Republished on Wednesday, 13th July, 2022: We're bringing this review back from the archives following the announcement of July's PS Plus Extra, Premium lineup. The original text follows.
ReadySet Heroes, the dungeon crawling party game from Robot Entertainment, arrived two weeks ago, but doesn't seem to be as prepared as its title implies. As of right now, the game just isn't up to scratch, with some glaring issues betraying its interesting ideas.
There are just two modes of play. Crawl n' Brawl has up to four players - either 2v2 or free for all - race through dungeons on a time limit, gathering the best loot they can find. When the timer's up, a party game at the end decides the victor. Tower Crawl is a local-only mode for up to two players in which you hack and slash your way through increasingly difficult rooms until you run out of lives. The order of the rooms is somewhat randomised, meaning each run is slightly different. In either mode, you're gathering stat-increasing gems from barrels and defeated enemies. You'll also find randomised weaponry and armour at the end of each room, and it all helps to empower you for the final throwdown.
There's fun to be had in either mode, but the game's ideas are squashed by some poor design. Combat is accessible but stiff; animations are likely to lead you into danger. Some random abilities are clearly better than others — a shovel can dig up stat gems, meaning you can buff yourself as much as you want. Then there's the small matter of online matchmaking, which is either not working or is extremely poorly populated. Local play works, but this is a game where split-screen makes it much harder to play effectively. If ReadySet Heroes can be updated to overcome some of these problems, it has potential. There's imagination on show here, but right now, it's not something we can recommend.
Comments 23
OK your claim that the online is busted and doesn't work is a flat out lie. I've played quite a few matches online since the game released and it works fine. The problem is that there aren't a lot of people online to play with which makes finding a match difficult.
There is a big difference between an online mode not working and an online mode being hard to play due to lack of players. That should be conveyed in this review as otherwise people will read this and think there is no point picking it up if the online doesn't even work.
I wonder if ReadySet Heroes will join the likes of Hohokam and Fluster Cluck as PlayStation exclusives you forgot were exclusives.
@PSfan4Life22 Fair point. I've made some small changes to the review text.
I've been holding back my review in case the matchmaking improved, but I've not found a single other player in two weeks! I looked into it and it seems many people are struggling with matchmaking, so it's unclear if it's a bug, or there are just very few people online. Either way, hopefully it improves
I been having trouble finding online coop as well. I guess it's one of those issues of time and region.
It is broken. I have owned the game since day one I have only managed to play online using match making twice. I have tried at all times of day with the same result.
I think giving this game 4 is being extermly generous. I would have given it a 2. An online game that never lets you play online. A total waste of money. I can not emphasise enough avoid this game like the plague. The whole feel of the game also feels like free to play.
The thing is that games like this live and die by their community. I’ve always thought it’s risky releasing an indie game that relies on online play, because this is so often the end result.
@hotukdeals There's actually more to play offline than online, and it has its moments. It's not a 2.
Funny how people here are treating this game as if it was another indie shovelware, despite the fact that Sony was involved with the game.
Anyway though, even though the game looked promising, I knew the game was going to get launched with dead online because unless it's F2P, the chance of a game like this to have a very active online is minimal. No wonder that the game was released with little fanfare. Even Concrete Genie recieved some recognition when it launched. I hope the developers will provide updates to fix the game or at the very least, make a better game next time that isn't online only (which is why I'm kinda skeptical though still hopeful for the upcoming Predator game).
@AdamNovice Weird because wasn't there a few articles released to the game? I even recall Push Square writing in regards to its launched trailer.
Also, don't forget Hardware Rivals, which I barely hear anyone talk about.
Pre-ordered but I wish I didn't. Online play is dead which is ironic since the game relies on it a lot. I don't have anyone on my friends list who owns the game so it's just money wasted. Concept looks cool and the gameplay seems fun from the offline mode that they have, but otherwise it's dead.
Mad to think the entire playerbase of ReadySet Heroes is in this comments section.
" ReadySet Heroes is a fast-paced multiplayer dungeon crawler that packs a big twist! Choose your character, then launch into a randomly generated dungeons to slay monsters, dodge traps and collect tons of loot. Now here's the twist: You're actually competing against an opposing team racing through the same dungeon! Reaching the end of the dungeon triggers a winner-take-all arena brawl! The faster you progress through the dungeon, the more powerful you'll be when it's time to throw down" This is the first quote from the developers own website yet you can not even play online, great job Robot Entertainment.
@hotukdeals That doesn't mean it's broken. It just means that no one else is online. When will you people learn this? It's a game that barely anyone knew about that costs $20. I've found people through matchmaking to play with as well as joined up with people to play it so no it isn't broken. Saying something like COD that has tons of people online yet you can't join anyone would mean it's broke.
@hotukdeals That's because it hasn't come out on PC yet obviously.
Well, that's not good. I knew something like this was going to happen just like what happened with other dead online-focused PS4 exclusive indies that barely got any attention like Dollhouse, Blade Ballet and Megalith. I guess the praise for the game before was all for nothing...
@hotukdeals "The whole feel of the game feels like a F2P game."
So basically, it's this year's Drawn to Death. Seriously though, unless that got some heavy marketing, these devs should really turn their online-only indies F2P if they really want some recognition.
@LuisCruz13 I wouldn't listen to anything hotukdeals has to say about this game. Guy doesn't even know what the definition of "broken online" is.
@PSfan4Life22 this is the reviewers experience. Which is perfectly ok to say when writing a review.
@slampog why would you pre order something that you have no idea of the quality?
Good job Sony didn't waste their time with this during a State of Play or something.
@Arnna It seemed interesting and the gameplay videos that I saw were enough to sell me on it.
@Arnna Uh no the reviewer is flat out wrong. You realize that is possible right? This isn't something that is an opinion it is a fact that the online isn't broken. I and others know because we've played online. If it was broken we couldn't play. The reviewer just didn't find people on during his time reviewing it and decided to say it was broken rather than that the online population is hard to find matches for.
I got into full 4 players matches on the day the game launched and several days since then. Did I have to wait awhile at times? Yes I did and that's because not that many people bought the game. But when I found people it worked. Many people on PSNProfiles will tell you the same thing. Some of you don't know what a broken online is. It also didn't help that the game got delayed at the last minute on PC which makes the Cross-Play pointless at this time until it finally does launch sometime in the future.
All that said it's a mute point as the reviewer already edited the review to reflect that the game is dead and not broken.
@PSfan4Life22 of course I realise reviewers can be wrong. They try to be impartial but we are all humans.
I don’t even read reviews I couldn’t care less. I manage to pick games I like without referring to something that is not only subjective but assigns some arbitrary number to games.
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