When CD Projekt Red announced that it was going to host a Cyberpunk 2077 livestream following months of silence on the game's future, we felt a small jolt of hope. But when the developer kicked said livestream off with a hugely underwhelming 'next-gen' demo, we knew that we'd have to play the newly released PlayStation 5 version for ourselves — and so here we are with our first impressions.
We've spent about four hours with the freshly updated title, booting our old PS4 save and rampaging across Night City. And while this is still the same Cyberpunk 2077 — the game that many would argue is a disappointingly shallow RPG — it finally feels like a finished product. It's actually polished, it looks great, and it isn't threatening to crash your console every time that you turn a corner in a speedy vehicle.
It's taken more than a year to get here, if you can believe it. But thanks to PS5 hardware and a gigantic update that's been months in the making, Cyberpunk 2077 is in a much, much better place. If you're familiar with the PS4 version — even if you were playing it on PS5 via backwards compatibility — you'll immediately notice improvements all over the place. The dynamic 4K resolution makes for an infinitely better image, and the frame-rate is a silky smooth 60 — give or take some slight dips when entering a busy area at speed.
The streets of Night City are better populated, and NPCs don't just disappear when you turn the camera. A decent number of cars traverse the roads, and sometimes, drivers actually drive around parked vehicles. But the biggest change that we noticed during our brief test happens when you fire a gun. Spray some lead near normal citizens and they'll run, while panicked motorists hit the gas, causing carnage on the road. That's artificial intelligence right there, folks. What a time to be alive!
Now, obviously, this is the kind of baseline stuff that you just straight-up expect from an open world title. But when you compare it to the wreck of a game that released in 2020, it's a genuine step forward. What's more, numerous quality of life tweaks add up very quickly. Better driving controls, the ability to dismiss calls from overzealous quest givers, and — thank god — clearer map markers are all much needed enhancements.
The game's PS5 features are worth a mention as well. CDPR has — perhaps surprisingly — made really good use of the DualSense controller. The adaptive triggers are maybe a bit too resistant at times, but the haptic feedback is solid, and guns have a particularly nice rumble to them. Elsewhere, a dedicated ray tracing mode cuts the frame-rate in half, but those reflections and refractions sure are pretty. Worth turning on at least once just to see it in action.
The bottom line here is that the PS5 can run Cyberpunk 2077 properly, and boy does it show. The PS4 version felt like it was on the verge of imploding all the time, so this almost seems like some kind of miracle.
Again, if you aren't a fan of Cyberpunk 2077 at its core — its gameplay, its mechanics, its systems — then this PS5 version probably won't change your mind. But if you wanted to enjoy last-gen Cyberpunk 2077 and simply couldn't because of its many, many technical issues, then this could be the time to jump in.
Have you sampled Cyberpunk 2077 on PS5 yet? We'll be bringing you a full review in the relatively near future, but until then, let us know if you've returned to Night City in the comments section below.
Comments 129
Okay… well I guess that’s good news… I guess… relatively speaking 🤔
We'll have a full PS5 review done soon, based on a new save so that we can give all the main story stuff a proper look.
First impressions really are positive, though. If this was the version that we got at launch, the disappointment would have still existed when measured against expectations, but it wouldn't have been a complete and utter disaster.
Wonder how it’ll be received. Could go the way of Anthem, damage already done, or it could go the way of No Man’s Sky where it’s properly reappraised.
Glad to hear the game is on a more positive note. Really interested to read the site's review.
Too little too late. This game should never have shipped in 2020.
I’d buy this in a heartbeat if it wasn’t for HFW and ER.
I've had faith they would come around, but it's just always a shame to see these games being released like this in the first place.
Patched games always feel like that, patched. They're never gonna be as fluent as a brand new GTA or RDR or Arkham game or something.
This will be worth the 20 bucks or less it costs nowadays for sure.
People who are buutthurt and got it on day one: your own fault
Too bad this year is already packed with games, there isn't really time left to (re)play something like this
Downloaded this and booted over my lunch break - big mistake. It was very difficult to put back down. Excited to see/play more.
I love to try the upgrade if I could download it but theres some issue on Sonys side and there are reports that many people in Europe like me cant get it (Something to do with the CUSA code i believe)!
