Telltale seems to have slotted into a nice little groove with regards to its episodic release schedule of late. Game of Thrones: Episode 3 – The Sword in the Darkness marks its second outing of the month – a paltry one week later than the most recent instalment of Tales from the Borderlands. If this pace can be maintained, then we may find that we can avoid the awkwardly long gaps that the developer is subject to at times.
The quick turnaround is made all the sweeter by the fact that Episode 3 continues to send this particular series on an upward trajectory. Three straight episodes of increasing quality is a heck of a thing to pull off, but it's made even more exciting by the fact that we're only at the halfway point. Not that the improving quality means that House Forrester is any safer, of course. On the contrary, things feel just as dire – but there actually may be a bright spot on the horizon.

We're starting to catch up to where the show has currently progressed to as well, as the Purple Wedding is one of the events to occur alongside the game's plot developments. This is a great example of how Telltale is interweaving its project with the show. Indeed, while it may be telling a wholly different story, it's dipping in and out of the programme's timeline in such a way that it feels just as important as the many subplots that the series has to offer.
Some more faces from the show pop up just like in previous episodes, too, and some of the previously introduced characters get far more screen time than they were afforded through the first two entries. This is by no means a bad thing either, as bouncing between the different members of the cast happens more frequently here than in the previous episodes. This is a welcome improvement, because spending too long with any one character in a story structured this way can start to grate.
All of the cast members are interesting, too, with Roderick's circumstances as hopeless as ever. Meanwhile, Asher's appearances in the title offer the best glimmers of hope, not to mention far and away the greatest fight choreography in a Telltale title thus far. Mira, who felt like an uninteresting clone of Sansa from the show, is starting to come into her own as well, while Garred's plotline has maintained its level of intrigue.

The direction that the story's taking is also a great one, as things that had only been mentioned in passing or merely talked about in the early goings are starting to take shape, and while the stakes have never been higher, the only place for our attention and interest to go is up.
Now that we've made it to the halfway point of Telltale's Game of Thrones series, it's really looking like it's going to continue improving as the season wears on. Through three episodes, the developer has shown that it's more than up to the task of delivering a story worth residing in George R.R. Martin's world, and this latest episode is a shining example of where things could be heading moving forwards.
Comments 13
I think my expectations were too high to this episode with the dragon promo and all, I can't feel no other way than disappointed for the extremely slow way they're conducting the story, I hope it gets better in next one...
@ferrers405 To be fair the show does a lot of that. Lots of things happen really slowly and feel like they take an eternity, and then BOOM, so much happens all at once! I just found so much of the stuff around the Forrester's awesome. Like with Roderick, every little thing you decide feels like it could have giant consequences later on in the series, and Asher's segments (like with the dragon) are just great from an action standpoint.
@gbanas92 I know but series came from a solid point, the books, meanwhile Telltale story is new and has to show more than a few steps that not advanced the story and they can't let all for the last episode.
Take for example the last episode of Borderlands, since the first one they're showing action, decisions, impact from little things and that gets the attention, meanwhile GoT has some very good references for fans and kept the way of the series and books, they're just six episodes and should had more development in this short space of time.
Brilliant episode from an amazing series thus far. Telltale continues to win me over again and again.
@ferrers405 well I definitely agree to an extent, but Telltale's using the books/ show to help guide its direction, though onviously with. new characters amidst the familiar faces. I honestly feel like a lot of what they've been adressig through the first 3 episodes have had payoffs. It's just that they've all been negative things for the Forrester's. And then there's stuff like the North Grove that they should be taking their time with. Something as secretive as that shouldn't just instantly be found. It wouldn't be a secret then! Plus the 6 episode season instead of five affords them the time to slow things down a bit. Not too much of course, but a little.
So far so good. That last scene though. Just teasing the Stormborn queen.
@KAPADO Why would you talk about the final scene in a game that was just released?!? Now I know something of what to expect when I finish my play through. Maybe that's not a major spoiler, but it's still a spoiler.
@gbanas92 Would you say that this series is approachable for someone who doesn't know anything about Game of Thrones at all? I do like Telltale stuff, but I've never watched GoT and I'll not really a fantasy person. Would you recommend it, or should I wait until the season is over first?
I ask purely 'cos it's on sale now in Europe.
@get2sammyb Yes and no. The Forrester's basic plot is straightforward enough that not knowing anything about Game of Thrones wouldn't be too much of a problem, but the series is also interwoven with a lot of events from the show/ books that are huge moments in the series. And they're not addressed too too much in comparison because the fans already of the series already know their significance. So pretty much I would think you should be able to enjoy it, but you'd probably be scratching your head a few times at things or just not noticing the significance of them.
@get2sammyb No you should not play it if you plan on getting into game thrones, it would spoil major events. My ser @gbanas92 seems to be a little too friendly with his cups of mead today my lord.
Purple wedding, the red wedding, the wardens of the north,the hatchelings,a major spoilers in season 1 ,2 &3. So just rent the first 3 seasons and binge watch. You'll thank us later. Best show on television
@KAPADO @get2sammyb alright that's a fair point. I was thinking of it like they weave between a lot of the events but don't drawn attention to them. But that's only really because I know what's going on already, so it seems like there's not much attention placed on them because it's not new information. But without any prior knowledge there's quite a lot of info there to be spoiled. Holding off is maybe best. I'm not really fond of fantasy either Sammy (I prefer Sci-Fi, Noir, that stuff wayyy more), but Game of Thrones is still worth it. Persevere though! I started season 1 like three times before I actually finished it. I just couldn't get into it because of my lack of affinity for fantasy, but I'm gald I trudged through. It's a pretty great show.
@gbanas92 yep anyone who makes it through the end of season 1 will be hooked in the series @get2sammyb I was not a fan of fantasy before
A song of ice and fire.
Now it's my favorite show in tv history.
@Number_6 Def not a spoiler, you'll see when you get there.
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