With 2022 now done and dusted, it's time to look to the future. One thing we know at this point is that 2023 has a stacked release schedule of PS5 and PS4 games, but of course, we can never be totally sure of what will happen. As is tradition here on Push Square, it's time for the editorial team to make some predictions what the next 12 months have in store. We can be as outlandish as we like, but obviously, brownie points are on the line for any predictions that come true. With those incredibly high stakes set, let's get on with it!
Sammy Barker, Editor

I believe 2023 will be PS5's biggest year in terms of hardware sales by a comfortable margin. While this is somewhat of a safe prediction – and ultimately enforced by forecasts from the firm itself – I think the company has been stung by circumstances out of its control which have limited the number of units it can ship, and it'll be motivated to respond. I think we'll see the system's rumoured hardware revision readily available by September, and I think Sony's going to absolutely swamp retail with units throughout the year, in an all-out assault to try and take control of this generation before Microsoft's deep pockets can do any real damage to its market leading position. I wouldn't be surprised if the Japanese giant shipped and sold over 25 million PS5 consoles this year.
For as undeniably excited as I am for the hardware, I think PSVR2's going to have a tough first year. It's important I clarify my prediction here: I think in terms of critical acclaim, the headset will be universally lauded – and subsequently it's going to cultivate a cult following that will eulogise the device whenever and wherever possible. But given the economic climate, I predict there will be much handwringing from the ever-sceptical games media, eager to write it off as a flop. I don't expect more than two million units to be sold in the first year, and the mood to be gloomy by Christmas. However, I think Sony will have a steady software schedule through 2023, and will have some big games announced for 2024, too.
Improvements will be made to PS Plus Premium. Despite taking an eternity to roll out the new PS Plus tiers, I think Sony misjudged the market for the Premium option. In the platform holder's mind, the selling point for its flagship subscription is cloud streaming; for the consumer, it's the promise of retro games. I actually think the manufacturer's going to buck expectations and get its act together in 2023; it'll probably be a slow burn, so don't expect much improvement in the early parts of the year, but I think by the end of the year it'll quietly be peddling a competent selection of well-emulated PS1 and PSP games, all available as part of its most expensive membership option.
Robert Ramsey, Deputy Editor

Capcom will announce a new Monster Hunter game for PS5. Capcom's insane run of form will continue in 2023, and it'll cap things off later in the year with the announcement of a brand new Monster Hunter title — probably World 2. Now, obviously, Monster Hunter Rise will have released on PS5 and PS4 by this point, but I'd be shocked if a sequel to 2018's World hasn't been in development for at least a couple of years. It's happening, and I'd bet on it happening a lot sooner than people think.
Sony will host a colossal PS5 showcase about halfway through the year, essentially relaunching the console. This has been a long time coming. Sony went through the whole of 2022 without a 'proper' showcase, but I think we'll get one in 2023 — and it'll be a big deal. With PS5 stock surging and a bunch of high profile games releasing in the next 12 months, I can see Sony finally putting its full weight behind the current-gen console, to the point where it almost feels like a relaunch. This renewed commitment might also tie in to the release of a new model — something that's been rumoured for months now.
Persona 6 will be announced, but not revealed. In a classic Atlus move, I can see Persona 6 being officially announced in 2023 — but we won't actually see it until 2024. It sounded like the developer had big plans for the series' 25th anniversary last year, but, as Atlus actually admitted, things didn't work out. I'm not sure whether Persona 6 was going to be part of the celebrations, but I think the time is right to make the next Persona official. Bonus prediction: Persona 6 will use green as its primary colour. Or maybe purple — I can't quite decide.
Stephen Tailby, Associate Editor

Sony's rumoured live service reboot of Twisted Metal is officially announced, and it'll launch close to its TV adaptation. I think the stars will align quite nicely here. We know the live action series has been picked up by Peacock, and we know the show is firmly entrenched in post-production right now, having finished filming last summer. On the flip side, it's heavily rumoured that Sony's studio Firesprite is leading development on a new game in the franchise, with an emphasis on multiplayer and live service. Assuming nothing goes wrong, the two projects could well line up for a semi-joint arrival later in the year.
