For as much as Deathloop presents itself as a complex game, asking you to work out how to break a time loop upon the island of Blackreef, it's actually a somewhat simple one. Arkane Studios has designed the opening hours of the game it made after Dishonored and PREY to be overwhelming, introducing mechanic after mechanic and sprinting through its four main areas quicker than Usain Bolt on steroids. It's a lot to take in at first, and you'll likely fear working out how to escape the rock will be just as much of an uphill battle. But it won't be. Deathloop will always be there to hold your hand.
Objective markers clearly signpost where to head next, quest lines make light work of tracking overall progress, menus map what stage the time loop is at. It's attentive to your needs to an almost surprising degree, providing information by the bucket load. The solution to this Groundhog Day conundrum is the same for everyone, but what gets you there represents a leap forward for the developer; never has it seemed more confident in its craft.

In fact, so self-assured is the team that it has explained the game's set-up ad nauseam in pre-release trailers. Colt Vahn is trapped in a time loop that repeats the same day over and over again on the island of Blackreef, and to break it, he must kill eight targets (known as Visionaries in-game) within a single 24-hour stretch. The leaders just so happen to be celebrating their achievements on the day chosen to repeat itself, and Colt is the party pooper.
Once the game opens up, you're free to visit four different parts of the island at various times of the day: morning, noon, afternoon, and evening. The eight Visionaries can only be reached at certain points in specific locations, many of which double up so you have to pick and choose your battles. And since you can't be in two places at once, the day starts over again. The early game largely revolves around learning how to kill a handful of the targets in isolation, but if you're to actually eliminate them all within a single loop and thus escape the island, a different approach is required.

Here's where you begin to learn more about the Visionaries and their backstories; what are they doing on the island and how can they be manipulated into meeting up with the others so Colt can save time? You'd expect Deathloop to leave you to your own devices at this point, freely exploring the island to work out what makes the targets tick. However, it does anything but.
The game tightly guides you through this process, sharing linear pathways to having targets meet up with one another or join the party that concludes the night. There's not a lot of freedom to it, to the point where Deathloop may not be exactly what you thought it was.
Another expectation that may need readjusting is that the game isn't a rogue-like. All of the information you gather and progress made through quests is retained at the start of a new loop, and you can get right back to whatever point in the day you need by simply fast-forwarding time back at base. What you may lose access to is the weapons, powers, and perks collected during a loop, but there's even a system in place to prevent that. Residiuum — picked up off the dead bodies of Visionaries and spread throughout the four maps — can be spent to infuse all your gear, making it a permanent part of your arsenal for future loops.
It's going to feel familiar in parts, then. We could take the reductive route and describe Deathloop as Hitman meets Dishonored meets Returnal meets Outer Wilds meets Dark Souls. Oh yes, rest assured there's a feature or two pulled from the FromSoftware locker. However, to do so would ignore what really makes the title work. It's a fantastic experience largely thanks to the wonderful, experimental gameplay Deathloop.
While Arkane Studios' Dishonored series had room for chaos, it was always designed around stealth. Deathloop borrows many of those systems and then refines what happens when you choose to go loud so much that it becomes just as much of a tantalising option. Fast-paced and explosive gunplay means there's no need to save scum (you couldn't anyway due to the lack of manual saving), turning those moments when you are spotted into an opportunity to show off Colt's firepower and prowess.
Both approaches are more than viable now: lay low until you've located the Visionary and then go loud to make a statement, or stick to the shadows at all times and learn of unique opportunities from nearby NPCs and documents. For example, life of the party Aleksis loves his chocolate beer. Should supply of that particular alcohol be severed, he reveals himself by ranting to fellow ravers. Then take to the rafters and eliminate him silently with a pistol or let everyone know you mean business by dropping a grenade into his lap. Play the way you want; there are no holds barred this time around.

It wouldn't be an Arkane game without some powers, however, and Deathloop comes packing with abilities that greatly expand gameplay possibilities. Once again sourced from the dead bodies of Visionaries, the game has its own version of Dishonored's Blink and then a carbon-copy power of Domino from Dishonored 2. Fleshing out supernatural possibilities are Aether, which temporarily turns you invisible, Havoc increases damage dealt, and Karnesis throws enemies about the place.
Astonishing is the word we'd use to explain the impact these abilities have on interacting with the environment. On your first few visits to the four areas of Blackreef, you'll be hamstrung by your powerless loadout. Enemies will have to be largely avoided and the location scanned for points of exit to keep your lives intact, of which you have three before the whole loop starts over. But the more powerful you become, the more options open up. Rooftops become much more viable options for traversal and invisibility makes escaping engagements and sneaking past enemies a streamlined process. They can turn what was a meticulous and carefully planned route through the level into a five-minute sprint to the objective that cares little for discreetness. The former will always remain an option for stealth-minded folk, however.

