Our individual Game of the Year articles allow our lovely team of writers to share their own personal PS5 and PS4 picks for 2022. Today, it's the turn of reviewer Brett Posner-Ferdman.
5. The King of Fighters XV

After what felt like years of waiting, the newest entry of The King of Fighters series is finally here, and it was well worth the wait. As a long time fan of the series, it is great to see all these great KOF and SNK icons come together to shatter all my expectations. As much as I love Tekken and Street Fighter, there really is nothing like creating your own 3v3 team of some of the wildest characters out there (I’m looking at you, King of Dinosaurs). The addition of the Max Mode system has added a new level of depth to an already deep combat system in a way that keeps the combat fresh, without being too hard to master. Plus, with a whole host of DLC characters coming down the pipeline, it seems as though this entry may have the longest legs the series has seen yet.
4. Persona 5 Royal (PS5)

The Persona series has long been associated with PlayStation, much to the dismay of Nintendo and PC fans. But 2022 marked a departure for the series onto new platforms, and thankfully, the PS5 was not left behind. Boasting a smoother frame rate, some improved textures and lighting, and all the DLC from the original release, this rerelease is truly the definitive way to play Persona 5 Royal, especially if you somehow missed out on playing either the 2017 or 2020 release. The only caveat to this version is the lack of an upgrade path for PS4 owners, which slightly sours the overall product for longtime fans, like myself. Despite that, Persona 5 Royal is still one of the greatest games ever made, and is well worth everyone’s time.
3. Sonic Origins

A bit of a controversial pick, but Sonic Origins truly was a highlight of this year for me. It's no surprise that I'm a huge fan of Sonic the Hedgehog, having grown up with countless of his titles, but the classic 2D games have long been some of my favourites. Having the mobile remasters of Sonic 1, 2, and CD available on home consoles has been a dream of mine for the past decade, and this release finally answers my wishes, with the added bonus of a newly remastered version of Sonic 3 & Knuckles. Plus, the game’s mission mode is surprisingly fun, putting a new spin on some of these classics. If you have somehow yet to experience the original 2D Sonic games, and would like to play them on modern consoles, I can think of no better way to play them than in Sonic Origins.
2. Resident Evil 2 (PS5)

A re-release that came and went with very little fanfare, Resident Evil 2 Remake’s PS5 version is another example of how the current-gen console can take an already phenomenal game and make it ever so slightly better. Improved textures, haptic feedback, and load times makes for a much smoother (and spookier) experience. As my favourite game of 2019, and as a diehard fan of Resident Evil, it should come as no surprise that I have such a fondness for this remaster. In fact, the PS5 version was my most played game of the year, according to my 2022 PlayStation Wrap-Up. And, unlike Persona 5 Royal, Resident Evil 2 Remake on PlayStation 5 has a free upgrade for owners of the PS4 version, making for an easy excuse to revisit one of the series’ best entries.
1. Sonic Frontiers

If you had told me at the start of the year that Sonic Frontiers, of all games, was going to be my favourite game on PlayStation this year, I would never have believed you. Everything that was shown of the game prior to launch looked like a mess, with poor pop-in, half baked world design, and very little that screamed “Sonic.” In fact, for the longest time, I kept referring to the game as Sonic Forces 2 out of fear Frontiers would be yet another Sonic disaster. And yet, having finally played the game for myself, I can confidently say this is the most fun game I played this year. I had the biggest smile on my face while I was exploring the vast open zones, grinding on rails, and battling ginormous titans. Ian Flynn did a fantastic job writing the story too, with arguably the best plot and characterisation I have ever seen in a Sonic game. And of course, I cannot overstate just how great the soundtrack is. The game is by no means flawless, but the sheer joy I had from start to finish was unparalleled to anything else I played this year on PlayStation. Plus, the promise of multiple waves of free DLC only serves to make me incredibly hopeful for the future of what this game can offer. Welcome back Sonic, it’s been a long time coming.
What do you think of Brett's personal Game of the Year picks? Feel free to agree wholeheartedly, or berate relentlessly in the comments section below.
Comments 27
man oh man oh man at number 1 🤣😂🤣😂 y’know , it’s been a while , imma fire up the game later today and make some more progress since a good chunk of the pushsquare community says it’s good , so maybe IT IS just me and a few doomers. gotta get my $60 dollars worth anyway since i payed for it day 1 like a sucker
Dat number 1. I mean opinions and all but it's funny. 😂
@nomither6 @Flora2122 I had fun with the game sure it has it's problems, mainly Chaos island being horrible to navigate. Story wasn't a draw for me but it was serviceable. Would have liked tougher enemies to utilize Sonics new move set as he's to OP by the end game.
Running around as Sonic was fun. I went for the platinum so it definitely wasn't a terrible game for me!
The more I see Sonic Frontiers in these lists, the more I’m convinced that I should give it a try… at some point.
Respectable list, glad to see someone mention KoF.
Don’t think I’d put Sonic Frontiers at 1, but it’s in my top 10 of the year as well.