The Microsoft / Activision Blizzard saga will rage on for another year. We're all bored to tears about this topic at Push Square, but it isn't over until it's over. A deal this big was never going to be an easy win for Microsoft. Between Sony throwing its toys out of the pram, regulators struggling to give the go-ahead, and the FTC even taking the matter to court, I think we'll be hearing about this throughout 2023. It's caught up in so much red tape at this point that I can't see it being settled anytime soon. Enjoy several more articles trying to make sense of this madness.
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 will feature GTA 5-esque character swapping between Peter, Miles, and Venom. Both Peter Parker and Miles Morales have had their own character-affirming adventures, complete with fully fleshed-out movesets. It would be a little weird to throw out all that work and focus on just one of them, right? And let's face it, Venom won't be the real bad guy. He'll be an antagonistic force, but there will be a greater threat that unites the anti-hero with our pair of Spideys. So, I have a feeling you'll be able to play as not only Peter and Miles interchangeably, but Insomniac will go a step further and make Venom playable too. And the hot-swapping from GTA 5 means you can choose your flavour of web-slinger whenever you want.
Liam Croft, Assistant Editor

Sony has a quiet 2023 in terms of game releases. While I expect the hardware manufacturer to have a slate of new PS5 reveals to share throughout the year, I don't think you'll actually be playing any of them in the next 12 months. Outside of Horizon Call of the Mountain and Marvel's Spider-Man 2, I think Sony has maybe one other big PS5 title up its sleeve. Compared to previous years, that is indeed a bit naff. Speaking purely from the perspective of PlayStation Studios — because I know stuff like Final Fantasy XVI and Stellar Blade is exclusive — I don't think there'll be too much to get excited about in 2023.
The Last of Us Multiplayer doesn't release this year. Part of the reason why I think 2023 will be quiet for Sony is because The Last of Us Multiplayer isn't coming out until 2024. With Naughty Dog still only teasing news later this year and sticking to concept art drops in the meantime, I can't see the online project making it to launch in 2023. It's going to be fantastic whenever it arrives, I'm sure, but maybe cool your anticipation if you're expecting it this year.
Resident Evil 4 wins Push Square Game of the Year for 2023. It happened in 2019 with Resident Evil 2, and it happened again in 2021 with Resident Evil Village. Therefore, it's only tradition at this point: a Resident Evil game wins our Game of the Year award every two years. It also helps that Resident Evil 4 already looks outstanding, faithfully remaking the PS2 classic while expanding on so many of its masterful aspects and mechanics. I think that's enough for Resident Evil 4 to take our top prize come the end of this year.
Aaron Bayne, Video Producer

Sony will announce the comeback of a beloved series. Okay, admittedly, I have no real idea what this could be, or what it should be, but Sony has a plethora of cult-favourite properties that haven't received their fair share of love in the PS5 era. Series like Resistance, Jak and Daxter, Killzone, and inFAMOUS to name a few. With most new-age series being on their second entries, it's high time to reintroduce some classics to modern audiences.
The Last of Us Factions will be Sony's most exciting project in 2023. Yeah sure, when people talk about their most anticipated, everyone is going to point to Marvel's Spider-Man 2. But let's be real, while it will undoubtedly be brilliant, I really don't think it will surprise us too much. The Last of Us Factions, on the other hand, is brimming with potential, especially as one of Sony's biggest attempts at a multiplayer-only title. Will it be battle royale? Will it be open world? How hard will Naughty Dog go for live service? There is a lot we don't know, but if it manages to bring The Last Of Us: Part II's stellar gameplay to a multiplayer setting, the possibilities are endless.
Developers are going to fully utilise the PS5 as they ditch PS4. There are only a few games out there that truly feel "next-gen" on PS5, and that's because most games released between 2020 and now have been developed for both PS4 and 5. However, 2023 is going to be the year we start to see more games really push the PS5 to the limit as we ditch cross-gen releases. As we start to see games that are solely made for current-gen, we're hopefully entering the PS5's golden era, just like that of the PS4, where each game aims to show us what the console is really capable of.
So, that's what we think might happen throughout 2023. We'll have to wait and see who has the most accurate foresight, but in the meantime, what do you predict 2023 will bring us? Have your say in the comments section below.
Comments 56
Looks like Sammy wants 3 points this year by stating the obvious...😀
It does seem like it’ll be a quiet year for Sony First Party games tbh but Suare Enix seem to be filling that gap with three big releases. Those together with Spider-man 2 and maybe The Last of Us: Factions 2 would be fine by me.