I have it for PC but never got to it but ended up buying it today for PS5, sounds like it will run it better then my Rtx 2070 laptop
I'm going to add it to my PS5 backlog as soon as I get hold of one. I never expected to play this on PS4, but I picked up a copy as it was dirt cheap and had a free PS5 upgrade.
Played 2 hours. Yes this feels way more polished now. Graphic on Ps5 looks good, not stunning at all but really good.
Played a little and it's a vast improvement on the dumpster fire which was last gen versions but with horizon forbidden West this week and elden ring it will have too wait.
@Golem25 after playing the update i agree , this is the game we should have gotten , at least they made good on their word , hopefully they keep adding updates , ect.
I'll give it a chance down the road when we hit a dry spell. There are just too many games and not enough time to go around.
@Gloamin Yep, I don't think this gen is powerful enough to do much with ray tracing. Games already look great and this gen should make 60fps the norm but ray tracing is still one step to far. With console gamers valuing 4K so highly and AMD lagging so far behind Nvidia on DLSS/RT I think GA and shadows will be all we get most of the time with reflection only really happening in a limited way.
We will see what Sony first party is able to do with RT. If they crack it early in the generation it may push third parties to push harder.
@OmegaStriver having too many games to play isn't really a bad thing , better then having nothing to play and waiting around ;-p
It looks bloomin' gorgeous. I spent hundreds of hours with the PS4 version so seeing everything looking so crisp, clear and smooth brings a tear to my Kiroshi Optics.
I guess I was wrong when I said the game wouldn't be playable until 2077. Now all I need is a ps5 to play it....... So I guess it'll be a few years (I can't be bothered to look for stock 50 times a day on every single website)
Admittedly from what I've played of it so far I'm impressed. I gave my thoughts on it, positive at last on another Article so I don't think there's any point repeating myself here. I do want to apologise to those who I was quite mean to when they see this, it was out of character completely.
@Rhaoulos Not a few years hopefully
I really enjoyed this game the first go round on my PS5; will be excited to try the update when I’m done with Forbidden West and Elden Ring, like, next year
I played an hour as street kid with the trial, it seemed fun but I was just trying to get a feel for it so wasn’t paying attention to a lot of things.
It’s on my list to get at some point!
Still downloading, it's taking an age so will check it out tomorrow. Sounds positive though and I already enjoyed one backwards compat playthrough so this will be great.
Hopefully this is the base game now for them to release some proper updates and DLC in the months to come.
Ive never been one to notice 30-60 fps but by god i do in this. Was playing on performance mode for a good couple of hours but then thought id chuck it in graphical mode and it felt like a slug. Walking, running turning etc. Dont know if its because i changed it in game instead of at the main menu but it felt horrendous. No issues in performance mode tho. Actually quite enjoyed it and will defenately be buying it.
They can make this game prettier and more functional, but the plot of the game is still a total whiff, which ruins an RPG. I really wish I could be as excited about this as others, but honestly… I’m waiting on next gen Witcher 3 instead for my next time touching a CDPR product.
Yeah I had a go earlier for about 15 minutes and it looked incredible. Absolutely beautiful game. Didn't spot any performance hiccups!
I was excited for this game when it came out, but not enough to preorder it. Turned out that that was a good choice. I haven't played it at all, so this will be my first foray into it. Turns out it's on sale in the US for $24.99 right now, as well.
@nessisonett I think more NMS then Anthem. People I think are still willing to give Cyberpunk and CD Projekt Red a chance because of the game's potential and for what the team did in the past. Anthem though had the EA and recent Bioware games stigma on it.
It's so obvious to me that 2022 was when the game should have come out but I wonder if CDPR had said "sorry we said 2020 but now it's 2022" how that would have looked to people.
this game is soooooo dead already. why even bother.
@Porco can’t see why a Singleplayer game can be dead if you are interested to play it.
I was heavily disappointed with the release. I had crash after crash on the Ps5 and stopped playing after the first 3 days. Now after 1 year I have a usage for the game disc again.
The new version is pretty solid. Like I said, I don’t know how it can be dead. The hype around the game is mostly over, but I play games that I like, nevertheless how the hype is.
