When the Mongol Empire invaded the Japanese island of Tsushima in 1274, the occupation was nothing short of a massacre. The Mongol army had no reason to respect the island's samurai and their desire for traditional, honourable warfare, and so the natives were quickly and decisively overwhelmed. It was a brutal and bloody chapter in a campaign that would ultimately end in disaster for the Mongols, as the empire would be driven from the Japanese mainland before it could establish any kind of foothold.
Ghost of Tsushima is based on the initial invasion of Tsushima island. It opens with the battle of Komoda beach as roughly 80 samurai make a doomed attempt to stand against hundreds of Mongol invaders, fresh from their voyage across the sea. The game's overall tone is more samurai cinema than it is an accurate recreation of historic events, but this is still a grim and often tragic depiction of war.

It's a serious and sombre tale, and quite a far cry from the comic book nature of the inFAMOUS series. Ghost of Tsushima tells a surprisingly dark and unapologetically bleak story, and this is reflected in Jin Sakai, its protagonist. Throughout the game's entire 30 hour or so runtime, Jin barely cracks a smile -- and who can blame him? He spends his days slaughtering the invaders that ravaged his home, desperately trying to find some kind of meaning in all the bloodshed.
And boy is there a lot of bloodshed. Sucker Punch is clearly proud of the combat system that it's created here, and with good cause. Battles are intensely satisfying affairs, full of deft movement and precise swordplay. Pulling off a perfect parry for the very first time feels incredible -- like you've instantly become a part of the most badass samurai movie that your brain can conjure.
But for all of its style, combat is reasonably grounded. It walks a fine line between the contextual one-hit kill counterattacks of old Assassin's Creed games and the skill-based action of something like 2018's God of War. Enemies don't come equipped with overly long health bars -- they will die in a flurry of steel like any normal human would, and a swift slice to the side of the neck is usually enough to get the job done. It's a welcome and refreshing change of pace from the many action RPGs that would have you chip away at your foes for minutes at a time.

The only thing that stands in the way of Jin's sword is an enemy's defensive stance. Similar to how things work in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, breaking an opponent's guard opens them up to often fatal blows. Jin has four different combat stances, each of which boast techniques and attacks that are effective against specific foes. If your opponent has a sturdy looking shield, the water stance, with its fast and fluid combos, is ideal. Switching between these stances is as easy as holding down R2 and hitting the corresponding face button, but the system gives each fight a noticeable and rewarding rhythm as you ebb and flow between Jin's various movesets.
Things get even more tactical as Jin's 'Ghost' weapons are introduced. Throwing knives, smoke bombs, sticky explosives, and other deceptive tools give the vengeful samurai a real edge in battle -- especially when you're surrounded by a group of armour-clad Mongols. Combat as a whole is reactive, but it's not Batman Arkham or Shadow of War. You're not just hitting the right buttons at the right time -- you've always got options, free movement, and combos to consider. Any stance can win out against any enemy with patience and timing -- it's just that choosing the right one can make your life a lot easier.
As you progress through the game, Jin's abilities develop at a steady pace. Skill trees are linear, but you feel the impact of every technique point that you spend. Every perk has a purpose and adds something new to Jin's arsenal, whether it's the ability to deliver a powerful kick mid-combo or have smoke bombs restore some of your health. Ghost of Tsushima's initial few hours can be rough as you learn the ropes, but watching as Jin slowly blossoms into the island's most feared warrior is character progression done absolutely right.
Jin's ascendance into legend is reflected in the story, too. Following the samurai's horrendous defeat at Komoda beach, Jin begins to realise that the honourable martial arts of his people aren't going to cut it against the Mongols. He constantly wrestles with the idea of throwing his samurai code to one side, betraying everything that he knows in order to satisfy his lust for revenge. This is where stealth enters the equation.
Equipped with a bow and an especially sharp knife, Jin is capable of wiping out an entire Mongol war camp without being seen. While there are times where you simply can't avoid direct combat -- particularly during the game's fantastic one-on-one boss fights -- remaining stealthy is a very viable strategy, and it all works just as you'd expect. Isolating enemies, observing your foes from the nearest patch of long grass, and striking from the shadows is the name of the game. It's exciting, satisfying stealth, but we dare say that Ghost of Tsushima's combat is so enjoyable that stealth almost feels like a side dish. It can be tasty, but it won't fill you up like the main course will.