@LN78 let’s hope so 🤞
@Deljo I have doubts that Sony will improve PS+ Premium but the first 2 seem very likely.
Spiderman 2 will release with "the best puddles ever seen in a videogame" (Digital Foundry). Unfortunately the rendering on said puddles will be so good, that the PS5 can't handle it, causing the console to crash and resulting in thousands of gamers taking to twitter to rage about how good the puddles are.
Elon Musk will buy Sony and announce he is going to win back Bethesda as his first move. Sadly, he is unable to achieve this, so he does the next best thing and releases a Fallout competitior starring himself, wandering a post-apocalyptic wasteland of his own making.
Sony announces that it intends to improve its subscription model by introducing a new tier, "Ultra". For an extra twenty quid, gamers will be sent old Sony products each month, such as camcorders, or surplus Walkmans.
Fumito Ueda's new project will be revealed, and will be a 20-hour epic about a bloke who's lost his pen. It will be due for release in 2030.
PSVR 2 will launch with a brand new "Smell-o-vision" feature, allowing for a level of immersion never seen before in video games. The only title to support this feature at launch will be Silent Hill 2, leading to a raft of complaints.
I’m really on the fence about my PSVR2 pre order.
I was pretty excited and have never had VR previously but I’m just not sure it’ll be supported with great games going forward if it doesn’t sell due to its price?
Anyone got any thoughts as I have no experience in this gaming area?
While I know many are excited about PSVR2, I personally hope Sony doesn’t put too many eggs in that basket. I’m hoping we get a couple first party surprises. I’d love that “big showcase” if that were to happen. Sony and MS could both use that. I think PS5 has had a strong start, compared to last gen, but public perception has been “ugh, no consoles, and no games.”
Boy if RE4 ends up being the GOTY then it'll be a real bummer of a year for me.
I will be boring and contribute to the industry trend, by predicting an acquisition from Sony. One of either Square Enix, Koei Tecmo, Capcom, or FromSoftware will join the PlayStation Studios family this year.
Bold prediction, PlayStation 5 will surpass the 50 million mark this year.
I predict VR is going to be a lemon because only the well-off are going to buy it during a recession.
Remember, y'all here might be willing to invest half a grand into a headset, but this is a PlayStation fansite. We do not represent the bulk of consumers.
@Eadgar Dude seriously if you guess right and PS acquired Square or KT I think my heart would burst from the hype 😅
I sure hope Aaron is right and either inFAMOUS or (especially) Resistance make a comeback. Would absolutely LOVE to see one of those IP's make a comeback in some shape or form.
I pretty much agree with all of these predictions, with the overarching theme being a relatively week year for Sony. I think announcements will be slimmer than we hope from many of our beloved developers and any sort of showcase will hinge on having truly anything to share. I truly hope Sony choses to return to a show of some sort like E3.
I also think Sammy summed up the likely trajectory of the PSVR2 perfectly. It will be lauded as a decent piece of hardware, but ultimately fail to garner sales due to the lineup and the declining economic prowess of the predatory capitalist system of which we are enslaved to. It's just an enormously tough sell for anyone other than those that pretty much buy anything new and/or suffer from chronic FOMO. The majority of the lineup is ports and for the asking price that just ain't it.
I also have to say what I know many are thinking but wouldn't dare admit. If Starfield and Avowed end up being amazing, I will likely pick up an xbox console for the first time ever.
I do hope a genuine reboot of this console I bought day one, and its generation that has yet to manifest, does so at some point. Would love to see an old dormant IP return for sure, and also am interested to hear what Sony Bend and Bluepoint are working on in terms of new IPS. I'm hoping that at least on the third-party front some of the games turn out to be gems.
Metal Gear Solid and Sony will bring back SOCOM.
This has a 1% of happening but with the success of the switch and the steam deck I'm hoping sony announce a playstation 5 handheld. Obviously will be digital only and even 720p would do and strip back the specs to somewhere similar to the series S so it's still just powerful enough to run current gen games.
Honestly think it would work and sell well.
