Presumably Nariko's Not Yet Been Paid. Otherwise She'd Have Bought Some Decent Clothes For The Winter.

Ninja Theory has come out all guns firing, claiming they didn't even break-even with their 2007 PS3 exclusive Ninja Theory — even though the game sold just shy of one and a half million copies.

Ninja Theory's co-founder Tameem Antoniades told CVG, “Heavenly Sword came out pretty early on the PS3, and we sold, I think, a million and a half copies, and that’s still not enough as an independent studio to break even.”

He later added:  “It’s just that when so many people have Xbox – I mean over half the market or more has Xbox 360s – why limit yourself to one platform?”

Tameem certainly raises a fair point regarding the industry, but it's worth noting that the PS3 audience is significantly larger now than it was in 2007. And latterly, it'll be interesting to see just how well Enslaved fares; indeed - say what you will about platform exclusives, they generate much more buzz than multiplatform games.

<span>Good luck selling 1.5million copies of Enslaved, Ninja Theory. Not really, good luck.