And this leads us to one of our only gripes with the game -- forced stealth sections. Although they're quite rare, there are moments where raising the alarm results in an instant game over. Thematically these scenarios make sense -- they're situations where secrecy is paramount, and being spotted would ruin Jin's plans. But that doesn't stop them from feeling tired in terms of design. It's not even that these objectives are particularly difficult -- they just feel like a relic from a bygone age of stealth titles, like the Mary Jane missions in Marvel's Spider-Man. Ghost of Tsushima gives you a lot of freedom in how to fight and how to approach your goals -- having all of that taken away feels unnecessarily restrictive.
Speaking of freedom, Ghost of Tsushima's open world is a joy to explore. It's without a doubt one of the most picturesque open worlds that we've ever traversed, and it's all brilliantly put together. There's no minimap, so you're always looking for landmarks and following the wind -- an ingenious guidance mechanic that directs you towards your goal with gusts that bend surrounding trees and sweep leaves across the ground. It's beautifully implemented, and together with the game's other weather effects, the wind makes Tsushima feel like a living, breathing place.

It's a gorgeous game that demands a top class photo mode -- and Sucker Punch has delivered. Boasting a huge range of editing tools, filters, and more, you'll be snapping the perfect shot in no time at all. And it helps that Ghost of Tsushima likes to embrace quieter moments, despite all of the sword-clashing carnage. Peaceful locations such as hot springs and haiku-inspiring views let you enjoy the relative tranquillity of the island, immersing yourself in the natural sights and sounds of Tsushima.
There's something special about stumbling upon a nice place to sit and relax in an open world game. If this were a Ubisoft title, these contemplative spots would be replaced with yet another enemy stronghold. In Ghost of Tsushima, you're actively encouraged to seek out these peaceful places -- and contrasted against the blood-soaked intensity of the game's excellent main story missions, finding them becomes a genuine highlight of the experience.
If it wasn't already clear, Ghost of Tsushima is a superb open world title. It takes obvious cues from the likes of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Red Dead Redemption 2, and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, but its feudal Japan setting, consistent tone, and thoroughly enjoyable combat system set it apart from the competition. While there is some open world padding at work here -- there are enemy camps to clear, largely meaningless collectibles to find -- you're never forced to stray from the main story. Every diversion feels natural because of the world's clever design, and the game's character-driven side quests are always worth the effort.

Having said all of that, the release can be a little rough around the edges. Its presentation is largely immaculate, but it seems that even Sony's first-party developers can't avoid open world jank entirely. Significant bugs are exceedingly rare, but little hiccups like clipping and glitchy animations aren't uncommon. The game also lacks the kind of extreme detail that we've come to expect from PlayStation Studios. There are times when scenes will simply cut to black rather than show Jin perform a one-off action, for example.
Fortunately, performance is rock solid -- at least for the most part. The title offers two graphical modes on PS4 Pro: better resolution or higher frame rate. The latter guarantees a smooth experience, while the former provides super crisp visuals at the cost of some slight frame rate dips during busy scenes. It's perhaps a shame that there's no middle ground, but it's nice to see that no matter how you play, load times are almost non-existent. Loading up a save takes just a few seconds -- a rarity for any open world experience.
Last but not least, the game's audio is more than worthy of its own paragraph. For starters, the musical score is fantastic. Battle themes have pounding drums that get the blood pumping, while stealthy segments opt for whispy woodwind melodies. Elsewhere, on the acting side of things, the release can be played in English, or in Japanese with English subtitles. We tried both, and we're happy to report that the English cast do a fine job. In fact, it's the Japanese dub that feels just a tiny bit off -- although it does add a certain authenticity to the title, given the setting. Whichever voice track you choose, you can't really go wrong.
Ghost of Tsushima is a joy to play and a joy to behold. Sucker Punch has crafted one of the most memorable open world games of this generation, buoyed by an immensely satisfying combat system and an engaging, dramatic story. Unlike many of its open world peers, it's a refined and focused experience -- gripping and immaculately presented at its best. A fitting first-party swansong for the PS4.
Comments 154
Hey everyone, thanks for reading the review.
If you have any questions about the game or the review, I'll try to answer them. Just make sure to copy me in (@ShogunRok) so I get notified.
Cannot wait for this one, it's time to be a samurai
@ShogunRok great work Robert. Just waiting for your video review to go live. So excited and happy that this has scored so highly. Sounds like it will be a fitting farewell to the PS4 generation (from SIE at least)
Phew I pre-ordered based on what I saw and my love of samurai films. Sounds like it is a game worthy of the hype.
Amazing ! I'm happy for Sucker Punch, a lot of people didn't have much faith in them. Great job !