Throwing somewhat of a spanner in the works is Julianna, a Visionary who is actively hunting you down. Controlled either by the AI or another real-life player who selects "Protect the Loop" from the main menu, her job is to do exactly that: prevent Colt from breaking the time loop Blackreef is currently stuck in. Much like the protagonist, she retains her memories and knowledge across loops, making her a constant threat throughout the roughly 12 to 15-hour campaign.
With her on your tail, Deathloop is pushed even further into that experimental territory. The game is about knowing when to take things slow and stick to the shadows, but also learning when is the right time to go loud and get the hell out of there by any means necessary. Arkane Studios is now at a point where it can fairly balance both styles, making for a sublime experience that allows you to mix and match your approach seamlessly.
Holding all this together is the story of Colt, Julianna, and the island of Blackreef itself. The revelations behind the time loop and everything going on are somewhat interesting, but the main driving force is the two main characters. Colt and Julianna just love to banter and argue over the radio, explaining how they're going to kill one another and exploring their personality and backstory. It's funny and consistently touching, particularly in the latter hours of the narrative. The other Visionaries have their own stories to tell, but they're explored through collectibles, voice recordings, and files rather than face to face dialogue. As such, nothing else can quite touch the charismatic duo at the heart of the plot.

Off the beaten path are optional leads that help to open up more of the maps once solved, or you could go after the Visionaries repeatedly to cop upgrades for your powers and find the game's most powerful guns. The structure of the time loop actually enables this freedom because it never feels like you're wasting hours; going from morning to evening focusing purely on upping your loadout can bear fruit in future attempts at escaping the island. With the infusion system saving gear for another time, a run is never wasted.
Some stumbling blocks do hold the game back from reaching higher heights. A few tedious objectives outside of killing the Visionaries demand you constantly restart the time loop in order to progress, leading you to essentially speedrunning proceedings if you want to further the questline. These tasks could have been implemented better to ward off players switching their brains off and sprinting to the objective three times over so headway can be made.
And then there's the poor enemy AI, which has to be the game's biggest low point. Blackreef's inhabitants must have their blinders on because you can get up close and very personal with them and they won't notice a thing. An alert system operates on the usual caution and danger mechanics, but it hardly matters when it affects so little of the actual map. Three enemies can be alerted to your presence on one street, but turn a corner and anyone in the alleyway in front of you will be acting like nothing has happened. That is despite all the shouting and gunfire. It's quite bad and makes a bit of a mockery of the overall gameplay loop when enemies can be manipulated and taken advantage of so easily.

As a game that skips the previous generation of consoles for a PlayStation 5-only release, you'd also think Deathloop would make proper use of the new features and horsepower at its fingertips. In some places it does. It feels like the slightly stylised look may be holding it in back in some spots, but the title overall has some nice visuals and vistas. While it's not on the same level as Demon's Souls, Returnal, or Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart — far from it, in fact — Deathloop can look good when it wants to.
The PS5 DualSense controller also receives some love with haptic feedback replicating Colt's footsteps through vibrations and the adaptive triggers lending some weight to gunfire. The resistance isn't as varied as what Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War has to offer, but what's there feels efficient enough. The widely advertised feature where your gun jams has been completely over-marketed, however. We encountered it quite literally once; it's never going to be a problem for you when better gear is on offer almost instantly.
Few games have the confidence and swagger of Deathloop. Packed full of charisma and wit, it's a game that can be played your way, with your own style and cunning. A very accomplished package of gameplay features supplies the goods, and the time loop delivers fun and deceitful opportunities over and over again. Deathloop may be the final game out of Arkane Studios to hit Sony consoles, but the developer goes out with an undisputed bang.
Comments 136
If you have any questions beyond what the review covers, feel free to copy me in.
Yay, it's out! Now we never have to see it at a PlayStation event ever again.
It honestly looks very very good, I’ve just seen it far too many times. Perhaps I’ll pick it up in the near future!
I'm actually more interested now that you've mentioned how linear it is. Open-ended time loop games aren't normally my thing, so I'm happy to read that it guides you quite a bit to your objectives. I think that's going to allow me to enjoy the world and storytelling more.
Yeah, unfortunately, I'll be waiting for the inevitable first price drop, primarily because I have too much to play anyway right now, but also because we all know it'll be half-price by Christmas.
Happy to hear that it's a hit, though. I've always been very interested in this, and do enjoy Arkane's games a lot.
Aaa this is one game I've wanted to play day one but I haven't been able to get my hands on a PS5!
Glad to see it came out great.
@get2sammyb And i wont be able to ever play the sequal so that gives me less of a reason to buy it at full price. Still looks fantastic though but with that and a backlog im swamped anyway and what am i saying its PS5 only so that brings a extra issue.
