Republished on Wednesday, 15th February, 2023: We're bringing this review back from the archives following the announcement of February 2023's PS Plus Extra and Premium lineup. The original text follows.
With Horizon Zero Dawn, Guerrilla Games set the bar very high for itself. Its first attempt at an open world action RPG really resonated with PlayStation fans, thanks to intense combat, a compelling narrative mystery, and a great lead character. It's a lot to live up to, but having now spent dozens of hours playing Horizon Forbidden West, we think it's about as good a sequel as fans could hope for.

Set six months after the first game's conclusion, Aloy is traveling far and wide to prevent the world from spiralling into another mass extinction. Ominous storms brew in the sky, and an unusual red plant is spreading rapidly across the country, killing all flora and fauna in its wake. Her search for answers leads her to the titular Forbidden West, a dangerous region that's home to the volatile and deadly Tenakth tribe. Of course, all sorts of obstacles present themselves, not least of which is Regalla, a Tenakth rebel waging civil war with her followers and an army of machines at her command.
We certainly won't be going into spoiler territory here, but rest assured that there are plenty of twists and turns in the sequel's complex story, building upon the present day tribal conflicts as well as the events and ramifications of the past. With Zero Dawn unveiling such a fascinating history and constantly presenting you with immense revelations, the sequel was always going to struggle to do better. Forbidden West's narrative may not quite have the same impact as the original, but it still has its fair share of WTF moments, and the way the story is presented is certainly an improvement. Audio logs are still here, but most of the plot is conveyed in a more organic way.
That's in no small part thanks to improved writing and a much, much better cast of supporting characters. Some familiar friends, such as Varl and Erend, join Aloy on her quest and are even more likeable, while new faces such as Zo and Kotallo are fantastic. Everyone feels more fleshed out and human, and you'll grow to like them as they play a larger role in the overall narrative.

Similarly, conversations with other NPCs are improved as well. Quest givers and merchants are afforded far more personality this time around, and all conversations are now livelier than the static back and forth headshots seen in Zero Dawn. It's here where you may notice some janky facial animation, however. The game looks astonishingly good 99 per cent of the time, but with such polished presentation, things like eyes darting around or poor lip syncing are more noticeable. It's not the end of the world, but a shame when the rest of Forbidden West is so beautiful.
Yes, as expected of Guerrilla Games, the visuals are sublime. The setting, which includes arid desert, snowy mountains, lush jungle, and crisp shorelines is gorgeous through and through, with some incredible sights strewn across the map. The artistic design is incredibly strong; the machines are impressively detailed and wonderfully animated, while human characters are among the best seen in open world games. Each tribe has a recognisable identity with their wonderfully outlandish outfits and body paints. There is some rare pop-in, but it's a very good-looking game — particularly in the 4K resolution mode. The performance mode still looks great and is our preferred way to play, but to get the game running at 60 frames-per-second, the number of pixels takes a noticeable hit.
You might not have much time to soak in the sights, though, as you'll be too busy having fun, battling those hulking great robots that roam the land. Tying the game together is the combat against machines, and it's just as satisfying as ever beating the odds and taking them down as a one-woman army. In fact, the DualSense controller comes into its own here, enhancing the action with some well-implemented haptic feedback. Some of the more subtle things done with the controller are really great, like the feeling of the tall grass brushing by as you walk through it, and the increased resistance on the trigger when preparing an arrow.
The machine designs are brilliant, with some new additions like the fearsome Slitherfang providing some of the game's best fights. As before, you can equip many different weapon types, including new ones like powerful Spike Throwers and the Shredder Gauntlet, which launches discs that deal damage for a short time before returning to you. Figuring out the best ways to deal with machines, whether it's using traps, removing some of their components, or just taking advantage of elemental weaknesses, is far and away some of the most engaging combat in the open world realm.
You can even use Aloy's spear, which is a more viable option now. Less so against machines, perhaps, but the improved melee moves make human battles more interesting. You can of course revert to your trusty bow, but some human enemies will rush you and engage in close combat. After unlocking more moves in one of the skill trees, melee is definitely more exciting, and fighting Regalla's rebels is more enjoyable as a result. Throw in the Valor Surges, which are special moves that can quickly turn the tide of battle, and combat overall has more to offer in Forbidden West.
It still forms the basis of many missions, but you'll be happy to learn quests and other activities are more diverse than ever. The Hunting Grounds return to offer machine combat training, and Melee Pits now also fills that role for, well, melee. A huge Arena provides you with more extreme challenges, while out in the world, you can find Gauntlet Runs, which are races astride machines. Furthermore, there are a range of environmental puzzles and collectables to seek out. The best part is that most of this optional stuff feels cohesive, fitting in nicely with the wider narrative. Even Tallnecks and Cauldrons — essentially "radio towers" and dungeons — are more varied and more closely tethered to the story.

There's plenty to explore off the beaten path, although some may be disappointed to learn the climbing is relatively restricted; clicking R3 will ping Aloy's Focus, which reveals items to pick up and handholds she can traverse. It never felt like much of an issue that you can't just climb anywhere, as riding around on machines or using the new glider and grapple hook can get you to most places. We did find the climbing to be a little fussy at times, with Aloy refusing to grab certain outcroppings, but it works perfectly fine for the most part.
While there are some small irritations, then, we don't want to leave things on a sour note. Horizon Forbidden West delivers where it matters most, improving on the first game's shortcomings and building on the established lore in meaningful ways. We've thoroughly enjoyed returning to Aloy's world, one that's filled with bafflingly silly yet captivating sci-fi, and a handful of characters that, by the end, we genuinely cared about.
Overall, Horizon Forbidden West is a huge improvement on its predecessor. The map is diverse and full of stunning sights; characters and conversations are so much better; and the already great gameplay is enhanced with new weapons, more options, and better melee. The story doesn't have quite the same element of surprise as the first game, but it still builds upon things with some daring twists of its own. Any minor quibbles we have melt away when the game's firing on all cylinders. It's a gorgeous, wildly fun action RPG, and there's nothing else quite like it.
Comments 206
Sounds great! I mean, I’m sure we all kinda hoped/expected this level of quality… but it’s always good to get a bit of confirmation. Friday can’t come soon enough.
