Publishers are pretty risk-averse when it comes to a major new release – and for good reason. Video games are expensive, and you don't want anything getting in the way of a return on that lofty sum of cash you've put forward just to make your game happen.
But surely DLC gives you a chance to tear up the rulebook and try your hand at messing with the formula? It's far less expensive, so there's a chance to try something new. Perhaps you test a new idea for a potential sequel or give players an entirely new experience.
The latter of those two is particularly vital for a game like Marvel's Spider-Man, as it's chock full of content already, and a lot of it repetitive in nature. Surely we don't want more of the thing we already had a little too much of anyway?
Well, that's exactly what Insomniac has delivered with The Heist, the first in a planned trilogy of DLCs that introduces new stories, villains, and things to do. Except it's not new – not really.

The story kicks off with Black Cat making a nuisance of herself and Spider-Man, once again, chasing after her to try and keep the situation under control. That's about as spoiler-y as we'll get in this review. Suffice to say, it leads to a bunch of new story missions that play out exactly like the story missions in the base game.
There's a lot of swinging around chasing stuff, fighting bad guys, performing crappy stealth sections, and trying to defuse bombs before a timer runs down. Combat's the only thing that feels remotely fresh, and that's down to the introduction of a new enemy type: minigun-toting 'big' henchmen.
These guys feel super cheap, though, as they block your punches with their miniguns, aren't susceptible to any of your gadgets, and deal insane damage with each attack. It doesn't help that the minigun has an insane range and is really difficult to dodge.

There's only two methods to deal with them, too: fill two focus bars and take them down instantly, or wait until their gun overheats, giving you a precious second or two to land a few blows. It just feels cheap and lazy – like the developers couldn't think of a better idea, so just bumped up the damage and survivability of an ordinary enemy.
Elsewhere, a bunch of new crime missions litter certain regions of the city and these are, again, exactly the same as before. Screwball, the crazy fan-chasing YouTuber-like has been released from prison in the interval, and she has a bunch of challenges for you to complete. Again, there's nothing new here.
The challenges come in three forms: fight bad guys, use gadgets to fight bad guys, and swing around the city destroying things. Perform well and you'll earn points, with the sole new feature being the ability to take photos of at set moments for more points.

Oh, and of course there's a new thing to collect! This time it's art prints, and you'll get a bit more of a backstory on Black Cat for doing so. There's only 10 of them, so it won't take you too long, but did we really need more things to collect?
Rounding out the DLC are three new suits, which you unlock by purchasing the DLC, completing the story, and beating it 100 per cent. None of the suits are anything to write home about, so we wouldn't advise you purchase this DLC just for them.
In fact, the entire experience is pretty difficult to recommend. It's just more of the same in a game that you're probably already burnt out on if you're done with the main game. It's mercifully short, though, running at about three hours max, and the extra story content is very welcome.
If you just want more of the Spider-Man universe, grab it for the story. Just don't expect anything new, because there isn't anything. Hopefully this isn't a sign of what's to come in future Spider-Man DLCs.
Marvel's Spider-Man: The Heist DLC is more of the same. All of the content feels recycled from a main game you're probably already burnt out on anyway. It doesn't help that the few new bits – suits and an enemy type – feel lazy and uninspired. The only reason to grab this DLC is for more of the story, which is as well done as ever, if a bit short – clocking in at around three hours max. If you're patient, grab it in a future sale just so you can see what happens next.
Comments 54
Yeah...guess I'll have to do just that and wait for a sale, especially with "you know who" coming out tomorrow.
Sounds like reviewers were riding the hype train when the main game released, if more of the same DLC is now average.
Granted, the game has always looked pretty average to me anyway.
But then I'm not into men dressed as spiders 😉
@kyleforrester87 i was all for your first points as i can see some truth in them,but then you just did your usual "bleh spiderman bleh" talk and now it just comes over as a means to critisize this game yet again.
we get,you like other stuff cool,guess what doesn't make you any better.
@jdv95 I'm sorry that you feel that way, but I think we can move past this and remain friends.
this review seems harsh, did you even like the main game?
Personally I'm down for more Spider-Man as I really enjoyed it. I didn't really expect Insomniac to reinvent the book with these DLC packs — it was always going to be more of the same.
