Author Profile

When he isn't feeding crows at his local beach, Adam sometimes likes to play video games, and sometimes even writes about them as well! He particularly enjoys roguelikes, puzzlers, and RPGs, and has beaten Baldur's Gate 3 nine times (and counting), which probably qualifies him for some sort of commendation that no sane person would find gratification in receiving.

18 (16 reviews)
First Article
Wed 27th, August 2014
Avg. Review Score
  • Mini Review Warriors: Abyss (PS5) - A Decent Descent into Hell for Roguelike and Warriors Fans

    The Enemy of my Enma

    Truthfully, Warriors: Abyss feels like Koei Tecmo tried to cook up its own budget Hades from the leftovers of last night's Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors. That's not to say it fails to sate the appetite, though. Despite being a bit rough around the edges, Abyss is a solid and successfully addictive foray into the...

  • Review Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (PS4)

    A diamond in the rough

    Republished on Wednesday 27th September 2017: We're bringing this review back from the archives following the announcement of October's PlayStation Plus lineup. The original text follows. Hideo Kojima's critically acclaimed Metal Gear franchise is known for its showy, fantastical, and often down-right ridiculous mythos –...

  • Review Day of the Tentacle Remastered (PS4)

    Don't mansion it

    It may come as no surprise to anyone that's played the original release, but Day of the Tentacle still holds up as a stellar example of its genre 23 years on. Point-and-click titles of its time are often regarded for their zany humour, inspired visuals, and inventive puzzle-solving – and this little gem is no different. Sporting a...

  • Review Rainbow Moon (PS4)

    Over the moon

    It's easy to be fooled by Rainbow Moon's light-hearted visuals; you'd be forgiven for thinking that the title bares more resemblance to some free-to-play mobile fancy, for example, than it does an 80 hour fantasy epic. However, underneath its fun-loving exterior, SideQuest Studios' popular adventure is just that and more. There's a...

  • Review Not a Hero (PS4)

    Diplomatic immunity

    Aptly titled, Not a Hero is a charismatic, side-scrolling shoot-'em-up in which you massacre mobsters, thugs, and other underworld villains in the name of BunnyLord – an anthropomorphic purple rabbit who is currently running for mayor. Phew. The title's core gameplay, on the other hand, isn't all that strange. First and...

  • News Put the Gloves Back On in Kung Fury: Street Rage's Huge New PS4 Update

    Belated button-bashing

    In case you missed it, the otherwise barebones brawler Kung Fury: Street Rage saw the release of a rather hefty update last month. The update features a brand new, fully voice acted story mode and grants fans of the film the opportunity to play as the ludicrous Triceracop, the minigun-toting Barbarianna, and the highly...

  • Game of the Year #6 - Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (PS4, PS3)

    Tactical espionage excellence

    When Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain first hit shelves back in September, it was everywhere – and with good reason. Though the title harbours concerns of meddlesome online content and a lacking narrative, it still delivers as a stellar toybox fit for fans of the series and newcomers alike. The ways in which the...

  • Review The Talos Principle: Deluxe Edition (PS4)

    God complex

    The Talos Principle: Deluxe Edition is an expansive, thought-provoking puzzle game that puts you in the role of the User – an android that's been flung into a mysterious new world without any recollection of how or why it's there. As the User, it's your duty – at least initially – to obey the orders of your 'god', Elohim. This...

  • Review SkyScrappers (PS4)

    Scrapping the barrel

    UK-based developer Ground Shatter's debut title comes in the form of SkyScrappers – a vertically-orientated brawler that sees two or more combatants fight their way up a crumbling tower and attempt to navigate all sorts of falling clutter as they do so. It's a fresh enough twist on the genre's often infamous auto-scrolling...

  • Review Overruled! (PS4)

    Case dismissed

    Overruled! is a frantic, diverse brawler in which yourself and three other players compete against each other in order to amass points, with the highest total winning the match. Your score is determined by your performance in a selection of objectives, as well through more conventional means, like attacking your opponents – but...

  • Review The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 (PS4)

    By the book

    The most recent instalment in the series, The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 is a whimsical point and click adventure title developed by King Art Games. Though the release is centred around the typical core mechanics of the genre – that is to say, you'll be interacting with the environment, objects, and characters in order to overcome...

  • Review Super Time Force Ultra (PS4)

    A force to be reckoned with

    At its core, Super Time Force Ultra is a heavily addictive side-scrolling shooter, and a great one at that - even without the intuitive Time Out feature. The game is beautifully smooth to play from start to finish; members of the Super Time Force feel responsive and effortless to control, which is somewhat essential given...

  • Review Giana Sisters: Dream Runners (PS4)

    In your dreams, kid

    Essentially, Giana Sisters: Dream Runners is a game in which you race against a handful of other players across a looping stage, with the goal being to try and stay in first place until the current 'lap' comes to a close. If you're in the lead when it does eventually end, then you'll be awarded with a gold star. Collect three of...

  • Review Kung Fury: Street Rage (PS4)

    Left, left, left again and straight up your ass

    There really isn't much to say about Kung Fury: Street Rage, other than that it can be a fun little distraction to sink your free time into. The game sees you take control of Kung Fury as he wallops, kicks, and shoots an endless wave of Nazi goons, racking up combos and points as he does so. You'll...

  • Review Adventures of Pip (PS4)

    Pipped to the past

    From indie developer Tic Toc Games comes the puzzle-platformer Adventures of Pip, in which you play as the pixelated Pip – an unlikely hero who has been tasked with rescuing the princess from the clutches of an evil sorceress; the devious Queen Skeleton plans to reduce the land's populace to simple one-colour 'pixels' – much...

  • Review King's Quest - Chapter I: A Knight to Remember (PS4)

    A knight to consider

    Developed by The Odd Gentlemen, Sierra's wonderfully strange point-and-click King's Quest franchise is finally resurrected with a new, episodic tale that is set to span six chapters in total – the first of which being the rather cunningly titled A Knight to Remember. The story begins with Graham, the king of Daventry – the...

  • Review Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number (PlayStation 4)

    Wronged number

    Dennaton Games' thrillingly brutal Hotline Miami caused quite a commotion when it was first set free, with the game amassing a diehard following due to its daring art direction and addictive, adrenaline-pumping gameplay. Now, almost two years after its release on PlayStation systems, it's time to don the animal mask once more and take...

  • Review Hotline Miami (PlayStation 4)

    Miami Visceral

    With the stylish murder simulator Hotline Miami first hitting the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita in 2013, it shouldn't come as a surprise that the darling indie title has already achieved critical acclaim and a cult following of devout 80s obsessed adrenaline junkies. Just over a year later, the gory title sees a re-release on the...