Hey! Any questions, just copy me in. @get2sammyb may also be able to help. We'll both keep an eye on this comments thread today
Knew it would be great 😃
Brilliant review, Stephen! This game is good.
I was not expecting a 9. I usually only check PushSquare, Inverse, GamesRadar and Easy Allies for review scores, all have scored it 9/10 except GamesRadar who gave it 4.5/5.
Congratulations, you've just pushed my hype levels higher than I thought they could go.
Absolutely can not wait for Friday.
(In the interest of clarity, I skipped straight to the score. Will read the review later) ❤️
The review score sounds just about right! Roll on friday! Going to look amazing on my ps5!
Hurry up friday is all i can say.
I'll be getting this from the app on friday. Excitement levels are rising...
Beyond ready for this!
Still busy with Dying Light 2 and with Elden Ring next week I'm going to give this a miss for now.
I never got into the original and despite the insanely pretty graphics I don't see this one grabbing me either
I'm hypeeeeed
Friday can't come soon enough.
I just finished Deathloop. And since I don't have too many great PS5 games I had to cave in and ordered this now. I pray I'll like it
@lolwhatno Visually it's a surprisingly big leap from the first game. Aside from a bit of pop-in here and there, it looks truly wonderful, especially in the resolution mode (but it looks great either way).
Red Dead 2 I think has the edge in terms of sheer attention to detail — I don't think I've seen a more well-observed setting in a game. But Forbidden West is still very impressive; I think the machines are brilliantly designed and if you really look at them, they're so intricately put together with loads of moving parts.
@Quintumply I had played the first one after I had already played breath of the wild. So whenever I was roaming around I would usually try and climb everything only to realize that I could only climb certain things. Having said that is this game similar in that aspect? I love being able to climb everything and it's kind of hard to go back to not being able to.
@hayesdude You can't climb anywhere. Climbing is closer to Assassin's Creed than Breath of the Wild. But as I say in the review, you can get basically everywhere with little trouble.
Red Head Redemption!! That's a good one. Super hyped for it. Finally another big title.
@get2sammyb @Quintumply Did either of you try the PS4 version or were reviews codes just for the new gen?
I can't wait for this game! I wonder what the trophy list is like. If I remember correctly the first one was pretty simple so I'm guessing more of the same. Either way I'm platting it.
88 with 66 reviews on Metacritic
88 with 78 reviews on Opencritic
Hyped for it. Sony don't miss.
I expected it to be a bit higher since it looked to me it improved in everyway. It's gonna be tough for goty though hehe.
Can't wait for this! Loved the first one. Sadly, going to be a few weeks for me as moving house shortly and need to wait for some internet service before I play it.
@steizgr8 same. as much as I look forward to it. There's only one game I'd put it aside for. And that happens to come out a week later: Elden Ring. But Horizon will be the first game I'll jump into after that. What a good "problem" to have.
Looking forward to playing this eventually. May have even preordered if it wasn't for Elden Ring next week. I wouldn't mind replaying Zero Dawn first either. Great read!
Oh that’s a nice review.
I hope you guys keep the second opinion a trend and expand it.
I’d love to see that for Elden Ring. It makes Push reviews more interesting. 👍
@lolwhatno wait, are we still calling ps5 games "next" gen?
I knew the characters and dialogue would be very much improved (you can see that in The Frozen Wilds) but it would be hard to top the engaging story from Zero Dawn.
4 more days...
@Quintumply Is the music just as brilliant as it was in the first game?
@lolwhatno I'm sorry I already got an arch-nemesis, you can be a regular nemesis, if that's alright?
Phew, physical pre-order was worth it. Ceeelebrate good times, come on..
Good to hear, Sony rarely misses with these big exclusives.
And they're gonna need them now too, since Microsoft has decided to just outright buy up the whole industry.
Great review! Agreed that Horizon FW story was always going to struggle to match the OMG revelations from the original but it seems to have improved in many other ways. Looking forward to this.
@Thrillho I have the PS4 version installed on my base PS4 and will be writing up some impressions on that version soon!
Slightly worried about the story because I thought the first one’s was pants so being worse than that is getting into worse than pants territory. At the end of the day, the gameplay’s mostly what matters though so could be still worth it.
@ApostateMage The music is very good, yes. Personally, I'd put this game's OST above Zero Dawn's, but both are strong.
Is it true that the performance mode on Ps5 is 1080p?! That's unacceptable. If So im canceling my pre order. First dying light and now a first party cross Gen title can't get higher than 1080 at 60, cmon. I hope this isn't true.
definitely one I will get when I get a M.2 SSD for my PS5. I just don't have the room right now and it need it for Elden Ring among other things.
@nessisonett If you didn't like the first game's story then this one is unlikely to change your mind.
@KundaliniRising333 I'm unsure what the resolution is when playing in Performance Mode but it's definitely not 4K. I'm sure Digital Foundry will enlighten people soon enough.
I tried HZD but did not really like the beginning nor the gameplay. I think it is too much bow fights and heavy animations to move Aloy. For me it is much less appealing than any big open world games like RDR2, BotW, or The Witcher. I will probably stay on Pokemon Arceus for now !
Should i expect the same from the sequel ?
Despite all those praises, this still is a title which more-or-less will be played in sub-4k@60fps by majority. Will there ever be an AAA game with native 4k@60 to trully represent "next-gen" ?
Cancelled my physical copy preorder a few days ago. Not that I'm not interested in the game, but because I haven't finished HZD yet and Elden Ring is around the corner. Might as well save a few bucks by buying it second-hand.
I really hope that the performance mode is not less than 1440p. Eagerly awaiting Digital Foundry's eventual upload.
GREAT! My week off work will be well spent!
I just can't wait, the game looks so good. I don't even know if I want the performance or not since the visuals are so impressive
@Quintumply yah so far Ive read 3 reports suggesting it is 1080 on latest patch and one stating the latest patch may have brought it to a Drs with a max of 1440.
DF will enlighten I'm sure. If it's 1080 I'm going to pass cancel pre order, and wait for eventually patching and huge price drops. Just not worth the sacrifice down to base ps4 resolution for 60 fps on Ps5. Elden ring here I come.