VR2 is already struggling. roughly 5% uptake so far. so i agree with Sammy.
and i really hope Robert is right with mhw2
I'ma leak Factions 2 if it doesn't come out this year
"Developers are going to fully utilise the PS5 as they ditch PS4." Is this even a prediction, though? It seems pretty obvious that this will happen, since most of the already announced AAA titles won't be available on the PS4. Methinks someone wants to make sure that they get at least 1 point.
@itsfoz Hell yes to a GOOD SOCOM!
miss the socom clan wars of old
My predictions
-I too believe the VR2 will struggle a lot commercially. BUT! Half Life Alyx will launch late 2023 for it.
-Spider Man 2 will get delayed to early 2024, will introduce 2 player co-op but not split screen. Will be set in the same city which will lead to mixed reactions but overall people will be happy with what they see.
-Ghost of Tsushima 2 will get a teaser trailer with a vague 2024 reveal that it will miss.
-Last Of Us Factions full release will miss this year but will have a big open beta similar to what Bungie did with both Destiny releases. Speaking of which they will lean into Bungie a lot during the marketing, stating they helped out a lot.
-Factions will be a mission based multiplayer game with cut scenes. They will attempt to make their characters as fleshed out as their traditional SP games but miss the mark just a little. They'll make up for it by its gameplay where the clickers especially will finally get their time to shine. It will be a loot based game and this will be one of the weaker elements of the game.
-Horizon Zero Dawn Ps5 version is real. It won't be free but will have an upgrade path. It will be a decent update but not vital at all.
-Stellar Blade will be great but not sell as much as it should.
-Final Fantasy XVI doesn't satisfy fans as much as we think it will (just a gut feeling, hope I'm wrong)
-Suicide Squad over delivers! Finally a bit of positivity from me! Again just a gut feeling.
-And finally due to the weaker first party line up, Sony will currate a lot of very good indies, most will be secretly timed exclusives as they usually are.
A old classic fan favorite franchises coming back would be awesome.we will see.lots of amazing games coming this year.word up son
All very good predictions, but knowing this version of Sony none of them will come true.
I’m a little bit worried they’re too all-in on PSVR2 in the current economic climate. I also wonder what effect the whole Metaverse thing is having on those who don’t already have buy in to the idea. VR sales overall shrank in 2022 by quite a fair amount.
As a PC gamer first that only has a PS5 for exclusives my PS5 may gather dust in 2023
Bloodborne PS5 60fps patch.
I live in hope.
How about we kill the ps4 already and Focus on the ps5.
I absolutely dig Stephen Tailby prediction about Spiderman 2. If we get to play as Venom I would pre-order. Venom is top 5 on my favorite comic character list. Spiderman doesn't make my top 20 lol
I really hope Last of us factions lives up to the potential and a comeback from Jak & Daxter or Infamous would complete the year for me
@palmab and I predict no one will care about your PS5 gathering dust.
If Resident Evil 4 (Remake) wins Push Square Game of the Year for 2023 that would be BS and one of the most controversial things in here. I hope you are all joking with this.
I agree with Liam about Sony exclusives for 2023. Yes, there are plenty of PS5 games releasing this year, but none to the level of GOW Ragnarok. Yes, exclusives don't matter much with a year full of releases. But, Sony will need something to keep the PS5 sales running now that this year will see stock being more readily available.
My most exciting Sony "exclusive" is FFXVI and that's only a timed exclusive.
I 1000% agree with Stephen Tailby about the GTA V style character swapping in Spider-Man 2. It really makes sense as they did show all 3 of the characters in the reveal trailer and we could see Peter and Miles both fighting together. Venom added as a playable character will be the cherry on top.
I would love new entries in all these, awesome games and great fun.
”Series like Resistance, Jak and Daxter, Killzone, and inFAMOUS to name a few.”
@IslandLogic Of course it's a prediction. Something doesn't have to be outlandish to be a prediction. in fact quite the contrary. Where do you think the word predictable comes from?
-50 million ps5’s by end of the year
-Forspoken to flop
-Last of us Factions to release in May/June
@Hurblyburbly If you can afford it have fun with it. If you're using money you can ill afford then you'd be absolutely silly to invest in PSVR2. I think anyone who knows about the gaming industry realises VR will only ever be a cult thing. Hence you'll never get big developers fully behind it. Especially in today's climate, with no big change in the foreseeable future.
