But this is probably his best so far. Speaking MCV, House was asked to justify the price of the PSP Go. His response? A classic. "When you introduce a new piece of hardware you have the opportunity to say there is a certain premium that is associated with it, and we took that into account."
So basically, "We're Sony and you want our new hardware so we're going to charge you double for it." Now look, don't get us wrong, we understand this is what happens in the electronics business. But here's the thing: no company should be admitting to that. He should be giving some guff about how the platform represents "excellent value for money" and the like. Admitting your essentially scamming the customer doesn't look good, even if we all know it deep down.
The thing that worries me is the storage space on the new PSP Go. 16GB isn't a hell of a lot when games take up roughly 1GB a time. We know there's an extra memory slot but here at PushSquare we like our systems to be a bit of library these days. The office PS3 has over 50 PSN games stored on it. By our reckoning, a PSP Go with a 16GB memory card added to it will only be able to store 30 games at most. And yet, Sony are billing the system as something you could store music and movies on aswell.
We feel like the PSP Go should have 32GB onboard at the very least.
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