The last time that Push Square visited a world made by developer Spiders, it was in the form of Bound By Flame. The 2014 title had some lofty ambitions but it failed to meet any of them, and thus shipped as a bit of a mess in both the gameplay and presentation departments. Despite those disappointments, though, the French studio is back with its second PlayStation 4 game, The Technomancer. This RPG has promised even more than its predecessor in the run up to launch, but does it match the expectations that have been set? In some ways it does, but that's not enough to deal with the amount of technical problems and confusing design choices present here.
Upon beginning a new game, The Technomancer immediately places you in its limited character creation screen. You're given a selection of premade faces to choose from and a few tools to adjust minor features, and then you're off on your journey. Unfortunately, the game doesn't give you the option of playing as a female lead, which is a little confusing since you're given that choice in Bound By Flame - and in that sense, it feels like a step back.

After creating your male hero, you learn that his name is Zachariah, and that he's a Technomancer. His story begins in the city of Ophir on planet Mars, and after doing some odd jobs around town for its leaders, Zachariah learns that he is being followed, and is then subsequently betrayed by his own people. He flees to the nearby town of Noctis, and this is where the main objective of the game is formed: to find a beacon that will establish a connection between Mars and Earth. It's not exactly the most imaginative story, and this is reflected by how easy it is to guess what's about to happen; there are a few twists and turns along the way, but you'll already have spotted them coming a mile off. The story is serviceable enough to give you a reason to progress, but it's not something that you'll look back on fondly six months down the line. The Technomancer's plot is just not very interesting.
While the story is entirely predictable, the gameplay is what picks up the pieces. The minute-to-minute gameplay loop is very reminiscent of a BioWare series like Dragon Age or Mass Effect. Our first look around Ophir reminded us a lot of Commander Shepard's first glimpse of the Citadel, with both games giving you that feeling of being overwhelmed thanks to the amount of things there are to see and people to talk to. Outside of combat, The Technomancer's gameplay is typical of most third-person Western RPGs. You can explore a number of towns, pick up side quests, trade with vendors, build relationships with your companions, and talk to non-playable characters about the places that you've visited and the people that you've met.

The game also does a good job of making its open world feel alive, with certain quests only being active within a certain time frame. For example, some side quests will only give you 12 in-game hours to complete them, and other mainline quests will task you with getting out of a tight situation within a short time frame, so you're forced to tackle each problem straight away. This is a good way of dealing with particular pacing issues that some RPGs face, in that you often have a main quest that's trying to hurry you along, and feels very time sensitive, but you've just spent 20 hours doing side quests and you're still able to freely return to the main story without a care. Again, tackling the dilemma in this way makes the world of The Technomancer feel like a living place that doesn't exist solely to react to your actions.
The gameplay here does a good job of dealing with certain tropes of the genre, but the combat isn't as up to the task. Engagements take place in real time and play out as you'd expect of an action RPG. You can pick between three stances throughout the game, and this determines what type of weapon you'll yield; the guardian comes equipped with a mace and a shield, the rogue handles a dagger and a gun, and the warrior is armed with a staff. All three stances also have access to the Technomancer's power, which changes things in a couple of ways, giving you the ability to electrify your weapon of choice and shoot electricity at your enemies. Our preferred stance was the rouge; the discipline's firearm is a great way to deal with foes at long range, and then if anyone gets too close, you have the dagger on hand. Combine both of these with the Technomancer power, and you've got a recipe for taking out enemies quickly and efficiently.

The combat system forms a reasonably solid base, but it's never built upon, and never really changes in any meaningful way. This turns the second half of The Technomancer into a bit of a chore, as you continue to use the same powers and abilities that you've been using using since the opening hour. Combine this repetition with the constant backtracking, and you actually begin to learn enemy placements and exactly how many foes you'll be fighting in each area. In short, everything eventually devolves into a tediously monotonous and mundane slog.