I dunno, I'll definitely play it.
Sad to hear it's average but since the deluxe edition came free with my console I'll be downloading it anyway. Will wait until I pick up my new TV to play it in glorious 4K HDR. Loved the main game so I'm sure I'll still enjoy this extra story.
More of the same is great news for me, as I couldn't get enough of the base game. Looking forward to playing The Heist sooner or later
@kyleforrester87 oh i'm not annoyed with you in general though,just your comments on some spiderman articles just come over as the same old "not a fan,it's for kids" arguments.
you are entitled to your opinion ofcourse and i'm kinda the same when it comes to MP etc so yeah let's just leave it here and move on
Glad someone had balls to say it!
Extremely disappointed with the dlc so far, the story is the only good thing, the rest is more of the same, even crimes are the same...
Hope they go crazy with the second one
@jdv95 good man!
Erm, I'm pretty sure the big guys are affected by the gadgets. At least the one that makes them float, which is super useful btw. Maybe upgrade your gadgets?
Definitely feels like the person writing this was not a fan of the main game and has a real axe to grind. On the other hand, it does come off as a mild disappointment that they didn't try anything new and given how quickly they churned this out, I'm fairly certain they had intended for it to be in the main game.
With that said, more of the same hardly feels like a bad thing to me, so I'm down for it. Once I 100%'d the game I was still hungry for more, so I'm definitely not "probably burnt out". In fact, the new game plus mode was already all the excuse I was looking for to turn this baby on again and resume spoodering.
Wow talk about negative, why does it get knocked for not offering anything "new" when dlcs don't do that anyway. You surely come for the story above anything else.
Any dlc is more of the same for crying out loud.
@jdv95 I blocked this guy already, don’t waste your time with it.
More of the same is what I want!
Lol a five get real. Dlc almost never does something crazy new that’s what a sequel does dlc has always been just more of the same. The stealth is fun not bad like this reviewer tried to say,the new collectible ties into the story very nicely,the dlc added tons of new,high quality cutscenes and dialogue,black cat was awesome and they nailed her and Spider-Man relationship,the story which is just the beginning of the story being told across the three add ons was pretty good with a kick ass ending that I can’t wait to see continue next month,they added a new crime type as well as new jjj shows and newspapers and you do not have to fight the mini gun guys like that matter of fact that’s the dumb way to do it you should be using your suspension matrix to defeat them easily. This review was way off base especially expecting something completely new in dlc from a game that just came out a month and a half ago and if it’s the same reviewer as the base game it makes it seem like he let the hype get him if he feels this way about the game not even two months later.
@JoeBlogs No problem it makes them so much more manageable using that especially on spectacular where they take crazy health away from you
@Tulio517 I tried! No effect.
Hey guys! Actually, I'm the same reviewer that gave Marvel's Spider-Man a 9 on Push Square – a score which I still stand by.
The problem with scores is that they don't necessarily reflect everyone's experience. If I was to fork out actual cash for this DLC, I'd have been super disappointed for the reasons given.
If you're in the camp that just wants more of the game, then you can bump this score up a couple of points. I, on the other hand, feel like it's a bit lazy to offer more of the same – especially when the game got quite repetitive towards the end as it is.
Wow that is a low score! Gotta say I loved the main game but if you exclude the story quests,most of it was already pretty repetitive.So saying the dlc is more of the same and repetitive is not really surprising.
I will probably buy when all three dlc packages are out and are cheap.
@FoxyGlen oh, sorry. My mistake
Having already played through the story, I'll admit I was slightly disappointed. I wasn't expecting anything major, but I felt the story ended quicker than I thought, though I still found the story parts good and entertaining.
The extra challenges with Screwball I actually like so far, since they're just different enough from the Taskmaster challenges from the main game. New collectable I didn't mind either, since it's an extra bit of Spidey lore.
I'd say yeah, it could have been more, but what's there isn't too bad. Since it's basically episode 1 of the DLC trilogy, it'll probably look better once the rest are released.
So like, how many people got the Deluxe Edition? Because with that, it just feels like it was never cut out of the game.