Great review Liam, I will be interested to see how this does. Lots of this sounds really interesting but it's just not something I'll be rushing out to buy. @LiamCroft does it have performance/quality modes and did you try out invading other players worlds in the protect the loop option?
@R1spam There are three different modes: Performance, Quality, and one for Ray Tracing. The game defaults to Performance at 60FPS, while Quality is better visuals but 60FPS with dips. Ray Tracing is 30FPS. I strongly recommend leaving it on the default setting, the game runs very smooth.
I didn't get chance to try the invasion mode.
@velio84 I didn't have any noticeable frame rate drops while playing on the default setting at 60FPS, but the game did crash back to the PS5 home screen once.
Now the reviews are out does that mean we won't get any more trailers?
Seeing on N4G quite a few high scores, IGN 10, Gamespot 10, Eurogamer essential, a few other 9's so far.
Couple of sites giving 6's & 7's but it seems to be reviewing well.
Last chance today to pre-order with 10% for digital PS5 owners if wavering.
This sounds pretty tedious. Don't think I'll bother!
@Futureshark Even with the 10% discount it's still about 8 quid dearer than physical.
Was sort of expecting this to sweep high scores across the board, it's an Arkane game after all!
I'm glad it's getting good reviews but I'll add this to the list of Black Friday games for me, along with Tales of Arise, FarCry 6, Fifa 22 and Nba2k22. You know all of those games are going to be half off in 2 months. My next surefire purchase is Kena Bridge of Spirit's in a few weeks.
@LiamCroft Julia? The person/AI hunting you. Given that the game isn't out, was the person hunting you aspect not available? Or were you able to link up with fellow reviewers?
How frustrating is that mechanic? Is there an indication on matchmaking so us bad players aren't dropped in with a FPS God?
Not a surprise its getting great reviews. The criticism of this game has been bizarre. Will pick up at black friday or something
this game is surprisingly getting really really good reviews, however the constant marketing has just killed it for me to enjoy and be surprised
It got 10 from both IGN and Gamespot.
Its that good?
@The_New_Butler eurogamer gave it a 9 so looks like a good showing all round
Very happy to see its reviewing qell. I pre-ordered day one. The dishonored gameplay, the time loop, setting, i just liked the look of everything from the get go. The biggest relief is that i can turn off the online interruptions. Didnt want that on my first playthrough lol
@Bdbrady It was available, I was invaded quite a lot. Mostly by the AI I think. I didn't find it very frustrating at all; to be honest you kind of want it to happen because she drops a lot of good gear.
If you're worried about being invaded by better players, though, you can set the game to single player mode and it'll just be the AI controlling Julianna.
Glad this is releasing, been waiting on a new, fresh game since Returnal. Man, can't wait to play!
I can respect some folks skipping this game if it doesn't appeal to them but you always see people complain about too many remakes, remasters and sequels. Don't think most of those people will buy it, though. They never buy games from Arkane (or Platinum, Housemarque, HAL Labs, Retro, etc).
The amount of hype reviews surprising me a bit.
Will definitely buy this in a sale in a couple of months. The art style and the idea behind it are cool.
Love it when games appear from nowhere. I'll be getting it this weekend.
@render just one more “accolades” trailer and we should be free
Glad it's getting great reviews - Eurogamer gave it an Essential.
Sadly, I can already see salty wounds in the comments section, so I don't expect mass sales on the PlayStation side - despite the fact the game actually seems great!
I guess it will be the PC market that drives sales for now until it releases on Xbox.
I think I might have to pick this one up, despite owning a Series X and could easily wait for it to inevitably drop on Game Pass. I support great games no matter who publishes them.
Has Sony marketed this at all? I don't think I've ever heard of it.
@LiamCroft Not sure if this would be a spoiler but does this have an awful cliffhanger like Dishonored? I prefer games with potential for sequels rather than a required sequel. If this is spoilerific though, ignore haha.
I'm certainly going to pick this one up! Finally a PS5 title I can get my hands on.
Does the AI improve with difficulty settings? i was surpised how good this factor was with the TLOU2..Ps5 secured another console exclusive worth playing..when it comes to gamepass it will be so cheap to get anyway at retail.
@CynicalGamer There's no cliffhanger, but I didn't find the ending to be particularly satisfying.
This is a psplus/now game for me. Maybe fun but bland af.
Rather holding my breath for Sifu. Also sort of a time loop concept and beautiful to see in motion.
Best Buy delivered it early and I played it over the weekend. As someone who also thought it was over-advertised, I think the experience of playing it is more than what you get from just watching a trailer. This is a good game.
Sitting pretty on Metacritic with 88 (based on 63 reviews). Time to preorder!