I’ll have to get this. Unfortunately it won’t be day 1 though.
The ghost with the most. Word up son.
The game sounds fantastic, and I can't wait to dig in.
Great review!
Excellent review. I wasn't expecting a high score to be honest. Glad I pre ordered. Can you confirm if it runs at 60fps on PS4 Pro?
Really can't wait, as great technical master piece last of us 2 is , just not getting the same vibe as the first , it's becoming a chore to play and the flashbacks keep spoiling the flow of the game, think I'll get rid of it while I will still get a good price and rebuy when I get ps5
N.i.c.e game of the year.its the 👻 ghost playa.9 out of 10.cant wait a modern day masterpiece.word up son
Very very cool looking indeed. I have no gripes with open world tropes as long as the gameplay’s solid, do people say the same about Witcher 3 or Red Dead 2? Good games are good games!
@ShogunRok Great review and I'm looking forward to this one on Friday, by higher framerate I'm assuming still 30fps?
Already preordered! Didnt read the review to avoid even slight spoilers ( this is my normal routine) but your conclusion was very good news! @shogunrok
@Cornaboyzzz. Who didnt have faith in them.i never hear that.i was the one who keep saying that this game will get a 91 on metacritic and goty for the past 2 years.word up son
I was mildly interested before because I was wary of another open world game and the gameplay that was shown a while ago didn't do anything to change that. It actually looked pretty generic. But this review has definitely sparked my interest. It's not going to be a day one though as I have plenty of other games to play rn.
Literally been waiting for this review before taking action...pre order now being placed 😊
Yeah ime gona wait for sale based on the fact the last of us part 2 got a 10/10 and was a let down I cant help but feel these games are only getting good reviews because there the last games of the generation not like theres any competition is there can see this getting repetitive quickly and to get rid of a mini map in an open world game is stupidity ime out
@ShogunRok How is the open world in general? Lots of things to do, or just pretty to look at? Many side quests/events? And if so, is there a lot of repetition? The main worry I've seen is that it's mostly just taking out bandit camps.
And big question: Can you cut the grass?
Very excited to play this, mines in the post already I hope!
I knew it................................... .................................................. From the beginning
@carlos82 I believe the better frame rate mode is 30fps, yeah. For a while I thought it might be higher — a solid 45 perhaps — but no, I think it's 30. It's absolutely rock solid on that mode in any case.
Finished tlou part 2 just in time 👍
Sitting at 84 pm metacrtic but the review from digital downloaded giving it a 6 brings it down and looking at the review it's some woke nonsense wrote by someone who doesn't care about the issues they post, just seems a excuse for clicks and to stroke there own ego
You know it’s a sad year when it’s mostly remakes/re-releases of old games that are the only games worth playing through.
Good write up. This game does sound excellent, seems to be pretty much what I wanted a samurai game to be like.
@Octane brilliant questions and pretty much what I want to know also
Good that the side quests are interesting and character driven. Is it a case of quantity over quality or are there quite a lot of them?
Also how would you rate the trophy list? Fantastic review btw!
@Akurusu what has that got to do with this article? Are you just moaning for the sake of moaning
@Octane Open world is full of random events, especially on the roads. Mongol patrols, supply caravans, hostage situations... It's quite lively.
There are a lot of side quests — I think there are over 60 in total, most of which are dedicated to specific characters who also play a role in the main story.
As for repetition, there is some, but the locations you discover are quite varied. Yes there are bandit camps, but there are also little shrines to meditate at, and some really cool platforming challenges. It's certainly not as one-note as some gameplay might have you believe. Like the review says, there are some beautifully quiet moments.
And sadly no, you cannot cut the grass. You can cut through paper doors though!
@playstation1995 French forums for the most part, or maybe they were just Xbox fanboys ^^
@jdv95 There are just over 60 side quests I believe, and I enjoyed the vast majority of them.
Trophy list is great — it's one of those games that just has you do a bit of everything and complete a lot things. I got the Platinum while reviewing it.
@RIGORR_MORTIS The Last of Us 2 was technically stunning, but story was grim to play. The reviews of this say it's actually fun, so I'm excited! Definitely agree that I'm wary of glowing reviews after LoU2 being such a let-down. Maybe I'm being naive, but here's hoping it's actually a decent game!
@Akurusu What? This is a brand new game that just got a 9/10 in our review.
@ShogunRok Alright, that's good to know. I'm still a bit worried that it falls into the open world trap. But I'll give it a shot.
I'm definitely docking a point for not being able to cut the grass though!