I'm happy to see the big improvement! Love em or hate em i do respect the ambition CDPR has for their titles. Plus as far as big Western RPGs go they are pretty much the last independent option available so this can only be a good thing if they can get back on the right track.
@TooBarFoo Digital Foundry’s John Linnemann expressed a similar concern on Twitter today (regarding AMD’s Ray Tracing capabilities in the console hardware) and there was an answer from a developer (I forget the name or the studio they worked for but it was a major 3rd party one) saying we should expect major improvements later in the generation with games that started development with the hardware already available.
I have downloaded it and really want to try it. I bought it day one and never played due to the issues, but I am in love with Sifu. I won't be playing anything else for at least a week or 2 😂
Cyberpunk 2077 Demo verdict.
Good graphics when playing in 60fps. Nice gunplay and car driving feels fun.
Bad is the lifeless character models when talking, empty feeling world and boring story
Thank goodness I held out then. Just a shame its come out after Dying Light 2 and before Horizon. My next few weeks are busy lol
@nessisonett Damage already done I'd say
It's a patch? Meaning it's running in BC on the PS5, or is it an actual native PS5 version?
@banacheck PS5 version
Was 60fps an option on the previous version or was it locked to 30?
@Pditty1980 same here 😐 finally unwrapped my day one copy that I've been holding on to, giving them the benefit of the doubt that this game will someday rock and now I can't even use that upgrade. Guess I should have returned it when I had the chance and pick it up now for a tenner.
Coincidentally started to play CP77 four days ago on my PS5. Had no issues in PS4 backward version. And today surprisingly native PS5 version dropped... so I have direct comparison and must say, PS5 version is beautiful. Ray Tracing mode (30fps) is... well ... too much clumsy, but Performance (60fps) feels perfect. Only little shock for me was that "drastic cut" of pickable items. Yes... they almost cut them all, and now it feels so empty...
So from the base game to the most recent update, how much space does this take up on PS5?
Tried it on a PS4 pro at launch and crashed in the opening area. Said to myself F this!!! As mentioned in other comments ‘to little to late’. Backlog tooooo long already, maybe sometime in the years ahead.
Same here. Only able to access trial version. PS4 version installed, will only let me get the trial.
This same kind of issue happened last year with AC Valhalla. Unable to upgrade PS4 discs for PS5. It actually took WEEKs for them to fix.
By the time they did, I’d lost interest.
These issues shouldn’t be happening 12+ months after a console launch
Shame they just didn't delay it. But Horizon: Forbidden West and Sifu are my games now. From quality devs that care about their fans
@BoldAndBrash arkham knight was a mess on pc
@Subsided it will not, you'll never got to experience the full RT if you're using a ps5
@Nyne11Tyme we'll it's a first party title from sony what do you expect lmao. SIFU looks a mobile game even a switch can run it without turning it into a ***** show
Glad to hear they took their time and finally launched in a decent state. But it’s still never going to be the game they promised.
Will get to it eventually
@Reeneman easy. the game failed to live up to even one 10th of its potential and will go down as the most overhyped and falsely advertised video game in history. not to menton the most scandelous. the game is dead because in 10 years, it will be remembered more for its problems than the actual content of the game itself, which by the way, is quite mediocre even outside of the bugs, performance issues and broken nature of it all. i have never seen a game destroy itself in the way cyberpunk did outside of a few ea titles.
The dualsense support is fantastic
Got a ps4 copy from GameStop today for 12 bucks. Excited to try it
Played on Series X.
Game updated minutes after CDPR made the announcement that the patch was live. My save file was already waiting for me.
Game played beautifully!
I don't think the RT Mode is enough of a visual upgrade to warrant playing at 30fps - maybe in interior spaces, but certainly not out and about.
@OthmaneAD graphical fidelity doesn't have much to do with a well thought out and realized vision. Horizon and Sifu both have that and both released to great reviews and hopefully sales. They also both look amazing in entirely different ways. The fact Cyberpunk ran and looked like ass on multiple platforms is only part of the failure.
For $10 bucks, its worth a try but the damage has already been done personally.