Man each to their own, and it’s good to have diverse tastes on the site, but these are some niche picks! Only 2 are new releases!
You are a brave soul and I salute you my friend! Be prepared for "You got mediocre tastes" type comments but don't let em get to ya. You like what you like and while I wouldn't put Frontiers at my #1 I do think I agree with the statement that I don't think I had more just straight up fun with a game this year like I did with Frontiers.
And yes, shout out to that soundtrack!😄
This is probably the worst personal list so far ngl lol
I actually just snagged Sonic Origins (PS5) to replay Sonic CD. I'm enjoying the added animations and getting to replay these without hooking up the Genesis again. The only thing I wish is that they had added Sonic Spinball and maybe a couple of Game Gear Sonic games like Triple Trouble and Chaos.
As for Frontiers being #1. Good on you for going with your belief instead of worrying about the comments section. I got it for my son for Christmas and had some time with it as well. It's definitely the best 3D Sonic game I've played since the Adventure Dreamcast games.
Look you do you and put frontiers at whatever spot you want
I just don’t get having over 50% of your list being rereleases
@KaijuKaiser he has three non-2022 games on here is the worst part lmao
i think some lists need a rename.
this list for instance
'my 5 most FUN games to play'
would make more sense imo
@stvevan Is that not the same thing?
@kyleforrester87 How do you post images on the comments section?
@get2sammyb for me a top game has to take everything into consideration. not just ignore the issues it has.
people may understand it being a number 1 pick.
maybe im just being fussy.
Great to see Sonic top someone’s list. While it wouldn’t top mine, wouldn’t make the top 10 for me (unless I make PS games only list), I really enjoyed the title and appreciate that it’s getting all the positive feedback it deserves. Frontiers is my all time favorite Sonic title, personally, even better than the Genesis titles for me. It’s a brave pick to publish, but I’m glad to see the game getting the credit it deserves.
I think people are forgetting that these are personal choices. I understand what you are getting at but it dosnt say anywhere that the games chosen have to be from this year..maybe these are the top 5 games he has played this year?
@KaijuKaiser yes, Witcher 3 PS5 version could certainly win GOTY as per the parameters apparently set by Push Square when it comes to what can be included in these lists. Remasters and remakes are everywhere recently - it’s a sign of the times and actually much less complicated than you would like to make out, so stop making a fuss - you will have more fun.
To the folks critical of the ports/remasters on the list do keep in mind this is a personal top 5, not the official Push Square top 5.
People play games at all sorts of different times. Sometimes we miss titles at launch or didn't get as much time as we wanted during launch year. Maybe it's just a reflection of how many of the usual suspects just didn't click with Brett this year.
Just something to consider.
Sonic fans definitely see something in Sonic that I can't. Sonic Frontiers is just a boring sandbox game, with an over-melodramatic story, and Sonic Origins is just another over-prized collection of the same old classics that fans have played many times before.
@RareFan At least Sonics getting plenty love. Tell Microsoft to hurry it up with New Banjo, Conker, JFG, Blast Corp, Viva Pinata. I'll even take a new Grabbed by the Ghoulies and Kameo follow up!
That's because Sonic design appeals so much towards fans. Rare doesn't have this luxury. There need to put effort into their games. And if the talent isn't there, there is no reason to create a new Banjo, Conker, or Kameo game.
Nice to see King of Fighters XV get acknowledged.
I won't disagree I found sonic frontiers very enjoyable tbh not perfect.
Glad to see sonic getting love. I'm not surprised at the hate from the "games are srs bsns must be emotionally traumatizing and never fun" modern gamers, that we've already gotten a post about how this looks like list of most fun games instead of best games like that's somehow a bad thing and isn't the same thing is telling.
I'm only up to the second island and having an absolute blast eating my words about it being bad. It's fantastic. Sure it's a straight up botw rip right down to koroks and the sounds they make, with a hedgehog in it but darnit if Sonic the Hedgehog: The Breath of the Rodent isn't darned fun and impressively put together. They finally remembered Sonic is about pinball! It only took 20 years! It just feels fun to play and every few steps is a new roller coaster ride.
I also had to silly grin when arriving at the first boss and got serious SotC vibes. Not a gameplay copy but a clear reference/borrowing themes
Great game. Maybe not GotY but amazingly more purely fun as a video game than most goty candidates.
Fully agree on Sonic Origins. Finally playing Sonic 2's Hidden Palace on console was more exciting than I'd publicly care to admit.
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