@ShogunRok I have been considering a second play-though of TLOU 2, now my nerves are calming and not so shredded.
Your review has given me food for thought though and I'm tempted to invest in Ghosts.
Always the same question; as an OLED owner, can you please confirm the presence of a HUD? And if so, is it permanent or appear on and off, as action dictates?
And finally, assuming there is a HUD, is it possible to dim it down please?
Thanks in advance .
@ShogunRok great review
@KratosMD I wouldn't go that far... The open world is gorgeous and it's the star of the show for much of the game. It's certainly not there to just house repetitive side content.
I'm not sure how we reached that conclusion from a single sentence in an otherwise gushing 9/10 review!
Exactly . Really seems to be clutching at straws that dont even exist to find a reason not to like a game, gamers really are the most negative bunch of people
@Octane That's fair enough!
Can't wait. Not a big fan of forced "you fail if they see you" stealth sections but if they're short and there isn't many of them, I can live with them.
@Woogy The HUD is actually very minimal by default. Your health bar and resolve meter only appear when you're in combat, and there are no permanent little icons.
There's also an even more minimal HUD setting that you can enable, which seems crazy, but it's there. That makes it so your health only appears when you take damage, and interaction icons don't even appear on screen.
Hope that helps!
Didn't read the review, just the score/summary because, you know, "spoilers" hehe. Did the preload a few days ago so I am PUMPED for this one !! Friday can't come fast enough imho. This sounds just like the game I wanted and now it seem to be my dream come true !
@ShogunRok What's the general difficulty like? Seen a few comments that it's too easy, but doesn't state what mode they played on (Which always makes me laugh, as it makes the complaint pointless).
@ShogunRok Buying now.
Muchas gracias.
Some of the "gaming journalist" who gave a mediocre score for Ghost of Tsushima on Metacritic was lazy af. A few actually gave it a low score because they think Sucker Punch is trying to copy Assassin's Creed - a game who has already lost its originality years ago.
@ShogunRok WoW that's a Nice amount!
@phil_j Three difficulty levels: easy, medium, hard.
The harder the difficulty, the more aggressive enemies are. On easy, for example, they tend to attack you one by one, giving you more time to react. On hard, enemies surround you more often and attack together. The timing for parries and perfect parries is also much tighter on harder difficulties.
Overall I do think the game gets easier as it goes, purely because you end up with so many options in battle. But I still really loved playing it on medium and hard because the combat comes into its own once you have more techniques and abilities unlocked.
And that brings an end to PlayStation Studios's first party output. What a great effort it's been from Killzone Shadowfall to Ghost of Tsushima.
Nearly ever game out there is influenced one way or another by other games , even the ones you mentioned are influenced by something else. Really hard this day and age to make something that's truly unique
By your logic with how many games breath of the wild copied it should of been a 7/10
@ShogunRok how is the open world in terms of world building outside of side missions? are there means of enviormental story telling in the open world? I mean things like locations with it's own little story you can piece together via items found in that location or people talking about locations of interest Kinda like red dead etc.
@KratosMD That's fair, but I do think that while it takes a lot of cues from other games — what open world game doesn't at this point? — I think it still has a very unique atmosphere and feel. It definitely stands out among more generic open world games like Ubisoft's usual output.
Can understand the open world burnout, though. It can be tough ploughing through one open world game after another, especially when they're very familiar in terms of structure.
@ShogunRok Is there any verticality when it comes to stealth, such as scaling a building? Or does it mainly rely on tall grass and hiding behind objects on ground level?
@ShogunRok Excellent review, sadly (for my wallet) it has confirmed what I already suspected - I'm going to have to buy this game pronto.
How is the platinum looking? Do-able?
@jdv95 It's quite good actually. While I don't think it's as detailed as something like Red Dead 2, there are still lots of secrets to find and stories to piece together. Some of the bigger side quests in particular tell fantastic stories.
A lot of the side quests also have a detective-like feel to them, like the ones in The Witcher 3. You investigate shacks in the middle of nowhere and find clues that tell you what happened, that kind of thing.
Like the review says the open world is a joy to explore. So much stuff to find.
@Broosh A bit of both. A lot of stealth sections have buildings with roofs that you can clamber across, so there is some verticality. There are also hidden crawlspaces under houses that you can use to your advantage. You can get pretty creative if you want.
@Gremio108 Very doable. It's one of those Trophy lists that's about doing a bit of everything and completing all of X. I got the Platinum while reviewing it, and really enjoyed going for it.
