Patapon Remastered shares some of its DNA with two other re-released, obscure Japanese games from Sony. Like PaRappa the Rapper, its gameplay boils down to following the beat of the catchy music, and its cutesy vector art style is similar to LocoRoco. It does plenty to set itself apart, however, with a rhythm/strategy combination that’s just as unique today as it was back on the PlayStation Portable.
You are established as the Almighty, a god to the titular Patapons. Using the face buttons as your four drums, you must lead your black and white army to victory with a chain of rhythmic commands. There are many orders you can issue to your loyal Patapon crew: they can be told to advance, attack, defend, or help invoke a miracle (essentially a powerful magic ability), among others. Executing all of this is very straightforward, as it’s simply a case of hitting the right drums on the beat. As an example, square-square-square-circle will tell the Patapons to move forward.

There is definitely a knack to staying on the beat, but the tricky part is when you need to start mixing up your strategy on the fly. If you can anticipate that a boss is about to attack, you’ll want to issue a defend command to minimise damage, but you need to be able to do this without stopping the flow. Any botched commands will just confuse the Patapons and they’ll do nothing. Luckily, the margin of error for timing is relatively forgiving, so as long as you can keep roughly in sync with the rhythm, you’ll avoid any major mess-ups. It’s a smart way to keep you engaged in the action, as it truly demands your attention.
As long as you can keep time with the music, you’ll also build up a combo meter which eventually initiates Fever. While in Fever, your Patapons are much more effective: more damage is dealt, archers perform triple shots, and more. You want to stay in Fever mode for as much of each stage as you can to maximise your chances of success. It also encourages you to be more precise with your timing, as perfectly executed commands can start it much earlier than normal.
Stages come in various guises. You can go out to hunt if you need more food, you can take on the large boss creatures who dish out useful new weaponry and armour, and of course, there are the main missions that generally revolve around fending off the bad guys as you march to Earthend. It’s worth playing through any of these, as they all reward you in one way or another. Food, as well as wood, stones, and Ka-ching (money, basically) are all required to create brand new units for your army, which you’ll need to do every now and again if you lose a Patapon in battle and don’t recover his cap.

These items also come in different rarities, too, and you can experiment when creating new Patapons by using rarer versions of the required resources. Various unlockable minigames can provide you with more items if you need a little boost. These are more reliable than hunts or other missions, but do cost an item to play. As an example, you need to hand over one piece of leather meat to play the first minigame, but you’ll earn some wood as a result. The item management is a nice change of pace, and it’s simple enough that it doesn’t bog down the game outside of the main stages.
In terms of the remaster itself, it’s somewhat a success. The bright colours and smooth lines look great on the big screen, and the framerate is steady throughout. Similarly to the LocoRoco remaster, the opening cut scenes don’t appear to have been touched, as they’re noticeably blurry compared to the rest of the game. The audio sounds okay, but sometimes you can lose the beat in amongst all the other sounds going on, which can easily throw you off. There is a visual aid in the form of a pulsating outline that keeps in time with the beat, which somewhat mitigates this, but the audio mix could’ve been handled better.

While we’re speaking of negatives, there are some severe difficulty spikes, even early on, and there are useful items and areas only uncovered if you can follow some cryptic hints. Progress can grind to a halt if you don’t get what’s being asked of you. Take the Tailwind miracle, which creates a gust from behind that carries arrows and spears much further across the screen. It’s extremely useful, but unlocking it involves killing one specific animal type in one area, and this isn’t adequately signposted. It’s a shame that some of the game’s problems weren’t remedied for the remaster, but none of the issues are deal breakers, and you’ll forgive it any design missteps once you get into it and fall in love with those singing, dancing eyeballs.
Patapon Remastered is a decent port of the madcap PSP title. It’s a unique, challenging game with real personality that fans of rhythm and/or strategy will have fun with over its ten hour campaign. Difficulty spikes and some well hidden key items can put a dampener on things, while the audio mix isn’t quite up to scratch. Fortunately, the fun, simplistic gameplay is compelling enough that you won’t be too worried about its flaws. Fans will love the trip down memory lane, but we also hope newcomers will drum up the enthusiasm to give this a go.
Comments 15
Big fan of Patapon, although Patapon 2 was always my personal favourite. How's the input lag in this port? PaRappa was kinda bad for that, and this seems like it would suffer perhaps, too? I'm assuming there's no calibration option?
@get2sammyb I've seen on places like NeoGAF people complaining about input lag, but I honestly didn't have any trouble in that regard. Maybe it's certain TVs or something?
And yeah, there's no calibration option.
Loved this and Loco Roco (and the Hot Shots Golf titles) on the PSP...so I'll definitely be a supporter of this one. The only thing that made this difficult to me, was remembering all of the button controls for the music and fighting sequences...but still always keep those songs stuck in my head! Part 2 was definitely better (as was part 2 of Loco Roco), so here's hoping that we get some more PSP Remasters in the future...I could go for:
Loco Roco 2, Loco Roco Midnight Carnival, Patapon 2, Hot Shots Golf Open Tee 1-2, Medieval Resurrection, Twisted Metal Black, Ape Escape On The Loose, Daxter, Ratchet And Clank Size Matters, Jak And Daxter Lost Frontier and Buzz master Quiz!!!!
Bring them on Sony!!!!!
@Quintumply Parappa had really bad input lag but is this more the case of adjusting your timing?
@adf86 It's funny - I've had a quick look at other reviews for Patapon Remastered, and some mark it down for input lag and some don't. From my experience, there wasn't any noticeable lag, so any adjustments I did have to make were to my own timing, as you say.
I love the artstyle of this! I really really want to try it...
Just 1 question...how does the mission select work? Is it like a map? Is it a linear experience?
@AFCC It's a map, but a linear map! You start at the far left of a very long map and gradually work your way to the other side. Each stage has a symbol above it showing what type of mission it is - main missions have a sword, hunts have a pice of meat, and bosses have a scary eye.
Once you beat a main mission you can't play through it again and you just advance to the next one, but you can (and should) replay any of the hunts or bosses. In fact, it encourages you to fight the bosses again, as they level up each time you defeat them, so they stay a challenge as your army grows stronger.
Hope that answers your question
Definitely agree with those saying the second one is better by (input lag notwithstanding) anyone who hasn't played this should have really good fun with it.
@Quintumply Nice! I thought this was a short linear game but I see that you can have some more things to do Thanks
Greg Miller is not a fan of this 7/10
Will definitely be picking this up, always had fun on this PSP with this one
@Quintumply "In fact, it encourages you to fight the bosses again, as they level up each time you defeat them, so they stay a challenge as your army grows stronger."
Details like this might have been better put in the main text as a selling point to us newcomers. Thanks for the review!
@fontainelefunk Word count targets mean you can't always outline every detail, but I take your point! Thanks for your feedback
I had no idea this was strategy. Will wait for a sale if I ever decide to pick it up.
It's unfortunate to learn that the audio isn't as good as it could or should be. I mean, it's an audio-based videogame, so it should get the best audio-mix it could have. - I really dislike badly produced audio, possibly more than questionable visuals. OK, it might not be BAD, but just OK or decent doesn't cut it. It sounds to me like the dynamics are also quite compressed then, which is also kind of critical if you have to follow the beat. It would help if you could kinda "feel" it, but when the mix is flat or dense you won't be able to. - But I'll find out what it's like anyway, it'll probably still be fun.
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