Young journalist Amelia has the circus in her blood; her uncle runs the titular Circus Electrique and her mother was a former circus performer who died in an accident ten years prior. Amelia has been given an assignment to report on the reopening of the circus, but disaster strikes as London is plagued with a mysterious incident called ‘The Maddening’ which causes residents to turn violent.
Circus Electrique packs a big punch with its steampunk aesthetic and this initial impact is built on with the introduction of various unique systems. However, the game quickly overwhelms as the floodgates open and the tutorial throws one thing after another at you. The user interface is busy and it can be hard to navigate where to go for each task you need to complete per turn.
Each turn is one in-game day, and there are various tasks which need to be completed. The main parts of each turn are the circus performances that you have to orchestrate. The Big Top will have certain shows you can put on and you have to fill the spaces with your performers, paying attention to each performer’s relationship in order to get a higher rating, and subsequently reaping better rewards. There will also be the chance to heal up party members, recruit more allies, and craft items.
Once all the admin work is done, the final thing to do is to head to the streets of London to fight enemies who have been taken over by ‘The Maddening’. You can only fill up your party with members who aren’t resting, or in a circus performance.
Combat is quite enjoyable, with different types of performers having different benefits and type effectivity. There is an element of tactics, as you can dispatch enemies in the traditional way of reducing HP to zero, or you can use your moves to reduce your opponent’s devotion to zero and have them run from battle — which may, depending on the situation, be a more effective strategy.
There’s a lot going on, but it doesn’t stop the game from feeling stale. Only getting to do one battle per in-game day makes the title's pacing feel very slow, and the story feels disappointingly broken up as a result.
Comments 5
Thank you for the review. I am a big fan of Darkest Dungeon (clearly the inspiration for the battles in this game), and circus management could be fun. So, this will be my next purchase, and I hope to get some enjoyable hours out of it.
@Westernwolf4 The Darkest Dungeon thats one im going to skip i didnt understand a bit from that game and so hard plus i got no pleasure from it.
That game was one big punishment for me i love difficult games but im not a masochist. I want to relax and have fun i love difficulty is fun. The Demon Souls and Dark Souls games are a fun thing.
@Flaming_Kaiser It always interests me why certain games will appeal to a certain person at a certain time. I also like hard games, but I always bounce off Fromsoft games. The loop annoys me, especially the possibility of losing all my hard earned stuff.
Darkest Dungeon is also brutal, but something about its loop really got its hooks in me. The art style, cool turn based combat based on positioning and stun-something about it kept me coming back for more punishment when Fromsoft has lost me (although I do hope to try Elden Ring someday). Why, I do not know.
The developers of Circus Electrique specifically cited Darkest Dungeon as one of the big inspirations for their game, which is why I am buying it. It may not be for you, but I think it is great that games like Dark Souls have drawn you in. I wish I felt the same!
How does this compare to The Amazing American Circus?
@Westernwolf4 I did not understand it and it was so hard and my most hated thing permadeath. I wanted to like it but its to hard so i cant enjoy it.
But i love things like Demon Souls that had a Platinum that was achievable now. I dont even feel like finishing it the 3rd time just because im done. 🤪
Dark Souls finished it once and i was done i just dont feel like going to lengths to collect every bloody item, weapon and ring. 🤬
Dark Souls 2 im telling myself i will finish it someday but i doubt ill do it, and Dark Souls 3 i have not even started it yet.
Bloodborne is awsome but it such a different play style i have to try it again and start again.
Elden Ring is in the box because of time management problems... And i keep buying RPG's but its quite a big thing to finish them all. 🤣🤣🤣
Not al Dark Souls games are so easy to get into DS1 made me want to throw my console out of the window on several occasions. The worst thing with DS is getting over convident i lost so many Souls that way. 🤬😐😢😅
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