The fact that the box of PES 2018 has a Barcelona shirt-touting Neymar emblazoned on the front may seem like a bad omen for a series that, in the past few years, has often had trouble staying up-to-date. Pretty much every PES game on PS4 has had a troubled launch, taking months to update lineups to reflect the summer transfer window - but this year is an exception.
That’s right, a PES game finally has fully updated lineups from day one, reflecting a shift in Konami’s focus from gameplay to presentation. In the past couple of years the developer has done an excellent job of tweaking the gameplay so that it seems physical and punchy, yet still has a fun arcade-like feel. Dribbling has been tuned up a little to be more responsive, while skill moves are now easier to perform, but those are the only major gameplay changes - other than the addition of one-man kick-offs, which really don’t change anything.

This isn’t a bad thing at all though; in fact it’s a testament to the franchise’s stellar gameplay. The way that players collide in tackles, the fury with which the ball strikes the goal frame, the feeling when a tiki-taka move works - PES matches are thrilling and fun, and even though goals are hard to come by at times, that only serves to make the experience even more exciting.
With gameplay refined, Konami has focused on presentation, completely revamping the menu system and in-game presentation, giving it a new sprightly lick of paint. Everything’s much simpler to navigate, while matchday presentation is revamped with statistical graphics popping up and a new, brighter UI. The licensed stadiums, including Anfield, the Nou Camp, and Signal Iduna Park, are especially excellent in terms of atmosphere, with club chants ringing out and the stadia themselves being lovingly rendered.
It’s a bit of a shame, then, that the commentary and the player models are sub-par. The former suffers from a lack of quantity, with pundits Peter Drury and Jim Beglin delivering stale lines that include absolute pearls like “as they say, there’s no accumulation without speculation.” The latter suffers from a lack of quality: while some players from licensed teams - Barcelona especially - look quite good, the majority look like they’ve melted slightly, although none are on the level of PES 2012 Kolo Toure, thankfully.

Speaking of licensing, this year’s PES has signed up big teams such as Schalke, Valencia, and, uh, Fulham, but as usual a majority of the Premier League, Championship, Bundesliga, and La Liga teams aren’t licensed. This is no big issue, however, as you can easily import files via Edit Mode and nullify the problem altogether.
With gameplay, presentation, and licensing (sort of) sorted, Konami has also bolstered the title's main gameplay modes. The ever-moreish MyClub - PES’ version of FIFA Ultimate Team - is still by far the best mode, not getting bogged down in microtransactions, though sadly, they are present. Building a team from scratch, recruiting players via agents, and participating in the wealth of online and offline tournaments is all hugely fun, and while online gameplay seems different compared to offline, it still feels fair and well balanced.
The flagship Master League mode also gets new additions in the form of pre-season tournaments, a revamped transfer negotiation system, and pre-match interviews. The mode itself is fun and comprehensive, requiring you to keep both the board and the players happy as you compete for silverware, but a few glaring issues seriously harm the longevity of it. The regen system leaves a lot to be desired, reincarnating retired players into your club’s youth team. We were hugely shocked at one point to see a 16-year-old Peter Crouch gracing or team of tykes at point.

Most notably, however, Konami has improved the lineup of local multiplayer modes, with 2v2 and 3v3 modes now available - though both are also playable online. These modes are huge fun with friends, but arguably the best addition to PES 2018 as a whole is the Random Selection mode. Each player chooses up to four parameters for the computer to randomly select their squad by - clubs, leagues, and nationalities - before randomly selecting players. A draft then commences, where players try and snatch each other’s players, before the gameplay gets going. It’s a fantastic mode with endless replayability, sure to be a hit on the sofa.
With its peppy presentation and new lick of paint, Konami has breathed even more life into PES with its latest instalment, a celebration of everything thrilling about football. Gameplay is exciting and technical, and the selection of modes varied and replayable to the point where it's hard to see where the franchise will go next - except for fixing some major flaws in Master League and adding some more licenses. Fans of the series need not Pjanic: PES 2018 continues the series' goal-den streak.
Comments 13
Spot on review Sam, its definitely been refined for this year, albeit with a few glaring issues.
The option files for editing are even easier to use now, which nullifies the licensing completely in my opinion.
Gameplay has improved all around, while the online is actually stable and usable, which is about time..
The master league issue is an odd one that they have not really found a solution to, while the commentary is just awful.. Its got worse as they have started to speak over each other which I assume is a bug, otherwise thats poor.
Anybody wanting option files to update the fake names. search for pesgaming.. no dodgy people trying to charge money, just posted for free.
Nice review guys! The game is playing great this year.
I can't enjoy PES anymore...when I was a kid all I loved was PES but now, I try the demos I play one match and I can't bear it...is just arcadey, the shots are slow and awful, I can't, I tried believe me...
Great review. I am enjoying every minute of it. Although the menus are terrible. There was no change at all from last year. Gameplay is a blast though.
Does anyone know where to get the optionfile?
Nice review, Sam. That screenshot of Liverpool is spot on because the defenders are nowhere to be seen.
Nice, random selection mode sounds like a laugh
These guys are free and in my opinion the best
Any questions.........just ask
Are you really praising the menus? They're the same as last year just different colour, and there bland and boring as well.
@AFCC I haven't enjoyed PES for two generations. That's after buying and loving 2,3,4, and 5 on PS2. Nothing could touch those games at the time. Now I can't get into PES or FIFA. It might also have a bit to do with not having a great Arsenal team to play with anymore...
@Wesker @AFCC Im with you both. Pes 2018 looks like football, sounds like football, even at times feels like football. But its not.
The stop start animations, running down the wings for 80 yards, dead easy passing, wrong player selection from the ai etc etc. Its just rubbish.
Way back playing pes 4/5 I thought, wow these games will be mind blowing in 10-15 years time. And it still has the same issues from the ps2!
Rocket league is more real football than pes or fifa.
@themcnoisy I still like playing FIFA, but nowadays there's only 1 mode I enjoy...UT. But man FIFA is so much better than PES that I can't even play PES and enjoy it...
@Wesker Lmao, you know what F**K Arsenal...I lost a bet cause they suck and only won 1-0 vs a sh*t team in the cup... -.- but maybe you should try FIFA, ultimate team, draft in particular, is so much fun.
@AFCC risky business betting on Arsenal, especially in the league cup where Arsene experiments. I might get FIFA, but the thing I don't like about UT is how long you spend in menus.
@Wesker it was the only team I missed, just like tuesday champions league I only missed Liverpool -.- damn british teams!
What I don't like about UT is that you get 0 from packs...the good players are too expensive! That's why I only play draft now, at least I can use the good players
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