Dishing out knuckle sandwiches as either Kyoko or Misako in couch co-op brawler River City Girls is immediately fun, with the combat comparing favourable to the genre favourites of yesteryear. As tends to be the case with this sort of title however, fighting the ever growing hordes of enemies on your quest to rescue the duo’s kidnapped boyfriends does get a little stale. While instinctively falling back on a limited number of battle-tested moves to dispatch your assailants as quickly as possible, you’ll find that even though there’s a dojo of limb-breaking moves to unlock, none feel particularly vital in the run-of-the mill scuffles that make up a majority of your time on the streets.
The boss battles however are a different story, delivering a terrifically satisfying challenge as you probe your opponent’s defences while seeking out the precise moves and timing that will bring you out on top. These tussles are varied and creative, making them much more memorable than the army of street toughs you knocked out on the way.
Set in an open-world complete with shops, side quests, fast travel points, and respawning enemies, it feels odd to be exploring, and occasionally backtracking in a brawler. While it doesn’t always work as well as you’d have hoped, it does at least give a spin to a tried and tested formula that in recent years has been found wanting. On top of this, the pixel art style, pop soundtrack, and anime stylings make for an especially vibrant presentation that provides a pleasing backdrop to the action.
With a bright, pixel art infused splash, River City Girls throws you headlong into an old-school brawler that at times evokes the best of the genre. Whether you line it up against Streets of Rage, the rather excellent Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game, or River City Ransom – a title which you’ll be unsurprised to hear River City Girls has a direct lineage to – it hits all the familiar highs and lows, while throwing in a few twists that mean it’s not just a by the numbers retro title.
Comments 13
Too bad there’s no online play for this. I’ll still get it though.
Does this have difficulty levels to choose from?
I'll wait for a price drop especially now that MHWI is out and because it lacks online
Preordered my copy from Limited Run Games. Must have this.
I want to buy this but $30 is too high considering I just bought control $23 on epic store and I can get gears 5 $18 on steam. I think I'll wait for a price drop, I definitely want to play this though.
@hulkie It has two (normal and hard).
This is the most bare-bones, straight to the point review I've ever read. Lol
Nice review. Love the pros and cons at the end, btw. I know you’ve been doing it for a while, but it deserves recognition as a recent positive change!
Only thing I would still recommend is a quick one-paragraph hot-take and score from some other staff who might’ve also played it. After all, one person’s 6/10 could be another person’s 9/10! It’s all subjective anyway, so why not throw some extra opinions in there?
Got mine ordered from LRG can't wait to play this in a few months.
@wiiware I hear you mate, same here but $45 aussie banana republic dollars is a bit much too! With Battle Princess Madelyn's EU/AU store purgatory ongoing guess my next hope might be Ultracore aka Amiga /Megadrive Hardcore.
Knowing my luck this'll go on sale the same time Streets of Rage 4 comes out!
I did too. Its the first time I used LRG. Then I noticed all their games are sold out and it occurred to me I bought a collectors item rather than a game. I want to play it but at the same time dont know if thats stupid... Are you going to open and play yours?
@Robocod Street of rage 4, I forgot about that one, day one if it’s $20
@Powerpellet Oh yeah, definitely going to play it. I actually wanted the collector's edition, but it was already sold out by the time I got there.
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