before ever having read a review. I'm was truly an exercise in boredom, and nausea. The framerate was abysmal on the base PS4 I played it on, the world was sparse and felt empty, the story felt tacked on and devoid of anything that would make me want to continue playing, the game is ugly with foliage, in particular, having an overly contrasted grainy aesthetic to them.
The only good thing I can say about the game is that the new enemies are really cool. I would have loved to see them in a game that run relatively smoothly and had more interesting content.
This game is extremely poor, especially for a Bethesda game. Granted I played before the, almost 50 GB patch, but that fault lies with Bethesda. It should have been delayed. 3 is a magic number, and that's the score the game gets on Pushsquare.com.
That's three more points I'd give the game after having wasted a day playing it in a weekend where I could have done something I enjoyed.
I did play it? I don't need your username.
If you looked at my PSN; I didn't play on that account (I don't want the trophies from that garbage game). I'm not giving you that account either. I don't trust you, my dude.
@MalrickEQ2 Launched the same year as The Witcher 3, innit.
@RedMageLanakyn Absolutely, I adore Fallout and this was like being stabbed in the gut with a rusty implement.
@RogerRoger Well said, and fair enough. My wording could have been better, especially the word "personal". I certainly think the many 76-related criticisms aimed at Bethesda, the developer as a whole, are justified though. (Not if aimed at individual cogs in the machine, acknowledged.) While they, as a dev studio, are certainly subject in many ways to the whims of their publisher, I feel they still should take at least some responsibility for the development decisions they made. Sort of like a soldier put in a questionable spot by the orders of his superiors - should he just follow those orders blindly, or should he use his own judgement? Regarding my take on your initial comment, please believe that I'm truly, genuinely concerned that folks saying "just give them a chance to fix it" and the like gives the dev a free pass that they don't deserve. They are delivering a product, and asking gamers to fork out $60 for the privilege of playing said product. Where's the incentive for Bethesda to clean up its act and cease these sorts of shenanigans, if gamers are willing to just complacently take it and proclaim "Thank you, Sir! May I have another?" There needs to be emotion. There needs to be outrage. Small measures will not change a thing. Gaming as a fandom needs to fight these fights, or homogeny, half-measures, and mediocrity will come to define the hobby we love. It starts with little things like the state of 76 at launch, and gamers correspondingly fighting back with the means available to them, that being Twitter, message boards, etc. And of course, voting with their wallet. I will now also concede that passion can go too far even if well-intentioned, as my previous post illustrated, and leave it at that.
@Tasuki Understood, I should have known better.
A 4 and a 5 from gamespot and IGN and most other places rating it the same this is.truly a joke of a game and really can't see how anyone can defend it.
@FullbringIchigo what with the they were talking about sony, cross play and the like? was never gonna get this anyway! tell a lie! its because its online multiplayer no single player story mode and NPC! and the Sony thing.......
@Kiloman74 As per community rules
Do not use profanity; Use of unsavoury language including profanity and swearing is not acceptable, please remember that this website has users of all ages.
So let's watch the language please
Thanks for understanding
@paulo_godoy_BR Lol what?? The Witcher 3 is my favorite game of all time, but Fallout 4 looked better. I did play both on PC though, so that may make a difference. I haven't seen the PS4 version yet.
@Fight_Teza_Fight their game breaking bug or bugs is not a bug but a feature? But that would mean the “feature” was put in on purpose? Either way, was never going to get this game and that was during its non release! Serves them right! I’ll tell yous why.......
@fuzzy833 I started to dislike them for calling out Sony and making look bad over the whole cross platform malarkey. And it turns out that fallout 76 wasn’t going to be cross platform in the first place! (I know I know, it was a card game or something?) boy they best be using a new engine for the next gen games right? Gits!
To just repost this review with no updates to it in regards to how the game has evolved is pretty shoddy.
The game has been improved since release, no question about that. Unfortunately the biggest problem still remains, which is that the game itself is NO FUN AT ALL.
I don't think it's fair to anyone to just republish a review from 2018 for an online game. I'd rather see a new review in its current state before I decide whether to give it a shot.
Yeah, pretty poor form to just republish a 4 year old launch review for a live service game.