They've marketed the hell out of this game and yet any potential sequels won't be on PS. It's really hard to be bothered about it despite the very good reviews.
@Col_McCafferty Why would your interest in the title be marred by a lack of sequels? The game can be enjoyed as a stand-alone experience, surely.
@Voltan I forgot about that one 😂
@LiamCroft is there any direct link with dishonored at all for example characters, map, items?
@Hootnoodle Outside of a few of the powers being the same, as the review points out, no.
Does the game have difficulty settings? Or some sort of replayability? I am definitely getting DeathLoop I liked the look of the game since when they first showed it off, Arkane have made brilliant game's. I own all of their games.
It cracks me up when people complain about a lack of variety in games, and then just....don't buy unique games?
Great review. I like Arkane's games but I get burnt out by them halfway through, so I'll probably pick this game up in the future.
Ive never given a crap about all the negativity people have for this game. My kids and I have always been somewhat interested and now it’s getting good reviews across the board, I’m preordering it today, especially for that discount.
Well I wasn't remotely interested in this, but this morning while sitting in work went on Amazon and pre ordered it. The last few games I did the exact same thing with was days gone, death stranding and ghost of Tsushima, and all 3 of them I have absolutely loved and going by the reviews so far this run might hit again. Can't wait to give it a go tomorrow. Although I still have lots of games I need to finish one day, oh one day I won't have a backlog haha.
So many people worried about sequels. Not every game is designed as a franchise to have infinite sequels spun out of it, and built as trilogies from the start. Some games are just a single interesting experience. Heck, that's how the industry always used to be until we started getting safe sequel franchises forever and ever last gen.
I tend to think of this as a slightly spiritual successor to an old Bethesda game called Wet that was designed almost entirely like a Tarentino film on purpose. No sequels, no franchise, just a single fun game. This really doesn't sound like it's designed as a franchise/trilogy to me.
@Rob_230 I think it's a game that doesn't sell itself, and isn't clear to explain. All the trailers we've seen I never really got a feel for anything of what it's like until the Showcase one the other day, and then this review actually describes it a lot differently than what I thought I saw. I suspect a lot of the criticism was from nobody really having the same idea as everyone else as to what it even is.
I went from zero interest to kind of interested with the Showcase, to definitely piqued with this review. I'll be playing on GP eventually, so there's no risk, but I was so disinterested, that I wasn't even going to play it on GP until all this. It definitely comes across better now than what was presented for the past year.
Well, half of it is anti-MS fanboying as well...
@Acquiescence Be careful what you wish for. That might just mean more time is free to spend on GTAV!
Would this have been sold at the PS5 premium game price if the Microsoft deal hadn't gone through?
Honestly, the “surprisingly linear” critique is a positive for me. My time is so limited I just don’t have the time to get into these big, experimental games. I need games that say “hey, this is our story. Enjoy the gameplay” lol
I just really hate having to repeat doing stuff in games its amechanic that feels like its designed to make a game artificially longer and there for waste my time
Removed - flaming/arguing
Pay for it, it's a great success, MS want a sequel/spin off, said game ends up on Game Pass and PS gamers can do one.
Yeah, that sounds about right.
Sequels are an important part of gaming, so are established IP. It's easy for some to demand new IPs and experiences every single time but it's a tad naive to say the least plus at odds with the majority of gamers.
@NEStalgia Heck, that's how the industry always used to be until we started getting safe sequel franchises forever and ever last gen.
This is not just a gaming thing not a recent thing. Most entertainment industries have been going this path. Books, movies, everything wants to secure productions with sequel potential, not just out of greed, but because fans love sequels.
As much as critics and comment posters claim to hate “samey sequels with little innovation” truth is most of us love to have more of the stuff we enjoy, they sell because we buy them. And again, not just games, but books, movies, etc.
Will buy it on BF or play on GamePass. The “lack of access to sequels” criticism for PS only players is bizarre, this isn’t a cliffhanger.
Will get it when it is in the 50 to 70 % sale not before but it is just not my stile of game them are opinion's and it is mine !
strange every review not in the mainstream games media ive seen says not as good as dishonoured or prey
Got my preorder today! I've been waiting to play this game since the playstation event in September last year. Quite happy that its getting good reviews all around. Can't wait to give it a spin tonight.
I think ill be picking this up soon
@tameshiyaku Review - Awesome experimental gameplay loop. Charismatic characters. Slylish visuals.
You - bland af.
What exactly do you want? What sequel you currently hyped for?
And you're in for a long wait for this to hit PSN now/plus darling.
