Personally we wouldn't shed any tears if their entire line-up vanished into a big vat of nothingness, but people seem to like them. One Blizzard franchise gamers especially enjoy is Diablo — after all, they've been clamouring for Diablo III since the stone-ages. That's determination.
Joystiq's picked up on a job listing on Blizzard's website that appeals for a "PlayStation 3 specialist", sharpening rumours that the action RPG will make its way onto Sony's platform.
"This position is responsible for overseeing PlayStation 3 (PS3) architecture design," the job listing explains, "as well as other PS3-specific game code development to maximize platform performance."
As Joystiq rightly points out, the position could be purely for research reasons and have nothing to do with a console port, but given the success of Torchlight on XBOX 360, it's reasonable that Blizzard could be looking towards consoles to maximise the sales potential of Diablo III. Furthermore, if Blizzard is looking to bring any of its franchise to PS3, Diablo probably makes the most sense.
Of course we don't give two hoots, because Blizarrd's games are the spawn of Satan as far as we're concerned.
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