@Simong85 Forbidden West is very similar to Zero Dawn in terms of gameplay, but everything is improved. If you don't like the emphasis on ranged combat and using a bow and arrows, I can't see that you'll enjoy the sequel's combat either, as it's mostly the same. But it is better than the first.
@Quintumply Have you tried the game in an OG PS4? I have the game pre-ordered but I am afraid there may be performance or other issues...
Even on a Review comment section for Horizon Forbidden West, there's still too much talk of Elden Ring. Cool your jets Soulsborne fans, let another game have it's time in the spotlight.
Great review. Basically it improved upon some aspects (side quests, secondary characters) from the first whilst still being a lot of fun to play. The world remains beautiful yet dangerous, even more beautiful on PS5 and only the story is a slight downgrade on the first but that's to be expected imo.
Really, if you loved the first one than you're likely to enjoy the second just as much if not more so
If you didn't like the first game, than just like Eurogamer, you'll probably not be impressed with the sequel. If that's the case, it sucks to be you, but there are other games out there for you to play including something about a ring but not the One Ring, that's a different and much more rich fantasy world that many have tried to immitate but never match.
Got the disc on order, really looking forward to it and Friday can't come soon enough!
@Medic_Alert oh well that's not as bad as others have suggested. Ill give it a view. Thnx
@belmont I will be playing the game on a base PS4 very soon, and will be publishing my thoughts in the near future
@velio84 I played on Normal throughout. I'd say difficulty wise it's on par with the first game; I definitely died a few times due to carelessness when fighting some of the game's bigger machines!
@Medic_Alert oooh that’s actually very good
Edit: DF will have their video out today but John Linnemann says the 60fps is "well above 1440p"... but he still chose the resolution mode for reasons he's going to explain in the video.
Great review!
It's a shame that I couldn't get into the first game after trying on three separate occasions, maybe one day I'll finally push through and play this series (it took me 4 attempts at The Witcher 3 to finally fall in love with it)
Whilst I write this comment in my local coffee shop, a bus with a HFW advertisement on the side has just slowly drove past me... a sign?
Not gonna read the review, but I'll appreciate the time and effort nevertheless! Gonna go in with a blank opinion (however biased lol).
The wait is quite unbearable now lol
@Quintumply so can i ask the usual boring "how long to complete " question?
i only skimmed trough the the review to prevent spoiler sorry.
@jdv95 Hmm. I would say you could get through the main story in like 30 hours? But there's so much extra stuff that you could easily double that, or more, if you want to see everything.
@jdv95 One review I saw said they were at 43% completion after beating the main story in 40h. Most mention beating the game in 35-ish.
@Quintumply that's awesome. 30 hours for story so it's a bit longer then hzd's story?
@Voltan oh wow so a good 60/70 hours for complettion,that's awesome.
It looks and sounds pretty good, but a lot of what the Eurogamer review mentions is stuff that would bug me, so I won't be rushing out to get it.
What are the difficulty options and accessability options available?
What's the mini-game like? Does Nils make an appearance? How big is the map compared to the first one? What's the 3D Audio sound like?
On sound, the score was brilliant in HZD but then so was the audio design for the machines and interactions with the world like using the focus. Just as good in part? Even better and more refined?
This really does sound like a special game, made for fans of this first one and for those with an open mind. This is for sure the most gaming fun you can have in February and possibly beyond, hard to see any game being more enjoyable to play in 2022.
Except for maybe Stray, I mean who doesn't want to play as a cat? Kurt Zouma maybe and that lady with the greyhounds but other than that, noone.
@scpnightwing There are five difficulty settings, from Story — very easy — to Very Hard. There are lots of accessibility options you can tinker with, I think Guerrilla highlighted a bunch of those over on the PlayStation Blog.
@Col_McCafferty The mini-game, Machine Strike, is surprisingly complex. I didn't play it too often but I thought it would be some token inclusion; if anything, it's maybe a little bit too complicated for its own good. If you like strategic board games, you'll probably like it though!
The music is great and the audio design is fantastic, as with Zero Dawn.
@Quintumply A separate ps4 review?(Base machine at that!),nice one!! Started to fear we'd stop seeing ps4 reviews with so many being cross gen titles tested only on ps5! So long as the ps4 version/ engine holds up to the original game I'll be happy.👍
Meantime Eurogamer still dying on the "Horizon series not worth an award" hill,so I regard that a plus already in its favour since I loved it!😁
@Robocod Yeah, EG couldn't be seen to be 'wrong' about the first one so gave it to someone who clearly wasn't going to enjoy the sequel, just so they can continue to sneer at the series whilst overly-praising anything from Xbox and Nintendo.
I'm sure the Digital Foundry review will be a lot more interesting and fair. Any Sony open world game is slated on EG, were these same games (Horizon, Tsushima) released by Xbox well they'd be creaming their underwear.
@lolwhatno Simon Cardy is one of my favorite games media people even if we don't always share opinions
He hosts the IGN UK podcast, btw - probably my favorite podcast.
@Robocod I don't think it'll be a full on review, but certainly a piece focusing on the PS4 version is coming.
@Quintumply Somewhat surprised not to sew anyone else asking this but: what sort of proportion of the new machines are rideable? Flying mounts?
@Quintumply is it more complex than Gwent? I may be one of the few that didn't like that game, at least not as much as all the hype. Probably because I was ***** at it!
I much prefer Orlog from AC Valhalla, although that's one of the few things I do like in that game.
@lolwhatno well before you start killing anyone, you got to submit your arch-nemesis resume. I got to know what you bring to the table as an arch-nemesis.
@lolwhatno Haha, we meet again! I hope you have a great time playing HFW too! only 4 more days to go.
@tofuman86 yeah, for the PS6 😄
I don't think the PS5 or the Series X can handle native 4k and 60 fps. I mean look at the RTX 3090, which is way more powerful than these consoles, it still struggles with running AAA titles at 4k 60
@theheadofabroom Only a few machines are rideable!
@Col_McCafferty I'll be honest, I barely touched The Witcher 3 so I have no idea about Gwent.
@lolwhatno if you liked the review you should go watch the review discussion about it on ign games all of them at ign seem to love horizon.