That's a shame, I was hoping for a Spider-Man kart racing minigame and a fully integrated Chao Garden from Sonic Adventure. More of the same, who do they think they are?
I'm enjoying it, might last me a wee while as i'm jumping between DQXI, Resident Evil 7 and some Rocket League.
@PS_Nation You did? Dang, you’re missing out on some good stuff. He’s just tongue in cheek.
I agree with the score, more of the same but expanding on a side mission plot point.
Without giving away ending spoilers I'm hoping the other DLC will be linked to "that" scene whilst a possible sequel can build from "that" other scene. You know what i'm talking about
Anyhow, here’s the real quest. @Glen_Fox Do you think it’ll let us choose that silver hair over MJ later on?
@FoxyGlen What do you expect for €7 or €8? But a 5 so it run bad, terrible controls, terrible story, terrible graphics?
@JoeBlogs It's also worth remembering that a 5 ISN'T a bad score – it's average. That's what this DLC is to me. There's nothing special about it, it's just more of the same. A 6 feels too generous when you look at it like that.
I kind of hate the attitude towards reviews in games cos it's got a bit out of hand. A 7/10 SHOULD be a great score, for example, but many gamers won't touch a 7. Even an 8 isn't deemed great on some sites now. It's madness!
@Flaming_Kaiser Honestly? Something new. What's the point of forking out money for something you already have?
@FoxyGlen I guess i touched a nerve. 😜
I hope you are not the guy who reviewed the last MGS Survive.
@Flaming_Kaiser as far as I know this dlc costs 10 euros and if you'd like to know what should we get for that price look at Heart of Stone dlc/expansion for The Witcher 3.
@Flaming_Kaiser I'm the one who reviewed Metal Gear Survive, but what does that have to do with any of this?
'The problem with scores...'
Then... Move on from scores? Dlc s are even more reasons why scores aren't really relevant. Dare evolve PushSquare!
@Flaming_Kaiser Nerve? I just answered your question?
@JJ2 Not my call to make, sadly!
@JoeBlogs I see your point, but scores are limited. I gave Kingdom Come a 7, for example, but it's one of my personal games of the year. A total unpolished mess but it did so much right that I'm glad I played it. If I ignored it just cost it was a 7 I'd have missed out on an excellent experience.
Also, if a game is a 7 in your favourite genre, then chances are you're going to really love it.
@Jaz007 Nah, I’m cool. But if that’s your thing, it’s okay.
@JoeBlogs That sums up the situation exactly
Sounds like the reviewer was expecting something different than what he ended up with. 5/10 seems like a pretty low score when the only really complaint besides it not innovating enough is that some of the enemies are annoying.
I'll be waiting on the GotY edition of this game.

@Octane arghhh get it away from me!!
I heard the game is repetative, i'll skip DLC when I finally get the game
I really enjoyed it, it's short but will be 3 parts and yes it's more of the same, however that same is great fun swinging around and excellent combat. The story is good too and plays upon Spider-mans relationship with Black Cat and judging by some of her involvement I wouldn't be surprised if she was a playable character by the end of it.
@FoxyGlen It's a strange one to put a score on because essentially 2 thirds of this still isn't out. That been said I largely agree with your review though I quite liked the cliffhanger ending. I do wonder if it should have been release as one big piece of DLC or much closer together then it will be
I’m not miffed by the repetition, as the game was already repetitive, just renaming mobs and adding variations to each group to set them apart. I still found the game extremely fun! I’ll be playing the DLC, but I’m going to take a break from Spider-Man and play some of my backlog.
Not gotten to this yet. Went with DQXI first... Ended up getting TR on sale and now RD2 is coming.
I already own the Season Pass thanks to the $400 Spider-Man PS4 Pro bundle, installed the DLC last night and plan to play it sometime this weekend.
@NecuVise Lets say i pay €15 to €20 for a new movie its about the same time i spend on it as the DLC so i think its a nice deal. If a company can do more for less money great.
@LiamCroft i found the score way to high for what it was.
@AdamNovice I think a 50% deduction is really massive for that. If thats all the bad points i would say a 6 would be better.
@Flaming_Kaiser Okay, that's a nice opinion? Still not sure what it has to do with the score given here.
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