@ShogunRok oh those are my favorite kind of side quests! again thank you
I'm more inclined to go by Eurogamer.net and metro gamecentral who were slightly less gushing over this tbf.
Sony finishing the generation strong. This looks incredible. The world looks next gen I cant wait to see it on PS5. Suckerpunch nailed it. Excellent review thankyou.
I can't stop shaking!!
@ShogunRok Hoo boy, I was hoping you'd say that. That platinum is as good as mine
I said the other day in the comments GOT would get a 8/10 minimum, and i was more or less right.
This game went Gold a while back so I would imagine it'll have a day one patch, I brought two £35 PSN Cards this morning so I pre-order it and download it tomorrow.
@Cornaboyzzz I always had faith in them not made a bad game yet imo.
cannot wait for this to arrive Friday sounds great!
Nicee, I'll preorder it tomorrow 😃
How is the black and white mode? And is their lots of cool samurai clothes to wear?
Amazing!... that black and white mode 😍
Was watching old Samurai movies over the weekend to get ready - I am even more excited now 😀
Looks really good, Im hoping to get around to playing this one.
Hey @ShogunRok, if you don't mind me asking, does the game show any signs storywise for a potential DLC down the line, or maybe even an expansion like Uncharted: Lost Legacy and Spiderman: Miles Morales? Not that it would affect my purchase in any way, i loved its conccept and would have probably pre-ordered the game if it wasn't for COVID. Unfortunately, i might have to get it later or on sale, so if DLC and a potential GOTY edition with all DLC included can happen, it would help me out.
Based on the fact there is not level gating, no forced open world stuff, I'm sold. It also seems main story is about 25 hours which is perfect for me. Only 100 hour game I give that much time to is CP77. I was planning on waiting on GoT for PS5 launch but its not going to happen. I ready for the weekend!
Can't wait to play this come Friday, glad to hear it has a decent trophy list too which is always a nice bonus!
Given the game is heavily influenced by Akira Kurosawa I am very happy it appears to have done him/his work justice!
Sweet good to hear it's a decent game, was waiting for this review just to see how it's rated, will be picking this up on Friday for sure. Been in a bit of a lull since finishing the last of us so think this is just the ticket to get rid of that. Then after finishing this will probably go for the platinum trophy for last of us.
@johncalmc Black and white mode is phenomenal. Almost feels like a different game at times. Even the audio crackles like old movies — it's glorious.
And there are lots of cool samurai clothes to find. Loads of great looking cosmetics. Demon masks, straw hats — the lot. More than you could ever need.
If no one makes a "Ghost of Sushi" joke I'll be very disappointed.
I'll be mad, even. I'm just ill-tempura that way.
@Cornaboyzzz. Definitely x box fanboys haha.or it could be Nintendo or pc.but people have respect for sucker 👊 punch games.word up son
@ShogunRok can you stealth the whole game or are you forced into combat at certain points? Also, is there any difficulty trophies? Great review BTW, can't wait for Friday.
@RayNick That's a good question. Overall I think the story does feel very final when it ends. I'm not sure much more could be added on the island of Tsushima itself — I think a DLC would have to go off to mainland Japan or something.
That said, I do think there's scope for some kind of expansion. There are maybe two or three locations in the game where nothing really happens, and it made me wonder if they'll feature in a DLC or something. It's very tough to say.
I think for now, it might be worth just waiting to see whether Sucker Punch has anything to say. Maybe they'll announce that DLC is in the works, or confirm that there are no plans, now that the embargo is lifted and people can talk about the game. I'm expecting some interviews to go up this week, especially when the game releases on Friday.
@Waa-Laa You're forced into combat at multiple points, particularly for boss fights. I think there's probably a lot more combat in this than people realise — I certainly wouldn't call it a stealth game. It's more an action game with stealth elements.
That said, you can still be stealthy when the option is there. There are plenty of camps to conquer and you can definitely go full stealth for those.
And there are no Trophies related to difficulty. You can play the game on any setting and get the Platinum.
@ShogunRok thank you.
@ShogunRok Okay but now I need the most vital piece of information... you know how you can find cool clothes? Are the cool clothes tied to stats, so like, if I want the best stats, I have to wear the pink socks with the orange tracksuit and the bucket for a helmet, or can I just pick whatever looks coolest?
Thrilled that the black and white mode rocks. Blatantly playing in that with the subtitles on.
Just love!
Hope it's as good as the review says, was left sour by Last of Us 2 and Second Son.
