Traveller's Tales has decided to return to the LEGO Marvel dimension for another outing with its popular superheroes – only this time it's focusing entirely on The Avengers. Taking the storylines and scripts straight from the movies The Avengers and The Avengers: Age of Ultron – and including smaller sections of Iron Man 3, Thor: The Dark World, and Captain America: The Winter Soldier – has enabled the developer to create a satisfying, story-driven LEGO title.
The LEGO Universe needs saving again, and this time the threat is coming from the Marvel dimension in the form of mind-controlling villain Loki and artificial intelligence Ultron, who is out to rid the planet of human beings. The only people standing between these supervillains and what they want are The Avengers. Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, Captain America, Black Widow, and Hawkeye are the main characters to feature here, but they are also joined by many lesser-known heroes from the comics.

The story is well presented in LEGO's usual form of comical cut scenes; we chuckled at quite a few of them. One involved Hawkeye pulling a baguette from his quiver instead of an arrow and firing it at Loki, who then picked up the bread with a quizzical look on his face only to be swarmed by peckish pigeons. The script is equally good as it's taken straight from the film and all of the lines are spoken by the actors themselves.
The game format is much the same as previous LEGO titles, consisting of a campaign of 15 levels that each last approximately 30 minutes, some open world areas to explore – New York City, for example – and side-missions and races to complete. There's also plenty of replay value in the game as there are characters, mini-kits, gold and red bricks, studs, and even the iconic Stan Lee himself to find.
The gameplay itself is familiar, with different characters used to build and dismantle points of interest in the environment. All of the different abilities required to solve conundrums are still here: Iron Man has lasers to break gold blocks, Hawkeye has arrows to hit targets, Hulk uses his strength to smash through cracked walls, Thor uses electricity to power up generators – you get the idea. The list exceeds 100 characters, and each one can be used to solve a certain type of puzzle.

The main noticeable addition is team-up takedowns that allow you to pair up two characters in battle and perform signature moves to defeat your foes. For instance, our favourite was teaming Thor with Captain America, who use their hammer and shield combo to create a huge blast that wipes out all surrounding enemies. These devastating attacks are both effective against villains and also very enjoyable to watch.
It's not all great, though, as the title suffers from some niggles here and there. We found while playing certain sections that the camera would be rather shaky or positioned incorrectly so that our character was off-screen, which is obviously far from ideal. Another issue that we encountered were the driving mechanics not being sensitive enough; all of the vehicles have massive turning circles and handle rather sluggishly, which is especially irritating during open world races.
As with previous LEGO games, you can play the entirety of this outing either solo or with a friend. We would suggest taking a pal on this journey as puzzles are a lot easier with a buddy controlling another character. Plus, many of the levels last at least 30 minutes, so it can be a long, lonely time without a chum. Of course, there are checkpoints along the way where you have the ability to save and quit and return at a later date.
LEGO Marvel's Avengers assembles the building blocks of a good LEGO game adequately, delivering decent puzzles, comical cut-scenes, and some feel-good fiction for the whole family. However, the formula's definitely starting to wear thin, and it has some niggles that could do with being Iron Man-ed out.
Comments 25
Wow how many Lego games has there been now? I've lost count!
Not played one since Star Wars Lego on the Gamecube but they still all look like the same game, albeit with a different franchise bolted on...
@Dodoo I count 27 in their modern guise. 27!
@get2sammyb Crikey that's insane!
And people say CoD and Assassin's Creed are milked, Lego is literally mooing!
Sneaky sneaky Smiths fans ...
Loving the headline.. I used to enjoy these as a bit of mindless fun, but I think their day has gone somewhat. Be cool if that Lego/Minecraft like game comes to the PS4, now that I can get into...
Well, there is an idea for your next opinion piece then
So many Lego games make Dimensions an expensive duplicate. I will be passing on this, and will only get Undercover 2, which will make me either not getting another Lego game or TT actually making it. Win-win I tell you!
It's a decent enough take on the increasingly dull Lego formula. I am a sucker for Marvel though, and the combat and story are more enjoyable in this one. Not bad if you're up for some mindless smashing and collecting with the odd obscure puzzle thrown in.
@dellyrascal @andregurov Glad y'all liked it.
My son and I really enjoyed Lego Marvel on the PS4, so I will definitely be picking this one up.
@Dodoo They pretty much are, now I only play the ones I really like the franchises they are based on i.e. Marvel, Star Wars.
@Tasuki I find Lego games are great to play co-op especially with children or people that aren't really gamers and struggle with controls.
