Esteemed readers of Push Square, we present to you the first game review produced entirely through random generation. Quench. Sycamore. Lithe admonishment. Right, done. Seven out of 10.
Hang on, that wasn't very satisfying, was it? See, that's the issue with anything randomly generated — it's about the opposite of crafted. That's the general design of dungeon crawler Nobody Saves the World - all the major areas are, unfortunately, created in this unsatisfying manner; it's a shame, because the game otherwise has a strong conceit mixed up with smooth controls and a fun world to explore.
The gimmick is the many different evolving forms you'll take out into the quasi top-down overworld, ranging from a lowly rat with its rapid chewing attacks, to a majestic horse that always attacks backwards, to a regal knight with fearsome sword slashes and timed counters. There are plenty of options to use, abuse, and improve as much of the game becomes about watching your experience bars fill, huddled with bated breath around the screen to see what little tweak will become available next. It's fun, especially when you get to mix and match your buffs and abilities a few hours into the game. There's scope for real creativity there and it's about six or seven hours of genuinely enjoyable stuff.
Unfortunately, Nobody Saves the World is around 15 hours in length, stretching its gameplay tightly over its duration to the eventual distortion of both. Is it a bad game? God, no. Most titles don't even have two hours of worthwhile stuff to do. This is an original idea attached to traditional adventuring fun with all the customisation that comes along with its genre here given a renewed focus. We only wish its dungeons were as well-crafted as its skill trees and visuals, but while there's not enough meat on the bone, what's here is still pretty delicious while it lasts.
Comments 18
Expecting this to be on the revamped Plus in June (or if not, soon after) so will try it then.
No way I'm buying it.
@Scob why?
it seems like an excellent game.
Already played this on gamepass, it's a good game. The switch (oled) is the best place to play 2D indie games though.
@Dr-M Sounds decent, but if I buy now and then it's on the plus extra/premium tiers in June I'd be mildly annoyed! Adding 'right now' to the end of my last sentence would be more accurate.
Am really in a holding pattern for any potential purchases until the library for that is revealed 😉
Played this on Game Pass, really enjoyed it. New Game Plus is amazing, some of the modifier combinations in the dungeons are downright hilarious. I would say it's a 9/10.
I played this on Gamepass and it is a 9/10 for me.
I would not say it is limited for its length as you can keep swapping between the different creatures and keep on leveling them up.
I started this last night on GP and am really enjoying it. It is pretty delightful so far.
Sounds like something I'd enjoy and loving the graphics/art style. Add to wishlist and pick it up at some point, probably in a future sale.
@Dr-M almost all of Drinkbox's previous games have been on PS+/Now. Only Guacamelee 2 and now this one haven't. Seems like only a matter of time until the last two make it into the service.
@Milktastrophe aaaand that's why smaller developers struggle, whereas AAA games keep breaking records, as people don't mind paying full price for the latter just so that they can play what everyone else is playing at that moment.
@Scob yeah that would have made your sentence and refusal more clear.
Also smart move by holding any purchase till June and thanks for answering.
@Milktastrophe oh, thank you for sharing and the picture is clear to me now.
Been enjoying this on GamePass as well. Probably an 8.5/10 for me. Experimenting with all the combinations and figuring out what you need to get past each dungeon is a blast. Don’t agree with the con on length as there’s a lot to do. Plenty of meat on the bone to me.
What's up with all the gamepass plugs? Obviously troll accounts.
We get IT, MS has money to prepay for every indie in the world, but I'm still not interested in getting an XBOX.
@Sil_Am I don't think it goes that deep bro, people just played it on Gamepass and liked it.
I'm sure nobody cares if you get an Xbox or not.
Played a little of this on Gamepass and found it enjoyable, will double dip on Switch to support the devs.
@HeeHo You may be true, but check the above comments, all mention GP and then give it a score. I see a pattern here.
Don't underestimate the power of influencing by commenting.
Enjoyed Guacamelee on the Vita so definitely going to try this on GP! 15 hours in length is not that bad imo.
Edit: @ Sil_Am GP is just a good value if you like to play/try different games. Most people don't get paid for using that service so what's the point? It's a positive experience.
This game is so good!! Don't let the 7/10 score keep you away from this gem! Early GOTY contender for me
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