We're big fans of the One Piece: Pirate Warriors games. We reckon One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3 is the best of the bunch, and we'd even go as far to say that it's one of the very best Warriors titles on PlayStation 4. Naturally then, we had high expectations for One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4, and while it doesn't quite do enough to blow its predecessor out of the water, it still offers up a huge amount of hack and slash fun.
Once again, it's the delightful cast of One Piece that carries the action. With so many weird and wonderful powers at their disposal, the characters continue to be a perfect fit for the tried and tested Warriors format. From Luffy's rubbery recklessness to Kuzan's immensely powerful ice abilities, every playable character brings something unique and entertaining to the table.
A number of new heroes -- and villains -- have been added this time around, most of them plucked from the Whole Cake Island arc of the manga and anime. Speaking of which, Big Mom and her pirates are a focus of the game's new story mode, which covers five key arcs: Alabasta and the fight against Crocodile, Marineford and Ace's rescue, Sabaody and the struggles of the Straw Hats, Whole Cake Island and the terror of Big Mom, and, lastly, Wano Country and the tyranny of Kaido.
Needless to say, if you know One Piece, then you've already realised that this mode misses out on a lot of the original story. As such, newcomers will be completely lost. There are introductory cutscenes that try to outline the plot, but if you don't already know the characters and concepts of One Piece, they're basically impenetrable. You'll also find yourself wondering why everyone is gross sobbing all of the time.
Anyway, we're not really here for the story -- if you want that, you're always better off checking out the source material. The game's limited adaptation will take you around ten hours to finish, and it's mostly enjoyable while it lasts. Some stages are better than others -- dedicated boss fights just feel like a bit of a button mashing slog because your opponents always have so much health -- but you're able to try out different characters and prepare for the real meat of Pirate Warriors 4.
Indeed, the 'Navigation Log' is where you'll be spending most of your time. In this mode, you'll find over 100 somewhat randomised levels. They don't have story cutscenes, or any real narrative to speak of, but it's all about the action. Pick your favourite fighter, smash your way through stage after stage after stage, collect coins to boost their abilities, repeat. As long as you can stomach the gameplay's inherent repetitiveness, Navigation Log will keep you busy for ages, especially if there are multiple characters that you want to try.

Which leads us neatly onto combat. Honestly, it's about what you'd expect of the Pirate Warriors series at this point, but it does boast a couple of new gimmicks. As always, you hit combinations of square and triangle to unleash standard combos, while circle acts as a dodge button -- at least in part. You can use circle to avoid incoming attacks, or you can weave it into your combos to make them as long as possible. The downside is that dodging now temporarily consumes a stamina bar, so there's nothing to be gained by spamming it.
The introduction of a more versatile dodge mechanic, as well as a stamina bar, means that combat is more combo-based than ever before. What's more, every character now has access to a launching attack, letting you carry your enemies into the air for even more damage. The result is a combo system that actually requires a bit of practice and timing if you want to get the most out of your moves. It all makes for a rewarding learning curve.
Having said that, some characters perform far, far better than others. We're not looking for immaculate character balancing in a Warriors game, but a few members of the cast feel severely underpowered to the point where playing as them on harder levels can be an exercise in frustration.

On top of that, you've got characters like Gear Fourth Luffy, who moves so fast and so erratically that he's just a pain in the arse to use. We found ourselves gravitating towards slower or more stationary fighters purely because the camera has difficulty keeping up with anyone who zips around.
Still, find the right pirate for you and the game offers more than enough action. And if you want to bring a friend along, both online and local co-op is available. In fact, the online stuff is quite interesting. The aforementioned Navigation Log mode features a bunch of levels that let you team up with three other players (they can also be played alone with AI partners), either to rack up points in an all-out battle, desperately defend a base, or to bring down a giant foe. When the connection isn't noticeably laggy, playing these stages online can be a blast.
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 struggles to outdo its fantastic predecessor, but it's still great fun to smash through hordes of enemies alongside such a colourful cast of characters. The game's delightful and diverse roster really is its greatest strength, and thanks to an emphasis on building combos, the combat system can be surprisingly rewarding, despite its repetitive nature. The pretty standard story mode will leave non-fans completely lost, but those who enjoy the action will find a near endless supply of it in the title's other offerings.
Comments 14
Repetitive as heck it may be, i've already got the platinum in this game and I don't intend to stop. I definitely get the story complaints, they skipped a lot, but navigation and free log and experimenting with the cast in a much more streamlined progression and leveling system with more devastating feeling attacks and destructible environments is nice.
Yeah, it's a darn good time.
I still think Pirate Warriors 3 is better though. The story mode is more comprehensive, the roster is smaller, but feels more diverse, progression isn't a complete slog, and the kizuna system is way more satisfying than any of the special moves you can pull off.
OPPW3 is the best Musuo game since Gundam Warriors 3 last gen. It just offered so much and the characters were great to use in the mad story - Panty Thief anyone?
I'm down for this, timely release to boost a ton of colour in these black and white times.
@Enuo Completely agree on everything you said.
@Sakisa I'm two Trophies away from the Platinum and I definitely want to go back. Very fun game when you're in the mood for it.
@themcnoisy I'd love another Dynasty Warriors Gundam game. I feel like if they just build on the third game it could be properly amazing. Shin Gundam was good too, but it wasn't quite there.
I usually don't like the subtitles beneath the article titles, but dear god, this one made me crack a laugh lol.
I really like it, I finished the story last night, but I agree that I still think PW3 is better overall. This feels more like DMC on a large map with objectives that only really serve as pointers to where to go crazy next. The battlefield flow of Musou games isn't really here. It also feels oddly spongey, both in terms of controls and the sense of impact, and it even looks spongey.
Also, Katakuri is OP as hell. Definitely my go-to S-ranker. On the other end of the spectrum, they really need to work on the Sky-type characters. They're so awkward to use.
Probably get this later on, I liked the 3rd game for sure.
@Matroska Law's my go-to S Ranker, for a technique type he requires no skill in piloting, and when you spec him for special attacks he absolutely destroys.
Katakuri is really good, he just makes me uncomfortable because all his attacks look like he's all over the battlefield.
@Enuo True 🤣
@Matroska @Enuo Kuzan's pretty broken as well once you work out which attacks freeze enemies solid. Safe to say some characters are waaaaaaaaay more effective than others.
Honestly i enjoyed this one more than pirate warriors 3 while the story did cut alot of arcs the detail they went into the arcs they kept was quite good though the original wano arc was really weak
Law, Carrot and Shanks tend to be my go to S rankers, and yeah, some characters are definitely better.
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