I played lego starwars on my ps2 then 2 summers ago I played lego batman, and harry Potter on my vita consecutively. I'm not sure I could ever bring myself to play one again
@Simon_Fitzgerald Yeah I can see why. I wouldn't classify my son as a child or someone who doesn't play games though lol. Lego games have always been a series though that we both enjoy though. I will say he did grow up with them as the first one Lego Star Wars came out when he was 5. We still enjoy them to this day and together we have beat, Lego Star Wars 1 and 2, Lego Indy 1 and 2, Harry Potter 1 and 2, Lego Batman and Lego Marvel so we are looking forward to this one.
Not the biggest Lego game fan as I am an old fart now and my kids are more interested in Call of Duty and games of that nature now. But reading the title alone I HAD to post on the sub-headline!! I see what you did there and I ABSOLUTELY loved it!!
Nice review, I may get this as I've enjoyed the original like @Tasuki said above. Still play it with my son. Great game.
@sinalefa "Undercover 2"
How long before that one drops in price?
We got Lego the Videogame the Movie on Thursday for $9.98, so not only am I passing on this for now - and lets be realistic, it will be $20 by Black Friday - but I'm also holding off on Lego Dimensions, seems very similar, and about $600 cheaper.
as a kid I had construx instead of lego so that may be why I've never been interested in Lego games
@MDHegs Thanks but @get2sammyb takes the credit for that, he is the tag line pro!
@Simon_Fitzgerald @MDHegs I was pleased with that one too, to be honest.
How old is your kid if I might ask? I've got 3 kinds, 5,4 and 2, and the 2 oldest one, both boys, love to game. Especially the oldest one is extremely skilled already having played through SM 3D World on his own when he was just 4 and owning games like Super Meat Boy and Spelunky atm. My boys are huge superhero fans as well, so Lego Marvel, Lego Batman and this new Lego Avengers are must haves. Although we really enjoy our time with this new one, even my kids get frustrated by the bad implementation of the 2 player co-op at times. There are so many moments in these games that certain actions won't trigger or parts of the visual clues aren't visible when in 2 player mode, that they have to disconnect player 2. We've been stuck in Lego Marvel countless times and with a game as easy as Lego it's even more frustrations because it makes you feel really dumb when you have to read or watch a walk through.
It's a shame this new version hasn't improved a single bit and the same annoyances there were even back in the day, when I played the first Star Wars Lego game on my 360 with my wife, are still there. The humor is still present and as a huge Marvel fan myself I absolutely adore the fanservice, but I'm honestly glad to see my oldest one already growing out of LEGO games and I hope the middle one will soon do too, so I can introduce my little daughter to games that don't want me to break my controller in half.
@Boerewors He's 15. But he's been playing games since he was 2.
Now that's what I call parenting! 15 y/o, than you're older than I imagined! Did you force him to play lots of retro games too?
My kids started gaming with the likes of the old Mario and Megaman, so modern day titles aren't all that hard for them in comparison. They've had some of their friends and nephews come over to play videogames and it's astonishing to see the difference. Not just in skill level, but the way they approach games; for them a game like Spelunky offers them a challenge, they die over and over to eventually beat the first level. Their friends and nephews, all used to tablet and mobile gaming, they try twice and get mad or even cry and stop playing all together.
And it's not just with games, my kids adopted a whole other way of handling setbacks; where other kids throw a tantrum when something doesn't go the way they want, my kids try and find a solution or just accept that sometimes there isn't one. Obviously it's not just the games but also the parents giving in to their kids when they act up, so they learn that if they scream and cry they get their way, but games really do have a positive effect on our kids. But of course, just like with everything except bacon: moderation is key!
@Boerewors Lol I am not sure what you consider old, but I did have him at an early age. As for forcing him to play retro games not really. When he was born the PS2 just came out in NA so I don't even think SNES was considered Retro yet lol. Basically I had the systems around and hooked up cause just like now I enjoy going back to them every so often. So basically when he got old enough they were there for him to play as well.
As a result he grew up on a variety of systems and to this day he enjoys both newer games like CoD for example and older classics like Super Mario Bros. He finds it odd in fact when kids his age "complain" about how dated NES games are compared say to PS3 games lol.
Best sub heading ever. We need to see more of this!
Platinum-edit this weekend.
While it is the best Lego game in regards to gameplay (flying is soooooo much better compared to Lego Marvel Super Heroes)....I really did not care one bit for the way they mixed the movies together.
Kinda missed the other Marvel characters as well, especially Spidey and the X-men...ah well.
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