Never buying a CD Projekt Red game at launch again
@twitchtvpat Ive recently bought Dying Light 2 and Sifu which I really enjoyed both and intend to buy HFW and ER.
I plan to get Forspoken in May, so I see me playing Cyberpunk around June or July considering most video game studios avoid those months the plague when it comes to releases. Which I disagree with. I hate how so many games are bunched together, like right now for instance.
Still hope they will add lots to make it a full fledge rpg, i know im reaching..
At least add-ons to add more depth in many areas.
Awesome. I've held out on Cyberpunk 2077 because the early feedback suggested it wasn't ready. If in a few weeks from now, players are having tons of fun with the PS5 version, then it will be time to invest the money + time in trying this game out.
Played a few hours on a new save. I agree with the adaptive triggers being too resistant while driving. Turned it off but then I felt like I was missing something. So I may end up turning back on. Also tried raytracing mode for a second. Literally a second cause as soon as I turned the motion blur was absurd (mind you I have motion blur turned off in the options). But other than those couple items it's good to be back in Night City!
@ShogunRok Does CD Projekt Red have any plans of printing PS5 discs?
Been playing the demo. Send pretty cool and will most likely but it seeing as it’s currently £20 on the PS store.
I do find the gun play in the game really floaty and quite difficult to aim.
Anyone else having this issue at all?
yeah i pre ordered on PS4 and got the refund so im trying on my PS5 i like it enough for 25 bucks better than FarCry 6 imo
@nessisonett I wouldn't compare to No Man's Sky. From my perspective that was the case of eager gamers expecting different game from what've been released. And later Hello Games just added features to the robust core, without communicating with "gaming community".
Cyberpunk 2077 doesn't have robust core. Its open world model is shallow and lacking basic mechanics players came to expect from years of playing GTA. That's wobbly foundation to build on.
I've been playing this for a few hours, tried it a few months back before this and it was janky as hell. Now.. well I have to agree, so much better. Sharp, I can't see any bugs that stand out, the visuals are exactly what they should have been originally. Overall, I'm happy so far. I will be pausing it for HZFW though.. haha
Ill wait for a GOTY edition i really dont want to give to much. Im still salty about clear lies and trying to rippoff people when they knew they released a crappy product. But for the fans have fun ill be buying HFW and Elden Ring instead.
@Porco I agree with most of your points.
But why not have a bit of fun with it yet?
Story and setting are relatively good.
@OmegaStriver The not releasing in summer used to be because day 1 game sales would significantly dip in the summer, in northern hemisphere, months. That's slowly changing, you do get big summer releases nowadays. e.g.
A lot of launches now seem to be dictated by avoiding other big titles/busy periods and of course delays. A lot of these early 2022 games were meant to launch last year.
@ApostateMage Did the trophies auto pop?
That was a port. The game was otherwise finished
Is anyone else's PS4 save importing as a corrupted file?
I can't see myself starting over again on this one with Horizon and Elden Ring both here in a matter of days, but I would have played future expansions on that save.
Ah well.
Edit: Will try loading the save on the PS4 version, just for the sake of giving the game a fair shot.
Would be great to have a lefty controls option.
I know you can go in to the system wide accessibility menus, but honestly, first-world problem, thats more keystrokes than a game of tetris to get there and back.
@Mostik You mean carry over from the PS4 version? Nope. I was buzzing when about 30 mins in I heard that delightful ping of a brand new trophy.
Played a few hours for the first time last night and...I love it. Looking forward to getting stuck into this 👍
I'm loving it, had such fun last night..AI is noticeably improved during combat too and the visuals are stunning now on PS5. Comparing to last year it really is a huge uplift and the game I expected at launch. Can we take a minute to realise and recognise the blood, sweat and tears the devs have poured into this game, it now shows in all its glory...the sheer depth of side missions and world detail is astounding. We so flippantly sh!+can this game due to greedy investor and leadership decisions to push out last gen crap for profit...can we now just focus on the game.
@poetwarlord I wouldn't wait if I was you, ps4 versions are going to sell out quickly (just ordered mine) and then you'll have to possibly wait for a full on PS5 version and perhaps be paying £60-£70 instead of £10-17 for a free ps4 upgrade.
