Metaphor: ReFantazio Screenshots
Image: Push Square

If you asked us for our opinion on the most stylish game in existence, we'd be very tempted to say Persona 5 takes the cake. We'd maybe argue that the more recent Persona 3 Reload is up there too. But Atlus might well have topped its own masterworks with the upcoming Metaphor: ReFantazio, which just looks ridiculously good in these new screenshots.

The artistry on display here is astounding. In now typical Atlus fashion, even the menus are jaw-dropping, adorned with immaculate character art and perfectly weighted fonts. A sight to behold.

Granted, it's not quite as... dynamic as the bright colours and attractive angles of the Persona games, but we're not sure we've ever seen a fantasy adventure ooze so much style.

Metaphor is still scheduled to release on the 11th October. It's being spearheaded by the Persona team, and so we're well on track to believing that this will be one of the year's standout RPGs. Let's hope it plays as good as it looks!

Are you as taken with Metaphor's art direction as we are? Imagine walking through a gallery in the comments section below.