With the spawn of the Souls series, gamers around the world have developed a soft spot for controller breaking games with horrendously difficult barriers of entry. Lords of the Fallen is Polish studio CI Games' first attempt at imitating the franchise's success – but does it stand up to its competitors?
While the Souls series often relies on theory crafting or cryptic messages, this game takes a much more direct approach to storytelling by following the tale of a single character, Harkyn. This means that there isn’t much in the way of visual customisation, but class choices and spell lists allow for a decent amount of personalisation for each adventurer’s play style. The protagonist is only joined by a select few non-playable characters, each fairly dull with simple goals.
The plot shares a similar fate. It’s fairly predictable and bland, but player actions can and will affect the ending. Not only do the multiple conclusions give you an incentive to replay the story multiple times, but in New Game + and New Game ++, new items and spells can be acquired, augmenting an additional reason to further explore the Rhogar-infested lands.

Gameplay focuses heavily around managing an energy bar, player positioning, and attack animations. Overseeing each component is pivotal since even the smallest of enemies can effortlessly kill an inexperienced player. Swinging weapons costs energy, but perfecting the timing of each blow consumes half the stamina, and will even prompt special high-powered animations with certain weapons.
The weapon selection is about what you would expect from a medieval-themed game. One interesting feature is Harkyn’s gauntlet, which can be equipped at any time to fire one of three different upgradable projectiles.
Clearly inspired by the Souls series, Lord of the Fallen shares the same steep difficulty; just when you feel comfortable with the controls and mechanics, something new will come along just to remind you that you have a lot to learn. From the start to the end, this schooling process consists of a curriculum of death and frustration. Dying results in dropping all of your currently held experience in a ghost where you fell, but unlike the Souls series, often times enemies won’t respawn, leaving a clear path for you to crawl back to your spirit. If you’re unlucky and still die on your way to the phantom, that experience will be permanently lost.

Not everything is about punishment, though. Each enemy killed adds to an experience multiplier, allowing skilled gamers to quickly become more and more powerful. Banking experience at a checkpoint will reset this multiplier, so it’s up to you to decide how far you want to push without spending your all-important income.
Player movement is smooth and feels responsive, whether you’re equipped with light armour or heavy armour. Dodging enemy attacks often feels fair, with a generous invincibility window, yet the occasional enemy swing will connect even when clearly outside of the player hitbox. All in all, it’s a satisfying combat system that’s incredibly tough, but a just one if you learn all of its intricacies.
Rolling around the various worlds between the human and the Rhogar realm is visually pleasing, but can feel a bit repetitive at times. Assets are occasionally reused – even to the point of duplicate playable paths – but the overall theme and mood of the game is satisfying. Map layout is generally fairly straight forward and linear, making it easy to navigate from objective-to-objective. There is a little wiggle room with side quests, though, giving enough freedom and choice to those stuck on a particular boss or difficult enemy.

However, the idea of a ‘boss fight’ is a bit different here, as some of the enemies who play more traditional boss roles return as standard foes later in the game. It’s just another reason to always be aware of your surroundings, and always know your adversaries. To make matters worse, it’s not uncommon for bosses to glitch and bug out. Since each boss fight has multiple phases, sometimes your antagonist will become stuck in-between these. This is particularly annoying when they are nearly immune to damage, forcing you to either give up and die or fight a hopeless battle. It might not happen frequently, but when it does, it’s horribly off-putting for a game that’s already pretty difficult.
Unfortunately, you won’t have any friends to help you either. The entire experience is single player here, unlike its immediate contemporaries. It’s a shame that there aren’t any co-operative or competitive features included considering the steep difficulty curve, as there’s a strong chance that you’ll be scouring the Internet for support regardless.
Despite the dull plot, basic character design, and occasional buggy boss fights, the overall mood of Lords of the Fallen is fantastic – even if you’re forced to play it alone. The punishing difficulty may not please everyone, but fans of the Souls series should definitely consider taking a swing at the Rhogar. Those looking for a quick and easy adventure should duck and roll elsewhere, though, as this game will test your patience, skills, and dedication.
Comments 26
I just defeated the third boss, after 6 hours of playing (Didn't go straight forward, but enjoyed myself a lot in exploring the many different paths and secret locations this game has....). The grafic is very good, even if sometimes you see fall of framerates and some tearing (but it never affected gameplay).
The combat system is what keeps me playing this game over and over and over and I never get tired of the respawned enemies, it's a good way to farm experience and each single fight is very entertaining and tactical.... noob button-smasher approach will lead you to a fast death.
I also liked the absence of a map in game, so everything relies on your ability to orient yourself (and by the way, in middle age gps wasn't there), and the fact that many subquests are subtle, not like go from A to B, but you can collect information about them and special loot in the audio log you find.