Never experienced the PS4 version for myself but I am loving the PS5 version and not experienced any massive bugs. Couple of moments of little glitches, like a pixilated computer screen so couldn't read the messages.
It's alot better. Played roughly 10 hours with PS4 version via a PS5. Just had about 2 hours on it now and it's improved in so many ways and feels alot more like how it should have done when it first released. The amount of traffic and NPCs around is the most obvious and the DualSense feedback is very good.
@ApostateMage Thanks buddy, looking forward to a 2nd platinum on this one! I saved a full corpo playthrough for this very reason!
Just played 4 hours on the PS5.
It is so much better than what it was and seems properly playable now at least.
But it still is very far of from feeling finished. So many little glitches. The cars driven by npcs, even the scripted ones, just wobble around.
Only one crash so far (during caracter creation annoyingly, so had to do all that again)
Getting there. Maybe in a year so?
I didn't play the game because I was always waiting for a PS5 version, so this report gives me some confidence that it will be worth playing. I've just bought a cheap PS4 version so will get the free upgrade to PS5 done and keep it on ice until after Elden Ring and Forbidden West.
Only played for an hour or so and its my first look having never played it before. Looks very nice and can see me buying it and adding to back log.
One question if i can, i take it you ditch the first bloke and can go off on your own all over the place soon?
@Caveman49 why would you ditch him, he had a good feeling about us. You're mean 😁
At least its no longer broken. Its still a long way away from the promised game, and I cant see that they will ever make this the game it should be. Still anyone wanting a story driven action game with some light RPG elements can at least play this now and get some enjoyment, I know many people have enjoyed what the game offers.
Given there are far better games out in the next week or so, I'm not going to give this my time - they deserve no kudos for finally delivering the minimum standard that should be expected imo....
Tried it and it is a lot better now with graphics etc, except still having a hard time playing it. The controls just don’t feel heavy or something which is hard to explain. Feels like their is no weight and when walking controls feel floaty.
@Digit2021 i had to mess with the controls a bit for aiming. Turned that horrible turn speed think down. I was always overshooting when i was precise aiming for heads ect.
@Nyne11Tyme i absolutely HATED cyberpunk, because it was just too weird, the menu was like learning a new language, i just couldn't get into. I kept hearing about all these bugs and glitches, so I fired up my 2015 second GEN ps4 with an external harddrive and started playing.. you know what? I experienced maybe 3 glitches during my whole play through maybe 4... I thought maybe everything I was hearing about CP was a lie, I ended up playing the game got the platinum, and really liked the game! I couldn't understand what all the vitriol was about.. I just think that people just want this from the gate explosive ride that never stops, and i wasn't expecting that.. I know most games don't even feel organic if you don't put in more than 10 hours. And what gamer really wants to invest into a totally new game that has had such a bad launch... Im glad i never listened to the haters, and it ended up being one of my favorite games!!
"never give up guys..."
Can we have another review. All last gen reviews focused on how it was technically broken. I’m still not sure if it’s a good game. Is it like cyberpunk version of Fallout for example? O
@Mostik Enjoy your third playthrough mate.
@MakersMark I reckon most of the hate was just a trend thing from people who had never actually played the game. This comment section is like a breath of fresh air with people talking about Cyberpunk 2077 in a mostly positive way because, lo and behold, they're actually playing the game!
@Deljo 🤣🤣 he did, but he's just sorta getting on my way now. I just want to know if i can become my own man and go solo!
Cool. Now I just need a PS5.
I'd recommend this game to anyone, now that the performance is what it's supposed to be and it's got a nice price cut. It's a shame CDPR really really let themselves down on release because the game itself is good, the story is amazing, the characters and romance options are mostly great (river is meh so sucks to be het female V) and night city is so, so gorgeous I've spent hours driving around it just enjoying the sights.
Does it have all the content it was supposed to have or is it just performance increases?
I’ve just googled can you turn off the subtitles (kind of immersion breaking) and someone’s replied saying that you can but then you can’t understand anyone that talks in a foreign language as it’s only translated in subtitles. Really?
@Caveman49 🙂 fair enough. Come to think of it I'm sure I could have gotten away with that sweet car if it wasn't for him, I'm with you 👍
I might try that. I feel like the default sensitivity is too high. Never thought of that since this is the first game I have on PS5 with this issue. Actually I found this on the web I might try.
