Some games just like to poke fun at you, often by being notoriously difficult, with the likes of Dark Souls, Flappy Bird, and QWOP springing to mind. These titles frequently find success through their brutal difficulty levels, and even amass cult followings of dedicated fans, who are able to succeed where so many fail. Surgeon Simulator: Anniversary Edition bursts its way into this category, ready to prove that you don’t have to be any good at a game to get some fun out of it.
Right off the bat, something doesn’t seem quite right with this “simulation”. You’re greeted with the outstretched limb of Dr. Nigel Burke, a self-proclaimed and evidently inept surgeon who definitely didn’t earn that Doctorate legitimately. After perusing the paraphernalia on his desk and admiring the basic control scheme flashing up on his monitor, you’ll turn your attention to a nearby clipboard. This acts as an incredibly basic menu system, where you can look at your Trophy progression, fiddle with the settings, and start your next surgery.

Surgery consists of mutilating a single patient – or, er, victim – in a collection of operations including heart transplants, brain and eye surgeries, and even some dental practices. None of these come with helpful hints that allude to the correct method, however, and you’re left to deduce the best way to dissect Bob without him bleeding to death using a collection of barbaric surgical instruments, including a bone saw and drill. The more damage that you cause to Bob’s internals, the quicker that he’ll bleed out; the amount of blood that he’s got left acts like a timer, adding pressure to an already difficult situation.
The haphazard control scheme doesn’t make saving Bob any easier either: triggers raise and lower your hand, while the bumpers control your fingers, and the analogue sticks strafe and rotate. These controls prove ludicrously difficult to master, and remain at the heart of the problems faced with this PC port; it’s evident that the accuracy of a mouse outshines the DualShock 4’s capabilities in this instance. Thanks to that brutally fiddly control system, and overall lack of instruction, these surgeries often unravel into complete bloodbaths, ending with poor Bob flat lining, covered in gore, a coffee mug, and a few surgical tools.

If the standard combination isn’t to your tastes, then the PS4 release enables alternate control options to wreak havoc with Bob’s insides. For those in ownership of the PlayStation Camera, you’re able to use it to control the tracking of the arm, and those that are yet to invest in the peripheral can instead simply rotate the wrist using the in-built motion sensors of the new controller. While these extras are certainly novel, they don’t exactly make controlling the situation any easier, and in fact only serve to complicate the already tedious procedures.
In an upcoming update exclusive to the PS4 release – due out around the 27th August – these issues may become two-fold, with the inclusion of co-operative surgeries. Switch on another controller and Dr. Burke will spontaneously regain use of his other arm. On the one hand, this could make the surgical procedures easier, using the extra appendage to finish operations in half the time; alternatively, your counterpart could decide to impede your efforts with Bob, and simply lay waste to his vulnerable torso – It’s just down to how nice your friends are really.

The game’s art style echoes the popular children’s toy Play Dough, with Bob’s internals looking comically clay as you toss them around the operating theatre. Although this doesn’t exactly harness the PS4’s own internals, it definitely suits the experience: if things were hyper-realistic, the Anniversary Edition would probably come with a complimentary barf bag. The musical score is also oddly fitting in a similar manner, pleasantly churning out a rhythmic 80s synth tune that complements the eccentricity of the atrocities that you commit on your unaware subject.
Surgeon Simulator: Anniversary Edition’s concept will almost certainly be lost on a few, but if you play with a combination of patience and trial and error, then you’ll often yield positive results. The clunky controls are unforgivable, but its humorous attitude towards surgery is endearing, creating an experience that’s as weird as it is funny. This isn’t a game for perfectionists looking for a true simulation of a busy A&E department: it’s more like a training ground for psychopaths looking to learn the ropes, shave a few eyebrows, and play with lasers.
Comments 14
Uh, the clunky controls are deliberate, since the game wants you to overcome them.
Claptrap voice: HOW MANY STIMULATORS ARE THERE? Because there is a lot recently...
I couldn't get the PS4 camera controls to work very well at all, but the gryo sensor method works pretty well. A nice feature is being able to switch all these controls in the pause menu on the fly
This game is sorely missing PlayStation Move support. Such a missed opporunity.
The clunky controls are half the point of the game... You were absolutely right that the games concept would be lost on some... but you're one of them.
@daveh30 I'd be inclined to agree. It made me angry for a long time with only a brief revelation making me realise this is a game that makes a joke of itself.
Accessibility is a huge issue here, it needed to be called out. It got a 6/10 for a reason.
@BenTarrant Then why not say that? instead of calling it out on accessibility, you call the controls "unforgivable". Makes more sense to compare it to something like Octodad... the physical comedy that results from awkward controls in a physics puzzle type environment is basically the point of the game.
I'm not arguing the score, I wouldn't give it much higher, but calling it out on 'unforgivable' controls is not doing the game justice by any means...
Becuase the controls are unforgivable. They're uninviting and relentlessly Difficult. That in itself is an issue of accessibility by default. It's enjoyment is too Exclusive, much like the Souls franchise I compare it to. The point is definitely lost on many and that's undoubtedly a damaging aspect of the title, closing the door on many of the more impatient players. I definitely agree with @get2sammyb on this Too, where the devil is Move support!?
I appreciate the angle they come at and that's reflected in the Score but even the hilarious physics gets old after your 5th attempt at a heart transplant. It's nice to know you've been enjoying it though! It'll be interesting to see how the co-op mode affects gameplay for those hitting the accessibility issues..
Saying the camera doesn't help sounds like you never gave it a chance. It helps a hell of a lot. You just need more patience and need to move more precisely. Seriously, it is the only way to actually play the game and get a decent score. I managed to get everything out on the heart transplant without Bob leaking blood. It just took time and very careful hand movements. Cant wait for the 2 player co op next week. And morpheus support is going to be fun, whenever that comes out.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9kZ-0a3mfk warning strong language but freakin hilarious.
I think it's also worth mentioning that it doesn't translate to the DualShock 4 particularly brilliantly. The clunky controls are part of the point for sure, but that doesn't make them beyond criticism.
" training ground for psychopaths". thats pretty much the exact thought i had when i started playing this game lol. its a guilty pleasure type of thing for sure. dont let your grandma see you playing this or shell start backing up in terror every time you walk towards her to hug her lol, or just disown you all together. there is one thing i would change about this game though, because of its intense difficulty i dont think the "levels" should be linear but open from the get go. being able to pick any or at least a large chunk of the operations without having to unlock them would make the game a hundred times better. im pretty darn sure that im not going to make it too far before i hit an operation that i just cant get past, i will miss every gory "level" after that. and that sucks.i want to cut eyeballs out and im afraid im never going to get to do that. guess ill have to find a victim.....i mean patient out there in the real world.
Didn't they say something about a Project Morpheus version of this game?? I can't wait for that!!!
Bought this for £3.50 today winner
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