Not my cup of tea ,nice thats it getting good reviews though, I liked dishonored but I thought the sequel was a pile of poo,not sure whether arkane did that one though, ill probably play the sequel when its on gamepass 😂
@Tharsman It's largely been a recent thing. I know it's not just games. but if we go back 15, 20 years only occasionally did certain things warrant a sequel, or on very special occasions, a trilogy. Excepting those few mega IPs like Star Trek and the like. It's a recent phenomenon that creative industries have become factories of brand products that if it can't be a trilogy it's not worth doing. The idea of a stand-alone creative work is sometimes the most rounded way to portray the work.
Imagine if Gone with the Wind required becoming an 8 part franchise, and Scorsese needed to do everything on a 10 year arc.
Zero interest, pass. Will likely never come to PS Plus so won't ever touch it.
excited to play at midnight!
I still have Tales of Arise to play. Although, It's nice to see this game getting good reviews.
Is it weird that I didn't want this game anymore after all the non-stop previews? I'll be more interested in this game if maybe there's only 1 or 2 big previews of the game.
@NEStalgia Imagine if movies like Alien, Terminator, Predator, Star Wars: A New Hope (it was NOT episode 4 when it first released!), Friday The 13, Nightmare on Elm Street had all never received sequels.
Imagine if games like Uncharted, Mario, Zelda, Mega Man, Castlevania, Tomb Rider, Far Cry, Ratchet and Clank (etc etc) never got sequels either because they were all perfect standalone experiences.
Honestly, if the consumers want more, the makers want to make more, and the publishers are willing to finance making more, I dont see reason to judge more of any IP being made.
At the same time, though, if the devs dont want to make more, I dont see reason to be angry at them for leaving it there and moving on to other things.
@Tharsman I don’t think that anyone is concerned about sequels to any of these movies or games that you mentioned.
I guess it’s more about the yearly CoD and fifa releases or remakes/ports for decades (Skyrim, GTA 5).
I like what Arkane did here, it’s a cool setting and the game looks like a lot of fun.
Not gonna bother with paying more then $20 for something that's definitely gonna be on gamepass in a year though, guess it doesn't grip me nearly enough for that to change
Pre-ordered this a few days ago! So excited to dig into this. I haven't bought any games since Ratchet and Clank I think, just been waiting for this to come out. LFG
Gamepass and Zenimax buyout was obviously not in the plans when Sony made the exclusivity deal for this game, so I wonder how it will affect sales (if at all)...
Myself I wouldn't have any problem waiting a year to play a game as part of a sub instead - my backlog won't run out anytime soon!
The only exceptions being absolute must-have games (From software) or multiplayer titles I want to play before everyone gets too good/familiar with them.
The 8 for Push Square is much more convincing to me than a 10 from IGN for me, so thanks for the honest review.
Like many others, I have a feeling this will be on a holiday sale, so I’m holding out, but only because I’ve got Eastward and Kena coming so soon (and hopefully they are both strong titles). I’ve always liked Arkane titles, but they’ve always been stop-gap titles for me that I never finish. Given my current pre-order schedule, I’d like to give it (and my other games) a fair shake and hope for that holiday sale while I catch up with my other games.
This game sounds interesting. Never heard of it before.
@Reeneman at least in this comment section, the topic seems to be "why would Death Loop need a sequel, why not leave it as a one-shot".
If the devs feel they have more they want to do in the world, and the game performs well, then its perfectly fine for it to get a sequel. I guess that whole line of thought starts from the thought that a sequel, if any, wont ever be released on a PlayStation console.
@trev666 Then just don't die then
@Tharsman I'm not so much upset that sequels exist. I'm upset at the idea that a project is considered unthinkable if it's not intended for manufactured sequels. People are trashing the game based on the idea they won't get sequels to a game that never said it will have sequels and is very unlikely to have sequels.
We stopped making games/movies and started making "IPs" - that's what went horribly wrong. A game/film that gets sequels is one thing. But "IP" management dictates that everything that exists must be a permanent product line and not an individual product.
Edit: I mean, do I want Gravity Rush 10 and Knack 7? Heck yeah. But I'm not going to lament that there's no Last Guardian 2. It doesn't need and shouldn't have a sequel.
For this game, having not seen the story or ending yet, obviously, the whole story revolves around a time loop in a single day. By definition ending that time loop should resolve the real purpose of the story being told. Sure you could franchise it and now continue with "new time loops found" or the 70's world without a time loop. But if the purpose of the whole theme is the time loop and assuming you resolve the time loop in a game, a sequel would feel shoehorned for the sake of IP management. It seems most likely it was designed as a single outing project. It would not be the first time a Bethesda studio created a game meant to be self contained. Again, Wet is a great example. It was great for what it is, it's memorable for what it is, and it doesn't need to become a factory product with a new version every few years. It was a one and done cult classic masterpiece.