Especially when you guys mentioned yourselves in the PSPlus article that the game has improved greatly since then.
I get putting these reviews out for PS Plus games but surely for live service games such as this it makes no sense. Fallout 76 now bears little resemblance to the game at launch so this article helps absolutely nobody as to what to expect when downloading it today
PushSquare, I told you to consider updating reviews.
@shogunrok @get2sammyb
As said above by others, this really is a s***ty move to republish this review with no update. The game has come a long way from being a 3 at launch.
Yet Cyberpunk is making GOTY placements on your site after updates that massively fixed a broken game?
Just need some consistency gents.
@Jacko11 well said!
I don't even intend on playing fallout 76 and I think that republishing this review as-is was just lazy. We can all find it if we really want to know what you thought about the game at launch, there's zero point putting it to the top of the news feed unless you're going to actually update the review.
Amateurish move my Push Square. The game has undergone numerous updates and improvements. Why republish a 4 year old review with no updates. Pathetic, and I haven't even played Fallout 76.
In the instance of increasing visibility I agree with everyone above. I don't think Fallout 76 is the best or anything, but I do think republishing a review that doesn't at least acknowledge that the game is very different than it was at launch is, at best illadvised, and at worst, deliberately misleading.
If you still thought the game was garbage upon reexamination that would be totally valid.
So is it any better or worth playing?
I'm going to take the other side of the fence on this one.
What is the purpose of a review score? Perhaps there are other purposes, but in my estimation the main purpose of a review score and for that matter a meticulous review of a game is to try to let a consumer know the pros and cons of a product before they purchase it. I literally shop this way all the time. I look for reviews for the best headset, the best vacuum cleaner, the best wireless camera system and then based on several sources make a decision for a purchase.
PushSquare should not be obligated to re-review a 4 year old game that didn't do well when it was released. I think this for 3 reasons.
1.) It incentivizes developers releasing poor products out the gate knowing that they will have another try at it later on. Its like that professor that gives you 10 tries to take a test. No one tries on the first attempt.
2.) The magnitude of this game, and finding out at best a month ago that this was being released on PSEssentials, would require even MORE work from an already (I assume) rather slammed journalist outlet. So if it is important to you that they do this - perhaps send them a sub every month to help offset the cost?
3.) Review scores are for when you are looking to purchase something. Since you either have essentials or you don't and you are making no other purchase, it really doesn't matter. Try it. See if you like it. If you don't - you've got no skin in it. No harm, no foul.
And as a bonus - 1 reason to post this review as is, is to point out exactly what all of you are pointing out. That this game has come a long way. To post this review and then to play the free version on PS+ Essentials - you marvel at how well the Developer improved the product.
The game has changed a lot since it was released. Maybe take this review score with a pinch of salt as we have seen many games review badly at launch, but improve greatly over time (especially GaaS titles)
My understanding is that the game has had an extensive overhaul since that review. Feels like an updated review should have happened
This is kinda like republishing a launch review of Cyberpunk 2077 for PS4 while the (amazing) PS5 version is out. Yes Fallout 76 had the roughest of launches but it is now a 13 million player massive RPG with tons of content and features, and absolutely worth the free download. I am 300 hours in and still feel like I've just scratched the surface. Do check it out and check out the many updates and the "Look Back at 2022" post: https://fallout.bethesda.net/en/news
@Juvenlast your points are good but I feel like they'd be much more relevant if:
Plenty of games undergo changes over time, and I don't expect PushSquare to update their reviews over time or release new articles every time a games gets a new patch.
What's different in this case is that PushSquare is pushing their own review as "relevant again because the game is now free on PS Plus", and specificially they've updated the date on the review but nothing else.
The way they've pushed this review now makes it look like it's a review of how the game plays in 2022, and the note at the top doesn't even make note of the fact that the game has changed significantly since launch. And they've only updated the article at all in order to bring attention to it, specifically because the game is free with PS Plus Essential soon.
I really don't care that this review exists at all. It's an accurate representation of what Fallout 76 was like at launch (reportedly at least. I personally never played it and I'm not particularly keen to - my backlog is big enough), and even if that's debatable, it's an accurate representation of what the reviewer thought when the game was launched.