HZD was my first ps4 game so I spent 100+ hours doing everything and I'm excited to return to its unique world and continue the story of Alloy on ps5
@Quintumply Sacrilege!
The Witcher 3 is a masterpiece, only the mighty RDR2 is held in higher esteem by this lone gamer.
Maybe give it a try when the PS5 version is released and rectify your wrongs.
@Quintumply we have digital Foundry for that job.
Even if it looks beautiful, it's not for me. Found the first game to be very boring after the first few hours.
But much fun to those, who enjoy it.
@Oz_Momotaro The second opinion is just to provide even more information. We were very fortunate in that we received two codes for Forbidden West, and with a game of this size, we wanted to give readers as much info as possible. Hence why Sammy gives his two cents in the review too.
Impressions on the PS4 version are coming soon.
Glad to see it turned out good. I liked the first game but didn’t love it, gameplay was pretty fun (it did feel like a Ubisoft game at times urgh) but the story was poor and Aloy was so dull imo, so I’m gonna wait until I pick this up.
You guys are too honest and thoughtful. You should do what Nintendo reviewers do and think "I like it and it's first-party, 10/10”.
@Oz_Momotaro I totally agree, @Quintumply please can you include more OMG feeling in your reviews moving forward? Thanks.
@Quintumply Do I need to play the first one to play this one? I mean of course you do, but I mean in a way where they don't talk about the first one to much, I know its stupid to ask, but I would like to know.
Ive got to wait until 22nd before i get it for my birthday. I will be avoiding everything HFW that i see on here and on YT until then. Man its gonna be hard to not just go buy it 😂
@Snatcher The story is a continuation from the first game, and the first game establishes A LOT about the world and Aloy, so I would recommend at least reading or watching a catch-up.
Having said that, there is a quick summary of the first game's events at the very start of Forbidden West, so there's that. I think you could get away with playing this without playing the first, but you might want to do a bit of homework first so you're not scratching your head through the whole thing.
There are some serious salty reviews out looking for hits in my opinion.
Can’t wait to play this Friday, download and ready to go.
@Quintumply Thanks for responding! I'm probably going to try and play the first game, if not I will read the first games story.
Slant, USGamer, Thegamer, gamer. usually rate games low so I expect that from them. I think I saw somebody give Uncharted 4 a 4. A 4!!!
Saw that people are questioning Stevivor's though. There's a pattern between Sony and Xbox games. Anyways it doesn't bother me. It's just 2-3 that don't enjoy gaming as much. Ghost had 83 and it was the second most awarded game that year.
I hope Stevivor didn't ruined GG's bonuses though. That would be a second time they don't get the 90.
Thanks for the review and insights. I'm probably going to wait a bit on this one, as I liked, but didn't love, the first one. One thing I DID love was the audio logs about the punk band that was developing over the course of the story in the past, and was one of my favorite parts because it was so different. It was nice to hear of how these people were coping with the situation while not being so "it's the end of the world" about it.
Yes I saw all that as well.
They should not allow these review scores on Meta.
Not the 10 I was expecting but still a 9 ain’t bad. But then again there’s only one PS5 game that’s got the special 10 honour and that’s Demon Soul’s so let’s be honest pushsqaure you are a little bit picky. But then most major critics have given it a 9, gamespot another who’s difficult to please have given it a miserly 8. They really are picky. Looking forward playing it soon.
@andy24king Demon Souls Remake is so far my favorite game from the PS5. This will probably beat it.
@lolwhatno haha. Makes sense.
Not even a 'recommended' from Eurogamer? And tbh this review scores higher than it sounds from reading it.
Glad I haven't dropped any cash for this as yet.
Hi there fellow gamers.
Nice review @quintumply.
I can´t wait to go back into the world of Horizon and just roam around exploring the beautiful different locations and fight the deadliest machines. It´s gonna be great.
Also that a very interesting thing having @get2sammyb giving second opinion, or any other member of the Push Staff.
The review get´s a bit more rich and the readers get more info.
Roll on Friday so we can play this beaut of a game.
Cheers, stay safe everyone and happy gaming to us all
@RevGaming I’ve not played Demon Soul’s cos I hear it’s tough for those who don’t have much patience. Basically not easy at all. But I might have a look. Of course Horizon beats it.
@Col_McCafferty Hey there friend, hows it going?
Completely agree, Witcher 3 is absolutely fantastic and I´m very curious to see how the PS5 version is going to play and look like.
It will be another excuse to replay some of the best quests I´ve played in a RPG and some of the best DLC storylines in a game.
Also, Gwent is kinda addicting. Once you get some good cards it becomes very fun.
Two amazing open world games to enjoy. happy to be a gamer.
Cheers, stay safe and have a good one my friend
Great review! Kind of what I expected, but more Horizon is exactly what I wanted.
I’m saving this until I get a PS5 though. I’m sure it’ll melt my eye balls off!
@Quintumply how long is the story? Excellent review!
@Toypop Yes, that method should work for you. Buying the PS4 version gets you the PS5 version as well. Once the transaction is done, you should be able to find the PS5 version of Forbidden West in your console's game library
@Just2Milky Roughly 30-35 hours, but there's loads to do outside of that. You could spend double that in the game, for sure.
Yikes... That's a damn shame. Story was the weakest link in ZD for me. Really hoped they'd have some better storytelling this time around
@Quintumply great review! I enjoyed the first game, the machine combat was phenomenonal but the human combat was a little lacking. How did you find it in the sequel? Have they improved the human ai to match that on offer from the machines?
@BoldAndBrash are you talking about the tribal present day story? Or our present day story with Faro and Sobeck?I found the backstory to be one of the best in recent games.
The story in the first game was fantastic, not sure what some people disliked about it but that's their loss.
I think if you liked or loved the first, you'll probably end up feeling the same way about the sequel. It doesn't sound like it's reinvented the wheel, but neither is it fair to say that it had to.
More of the same, with new machines, new enemies, old friends and even more beautiful to boot.
That'll do donkey, that'll do.
@R1spam Machine combat is still the star of the show, but fights against humans are definitely better. They're more engaging here thanks to the improved melee options you have.
As expected. Horizon is now one of the games that don't even need reviews.
