Immortals Fenyx Rising's second DLC takes the form of an entirely separate adventure titled Myths of the Eastern Realm. Based around Chinese mythology, this expansion features a new playable hero, a new map, and a new story. However, things have barely changed on a mechanical level, making for a very familiar journey.
Main character Ku (whose sex and appearance can't be customised), wields a sword, axe, and bow, just like Fenyx. He's also capable of flight thanks to mechanical wings obtained a short ways into the DLC, and he quickly unlocks many of the same special attacks and moves that made Fenyx such a powerful fighter. If you're looking for a whole new take on the Immortals formula, this certainly isn't it.
But if you really enjoyed the base release and you just want more of the same, then you can't go wrong with Myths of the Eastern Realm. Its significantly shorter runtime (it took us around eight hours to do everything) arguably makes the expansion feel more focused than the main game, and although the plot treads a predictable path, it still strings you along quite nicely. It's a pleasant excursion overall.
Indeed, the map size feels just right for this kind of DLC. One of our key criticisms of the base game is that it's almost too big for its own good; it got to a point where we grew very tired of solving increasingly tedious puzzles. But because of its much more manageable length, Myths of the Eastern Realm avoids that issue, while still coming across as a complete adventure that's worth the asking price.
Again, Myths of the Eastern Realm doesn't tie into the core Fenyx campaign at all, but once you're done, you unlock all of Ku's equipment for use in the main game. A nice little bonus, considering how powerful some of Ku's weapons and armour sets are.
Comments 32
Pretty spot on review. I love the Chinese inspired landscape, the tweaks to combat are pretty cool, but the puzzle design took a nosedive from the base game.
Still a good time though. I'm enjoying it quite a bit.
Absolutely loved the main game and looking forward to playing the expansion.
More of the same?yes please
@LochNass It was a great game, huge change of pace from AC. It lacked the seriousness of other Ubisoft titles, had fun combat and puzzle solving (which I’ve not encountered in AC). I feel like saying that’s it’s the same as their other games is poor characterization. I came from playing AC Valhalla straight into this and they are worlds apart.
So I am unclear on how the DLCs fit in. Are they standalone? Separate from the campaign? I’m 40+ hours in and really taking my time with this amazing game, so not finished with the main story. Can I swap into these DLCs and jump back when completed?
I really enjoyed Fenyx Rising (awful name aside) but it was overstuffed in true Ubisoft fashion. When will they learn? Honestly, it’s worse than the ‘Ubisoft towers’ thing, which I never really minded.
Great game..really enjoying it..stuffed to the gills with stuff to do..jesus now people complain a game has too much content and they complain when it dosnt have enough.."why did they release it unfinished ffs 😭." Make your minds up ingrates..
@frankmcma They're not standalone — you need the base game to actually play them. But this one is entirely separate from the main campaign. You select it from the main menu, almost like it's a different game.
So yeah, you can jump between the main game and this expansion whenever you like. Totally separate save files and all that kind of thing.
Great fun but sound issues so annoying. Yes even after a reboot from the console. 😢
@ShogunRok I have the game and the season pass. So separate save files?
@frankmcma Yeah, totally separate save files.
@Flaming_Kaiser no sound issues here through my new klipsche soundbar...sounds bloody awesome tbh..
Can anyone tell me if this DLC is standalone? Can I get this without having Fenyx?
This should have been it's own game
@TraCuz- No, you need to own the base game.
@Northern_munkey I have some crackling noise it only happens at certain parts of the game.
@ShogunRok Thanks for the review, paid my $50 for the gold version yesterday. Still on sale for a few more days if anyone is interested.
"but once you're done, you unlock all of Ku's equipment for use in the main game. A nice little bonus, considering how powerful some of Ku's weapons and armour sets are."
Looks like paying this first then the full game second makes a lot of sense if you want more. I think we may watch our son play this then tell him he's own his own for the full game, don't need to watch 60 hours of BotW.
@ShogunRok Thanks for the response
@rjejr Yeah, maybe it's a good idea to play this before the main game, although you start this DLC with most of your abilities and powers already unlocked, which might be confusing.
The main game's also got New Game+ so you could always play through the campaign, do this DLC, and start the core game over again.
Tough puzzles should have been on the pros not the cons!
@LochNass U must HATE BOTW! Cause this game was so much better than that. Fenyx is the best game Ubi has put out in a loooong time. I absolutely loved Fenyx! Loved the world, the combat, the story and the jokes. My only issue with the game is the bugs. Wish it had Nintendo’s polish.
I'm not surprised by the review or the score, game looks pretty good!
Looking forward to trying it out once the Gold Edition is $25 or less digitally.
@Flaming_Kaiser strange as i've never had any sound issues at it only this game? Normally i would say to check your cables but if its only this game thats affected then thats quite clearly a software issue somehow...i used to get a "cackling" issue but now i cant hear her...err i mean it..i cant hear it..
More Immortals is a good thing, shame the game didn't sell great as its fantastic.
I honestly think this game gets a rough deal, some of my favourite games sites barely mention it.
I loved the base game, and I don't normally look to unlock everything but I did in this instance.
A New God DLC 1 was like a challenges pack, with the bare bones of a story but at least I got to use all the skills I'd unlocked in the base game.
Latest DLC 2 was legitamely one of the best post game DLCs I've seen, when you factor in the price of the Gold edition being more or less the usual RRP of most base games.
I thought the style and aesthetics of Eastern realm were very impressive, enjoyed the new character, new story, new map.
Hyped for DLC 3.
It would be nice if after those 3 DLCs the main game got some additionally story content, a final saga, in which you could use all the things you've unlocked in the DLC. But for the die hards Game+ mode would suffice.
Was glad to see push Square write about this DLC though, I still think in terms of design pound for pound it's very high quality post launch content.
@LochNass - Driver: SF, Valiant Hearts, Child of Light, Rayman, Zombi, BG&E would all like a word. Ubi put out much more than copy/paste collectathons.
@LochNass - Oh I agree that their heavy hitters are as formulaic as it gets but to say everything they do is the same old thing is somewhat disingenuous.
@LochNass - "Better yet, if you've played any Ubisoft game, you've played them all."
You said any Ubisoft game. You never made any distinction whatsoever.
@ShogunRok "this DLC with most of your abilities and powers already unlocked, which might be confusing."
So it will be like playing every Tomb Raider game. Lara starts off w/ all types of guns and ammo and items, falls down a - river, cliff, ravine - has to start from scratch and build her own bow & arrows. 😂
Thanks for the info, I think we're already decided on the DLC first, I don't really see a downside. It just seems like it should be played in this order. Also helps if halfway thru the main game you just move onto something else. Nobody is moving on in a 8-12 hour game until it's done.
I'll let ya know how it went, probably starting up next weekend, still have to finish w/ Shinra. Oh and I'm taking a vacation out into the pandemic this week, we all need some fresh air, vitamin D, and a little less screen time. 🌞
@rjejr Hope you all enjoy it!
@ShogunRok Thanks.
@LochNass I know right! Fenyx is so much better! Glad we agree!
looks better than the actual game, but I'm not paying that much for it.
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