@Tharsman a lot of those examples shouldn’t have had sequels to their sequels. Terminator 3, 4, 5 and 6 were terrible. Predator is a great iconic film that didn’t sequels. Star Wars again didn’t need the prequel or sequel trilogy.
The consumer and the studio are both to blame for the lack creativity but then who can blame them. They’re stuck in a loop.
@NEStalgia For what its worth: Wet was simply published by Bethesda, it was developed and [as far as I understand] owned by Behaviour Interactive (I assume this might be the root of why the game is not being added to XBox One BC.) Bethesda was not even the original publisher, originally it was Vivendi, but its likely that deal fell through during the Activision Blizzard merger.
A sequel was actually in the work and publicly announced in 2010 but ended up being canceled.
I think this looks brilliant, certainly too good to be able to wait for it to come onto game pass. Very excited for my pre-order arriving tomorrow.
You guys are officially the new GameSpot, LMAO XD
@Col_McCafferty But how about just enjoying this game on its own? I'm sure if the ending noticeably set things up for a sequal, Liam would have mentioned it. There has certainly been enough people on here moaning about the possibility for it to have registered with him as a concern.
@Tharsman Yeah it's technically "indie" - and thank goodness that sequel got canned. It's truly a game that stands up best alone. Shame it's not really available anymore for whatever weird licensing reasons. IIRC Behavior wet the bed (pun intended) with the Westworld mobile game as an outright theft of Fallout Shelter and all ties with Bethesda were severed.
I'lL pLay it ON gaMEpASs.
Surprised this game has been reviewing so strongly, shame it was ruined by the overmarketing from PlayStation.
I'll still try the game out but will wait a few years until it's $20 New somewhere.
@PossibLeigh I will say the game doesn't set an obvious sequel up whatsoever. It can very much be treated like a one and done game. If there is ever a sequel, they'll like take it in a different direction and Deathloop will be sort of a standalone story. I wouldn't skip it because you think you're going to miss out on some big story-focused franchise in the future.
Want a laugh, read the story about this game on PureXbox!
Apparently it's the best PS5 'exclusive' or something and it's made by a MS owned studio. Crowing that it's one day going to end up on GP and most on here don't even want to play it!
Send it to GP now, nobody will give a *****.
I was on the fence for this game, but this review convinced me to pick it up. A lot of things people may see as negatives such as, linearity and it only being 12-15 hours, is a huge plus for me. It sounds like it’s doing a lot of unique things too.
Looks like Bioshock enemies meets dishonored powers with a Rogue-Lite aspect. It seems to be trying too hard to be several things.
Why does everyone care about sequals? Prey was an amazing game and we have no second for that. Just play and enjoy.
@Col_McCafferty “ Want a laugh, read the story about this game on PureXbox!”
Fanboys are the worst. I’m so glad there aren’t people like that on this site.
Ive got it installed and am really looking forward to it now. Only 52 minutes left...
Don't know if I should be glad this is another hit from Arkane or sad there'd be no more Arkane games on PS...
@Bleachedsmiles as I previously said, Sifu looks like it has similar gameplay mechanics, it's not a sequel (!), made by a small studio with less of a ad budget than deathloop. Who knows, maybe it'll be great, maybe not, but it's got me more excited than any of deathloops countless trailers and deep dives have.
I played Dishonored and prey based on their accolades and walked away severely underwhelmed, with plot twists you could see miles away, and gameplay that has been done before and better from the likes of Deus Ex and system shock.
Deathloop may exist and I'm glad for people who enjoy it. I'm just glad it's out that it doesn't get any more screentime.
@tameshiyaku I don't care if the games for you or not... I'm more interested in commenting on a review that talks about it being experimental (which I presume means it's something new, or refreshing)...you tell us it's bland AF. Something doesn't go hand in hand...you know?
Removed - trolling/baiting; user is banned

@Hypnotoad107 Lol. What comment section have you been reading?
@LiamCroft Thanks for the extra info, Liam. Hopefully this assuages the worries of those concerned about a sequal.
I guess I was proven wrong in a good way so I'll gladly hold this L.
@LiamCroft can you chose to keep the rival assassin as an AI or is it random? Also is the game online only? I can’t find these answers anywhere. Thanks!
Difficult position on this one.
On the one hand I LOVE Arkane and want to support them directly.
On the other I have a huge backlog (just getting round to Ghost of Tsushima and Psychonauts 1!!!), but mostly I have Game Pass for the next 3 years. Included for no extra or £60?
Will likely wait for Game Pass tbh. It’ll be fully patched by then and likely have something to make it ‘play best on Xbox’ as is their mantra.
Hope it does well for Arkane both now and in a year on GP.