You'd think that there would be an engaging upgrade system to deal with the concerns that we've expressed - and there is - but it hardly offers any more depth than the combat system. There are skill trees for all three stances and the Technomancer power, but the new abilities that you gain access to are pitiful. The rogue's gun can gain an explosive shot while the warrior's staff gets an increased area of effect, and there are smaller upgrades alongside these that increase damage and upgrade your weapons slightly - but none of these ever feel substantial enough for you to actually use them or change your approach to encounters in any significant way. If more thought had been put into each skill tree, more substantial upgrades could have been provided, and combat could have evolved for the better, but as it stands, The Technomancer's skirmishes are acceptable for the first ten or so hours, but it becomes increasingly difficult to stay interested as things drag on.

Sadly, as well as a flawed engagement system, there are a number of problems with the game's presentation. It's fair to say that the graphics aren't up to the standard that we expect from a PS4 title in 2016, but that's something that we can look past for the most part. What can't be forgiven, however, is the janky dialogue that on numerous occasions doesn't match up to the character's lip movements on screen. Furthermore, the character's faces are completely emotionless for the majority of the game, so it feels especially awkward when a character says something particularly moving, and their face remains disappointingly static. It's also worth mentioning that outside of speech, we also noticed the odd misspelled word within the user interface. At least on the bright side, the frame rate manages to hold a smooth 30 frames per second for the majority of the time, and only drops when there's a large number of enemies on screen.
We completed The Technomancer's main story in 20 hours, and with a number of side quests still left to do, that playtime could be stretched by another five or so hours. What confused us, though, was the lack of a new game+ option upon completion, meaning that you've no choice but to work with a reset skill tree all over again if you want to begin a new game on the hardest difficulty setting, and we dare not think about how much of a slog that'd be.
The Technomancer offers up a couple of highs and a few too many lows. Its approach to open ended gameplay is appreciated and its combat is fun enough for the first ten hours, but the game eventually loses steam and its story is nothing worth shouting about. To make matters worse, technical problems harm the experience to the point where you'll find it hard to care about the characters during what are supposed to be emotional scenes. There's certainly something here for forgiving RPG fans, but for everyone else, we can only advise caution when it comes to this rough Martian adventure.
Comments 29
Oh dear, this one really did miss the mark in every possible way, that's a shame. The time limits on quests sound like an interesting idea for making things feel more realistic. Always surreal, when the world or galaxy is about to expire any second now without your immediate intervention but I just need to clear up these few dozen sidequests and hundreds of collectibles first.
@JoeBlogs To be fair, games have had technical problems forever, used to be reviewers just ignored them though lol
That's a real shame tbh. Was really looking forward to this might pick it up when it's a bargain but I'll stick with the Witcher 3 for now....
@JoeBlogs Unfortunately games go gold now before they're finished which gives the developer about a month to create a day one patch. Very rarely is this enough time to completely fix the game, especially since new bugs arising from fixing existing ones are never factored in to the time scale. As software companies know now that their games will still sell, even if they are bug ridden at release, there is little incentive for them to not follow this approach.
For my money at least the best approach to modern day gaming is to wait out the first few weeks of any release to see if things get fixed and then decide on if the game is worth it from there. It also means you can see if there is any price drop on the cards as, after the first month, it is rare to find a game that hasn't at least had 25% chopped off its day one (beta) price.
I guess you played a different Technomancer to me as I am enjoying the game a lot. The lack of a gameplus is not an issue whats wrong with the game being more challenging? Lack of customisation it has a lot more than the witcher 3. Combat is decent within the game and progression using the skill tree does make differences. Giving the game a 5 will put a lot of people off buying it which is a shame as it has a lot to offer. Game does deserve more than the 5 the reviewer has given it.
I was really tempted to get this but will wait a few months when it will be a bargain.
I have no idea how these people keep getting funded
Localisation issues are not acceptable - we needs correct spellings and grammar innit?
Ah well, I'll wait for the inevitable £7.99 sale price on the store sometime later this year.