@Col_McCafferty Agreed. I know people have different opinions and tastes but calling the story of Zero Dawn 'boring' or 'pants' has me baffled. The way it was told, especially through datapoints, was very, very good and quite haunting I thought.
I know a guy who wont play a game with a female protagonist!! I asked him once " so what like is supposed to happen? you think you are going to grow a set of chi chi's after you complete the first chapter?!:
He TILL THIS DAY, wont play HZD and he wont probably play FB.. What a sad state of affairs....
@ApostateMage most gamers dont read notes, get collectibles or do side quests. Hence their experience is very low level.. On most of my games I tend to read voraciously, look around at areas and the environment. I talk to most NPCS that I can, and i do a majority of the side quests. I mean the developers put that CRAP there for a FRICKING reason!!! right??
@TheArt Unless it turned out to be a complete mess, Forbidden West was always going to be a must play for many many millions of PS owners. Some reviews may be more slightly negative but I think it's fair to say that those are being written by people that didn't even like the first one.
What I loved about HZD was that it was pure escapism and wasn't afraid to have fun with its mad cap yet still scary premise. It sounds like they played it 'safe' to a certain extent with the sequel but in the process improved upon aspects from the first whilst still being very enjoyable to play.
Friday can't come soon enough, hopefully it will be delivered that day and I'll spend much of the weekend, and beyond, having a great time in the world of Horizon.
The game has interesting stories and the setting is amazing, but I found the storytelling and the bland characters to be pretty atrocious. That in itself brought the whole campaign down for me.
Loved the game tho, but was hoping for better in that aspect
@Kidfunkadelic83 Hey there friend.
Fortunately, your wait is not going to be that long and it will be a great way to enjoy your birthday with an awesome game present.
With HFW, Elden Ring and GT7 is going to be pretty interesting juggling all these games. I need more than 24 hours a day.
Oh and @lolwhatno, I´m exactely the same. To me, PS5 is still next gen and it´s going to be for a while.
And once you get one, you´ll see why the SSD, the 3D audio and the Dualsense makes such a positive different experience.
Cheers, stay safe and have a good one you two
This may have been mentioned already, but I'm not going through 100+ comments. I will say it's a shame Guerrilla still hasn't figured out facial animations and such like that, as that was one of the only major shortcomings for me with Horizon Zero Dawn. Maybe they should have gotten some help from Naughty Dog or Sony Santa Monica.
With that said, my anticipation for the game is still extremely high. I loved Zero Dawn regardless of the facial animations. I just wish they had managed to figure that out by now, but I know I'll still love the game. 4 days!
@MakersMark We can be glad Tomb Raider, Horizon, The Last of Us part 2 and Resident Evil 3 are popular, but I get you. Some people really hate playing as a woman.
@Col_McCafferty @ApostateMage
I think it's either people not liking sci-fi stories or thinking Aloy is dull (I think she's the opposite).
@Col_McCafferty I really don't get people. It's a sequel. Do we expect Ghost 2 and Spider-man 2 to not look like it's the same game (but it really isn't)?
I wasn't overly hyped for this one, zero dawn was good but it didn't have me chomping at the bit for a follow up. If it's as good as initial reviews are saying though then I'll probably pick it up sooner than intended.
@BoldAndBrash The way I understand it - the story packs less surprise, because you already know how the current state of the world happened (which was the main thing in Zero Dawn) but most reviews agree that the way it's told is better this time around.
Oh, and they definitely mention how much better the NPC's are.
Great review. Can't wait for Friday.
Then I misunderstood it. That's good to hear then!
@KilloWertz It's much, much better than Zero Dawn. Like, at times it does rival the likes of The Last of Us and God of War. You've got to remember though that there are hours and hours and hours of conversations in this game — much more than in any Naughty Dog or Santa Monica game — so it's really hard to get the motion capture to the same standard completely across the board.
This is the best I've ever seen it done in an open world RPG, even though it's not perfect. It's vastly superior to games like The Witcher.
@MakersMark It's a shame but I bet many missed the story about Bashar Mati (the druggie son who loved his mum) told through the vantage points, which was a well told story in itself. Concrete Beach Party in The Frozen Wilds was ace, too.
@RevGaming To be honest, I wasn't that keen on Aloy at first but she grew on me and I really liked her character by the end. Her friend/foe relationship with Sylens is great.
N.i.c.e i knew this game was gonna be amazing.still playing horizon complete edition.a 9 is a amazing score.word up son
@buckp25 There aren't TOO many puzzles. (I haven't quite finished it yet.) It's not a particularly difficult game and any puzzles you'll get through quite comfortably I think.
Wow so soon, it's only Monday... it's good that the revew came in so early, but also bad because the next few days until launch day are gonna be filled with even more of news about the game, reviews and articles and opinions and gameplay videos etc... Imo, the review embargos should be lifted 1 day before launch, to avoid so much of the game being revealed.
Evidently one can always choose not to watch any of it, but it's kinda hard to stay away when you bang your head on something about the game on every gaming site... and for the next 4 days straight .... very tempting target
Alas, already preordered the Digital Deluxe edition for the PS5, and already preloaded it. Can't wait to finally begin the journey west!
@RaZieLDaNtE Yeah it was really fun being able to add in the Second Opinion. Hopefully we'll be able to do more of this — glad you liked it!
@get2sammyb I liked the second opinion too. I cant remember what website does it (maybe Gamespot, as if you would aspire to be like them!) but an "alternative take" section can always be an interesting read.
@lolwhatno Will do! It's a tough choice, I'll give you that. I was pretty damn torn between them myself, but I decided I just couldn't wait for Elden Ring while HFW is out! lol
@RaZieLDaNtE hey, it will be a great birthday present. Will have a whole day of work before i get to play it tho. It will be the longest day ever 😂
I have booked the 4th March off for GT7. I wasnt going to make that mistake again.
Have a great day.
@MakersMark Hi there friend.
"I know a guy who wont play a game with a female protagonist"
That is kinda kinda sad and strange to read.
There are so many great games with pretty cool and interesting female protagonist out there, that it´s a shame your friend
won´t get to experience them.