Superb review, someone played the whole game!? 🤠
“I got the Platinum while reviewing it”
is it not a bit stale and dated to call a game and define a game as 'open world' just because it does have an open map, I'm not entirely sure what the alternative would be but just my thoughts
@ShogunRok Apologies if this has already been covered, but can you confirm if the PS4 Pro Options are 1080p at (fixed / stable) 60 FPS & 4K (Full or dynamic?) at 30FPS (variable) please?
@johncalmc There are a handful of armour sets in the game that provide specific perks. Fortunately, all of them look very cool. The armour is also just one full piece — you don't have to mix and match to get the bonuses. This ain't no RPG, son.
You can wear any hat and mask with any armour, too. And all of the headwear is cosmetic only. So go nuts.
@sikthvash I don't have an exact analysis, but based on my 70+ hours with the game, the two Pro modes are...
Hope that helps!
You know you have a hit when you have sites like CNET, Endgadget, IGN, The Hollywood Reporter, and Ars Technica heaping praise on the game (even calling it GOTY). Well done Sucker Punch! This just became a Day One!
@ShogunRok Sweet. I mean, if needs be, I will make a game harder for myself by picking rubbish armour just because it looks cool, but I'd rather not have to do that. Quite excited for this.
@stuzster You'll be happy to know that there is an option to turn off the blood in the display menu. As far as I know, cutscenes will still show gore, but there'll be no big blood spurts during regular gameplay.
@ShogunRok Good non-spoiler review. Also thanks for answering all of the questions. Looking forward to getting this game at some point, but may wait for PS5 and a 4k TV. My current TV is 10 years old, can't be long now. Oh, and I still need to play TW3, should probably do that first. 😁
'It's a welcome and refreshing change of pace from the many action RPGs that would have you chip away at your foes for minutes at a time.'
Exactly what I thought when watching ACV guy take forever to kill a dam dog...
Ok I keep reading.
@Spoonman-2 While it certainly warrants respect, I honestly think it just speaks to the increased accessibility to platinums in recent first party games. And while getting them in Spider-Man, HZD, and Days Gone was enjoyable, if quick, it's a little dissonant seeing the 'One Percenter' trophy at 5.6% rarity.🤣
Seems like a great game but I don’t want to pay 60 knowing that it’s gonna drop to 20 like they always do, but I’ll get it when that happens
Very nice, well written review. I enjoyed it. Cheers.
@playstation1995 Nintendo fanboys only ***** on Nintendo.
Gamespot gave the game 7/10 because You can't cut down bamboo trees, which is just an utter travesty.
this is ridiculous and sony should stop giving free giving free copies to websites. the people who pre-order the game is much worthy to play the game before review websites.
Metacritic has a feature for the top games of 2020. In the list are MLB The Show 20, Nioh 2, Final Fantasy VII Remake, Dreams, The Last of Us 2, and Persona 5 Royal. Sitting at an 84 with over 86 reviews, GoT will be safely added to that list. So see...2020 hasn't been all bad.
@ShogunRok I think any kind of sequel will probably head to mainland Japan or possibly Mongolia.
@ShogunRok Would you say that it's combat is similar to Dark Souls?
Sounds like a very well made game which should prove to be a lot of fun, in particular to current fans of open world games.
I'll definitely be picking this one up at some point. To everyone getting stuck in from this Friday, I say enjoy!
@ShogunRok how is the NPC character building? From what ive seen so far it, the world appears a pretty loanly place for Jin (not a bad thing) but are there cut scenes fleshing out NPC and giving them a little life and back story like in Nioh2 etc? Great review btw. I tried not to read it but, ya know 🤷♂️😂
Can't wait for Friday. Seems like Sucker Punch's best game since the original inFamous, which is still my favorite of that series. Great way to close things for the big PS4 exclusive content. FF VII, TLoU 2 and this all delivered in their own ways.
@AdamNovice I would love Sucker Punch to make a sequel set in the later eras of feudal Japan. Wars between clans and all that kind of stuff. There's a lot they could do with this for sure.
Would like this game but can’t afford it this week. Ah well!
@Draco_V_Ecliptic It's closer to old Assassin's Creed games, but you have much more freedom than they did. It's honestly quite a unique combat system — it feels like halfway between Assassin's Creed and a more action-based game like God of War or maybe even Dark Souls or Sekiro depending on the enemy that you're fighting.
@Kidfunkadelic83 Yeah, it really is quite a lonely game. There aren't many big settlements because everyone's on the run from the Mongols, who control most of the island. But the characters who you do meet are all nicely fleshed out.
All of the main characters each have their own series of side quests that tell you all about them. By the end, I was invested in all of Jin's allies.
