Like, proper pissed off. The one-hundred comments on our previous story should offer an indication of that.
We've been monitoring the situation all day, but it seems like very little has changed. People are still experiencing difficulties logging onto the PlayStation Network, and it sounds like those problems could persist into the weekend. Sony has updated its official blog on the matter, stating that it may be a "full day or two" before the problem is resolved. Which is obviously awful timing considering this weekend is a bank holiday.
While Sony's not being clear about the cause of the problem, a SCEE representative has explained that the platform holder is looking into the possibility of "targeted behaviour from an outside party". In other words: hackers.
The PlayStation 3 has been subject to multiple hacking attempts over the past four weeks, but the culprit of those attacks has denied involvement in the current outages. PlayStationLifestyle notes that the group's IRC channel's headline is currently set to: "No, we do not know what happened to the PSN." Members of the group have also distanced themselves from the issues.
There's a chance the outage could be related to the current crop of issues occurring at Amazon's Web Services data centre, but obviously that's just speculation on our part. Seems like a mighty coincidence that major websites using Amazon's storage services should be affected on the same day that the PSN goes down, however.
Either way, we encourage people to ride out the storm and not get too impatient. We do appreciate the frustration (hey, we want to play Mortal Kombat too) but sometimes these things happen. Sit tight, stay patience, and the issue will probably be resolved sooner rather than later.
Also, please remember we are a third-party website and have no affiliation with Sony at all. For the latest information, please access PlayStation's Twitter page, or alternatively consult the PlayStation Blog.
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