@RevGaming mentioned some really good games and I want to add Returnal, Control, Final Fantasy VI and Mass Effect, since so many players have resonated with FemShep.
I don´t know, to me, if a game has good and fun gameplay mechanics, amazing visuals, interesting characters, a great story and a world to explore, I don´t care who the main character is, what he or she looks like or even their romance preferences, as long he or she is a well written one. That´s it.
I just want a quality, fun and engaging gaming experience.
Who knows, maybe your friend will have a change of heart eventually and be able to play even more fantastic games.
Cheers, stay safe and have a good one
@kyleforrester87 Awesome! So glad to hear the positive feedback! Hopefully it's something we'll be able to do more of, especially with big games like this!
9, impressive score but not surprising. It also seems to be the number of ads that appear on the page.
I understand that including advertising on your blog brings in money and I’m fine with that, we all need to make a living. But it’s gotten a bit ridiculous, I’m scrolling and waiting for the screenshots to load only to discover it’s another ad. I mean 1 video, 2 images and 9 ads…
@Col_McCafferty Yep, the only people who'd give it a low score obviously didn't get into Zero Dawn. I remember always finding excuses not to buy HZD because I didn't get the shooting giant robots with arrows mechanic, till I played it for myself and realized it's one of the most OUTSTANDING games I've ever played! I got HFW installed, raring to go Friday dawn. I had a feeling they'd take inspiration from RDR2, and from what I'm reading, looks like they did, y'know towns with personality and all.
@ApostateMage Haha yeah Aloy at first was a bit annoying like Ellie but I started to like her. Plus I think people who didn't like HZD's story probably would've paid attention if most of the holographic parts were told with fully rendered cutscenes haha.
My PS5 is coming, and Horizon 2 will be the very first game I will buy for it. I bought the console now to play it. Loved Zero Down, and Forbidden West was always my most wanted next gen game. It's closer now!!
Most anticipated game of the year for me (would be a very close second to God of War: Ragnarok but we all know that's getting pushed to 2023). Can't wait for Friday to see if it meets my very high expectations. Horizon was, by far, the best new IP of last gen, imo.
Can anyone tell me if the camera still drifts from right shoulder to left like HZD?
I am not the nicest person on the internet, but I´m definitely the coolest 😜😉 Your gonna love your PS5, I´m sure of it.
@Kidfunkadelic83 I did the same thing for the 18, 26 of February and the 4 of March.
Man those are going to be very fun days indeed.
Awesome time to be a gamer that loves action rpgs and racing simulation. And then there´s the Switch games like Advance Wars Re-boot Camp, Triangle Strategy and Xenoblade Chronicles 3...... I need to win the lottery or something 😁
Cheers, stay safe and all the best my friends
Great review and I particularly appreciated the second opinion box - roll on Friday!
Sounds like Guerrilla pulled it off! I’m excited to play it eventually. Love seeing that second opinion box!
Ah, ok, this and the second opinion help me know I will not like this as I did not enjoy my time with the first one and the things I did not like are still there.
That being said, still sound like a great time for those who liked the first, so I'm happy for y'all!
@Quintumply All good...just nice actually getting separate comment/mini review type thing giving feedback on how the PS4 version fares is quite helpful! Having a 2nd opinion for the review almost feels like a throwback to Zzap!64/Amiga days!😁👍
Yep,between the defenders over at EG "Its different reviewers!",ignoring how recently they said in their Pokemon review it didn't deserve a recommendation & gave it one anyway,they're looking rather silly...or for click bait reactions🙄...maybe their review needs marking down...since they're so big on nitpicking repetitive things!!😋 (Apparently only when its a PS game!)
@lolwhatno yes I also enjoyed IGN review. Same score as pushsquare but he seemed quite taken with the game.
Amazing, cleared my weekend... another must play gaming epic from Sony!
Didn't expect a 9 that's for sure. Just one question, what's Aloy like to control underwater?
Eurogamer and a few others seem to be rather critical on the story.
Dunno why but it seems believable as it takes the same arc as Guerrilla's previous games and it seems like they've not really fixed the issues with the previous game due to them not being groundbreakers. More copy and pasting other ideas and turning it in to a bit of a mish-mash of well executed things but not coherent.
Hyped for Friday. HYPED.
So hyped for it. GOTY material!!!
But I noticed from all the reviews I've watched, so many QUITE BIG and some minor popping issues. Some places while they walk into settlements the game freezes for 1-2 frames. Not so fluid animations when you switch from normal combat hits to surge animations and much much more. Hope they patch all this eventually, so I can replay it on New Game+ in all it's intended glory!
@Quintumply Is the an embargo of telling us whether or not any flying creatures are rideable?
@NinjaSixx different generation gaming. HZD was a 9/10 for a great ps4 title and HFW is a 9/10 for a ps5 title
@get2sammyb Can you use you focus while running around? In ZD you couldn’t.
Yus let's GOOO!!!!
I admit to being confused why Sony made a machine where you couldn’t play in 4k 60fps as standard and have to throttle next gen games to experience the full quality.
My Xbox x let’s me play 4k 120fps with ray tracing as does my 3080 powered pc.
Anyway - great review thank you, stoked to play it next week!
(Ps - The PS5 is still the best console, best controller, with the best games imho - the Xbox is frankly ***** and the pc is a pain to stream to downstairs with inferior story based games)
@RaZieLDaNtE I'll definitely be replaying The Witcher 3 on PS5, hoping to give Cyberpunk a go on the PS5 as well.
I imagine I'll enjoy pretty much every second of my HFW playthrough, will likely take my time with it and drink it all in. Just hope it will be delivered on Friday as planned otherwise it will be more Planet Coaster for me!
@Quintumply Not sure if this has already been covered but is there any carry over between save files from the first to the second game? Sometimes sequels will carry over gear or decisions made in the first game and other times they'll reward returning players with something else. Any of that here? My PS4's Hard Drive crashed a couple years ago and took my original Zero Dawn save with it Just wondering if I'd be missing anything if I just started the sequel fresh. Thank you!
@tabris95 Not that I'm aware of. The game never surfaced anything like that when I fired it up. 99% sure there's nothing that carries across.
@Quintumply Thank you for the reply! I'll be starting Forbidden West on Friday with a clear conscience then!