I feel a bit like a broken record... shame well at least there is plenty of great games on PS4 to keep me busy.
I'm still leaning towards getting it. I love RPG's and I think there is enough there for me to get some enjoyment.
@Splat the game is fine not sure why there was so much negativity towards the game in the review
@dryrain Because I had very little fun with the game, as well as all the points stated in my review.
I feel like these guys could make a great game if they just scaled it all back a little. Instead of all these quests and areas and what not, create a great linear story that is fun to play, figure out a gimmick that makes it replayable and polish the hell out of it. Instead you get this, which is rough around every edge. Trying to do to much with to little. IMO and AA or Indy developer that is creating a game with a story should not even begin programming until they have crafted an EXCELLENT story, and original. Even if it only last 5 hours, an excellent story is always received better than a mediocre one ham fisted onto a huge, almost unplayable, game. Sigh
5/10? Seems bit to harsh for me. So far I'm liking the game quite a bit. It's not perfect by any means but i'll give it a 7/10.
Mad max was another game that received a low score on this site and I had a blast playing it.
@fabisputza00 the review score is too low for the game but its just one writers views I hope it does not deter too many people from purchasing the game.
Guys let's remember reviews are an opinion. If you enjoy the game that's great, but in the same token please respect the writers and other people's opinions even if they aren't the same as your own.
It's £40.40 digital download from PS store but then you can't trade it. £32.99 is best online price I can see so play and trade. £45 online at game.co.uk which means £49.99 in store is just plain crazy.
Yeah maximum games publishes AA games, I had a lot of fun with alekhines gun because of the dumb dumb AI once it became cheap enough and I'll grab this too once it hits that <$30 sweet spot.
Such a shame, I was looking forward to this. I have now run out of games to play on my ps4, thank goodness for the vita.
Ehhh sounds like a good game. More like nitpicking on the smallest stuff. Nothing major. Theres been a lot of games with bad lipping and all but they were good. Main focus was on gameplay more. As far as story, may not be interesting to one person but may be for the next person. For example Hitman Absolution had a much more interesting story than this new Hitman. Save the girl, the agency he worked for is after him. The new hitman game is just these random places to kill targets. At least at the beginning. Finish episode 1 and not know the main plot.
@StaffyDog ehh I wouldnt purchase based on a review. I rather watch gameplay on the systems. Like how you can watch live streaming on the consoles. Most of those points were a personal preference type of thing. Just cause one person dont like the story dont mean others wont.
Knew it , after Bound by Shame i will not buy from this developer till they do a good game.
@Majic12 That's exactly right! Working within their means. I haven't play this game, but it looks an awful lot like an older game they made, "Mars: War Logs." That game also had a really interesting setup, but you can totally tell the latter half of the game was rushed. For example, they threw in a couple NPC's to romance and you can LITERALLY make one of them fall in love with you within a few minutes of meeting them.
Anyway, I've always thought this developer ("Spiders") had potential, but now it seems they keep releasing re-skins of the same game over and over.
Well, both its critic and user scores on MetaCritic are higher than Star Ocean.
Which is really kinda mind-blowing. Both that SE could be outdone by this B-grade studio, and that not one but both games appear to be, well, mediocre.
Was really expecting great things... from both games.
@smoothi1981 I agree and have been watching gameplay on YouTube all week. But although interested, I wasn't overly impressed. I need to actually play it myself and as there is no demo I will wait until it's substantially cheaper.
A very harsh review! It's not a perfect game but it's perhaps the biggest nostalgia trip to the great KOTOR I've had in the past decade. Enjoyable combat that offers some fresh ideas but still remains familiar enough. The story isn't amazing but the gameplay and combat especially is varied and great fun. I'd give it an 8 personally, but still thanks for the review as always!
A lot of shaky-cam in that trailer. Does the game have that much? Ugh... I hate that shaky stuff.
@starhops Nope it doesn't.
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