I have to disagree on one point with the reviewer.... it is true that the customization of the character at the beginning is very basic (the real choice is about the 3 magical schools, the class you choose will give you only a starting armor set and differencies in ability points, but after that you can develop your character as you want, there are no armor/weapon vs class limitation here, and I love it), but the way you equip yourself and the weapon you choose (and also how you handle it: single hand, with shield, two handed) is gonna differenciate the fighting style a lot.... I found myself wasting so much time in trying all the possible combinations till I found my fav.... pity that there is no online, would have been graeat to have at least a multiplayer pvp arena...the music is amazing (limited preorder edition comes with a cd soundtrack too), every games of thrones fan will love it....
Ah, the loot is very satisfactory and balanced (cough cough... destiny), and every armor is a joy to see on your character...
For me, this is much more an 8 than a 7..... considering also this was a small rather independent team....
ps: sorry for the long comment and my not perfect english
@arnoldlayne83 well said homie I got my copy yesterday I'm still busy gaming The Evil within but can't wait to jump into this one.hope the graphics push out on my LCD (need new tv 😩)
@Bad-MuthaAdebis You're not missing out on much..Trading it in soon.
@arnoldlayne83 Very well said and thank you for the feedback. The bugs I ran into (and witnessed on other live streams) played a heavy role in giving this a seven and not an eight. They were frequent enough to be noticeable, but not enough to take away my recommendation. I think it's still a very cool game, but it was a bit of a let down in too many aspects for me to consider it "very good".
Also, that third boss had me stuck for a while... I ended up playing a new character because I had invested too much experience in my rouge's spells. Overall, that fight was much much easier on a warrior for me since spells had little to no effect on that dude and his annoying gorillas.
@LDXD @NathanUC
Are we talking about the one in the cemetary here, right? Cos actually (I am not spoilering) it seems the order can be different, according to different paths you may or not find....
Btw, yes, the cemetary one was slow but that one shot kill took me a while to figure out how to be countered.... Now I am fine with my medium --> heavy equipment.... the rogue will be mine for the NG+
@NathanUC did you run in those bugs before or after the D1 patch? cos with the patch I never notice any bugs in bosses, just two crashes in 13h ingame now...
@LDXD agree... would be good if a series start from here.... something in between Dark souls and darksiders.... hopefully with multiplayer (still wondering how amazing could be to fight against other players builds...)
Totally off topic, sorry: I got my evolve beta code today. Anyone check their email yet?
@arnoldlayne83 Yeah that's the one! I was able to figure out the one shot mechanic by listening to the scroll on the ground near the entrance. My biggest problem with him was his second phase gorillas. I know how to counter it, but sometimes there simply wasn't enough time...
I did have the patch. As far as I'm aware, there hasn't been an additional patch since I've started. The boss we're talking about glitched multiple times on me becoming invincible... I also had minor bugs with a couple other fights that forced me to restart. At least the save points are usually right before the bosses.
@LDXD I found helpful to overcome that boss to lower my Weight (but still on the heavy class), being able to stay far away from him and run towards him when is "praying" (whatsoever is doing on his knees), beatin' him hard with the charge heavy attack, and running back again. Concerning the gorillas, I found a fast attack speed weapon was good enough to kick them in the arse....
But I must say, before that boss, I levelled up and found nice stuffs in the prisons/catacombs..... that had helped....
@NathanUC miss that scroll then... but yeah, once I figured out the trick the boss went down quite easily.... Now I got that if a boss is to hard, I should go for some sidequest and level up...
No other patch as far as I know either.... for the bugs the I was lucky (or unlucky)
I like the look of this. Think I'll grab it when it's cheaper...
@LDXD I cheated and went there after the boss killed me no enemies!
@LDXD whoa I didn't know about the trick of the wall.... but I see the more I advance the more I discover different beahviours of monsters.... liking that a lot...
So, you get only 2 potions, and by going back to the checkpoints you don't get more? Have you tried to go to the previous one, cos I see the more you use a checkpoint, the less potions it drops.... Did you explore between the exit of the cathedral (1st boss) and the second one? cos if you look around, you'll find loot and empty bottles to improve ur max potions.....
And the portals, did you go there right after defeating the bosses? they are also a good idea to grind without dying, just keep jumping in and out and defeat the enemies... you will improve in experience and levelling up, then the cemetary ass***e won't be a problem anymore...
@LDXD Yep, once the bully boss #3 killed me and I went back to level up, all enemies were gone and I was free to loot all the things I did go back there and kill him using roge's Stab ability. It should nearly 1 hit him at rank 3. I can't say I remember if anything good was back there, but I believe it's eventually used as a shortcut to another area later in the game.
#4: Infiltrator........ holy f**k almighty.....
What a great game. Lords of the fallen is one of this challenging game where I die a lot of time but it is not frustrating:) I don't finished this game yet but I know that when I finished it for sure I play on it one more time but another class:)
@Atruk the same here.....and betting much more xp points than what I am actually doing in this playthrough....