@Boucho11 The game looks lame. Learn how to take less-than-positive PlayStation opinions without wetting your pants, k?
My body is ready
@Akurusu I’m not wetting my pants. You’re being a tool. Your comment is irrelevant to the article.
@Boucho11 Actually it does. I said this game doesn’t look like it’s worth playing. Sorry for not bootlicking.
Super duper hyped!!
@80sGamer nah...
@ShogunRok very tasty review. Really looking forward to playing. (preordered recently)
Is there some content which has an embargo on it? I feel like Sony is trying to surprise player in almost all its last exclusives (Abby in TLOU2, classic swords in God of war). Should we expect some twisting surprises here?
I know reviews are subjective but this is black and white different to another review i just read about the game. I think i will wait till its half price
@HellOfaHunter I dunno. It's fair criticism I think. They want a game grounded in reality. They give you a razor sharp sword. But you can't cut the bamboo (or the grass!). Even though you always see them cutting bamboo and sticks in the movies with katanas. Zelda games always had grass cutting, and it is quite addicting lol. No but seriously, for a game that wants to mimic realism, it's weirdly restricted. And this isn't a criticism of this game alone. Many games feel this way. Interactivity with the environment really helps it all feel more coherent and alive, instead of it being just another static backdrop.
I really hope next gen focuses more on interactivity. I rather have that than 4K of 60fps. It's the thing Breath of the Wild did right I think. And I don't have many positive things to say about that game.
@Blacksmith1985 Without spoiling anything I wouldn't go in expecting any massive twists, but there is quite a lot of cool stuff that people aren't allowed to show yet.
As always, the only review I care about <3
I want to play this in Japanese so badly, but why do you think it feels a bit off? To me english would simply ruin the experience I think...
@AFCC I think the lip syncing is only done for English, so the Japanese doesn't quite match up sometimes. It's still fine overall though.
But honestly, the English voice track really is very good. Don't let it put you off!
@Octane can you cut the grass? Lol you’ve been playing too much Zelda! 😂
(now all I want is cuttable grass 🤦♂️)
@ShogunRok Excellent review and seeing as I chose this game over The Last Of Us 2 I'm excited to see such a great score!
You mentioned in your review it took you thirty hours to complete the game,was that finishing all the side quests and extras etc?
Also,seeing as there is no minimap,is the world map (if there is one) unshaded as you go or are you expected to just come across events or collectables by chance?
@Wazeddie22 It's about 25-30 hours to complete the main story and uncover most of the map. It took me around 50 hours to finish every quest and visit every location. It took me over 60 hours to do absolutely everything. So it'll last you a long time if you want to complete the game 100%.
There is a map screen that shows the whole map, but areas you haven't visited will be covered by fog. You do get markers for quests and points of interest that are nearby, but apart from that, you simply follow the wind.
There are also little birds to follow that'll lead you to secrets, and the world does a great job of leading you places through visuals alone. It's really well designed in that sense.
Huh... Must really suck if this got a 9 and last of us part 2 a ten...
@ShogunRok Excellent,thanks for the answers,it sounds quite different to the usual open world games then.
60 hours to do everything?That's great news cuz that means it will take me at least 80!Going to make this one last that's for sure.
I can't wait to pick up my copy and start playing. I've watched a few reviews online and they all say that the best parts of the game outweigh the bad parts. I only wish that those of us who pre-ordered it could start playing it today.
Fantastic. Not long to go now.
@Akurusu what exactly is your point? This is a new IP
Can someone please make a ninja scroll game for heaven sake 👍 oh yeah and fight night💪
Happy to hear this delivered!
I get open world burnout and some of the the criticism of open world games, but some of the comments here / elsewhere make it seem like some people expect every new open world game to "reinvent the wheel" so to speak, and that games are somehow a let down if they are unable to accomplish that.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion of course since this is at its most basic level a form of art and entertainment (and tastes will obviously vary in that regard), but that doesn't make it seem like any less of an unrealistic expectation to me.
And as for the reviewers calling it samurai Assassin's Creed or hinting at their belief SP is somehow trying to copy those games, that seems awfully rich given that AC has more or less turned into The Witcher 3 copy/pasted into real world historical settings with characters and stories that are not near as interesting (which isn't to say I didn't enjoy parts of Origins and Odyssey, but you get my point).
Glad sucker punch nailed it. Made me think of United Front games and how they absolutely nailed Hong Kong in Sleeping Dogs.