@Digit2021 thats the exact same menu i stumbled across last night. Certainly makes a difference as you can kill the horizontal speed up when you turn. Makes it alot easier.
Not all PS5 owners can afford to pay €80 for GT7, Elden Rings or new Aloy game. I think that’s a lot of money for a game. cyberpunk is cheap and pretty fun so far and got a decent story.
Two biggest differences that were immediately apparent were the increase in pedestrians and traffic, and the vastly improved load times.
I need more time to see if it feels more polished, as far as the lighting, the textures etc...
It didn't seem any better, though I didn't play for long - and I understand it has had a resolution bump so that'll obviously help.
P.S no amount of visual improvement is worth playing at 30fps, so I'm going off the mode that is still at 60fps.
@ApostateMage “This comment section is like a breath of fresh air with people talking about Cyberpunk 2077 in a mostly positive way.”
Too true! Hey, where are you at, @LordSteev? It’s a new world out here!
Having a blast with it after waiting a whole year for the PS5 version to drop. Part of the fun of it for me is just looking around and taking in all of the details. It's fun looking at all the creations that artists worked a ton on all strewn about from stickers on the walls, to the architecture in the distance.
Just gone to the PS Store and downloaded a copy of the PS5 version. It was only £20.00
Download is 56GB, but presumably the update is incoming.
The reviews and all the problems really scared me off of this one last year.
It seems this game was just too ambitious for the PS4.
@nessisonett What’s to reappraise? The game remains an over-promised, under/delivered, mediocre shooter with pseudo-RPG artifacts and a pointless open-world backdrop.
It just works on a Dual Shock now.
Like NMS, Cyberpunk had its fans on release. NMS addressed them fundamental issues players had with their expectations of the game. CD Projekt Red has done no such thing.
For all they made about your “origin”, it’s a pick-your-tutorial and all gets railroaded into the same dumb story that has little player agency and consequence.
No Man’s Sky is nearly a completely different game than what launched. This sounds marginally better than what people were playing on high-end PC after the Day 1 patch.
@bighal It’s nothing like Fallout. The RPG elements are AAA RPG-lite, and fiddly gear stats with 0.5%+ bonuses — most stats and systems are not even worth engaging with. Most “choices” don’t matter a whit. even for an open-world shooter, you barely feel like you have an effect on the world; just dragged from story beat to story beat.
Are we going to get a full review of the ps5 version?
@Boxmonkey Just read any existing review and then the patch notes and think about it all in 60fps...? If you need a number..6 to 8 out of 10 should do it.
I'm excited to see this is out and generally being received positively. Played it for a couple hours on launch, deleted it, and said I'd come back when the PS5 patch was released.
That said, Horizon and Elden Ring are about to take up a huge amount of my free time, so all things considered I can't imagine starting this up until like June at this point.
I tried the ray-tracing mode and once you get used to the 30frames cap the games looks really good and next-gen..Impossible to run on weak hardware for sure..
I've heard the game is still absolutely crashing. which for me was the ultimate deal breaker on finishing it even after putting several dozen hours into it (it was crashing every 30-60mins on PS5).
While I'm glad some of the bugs have been fixed and systems tweaked a bit, it is just not accurate to say that even had this game launched bug free, that it was in any way a finished game, nor is it now.
So anyone going into this game now, just know that despite them trying to shore up the technical disaster this game was, its still an unfinished game sold on a multitude of false claims in the name of short-term profit gain.
@ApostateMage " I reckon most of the hate was just a trend thing from people who had never actually played the game. "
So all the negative reviews from that PS4 launch was from reviewers that never actually played the game? There will be documentaries on their historic terrible launch so you can't just shrug it off as "it was just a few trolls spreading fake news and everyone is a sheep".
Now I'm glad the game is actually worth playing now and I myself will give it a go as I can finally finish it but don't try to white wash the failure that happened last year.
I also remember you were saying how incredible Cyberpunk will be and had your mind made up wayyy before they even released a gameplay trailer so you're not exactly the most unbiased, I say that with respect of course 🙂
@nessisonett Given CDPR stuck with it despite everything, I’d say they are going with the latter route.