@Toypop I agree there is a bit of a consensus in the middle around 8 or 9/10 (It's 88 on Metacritic) BUT there’s also some division. It’s probably the most divisive game Arkane have made. [EDIT: It isn't! looking back this is standard for all Arkane games, which are pretty niche]
On one side it seems if the game really grips you it will be one of your favourite games of the year and truly memorable. Tamoor Hussain (who loves Souls, MGS, Mass effect) gave it a ten and talked about it strongly in these terms. Genre defining, boundary pushing, memorable etc. It doesn't have to be 'perfect' to get a 10/10.
Then there’s also a crowd giving it 6 or 7 out of 10, or not recommending it, because it didn’t gel with them. ACG who I usually really like didn’t vibe with it and gave it a ‘wait for a sale’.
For me the reviewers who love it are mostly the ones I usually see eye to eye with so it’s more likely to be an 9 or 10 for me. There are no wrong answers, just opinions, and this is quite a niche game hence the range of scores. Personally I’m excited for it in due course
@Bleachedsmiles apparently you care a lot. If you actually read the review it's "experimental" in regards to how to tackle your goal (like hitman, Deus ex, and past arkane games... so nothing new). Opinions don't always align, deal with it.
@tameshiyaku I don't think you understand what 'bland' means.
@Hypnotoad107 🤣🤣🤣
@Waffles12415 If you choose single player mode, the invader will always be controlled by the AI. And yes, you can play offline.
This review is receiving more comments than the 3 Dishonored games and Prey combined. And mainly because of the PS5 exclusivity affair.
Arkane Studios definitely deserve more love.
The premise is awesome and I’d love to want to play it but FPS just don’t do it for me.
@andreoni79 Dishonoured and Prey? I didn’t realise it was that studio 😅 muust resist until discount ..
I was waiting on the Metacritic score before pre-ordering (to get that sweet sweet PS+ discount), and MAN OH MAN this is a good looking game. I've only been able to play a bit this morning before work, but it makes me genuinely sooo excited for other games that are built specifically for PS5 / that don't have a PS4 version. I'm sure GOW and HFW will both look great still, but the NEXT one, without having to consider the PS4, are going to look absolutely out of hand.
they have very much used the prey dlc as a template for this game
@andreoni79 I still have Dishonored 2 in my backlog (and Prey too), and playing this makes me real stoked to finally play those. The studio is truly great. Depending on what they keep putting out, it might push me over the edge to get a Series X (although probably at the end of the generation). Their games are just so unique.
@Hypnotoad107 oooooohhhh boooooyyyy shots fired lolololol 😂😂😂
Thanks for the laugh!
@Bleachedsmiles cute
Played the first few hours and really enjoying it so far. Runs great, good atmosphere and nice sense of humour. Yeah I could of waited a year and got it on gamepass but life's to short. Plus they have really done a great job with the dualsense, really adds to the game.
Still waiting for my...F*CKING PRE-ORDER !!!
It seems that the negativity around this probably just due to overexposure. I love most of Arkane's previous output so will probably get this at some. Probably on Xbox though so I can have the entire series on one platform. I'm assuming there'll be a sequel.
YES BETHESDA..YES. another masterpiece just few months after Doom eternal
@Hypnotoad107 Sarcasm font detected. Lol.
@FatalBubbles And here I worried I was being to subtle 🙃
Might've got it if it was on PS4 ... Oh well
@themightyant Yeah I tend to mostly agree with IGN's scores, they are usually generous and recognise there's a lot of great games out there which aren't perfect but still deserve a 10. I'm not really liking PushSquare's scores tbh. @Toypop they're just telling you there's enough room at the top for a lot of games deserving a 10 and rightly so because there'd never be a perfect game.
@Would_you_kindly Here's hoping it comes to PS4. But it's more worrying wondering if all of Arkane's games would never come to PlayStation anymore.
Could this have been a PS4 game? Visually it doesn't look like a major jump in quality but I don't know if complex AI behaviors and timing mechanics would be overly taxing.
@TheArt Tamoor's review is actually GameSpot not IGN but regardless it doesn't matter. I like finding reviewers I vibe with rather than publications. Tamoor loves the same games I like and writes well and with passion. Hence I look out for his reviews. SkillUp (youtube) I like even more as a writer too but don't always agree with on games I like.
Similarly there are some reviewers that when they hate a game I sometimes think "I might like that"
Yes it is an absolute shame, and a sad reality, that for the foreseeable future Arkane games will not be coming to PlayStation, just as Insomniac games will not go to Xbox. I have both systems but for the majority of PS owners this is not good just as Xbox owners miss out on Insomniac's great titles. Sad.
Started this yesterday and definitely was not expecting it to be so much stealth. My understanding was it was more or less a shooter. So far, if you want to get into a shootout you’re as good as dead. I have to say I’m disappointed in the game so far. I’m about 2 hours in, maybe that will change.
