Shantae: Risky's Revenge – Director's Cut is a PlayStation 4 port of the 2010 Metroidvania game by WayForward Technologies. Originally released on the Nintendo DSi, the title belly danced to the PC this time last year, and now it's finally the turn of Sony format fans to get their hands on the release.
This is actually the second of four titles in the Shantae series, but skipping the first entry doesn't really create any issues when it comes to understanding the plot. To be honest, all you really need to know is that there's a character named Risky, and she, er, wants revenge.
Unsurprisingly, you'll take control of Shantae, a half-genie who uses her hair to attack and belly dances to transform into different spirit animals. Like any good Metroidvania title, you'll collect more animals and abilities as the game goes on, keeping proceedings fairly fresh.

While it's definitely been inspired by action platformers of yore, this title isn't quite as difficult as some of its inspirations; it's not a cake walk, but it's not irritatingly challenging either. At most this is a moderately tricky title, which is to its credit, as it allows the gameplay to shine through.
Sure, you won't find anything especially groundbreaking here, but it's good, uncomplicated fun – and sometimes that's just what the doctor ordered. In short it's a great filler release, which will keep you smiling from start-to-finish without ever doing anything especially memorable at all.
If we had to point to a highlight, we'd probably select the presentation, as it augments the experience with a distinctly retro feel. In many ways, it's reminiscent of the original Prince of Persia titles. Given the age of the package, it does adopt borders, but this protects the aspect ratio, which is a good call. Much like Grim Fandango Remastered, it's easy to tune out of these after a little while.
Shantae: Risky's Revenge is a solid game. Inoffensive gameplay and a light challenge paired with pleasing retro art and music blend to create a thoroughly pleasing experience. The game isn't particularly innovative or surprising, but at the end of the day, it's good fun. Given that this is a slow period for new releases, you could do much worse than shaking your booty to this.
Comments 19
Sounds ok, would be more interested if it was on the Vita to be honest.
@LieutenantFatman I agree.
Great Review, I downloaded it last night but won't be able to play it till tomorrow when I have a day off from work. Looking forward to it as I have been wanting to get into the series.
@LieutenantFatman the weirdest part is it that it shows up as cross Play/Buy on the trophy list with PS3 and Vita on there! But I'm pretty sure (at least for now) there's not actually a Vita release!
Wow, pretty short review.
Well, when it comes to platform games, I feel like you don't always need to innovate, especially these days when the genre isn't bursting at the seams. It seems fun so I'll give it a go.
It's a good game. Played it way back on DS but agree it'd be better on Vita...
That "review" was incredibly short and banal. This isn't cutting it, PushSquare.
Nothing to say @get2sammyb @gbanas92 ?
@DominicanGlory What are you expecting them to say?
Something about that review and how it got posted here, quite frankly I find its quality or lack thereof unacceptable.@tasuki
@DominicanGlory Well I guess it's a good thing your not editor is it? Obvious it's approved by Sammy otherwise it wouldn't have been posted. Not sure who you think you are thinking that the writers and editors have to answer to you. :/
I'm the one giving this site hits and ad revenue every time I come here, I expect to see quality articles and reviews over time or I'll just have to visit some other site. I get it, I'm just some random dude on the internet bothered by a terrible review, right?
Wrong. I'm the random dude on the internet that wants PushSquare to grow, get a big following and be a top tier site. This review is not helping that cause and I will voice my opinion how many times I damn well please.
Anything else I can help you with @tasuki?
@DominicanGlory Yeah, ok so that entitles you to call out the staff? Yeah ok. The site has be growing quite well in the past year to be honest so article quality is not a problem besides, as I said Sammy does check the articles/reviews before they get posted so if it's here there is no problem with it to Sammy.
Also keep in mind that another that helps us grow is the attitudes of our community. I understand that you might not like the review it's ok but I don't see why you have to call out the Staff. Obviously as I said it passed in their eyes.
@Tasuki I don't thing my attitude is a problem, sorry for not having a hugbox mentality. And if @get2sammyb thought this "review" was A-ok, I will have to criticize his job as an editor as well. The site should have higher standards and shouldn't be ok with pushing filler for the cheap hits.
PushSquare is growing, that's the truth, but we (community and staff) should be striving for greatness, not conforming with mediocrity.
@DominicanGlory Thanks for the feedback. We're just as passionate about quality content as you are, and we will always strive to do our best with every single article.
It's been a busy few weeks, so we felt that, given the age of this game, a more concise review would suit the needs of most readers. It seems that I made a misjudgment on this occasion. I apologise for that, and will learn.
Thank you ,@get2sammyb. I know that you have this site's well-being and growth in mind at all times. If you ever need any help with content like articles or reviews I'll be glad to help .
Not the best review honestly. The general gameplay isn't outlined nor did you mention some of the issues like backtracking. Maybe this combined with a link to the Nintendo life review would have been better?
@AG_Awesome It'd be cool if James was still around to do a revisit review. To compare both versions.
It is like gold sitting in the middle of the desert, and everybody can see it and knows what it is.
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