Nothing I didn't love about the first game so I know I'll love the sequel
I found on PlayStation's site that you can set the camera to the left or right. So that annoying camera drift in HZD is apparently gone 🤘
@lolwhatno So sorry for the late reply.
I'm in a odd spot, I thought I was a hardcore mirage main.
But then I actually try'd to learn crypto two season back. And, lets just say I have built up a big love for him.
So I think, i'm a crypto main, mirage is my 2nd, and wattson is my 3rd.
When did you start playing rampart? Before the buff or after?
@Quintumply Lovely review, thanks. That's got me hyped up for the game nicely
@GKT Yes, that's correct. You can choose how you want the camera to be positioned as you please.
@Quintumply @get2sammyb Sorry if you've already answered this question. How did you find the hero lighting in the game. I know some on here weren't convinced of it in some trailers?
@tofuman86 me too! I can’t believe this isn’t happening yet!
I’m so looking forward to this. My only issue with it is that it’ll arrive Friday and I probably to get to start playing it until Sunday night.
@nessisonett agreed. As good as the game was, the story was poor. It was like Fantasy Young Adult novel. Luckily the gameplay shone
I think Horizon is one of those series that either makes you obsessed (like I am) or it’s not that appealing.
I loved the first game; it was my favorite PS4 title. I loved the setting, the lore behind the story, the characters, the technical excellence of Guerrilla games, and the fantastic machine fights. It wasn’t a perfect game, but it was on those few open world games that I played from start to finish, explored most of the game world, and did 80% of the side quests. That’s a rarity for me; I’m not the biggest fan of open world titles most of the time. Zero Dawn, Breath of the Wild, and Ghost of Tsushima are the only big open world games I played to completion while doing most of the side activities.
I’m expecting I’ll love Forbidden West even more than I did Zero Dawn, since it sounds like my two biggest complaints from Zero Dawn (the boring human fights and the stilted conversation scenes) have been massively improved.
@get2sammyb Well, ok then, that's good to know and thanks. I was just going by the mentioning of it in the review, but it seems that my concerns were for nothing.
Again, glad to see that they did vastly improve the facial animations then. Either way, it's not like it was going to keep me from playing this right away. It's far and away my most anticipated PS5 game up to this point.
@Palleon You're confused because you don't understand what's required to run a game at native 4k and locked 60fps, especially one with the open world scale of something like Horizon, and more importantly, when that machine needs to come in at an affordable and competitive price point for the target mass market these consoles are aimed at. This is evident by you stating what your 3080 can do, a card that is at minimum twice the price of a PS5, and that's without a single component required to run it.
If that's the kind of performance you were hoping for at £450, or even £360 for the digital edition PS5, then I have some disappointing news for you.
@Quintumply In the cons, I see you note "janky faces." Unless I missed it, I don't see mention of that in the review body. Can I get some more info on this?
I enjoyed the first game but found it had many little annoyances - wooden facial expressions while characters talked being one of them. This wasn't really a problem for Aloy but mostly affected NPCs you talked to. I had hoped they'd fix it for the sequel but I guess not.
Another minor annoyance was the plot which, for the most part, was obvious right from the start. Glad to hear that the narrative is stronger this time around.
Another minor annoyance was the platforming which, based on this review, doesnt seem to be fixed. It was never a deal breaker but was one of the thousand cuts that lessened the experience in my eyes.
Sorry but I wont believe it till I see users reviews. The AAA game is nothing but a bunch of greedy executives.
Jus wanted to leave some kudos for the hilarious tagline xD... Thanks to your review I pre-ordered the game now, hope this PS4/PS5 upgrade thingy will work...
@Quintumply Can you unlock both the Nora Legacy outfit and
Nora Legacy spear via in-game progression?
Already have my copy pre-ordered, should be shipping on release day! Gives me time to go back and replay the first game's story.
If it's better than The last of us part 2 than I'm down for it. I just don't want to waste a another 20 hours of my life on a game that might be as bad as that game 🥶. I love the first HZD game, got the platinum but I'm scared with how Sony handles anything now . I'm waiting on user reviews and see if the game actually doesn't waste the players time
@lolwhatno Aw thanks, the buff is amazing, but takes some getting used to LOL.
Happy gaming to you as well!
@lolwhatno Oh Heck no, ps4/ps5, And yes, the drops are so bad, I haven't really gotten to play. They said there working on a fix.
Is the ps4 to Ps5 upgrade only available on disk or is it also digital?
@lolwhatno Same to you as well, but your probably seeing this a day after LOL, a night after?
@WanderingBullet Nora Legacy gear: I have no idea. I've yet to find it and I'm dozens of hours in. Unless it's a very late-game outfit then I think it might be a pre-order only thing.
@LivingLeif Janky faces: I mean they're definitely better in this game than Zero Dawn but, just on occasion, Aloy and whoever she's speaking to, their eyes will point in some odd direction, or the lip-syncing might be a little off. It's not a deal-breaker at all, and it's not all the time, but it sticks out because the game looks so good usually.
@AdamNovice Hero lighting: Didn't bother me in the slightest, I actually really like the visual style of the game and its characters.
@Quintumply I see. Thanks.
@nessisonett I found the first game fantastic. With all the collectibles that fill in all the backstory how everything happend.
@phillyjeff Well this was the most useless response of the day it even makes me look good.
@lolwhatno Lol
If I´m the coolest, then you´re the nicest 😜
So thank you friend, for being the nicest person on the internet 👍
Cheers, stay safe and enjoy the week
@get2sammyb If you get trophy Reach the Daunt before March 25th Sony will plant a real Tree
@Quintumply Is there an option to hide headgear?
@hugoadan Yes, there is, in the Settings menu.
@Quintumply Awesome! Thanks for the reply 👍👍
Just reading the review now... just want to say, I hope Guerrilla make a 3rd Horizon game with Rost taking the lead telling the story of Alloy becoming an outcast and the part he played. Imagine playing as Rost, Kratos in Horizon? YES PLEASE! I also think this would complete what has so far been a thrilling story. I can't wait to play Forbiden West, I did cancel my pre order as I'm saving for a car but re-enstated it today. Roll on Friday!!