Definitely picking up now but will play it after Horizon Forbidden West. I like what im hearing about the DualSense implementations(CyberPunk 2077).
Feels like a finished game, yet still is a disappointment. For some reason it already feels outdated graphically
@Bamila agreed. I just booted it up to give it a try. I was shocked out how dated it feels visually and design wise. Even if I liked the game I don't think I could get back into it. Just too lifeless, boring, and empty.
They just rolled a turd in glitter.
Shame, there's some nice bits in it, but GTA did pedestrians better 7 years ago, night city just feels lifeless.
You can polish a t*rd.
You just need to freeze it first.
For those interested the fully patched updated PS5 version comes in at 56.32GB
For comparison Horizon Zero Dawn was 51.9GB
Not even close. It’s still missing all of the things and features that they lied about before the game came out. Do not give this game your money.
Finished game? Not by a long shot dude. Even in its PS5 version there are still wierd tech issues like texture pop-in, and this in performace or graphics mode. CDPR should have never released Cyberpunk on anything else but PCs, but then I wouldn't have been able to enjoy it and finish it on my ps4pro+ssd or continue my save on ps5 and I wouldn't have been able to double-dipp by buyin' an xbsx version, because I just love this not the game we were promissed but still a frigin awesome game. Frack it, I'm stayin'. Enjoying my CP2077.
@Mossbergs don't be silly dude! Rockstar doing city feeling alive better 7 years ago? Hahaha, no, dude.
Rockstar made their city feel alive, better, and pedestrians acting more naturaly 14 years ago on consoles two generations prior to this one. Fourteen, dude, Fourteen. CDPR sucks at this, their city feels like a ps2 open world game city (at best GTA3 like). I still love the game though. The story is cyberpunk through and through and it is well executed. Not the game they promised, though, not by a long shot, and it never will be.
Feels outdated for sure, especially putting it up against HFW and elden ring, maybe they should just do another patch fix whatever and leave it alone, just failure after failure, get to work on ps5 witcher 3 and 4. I was excited to actually jump in again, then the region problem appeared then when I finally started it, there was pop in, janky frames and night city still feels cold and lonely
Cyberpunk is a lost cause...put it to sleep
After playing the 5 hour demo i will get it but im in no rush yet. I did find it pretty confusing tho with too many menus etc. I will wait another year or until its on another major discount. Hopefully some more updates will have dropped by then. Despite its next gen release i think it will be a game thats always on sale.
First time player on the PS5 trial yesterday and got to say I quite enjoyed myself.
It is a little overwhelming with the menus etc but I can see myself understanding it more and more as I get into it and I thought the world building was excellent.
Definitely worth the £20 it's currently on sale for imho.
Gave it shot, not really my thing. I'll play Witcher 3 again once the PS5 version is avaliable.
5 hours into the PS5 version and it looks and plays a lot better, i'm using the Ray Tracing mode and the 30fps holds up well. Really this just proves it never should have been on last gen consoles.
PS4 version - 12 hours - 0 crashes
PS5 version - 2 hours -2 crashes (1 crash while I tried to Close App 🤣🤣🤣)
It was a tough choice between buying this or HFW but then I realised I was almost skint so decision made, so far so good with Cyberpunk' and at £20 I am more than happy. I will get HFW but wait until it's £20 or so, I'm a patient man and I can wait a couple of years or so if necessary
Feels like crowdfunding. First we pay then they make the actual game. Well…
I purchased cyberpunk for PS5 while it was on sale for $24.99 and I feel like at that price it was a worthy investment. The game is far from perfect BUT it's not a 'bad' game anymore. It's really interesting and so far my favorite part of the game is exploring the side missions as much as possible while I slowly work my way through the main quest line. The game on PS5 is actually very smooth & looks great (especially compared to the Xbox one version I originally played). Frame rates are pretty consistent. The 60fps mode is my preference but damn does the ray tracing look good even at 30fps. Highly recommend giving it a shot if you're on PS5 and can find a good deal on the game. I still don't think the game is worthy of a $70 price tag just because of how horrible it was. Happy gaming ✌️
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