Can you someone explain why this wouldn’t play brilliantly on PS4? Ok we’ve had the woeful unforgettable launch of Cyberpunk 2077, which will go down in history as the biggest disappointment in gaming like ever but how can you compare Cyberpunk to this? The reviews I’ve seen are quite cartoony, and to be honest I look at this and think, what about Death Stranding, all Assassins Creed games, Orgins, Odyssey and now Valhalla, Red Dead Redemption 2, amongst other great and epic games, they are all big sized games with awesome amazing graphics and really use the PS4 to the max with no problems, so begs the question why hasn’t this come out with PS4 as well as PS5?
@andy24king It probably saved development time not to have to optimise for last-gen. I don't see why they couldn't bring out a last-gen port later though.
@themightyant I think I like Arkane's games better than Insomniac's though imo.
@andy24king It's definitely playable on PS4. Sony just wanted this game to be a system seller but since they can't meet demand in these times, it'd be wise of them to bring it to PS4.
The female lead looks way cooler. But i should not be complaining because im not buying it to many great games and we will never will see the sequel anyway.
@TheArt Personally I prefer Arkane to Insomniac too, but they are FAR more niche... it's just a niche i'm into!
Industry leading level design and emergent gameplay that allows for huge replayability for me. But there is no way Arkane games are more popular than Insomniac's in the wider community.
What got me to buy this was the hype and the reviews. But after playing and beating both endings if its even called that and did so in one day, is why its getting these great reviews, knowing the game isn't no where near what its being made into, so i wonder if Microsoft isn't throwing cash out to these reviewers. Because this game isn't even in great game territory, let alone Goty status its being hailed. Plus its so bad its no where near the price point they are charging. Add in bugs and just how quick the game ends once you figure out what the game shows you while guiding you through the small areas. I have heard its not a mindless shooter, it can't get anymore not mindless shooter. Just glad Sony refunded my money and apologized and said its in worse shape than cyber punk, so that should speak volumes.
@Paultall Almost had me fooled until you said Sony offered a refund 🤣
HDR is broken, it's way to dark and they left out any calibration other than brightness. Seems like it was slighty rushed, it's pretty buggy for me as well, only 5 hours in and already had 3 lock ups and had to exit game to fix.
Apart from that I would probably give it a 7, it's very polished and stylised but doesn't have the substance of prey or dishonoured. There is too little to do in the maps and not enough of them. The time doesn't really change that much, 4 maps is 4 maps and they aren't that big either with hardly anything interactable.
@andy24king . It runs very poorly already on ps5 so I think they just didn't have enough time, and it seems very rushed for Arkane, the maps are no where near as well designed as dishonoured 2 and Prey, to me it seems like a big rush job. Plus Sony wanted a system seller, so PS4 was not even in scope for them.
On a side note Not sure how anyone with some integrity could score it a 10.
It's hard to tell if this game deserves the 9s and 10s it's getting from major reviewers or if it's receiving those reviews because there are so few PS5 games in the catalog at this point that reviewers feel the need to say that something is worth playing. PS5 is off to an unprecedentedly slow start and I can't help but wonder if this game had been released in the middle of PS4's lifecycle when so many great games were being released, would it still really be considered a 10?
I'm not very far in but so far - it's been a blast !
Terrific stuff.
I have beaten it, and I completely understand why it being really linear is a con. Simply, the game boils down to collecting enough information to put more waypoints on your screen.
The only time you really have any freedom is at the party when killing Alexis, as there are a few ways to narrow down your search, and one way to kill him by not using weapons. I guess killing Fia and Charlie maybe, but I'd hardly call that freedom either.
Really disappointing to be honest. It sucks how static the Visionaries are baring Alexis, and MAYBE Fia (but the game is so easy, and the AI is so bad you actually have to try to get her to blow up the reactor.)
Still it's pretty good. Definitely like the game, and Multiplayer is very unique and fun too. I consider it to be better than Dishonored (Hated it. Overrated as hell) and Prey (that was alright).
theres something up with the high review scores of this game its ok but not as good as Arkanes previous games which got lower scores
ive realised that the only logical reason why gamespot and ign scored it so highly is that they are trying to reward games that are not cookie cutter games that take a risk so studios like Arkane (who deserve it) can get funding to make other games. but this game is just very average and only a 7 or 8 at best. its very shallow after the honey moon first few hours when the shine wears off and you are left with a world that only has 4 maps and hardly anything to do in them. no way you can give this game a 10 realistically, that is just crazy talk. Shine and coolness don't make a whole gaming experience, its like playing a game from the 90's with 2021 graphics and production budgets.
Its like Arkane dumbed them selves down and rushed out a game just because Sony probably paid them mega bucks, its kind of a sell out and i will be cautious with any of their future games now and probably buy second hand .
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