@Quintumply is the ps4 -> ps5 upgrade available for a limited time(a year)? Or will it be around for good.
I feel like there’s a sort of bias because this is a PlayStation focused site..
@PhhhCough I actually don't know, it's a good question! On the PlayStation Store page, I can't see any mention of a time limit, so presumably the offer will stand for a long time.
@Quintumply @get2sammyb Your review gets a nod and readout on MBG's video channel
So sad that this game was held back by the PS4 and we never got those illusive flying mounts.
Wish will have been at least a ps4 pro review. If the game is available also on ps4 pro, for us who couldn’t get a ps5, will be a great help to hear how the game looks, plays etc..
Bronze trophy - Completed 2 Flying Mount Quests
@Futureshark But the PS4 doesn't have that super fast SSD, therefore, is not capable of flying mechanics.
I didn't enjoy the first Horizon game as much as others and aren't really fussed for the second, but I really enjoy seeing Guerrilla Games get all this praise. They have clearly done an amazing job and although I feel I need a Killzone game for myself, I can't help but be happy for a team I have nothing but respect for!
Hype train cometh
Can't wait to get off work tomorrow! This baby is getting delivered in the morning..
I'm actually super happy a game can still get me interested/excited. Been a gamer for over 25 years and there is less and less games that get me pumped up for release day.
Where's the KoF 15 review?
This also deserves a 9/10
@Nacheis absolutely the same here. I didn't enjoy the first one that much.
I really could never get into the first game. Tried many times. Bring on Elden Ring!
Yeah, its preorder set and available from the very first time you can open your stash
This game is good but much buggier than dying light 2 is, and people were complaining about that. Just coming off that and in to this was jarring, as the fluid pakor in dying light is really missed here and movement feels clunky in comparison.
Seems like a great game so far.
The game is decent but after playing another several hours (about 12 total), it's just bizarre and disappointing in some aspects technically. Some sort of sacrifices were made in both performance and resolution modes in Ps5 that have absolutely resulted in some very distracting visual quality elements on anything that isn't within like 15-30 feet of your character.
Not sure why too, when you look k at rdr2 or even a more recent example would be dying light 2. That game runs at a stated lower resolution and has way less shimmer and blurriness of items in the mid to far distance. While I get that the textures and assets are far different in that and hfw, still hfw has a great deal of downscaling the further away from the character you are and to have the bizzare blurry static particulation going on as well, it is definitely underwhelming. This was no where near like this in hzd. As a cross Gen game I thought the visuals at 1800 p would be far less muddied on the Ps5 version . I recently tried to play dying light 1 to see if I'd be interested in 2, and couldn't make it through because of the dated blurry 1080p visuals. Hfw has that same resolution based blurriness in the mid and background as well.
I do hope it gets addressed if possible. Or perhaps a 45 fps 4k mode be implemented that lessens whatever scaling issues are resulting in this.
Is it possible iT just looks worse on a 65 inch 4k TV? (it's not an old or cheap model, but the flagship high end Samsung and most other games with great visuals look outstanding on it, without using the ever broken hdr as that is a whole other Playstation issue in itself).
I'm sure these will get ironed out by guerilla, and much of this is to be expected playing an open world game at launch.
@gamer_since_83 What did you think of Deathloop? My PS5 has been out for repair since early Feb (arriving tomorrow, allegedly) and it was the last game I played. Killed 2 of the people with powers (forget their name) and have invisibility and the jump forward in space abilities. Game hasn't really grabbed me yet and I'm not sure why. HFW arrives end of next week ( I waited until mid-week on Amazon to pre-order and now it's back-ordered) and I think I might just dive into that...
@SomewhatDamaged The first few hours I was unsure about the game. Very strange(or unique) game and setup with the repeating days and same Maps over and over.But after a while it grew on me and I got totally lost in it for weeks with the infusing of weapons, bizarre atmosphere etc. and I got totally impressed by how different the maps felt at differing times of day. In the end I loved every aspect of the game, especially after mastering most of the abilities and weapons. The online trophies I think is annoying, so I didn’t plat the game, but got about 80% of the trophies.
Now I’ll dive into HFW next week.
@SomewhatDamaged Oh, and it's alarming to hear you've had problems with the PS5 and needed a repair... What happened? I've had small issues with one PS3 and one PS4 but so far the PS5 is still working.
I'd give it a very solid 7/10 or a 7.5 if you did half points. I loved the first one, and on its merits alone Forbidden West is a great game with a little bugginess and the well-worn trope of an open world list of icons looting, crafting, and collectibles. Where this game fails for me is its lack of innovation. Sure, there's things like the hang-glider but on a fundamental core mechanic level this game did not update or improve anything. It looks beautiful on my PS5, but it plays and feels like a game from 2017. A perfect case study in this is the looting system, which requires an animation every. single. time. Ghost of Tsushima felt a little more next-gen in terms of eliminating this specific problem. And I do see it as a problem — I would argue that the repetitive system including but not limited to the animations actually breaks immersion in its frustratingly rhythm-dropping repetition rather than promoting immersion. I could go on, but if you've read this far then you probably get the idea. This is a good game. A really good one. But it doesn't feel like a new one. I love the Horizon series and can't wait to see where it goes next.
@Quintumply Red Dead 2 is the most detailed game most of us will play in our lifetimes. I don’t see Rockstar making a game of that caliber ever again if not a very long time.
The fact y'all didn't touch on how damn janky the climbing is, how much they downgraded the machine combat mechanically, nerfed stalwart assets like the ropecaster, how bizarrely ineffective you can be against machines while using melee... This game is tangibly worse feeling to play than the first. By a mile.
I've never fought so hard or tweaked so many settings to find the fun in a game, let alone a sequel to a stone cold classic. If this were the first Horizon game, or not a Sony 1st party title, it'd be forgotten, not just Forbidden. How the heck this score so highly is beyond my comprehension.
The action was fun, I liked the gameplay although I had to use custom settings to tweak it to my liking.
I think there are still too many smooth, aloof and/or wooden characters, in an old English period drama sort of way.
Aloy doesn't help either in that regard, but Seyka in the DLC is much more interesting and went in some way to help the overall feel.
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