All we're pointing out is that slapping a 2022 time stamp on this review without any kind of disclaimer that the game has undergone massive changes is incredibly misleading. Nobody would have cared that this rewview existed if they'd just left it in 2018 where it belonged, and left it there as a resource that anyone could easily find if they could be bothered to
I don't expect PushSquare reviewers to keep on re-trying games that they didn't get on with. That's a bit much to expect of anybody, the only issue I (and I think most of the other commenters) have is that it currently looks like it's an up to date review (based on the time stamp) but it's really not
Agreed. I know Push Square always republished reviews of any upcoming PS Plus games but this time it does feel misleading. That said, it's not like it would put anyone off buying it when the game is about to be given to most of us for free
@danlk1ng Thanks for engaging me on it. I obviously disagree on the relevancy of my comment.
I don't think they are necessarily saying that their review is relevant again because they posted it again. It is possible but they didn't actually say that.
I think the best practice going forward would be
"We do not do review scores of Games as Service. Simply because they evolve over long arcs and sometimes that drastically changes the quality of the game."
OK aside from wether or not pushsquare should have made a new review about FO76 I would like to say this:
Two of my buddies and I are playing this together for the last three weeks. We regularly play multilayer games together, have for a couple of years now.
I think Bethesda could have done a lot better on the key multilayer aspects of this game. Sometimes it feels like - what's the point of even teaming up? You can't progress and complete quests as a team, rewards for quests are not shared, you can't even access locations as a team properly. The multi player feel of the missions just isn't there.
The nukaworld events are better but moreover than not, much higher level players are killing all the enemies before you even get to see them and its 'event over' before you've even begun.
We like the game but it does feel a bit lacking.
One of us bought a month of fallout1st, are we able to play 'private adventure' together? We haven't tried because it's not clear.
games as service change alot over the years and this review is not representative of the current game
I love and have hundreds of hours of playing Fallout 3,4, and NV. After some play of 76 via Plus my take is 76 would be better if it would be single player with online play with up to 3 drop ins like Borderlands, Dead Island or with improved play with followers. Also with a world full of interesting npc's.
I understand the wish to republish reviews of games coming to PS Plus, but this game has changed so much since launch, that it’s as useless a review as republishing a review of Destiny 1.0 for anyone deciding to play today.
I don’t play the game myself, but some RL friends do, from their stories and recent coverage of updates, this game is not the game that you guys reviewed back in the day.
@Tharsman You get one first impression.
@Loamy No......
I still have zero interested in this game, though that's due to me not caring for multiplayer games.
However I don't "hate" the game to be clear, nor am I going to look down on anyone who's enjoyed playing.
I would play it if it had a 60fps patch like on Xbox, otherwise I just skip it.
@brazzios_84 not with live service games.
@Loamy I'm not a fan of companies taking advantage of their customers, in any industry. More so, I'm not a fan of being lied to. I don't know why many gamers these days are so quick to forgive just because developers get their games churched up to a state close to what they initially promised years after release and act like nothing happened (FO76, Cyberpunk).
I guess you'll have to trust me when I say I could give two sh*ts about "internet points". I have very few social media accounts and I rarely comment on those or other gaming sites. But here, everyone is always so "happy" to be under the boot of the gaming industry. IRL I'm really quite a cheerful person.
I have no idea who Hidenburg is. I don't spend that much time in the comments compared to someone who... lets say, knows people online by their username on a third rate gaming website.
@Tharsman Yes, with live service games.
@brazzios_84 No.
@brazzios_84 "You get one first impression"
Personally I find it hilarious that your very first comment on PushSquare was removed for trolling.
Well, I guess that settles it, you're just a troll anyway and we can all ignore you. You don't get "second impressions" by your own logic
Shiney fake crap. Release an offline dlc you'll find more buys it. Online you've lost my business.
@danlk1ng Like I care lol
The only Bethesda games I own are The Evil Within 1 and 2 and even then I was not to impressed with giving them money. They seem like a dumpster fire.
Keep this as a 3/10. If it's a 8/10 now then maybe it should have released in its current state.
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