We all played Salt and Sanctuary, right? It was a solid two-dimensional 'Soulsborne' style action RPG, with a high difficulty level but a strong sense of balance and consistent feeling of progress. Enthusiasm, then, was somewhat prevalent for this sequel, Salt and Sacrifice. Unfortunately, we're a little disappointed with this offering, while still ultimately acknowledging that it's a pretty good time.
See, this second instalment offers a new feature — Mage Hunts. This adds some Monster Hunter special sauce to the double quarter pounder that is Salt and Sacrifice, and that sauce won't be to everybody's taste. You'll need to gather resources to summon Mages, chase down said Mages and murderlise 'em. If you fail and they, instead, murderlise you, they'll disappear from the map and the stuff you used to make them appear in the first place will be lost.
That's risk/reward, sure, but it's a rather arbitrary take on it. The structure has changed, too, with a focus on Demon's Souls-style discrete areas rather than one huge interconnected map, so getting around is no longer as breezy as it used to be — no teleporting to obelisks here. It's a grind by design, but not always the fun sort of grind.
It's a shame, because so much of what's here is still so enjoyable. The combat is intense, challenging and varied, with a huge number of enemy types to battle against. You've got a ton of weapon options to tailor your build, and the capacity to level up seemingly hundreds of different stats in order to bring the fight to the Mages. It's just that those fights can be so unfair and one-sided due to the more random elements that can throw a spanner in the works. A brave attempt at something new, yes, but ultimately misguided.
Comments 26
The main changes sound like changes made specifically to annoy me. Disappointing for sure but I guess that’s some money saved.
Sadly agree 100% with this review.
This was one of my most anticipated games of 2022, having been a huge fan of ‘Salt & Sanctuary’ (IMO the best 2D-Souls game, solid 9/10)
Sacrifice seems to discard everything that made the first game great, whilst introducing a number of tedious new mechanics and cheap combat.
I gave it a good 5-6 hours before dropping it completely and moving on to Nioh.
For those who haven’t played the original game (Sanctuary) I would highly recommend! But this sequel really missed the mark for me
Salt and Sanctuary is, for my money, one of the best souls-likes around. Dropping the huge interconnected world is a real con for me, and kind of makes me wish I hadn’t already purchased this. I’ll still give it a chance but I’m not necessarily jumping to play it like I was.
I couldn't get into the first game because it didn't have a map. 3D Souls games get away with it because there's more they can do in terms of level design and art. But a 2D Soulslike game is more like a Metroidvania and they need maps because your backtracking so often. Blasphemous for me pulled off that balance.
I was planning on playing S&S next after Elden Ring. Very disappointed to hear all of this. Even more so as it seems to be confirmed by the comments so far. Will still give it a go though.
I feel the need to mention the coop. It's pretty cool and local coop can be initiated from the very start on the title screen. Everything is shared (doubled up) loot wise. A lot more enjoyable that way.
Since when a 6 is horrible.you guys should play this game for yourself.thats hes opinion.i enjoy a lot of games that have 6 from pushsquare.so other sites gave it a 8 or 9 or 7.different minds dont think alike.word up son
I got this, played for a few hours, and just uninstalled it. Mage Hunts are absolutely terrible, no fast travel is also...terrible...and I just don't really gel with the combat.
I didn't really like the first game either, so I don't know what I was expecting tbh
Just got the plat in this Thursday. It was solid but not even close to Sanctuary.
My main issue was consistent stunlock from nearly every enemy. I was playing with a great sword and class 5 heavy armor and my character was bouncing around the screen like a nerf ball with no option to recover for about 30% of the game. This is with super high poise as well.
Overall hugely missed opportunity but I will say the combat, systems and super strange world/lore are still there and had me coming back regardless.
@playstation1995 speaking nothing but facts.
So this is a Dark Souls 2 tier sequel essentially. That's rather unfortunate, Salt & Sanctuary was one of my very favorite PS4 games and to hear they didn't capitalize on the strengths of the original is just incredibly disappointing. Even if it isn't outwardly "bad"
@theMEGAniggle. Yes.word up son
I will try at some point, I did enjoy the original. But the Blasphemous sequel is most on my radar for 2d souls-likes. I’ll play that day one even if it scores a 6/10 too ☺️
Wow could this review have been any shorter? Talk about lip service..this game is solid..its easily as good as the first..better? No but just as good and has so much more variation and the ps5 version is so smooth and lightning fast when it comes to loading..i'm really enjoying the game and its pretty deep when you get into it..shame that a lot of people will miss out on this gem based on this rather short,non descript review..
Oh and no mention of the co-op online play either which is quite good fun and works very well..
@CJD87 I bought the first game since it's deeply discounted right now. How would you compare this in terms of gameplay and difficulty to Hollow Knight? That was definitely a GOTY contender for me!
The review says: "You'll need to gather resources to summon Mages, chase down said Mages and murderlise 'em" I never had to gather resources to summon any mages. I just found the corpse that activates the hunts. And even if I quit I could reactivate the hunt from the rune gate. 🤨
@3Above i'm not convinced the reviewer played this properly..
@slips666 IMO The first game is a masterpiece… and I actually enjoyed it more than HK!
Sanctuary is more ‘Souls-Esque’ due to its emphasis on build-diversity, and it incredibly replay-able. I would say both games are on a par for difficulty, and if you have any Souls experience at all then you will feel very at home with S&S.
HK is of course a great game, but I personally prefer the build-scope in S&S - not to mention some great co-op potential.
You can’t go wrong with either! I would suggest though you maybe go into S&S with an idea of what build you want to play, so you can start planning out your skill tree accordingly
@CJD87 awesome, that is very reaffirming to hear. I am excited to dive in! Will look up a few builds.
"Salt and Sacrifice"
At first I thought it was another article on the PS Plus Premium classic games support.
@playstation1995 Absolutely agree.
Don't know the point of all this. Still playing Elden Ring.
@Blacksmith1985 hey hows things? Hope you are well...
I really don´t like Soulslike games, but EVERYONEs talking about Elden Ring. I always looked at these kind of games as niche. Maybe I should give it a try.
@lolwhatno @Northern_munkey thanks guys.
I'm in Kyiv. russians were thrown out from here, now they try to destroy our east regions.
I'm kinda lucky as they were as near as 10 km away from my place.
I try to support my family, friends and our troops.
And also I play Elden ring and a litle bit of Horizon 2.
Games are the best way to get mentally away from all this crap.
Slava Ukrajini!
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