Ok, so I consider myself to be a fairly skilled gamer. I've sunk over 600 hours into Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, I slice through levels in Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze like it's Key-lime pie, I plow through the permadeath of Fire Emblem no problem, and dominate all the niche Japanese entries the Vita can throw my way. I think it's safe to say I'm pretty good at playing video games.
So why is it it took me 8 freaking tries to beat the first boss in this game? Now I understand it's a genre I'm not accustomed to, and it takes a little bit to get in the swing of things sometimes, but I found this game to be absolutely brutal for one reason and one reason alone- the dodge role does not seem to respond properly. I'm not just referring to the animation delay, but rather the fact that I only seem to roll out of the way 50% of the time, regardless of how full my energy bar is. I don't know, the controls just seem wonky for this game. Monster Hunter has an ATROCIOUS dodge roll animation length, yet I seem to manage just fine in that game because I actually roll when I push the buttons to roll. Not so in LotF. I had such a hard time with it that I didn't even want to play anymore after I beat that first boss.
From the comments it seems I'm the only one who has this issue, so maybe it's just me, but I do find it a little strange I can play other games with lengthy animation frames without a hiccup, but when it comes to this game it seems like a roll of the dice to get my player to move where I want them to go.
@LDXD maybe I'll try a lighter weight class, since I am using the hammer and the heaviest armor.
But with Sunset Overdrive, Bayonetta 1 and 2, Fantasy Life and now Freedom Wars all contending for my free time, and my still ever-present addiction to Smash Brothers, I fear my interest in this game is only going to wane further. Like Shadow of Mordor- great game but I just lost interest with so many other newer great games to play
@LDXD Yeah I think I got a new game for each one of my five platforms in the last week. Every system's getting some playtime right now. Though admittedly, I have been spending WAY more time on Wii U lately. Mostly Hyrule Warriors, Bayonetta and Bayonetta 2. But that Stealth Inc 2 just dropped today, and another GBA game for VC- Kirby Nightmare in Dreamland. I love having the full GBA collection digitally, especially since they all offer the new screen smoothing options and access to the color manual on the gamepad.
Shadow of Mordor was a solid game, but it could've been so much more. No mountains of dwarves, cities of men, forests of elves, none of that. Just endless drab landscape filled with blood-thirsty orcs. Just wasn't enough to hold my interest.
Call of Duty Advanced Warfare just shipped out today, and since I never got around to playing Ghosts, I feel like I'm in the mood for a good CoD campaign. Good thing it shipped out today too cause I was about ready to cancel it. This one actually seems like it's going to be decent though, at least as far as the campaign goes.
@LDXD CoD Advanced Warfare, Dragon Age Inquisition, Far Cry 4, Assassin's Creed Unity, GTAV, Halo Master Chief Collection, Pokemon Alpha Sapphire/Omega Ruby, Tales of Hearts R, Smash Bros, Watch Dogs Wii U, NES Remix U and NES Remix 3D, Persona Q, Captain Toad, Mario Kart 8 DLC, 18 Amiibos...
I've got so many games pre-ordered and on the way in the next 30 days I lose count lol...
@LDXD It's a physical release of NES Remix 1 and 2, with some added content or something I'm sure. There's also a physical release coming to 3DS, though I heard they had to cut a few of the games out because the cartridge couldn't hold them all. But apparently it was basically all the crap games so the 3DS version is going to be a smaller one but with mostly good games. Just having those games on the go and in 3D is good enough for me
@JaxonH no worries...by the description f ur equipment is clear u r burden an the roll is too slow.... try with lighter armor or lighter weapon, or keep as u r but then rely more on parry with the weapon or simply be a tank. the combnation in the game are infinite...and i also find different foes require different approach in weapon and armor, so i keep switchin btw different sets... as general rule, maintaining the weight bar btw 1/2 and 2/3 will allow u to b pretty flexible.
ot: far cry 4,dragon age and gta v..... i will be broken in novmber....
@LDXD as far as I understand it's related to the checkpoint itself.... some replenish you with more and some with less potion....
I just bought the PC couple of days ago and I am so hooked up. The game is just fantastic! Levelling up and upgrading your gear indeed makes you feel getting more powerful. I am loving this one so damn much!
I know I'm waaaay late to the party where but I finally picked this up on the Store and am really impressed.
I've been 50/50 about Dark Souls 3 due to the difficulty and to call this 'Dark Souls Lite' would be doing it an injustice, but it definitely feels like a more accessible and enjoyable clone of that series. The gameplay and mechanics are virtually identical but loading tines aren't bad and the difficulty is slightly more forgiving so I'm gonna give it a go.
I've got Dark Souls 3 and Nioh on my radar though still
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