This really has nothing to do with Ghost of tsushima but I am very tired of the same open world formula devs love to borrow so much from ubisoft games , especially Assassin Creed .
Almost every new open world game that comes out is a checklist of the same old boring side quest , collectables and towers you climb to unlock more of the map .
I am glad people are so excited for this game, but its not for me.
@ShogunRok I'll do it in a second playthrough. I think Japanese really fits this game a lot, so I'll go with that. We just needed some anime voices x)
Might be a dumb question on my part ,but here goes. I s it possible to do the stealth missions ignoring that they are stealth,and go in all guns blazing and just hack and slash away?
@hulkie i think the stealtb mission are instant fails if spotted buddy.
@tameshiyaku now sleeping dogs is one game that deserves a sequel. The game was way better than gta5s story mode imo
Thank you Push Square - very excited to play the game. Its been a very rough few months and LOU2 almost sent me over the edge, will be wonderful to play something beautiful/ relaxing and challenging
@hulkie Some main story missions (and a couple of side quests) force you to be stealthy otherwise it's a game over. But there aren't many of these.
For everything else in the game, you can ignore stealth entirely if you want.
Had no interest prior. Watched some footage, now I'm intrigued. Being able to ignore stealth sounds just like my cup of bullmilk!
@ShogunRok frame rate mode is only 30fps??? That doesnt seem right. If thats high fps mode id hate to see it running in normal mode! Yikes.
@Gmork___ Frame rate mode keeps it locked at 30 no matter what. Resolution mode sees some dips but the visuals are much more crisp. I do really hope that the inevitable PS5 upgrade adds a 60fps option, though.
I for one am really excited for this game have been since the announcement of it people have been canceling there preorders left and right because of some YouTube review I for one don’t trust YouTube reviews for anything I’ll stick with the gaming industry reviews thanks for the great review
@Arnna his point is that he is trying to fly in the face of tradition whilst looking edgy and non conformist...all he is doing is showing anyone who reads his post is how immature he really is.
This inconsistency in points given kills me: Death Stranding is a 10.
This one, one of the best open worlds in ps4 ever, it's a 9..
(yes, that 10 in 10 of death stranding will never be forgotten. Muahaha. jk)
Ok, to be fair, since the moment i saw the first trailer i knew i needed this game. I was hopping that Nioh was it, a really good samurai game (it's not bad but..), but the monsters and stuff was not what i wanted. Tomorrow I'll finally get it.
Nice review, btw. I understand what some people say about the comparisons you made, but for me it's quite helpful since i can make a direct comparison with what I experienced in the other games. Good work
Great review guys. Awesome review scores it’s getting. I’ll get this once PS5 is out. I mean it looks stunning on PS4/Pro as it is, but on PS5? Wow that’ll be mesmerising.
@Star-Lord You can. You get armour that's dedicated to more stealthy ninja playstyles later on.
@Star-Lord It's close! It's between Ghost of Tsushima and Persona 5 Royal. Hopefully Cyberpunk 2077 lives up to expectations as well!
Low standards much?
Lmao no.. just no.. stop it
@Octane I would like to see more games in the future have that sense of realism as well. After playing TLOU2 with it’s full on realism and crazy detailed physics, I would like to see more games move in this direction. It’s not a dealbreaker, by any means, but if the technology can offer it up, why not?
8/10 is maximum for this game.
AI is stupid, only hit high damages.
Story is drama in some parts, and they are unnecessary.
Anyway, still better alot than the last of us 2
Brilliant game, i'm totally in love with this game. Nothing new but a perfect mix of all the best what keeps me playing. It drives me to discover everything
Great review Robert you really catch the essence and overall feel of this game while outlining the more annoying downsides at the same time. One aspect that took me by a pleasant surprise was the wind directing you to your next location instead of a mediocre line or marker it really adds to the overall atmosphere and is a peaceful alternative. One part of this game which did annoy me at times was the combat system at first glance it looks advance but it is not you use ¼ stances again specific styles and that’s it, I played the game of the hardest difficulty all the way through and overall it was either one shot them or get one shot if I wasn’t in stealth. Boss battles were also aggravating as even with damage reducing and HP increasing armour, I would still get one shot by unlockable and undodgeable instant attacks. Although what really made this game for me was the captivating scenery from the vivid range of colours presented by the cherry blossoms to the vast open fields of flowers and captivating sunsets which can be seen from the top of the mountains. The only other game to come close to the beauty and fun of Ghost of Tsushima is The Witcher 3 for me.
@kedireturns Wow, thanks for the kind words. Glad the reviews are helpful!
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