Thanks for the reply mate. Appreciated
It’s not a money issue for me it’s whether it’s going to be an expensive purchase just sat around doing nothing after the first few months as it’s not being supported and no new games are coming out for it.
This is my first PlayStation (always had x box and Nintendo until now) so am not aware how the original PSVR was supported etc and if this has a bright future going forward.
@Gremio108 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@Hurblyburbly Obviously, I think, the price will affect it somewhat as the reaction by a lot of the people on here, when the price was announced, wasn't positive.
I tried the first one, a friend has it, and yes it was kinda impressive but not enough that I wanted one.
To be honest, although my friend sings its praises, and says he's getting 2 "eventually", I can't remember the last time I saw him playing it. I think he's too proud to admit he made a mistake. 😂 But that's just my take.
My personal opinion is it's not going to end up being supported that well but there will probably be a few really fun games.
I tend to agree with you in all honesty.
If Half Life Alyx is released I will most definitely get it but for now I’m just not sure.
As long as I can see it supported going forward I’ll jump on board but think I’ll wait for the time being.
Sony finally realise their mistake and make the PS5 UI work like the PS4's? Themes and folders please!
Hoping for some new next gen only titles because at the moment the PS5 is looking like a badly designed PS4 Pro Plus.
no predictions about ps5 slim? seems fairly likely to release this year. boy am i glad i held off on purchasing a ps5 fat model, especially with the liquid metal leaks that have been reported of late from various people. this could be a major manufacturing defect but it remains to be seen. at any rate, i am predicting that the ps5 slim will release this year with an MSRP that is $50-100 less than the fat model!
@Gremio108, game about a bloke who's lost his pen? Finally a game based on the KITH classic "My Pen" sketch with Bruce McCulloch as the character that's lost his pen. Definitely my 2nd ever pre-order.
I like the idea of a PS5 relaunch. It just feels as if this generation has not started yet. The pandemic and supply shortages really slowed everything down. There's some stuff I would love to see but don't know if it'll come to fruition.
The PS5 hardware revision with a removable Blu ray drive would be an instant purchase.
Sony Sports Division. These sports games from EA and 2K need competition.
A Rocksteady Superman game
A Jak and Daxter sighting
PS5 readily available at retail outlets and the loss of the scalper market
I can't lie, these are super boring and really safe predictions. There's nothing cold or
revelatory here, or even fun. Liam at least made more specific predictions, but the rest are pretty broad, and pretty much expected.
An articleile this should surely make one think, or see something new or a different perspective. I know Sony has been pretty boring the last few years but you could have at least tried to have a bit more ambition with the predictions imo
Final Fantasy IX Remake incoming
I am genuinely looking forward to the revised PS5 model. I really want one but it’s just too big to sit under my TV and I’m not leaving a gap (and stashing it away) or buying a new unit.
@Neonix This been saying this for a while, if VR wants to grow exclusivity is not the way forward, let the headset work on PC as well. I don't even have any interest in PC gaming etc and I still want that to happen
@LN78 I really really really hope so, but the big question is will it still be good if kojimas not involved..
@LN78 oh god yeah, hated the soundtrack changes in that game. Still got my copy for some reason. It was ultimately dissapointing ebay purchase a few years back.
Thinking about it for about 10 seconds, twisted metal is the absolutely perfect franchise for a live service, battle Royale game. An has the potential for a huge toy market as well.
@Yozora146_ I have a feeling Sony might formally bring it to PC later on when the hardware itself is profitable. Hackers will probably get it working on the PC inside of a few weeks.
@colonelkilgore May be this will be the year Sony finally take Square Enix over.
@LifeGirl The flaw with VR is that you basically need high end mobile phone hardware plus more to make it worthwhile but people aren't willing to pay for that hardware as a peripheral.
Another bold prediction, Sony open up a pop up Playstation Bar that allow people to play PS5 an VR.
@Keyblade-Dan People have only been predicting it for the last 20 years. Takeovers are virtually unknown in Japan, it nearly always mergers.
It also helps that Resident Evil 4 already looks outstanding, faithfully remaking the GameCube classic
I predict some delays will happen, but otherwise 2023 will still be a strong year for gaming.
We should also hopefully get at least 1 legit PlayStation Showcase, alongside like 5+ State of Plays?
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