It’s almost quaint to think that Radiohead’s Kid A and Amnesiac albums were considered such esoteric, difficult listening twenty years ago. With the benefit of hindsight they are simply part of the natural progression in sound from The Bends to the beloved OK Computer, doubling down on that album’s themes of alienation and pressure. With the recent Kid A Mnesia reissue combining both albums into a long player, they’re now officially as inextricable as they already were in the minds of many fans. And with this comes Kid A Mnesia: Exhibition, an exploration of art, music, and mood as produced for and evoked by what are arguably Radiohead’s two most polarising pieces.
Taking the form of the expected walking simulator, you’re dropped into a sketchy, scratchy white forest. Following a red light, you’ll find your way into a Radiohead museum of sorts, as the somehow comforting electronic tones of 'Everything in its Right Place' begin to serenade you. And from there, it’s a deep dive into two seminal albums, with the various hallways and paths populated by interactive exhibits based on classic songs from the two records, their B-sides and the bonus tracks and deeper cuts from the Kid A Mnesia bonus disc.

Initially we had some misgivings about the game, being as it is essentially advertising – QR codes spread throughout the museum somewhat crassly lead to Radiohead merch – but it delivers above and beyond what you’d expect or even want from a free-of-charge tie-in for a reissue. Every area is inspired by and/or soundtracked to a song from the band. There’s the paranoia-tinged 'The National Anthem' room full of televisions and a telephone box that screams Thom Yorke’s distorted vocals at you, the towering pillar of a room with the desolate, raw cut of 'Kid A' soundtracking it, the shifting room of concept art built around 'In Limbo'... there’s too much to detail all of it, with drawings, writings, and visuals completely surrounding you at all times.
The game, such as it is, plays its real ace when you read the centrepiece, a space combining 'How to Disappear Completely', 'Pyramid Song', and 'You and Whose Army' into one expansive, terrifying journey into the abyss. The space you’re left in following this descent is absolutely nightmarish, one of the most frightening short sequences we’ve ever seen in a game; some may find this laughable but the effect of those three songs — three of Radiohead’s best and most evocative tracks — followed by the fractious Kid A Mnesia reworking of 'Like Spinning Plates', is downright haunting stuff.

All the better to be experienced in VR, which – bafflingly – you can’t. We’re at a loss as to why that is, but even without that extra layer of immersion we can’t remember the last time we experienced a piece of software so atmospheric. Of course, it helps that we’re fans of the band, but even a newbie to their work should find something to appreciate here aesthetically and/or sonically. It’s a marvellous showcase for some marvellous artists and shockingly generous for the low, low price of £0.00.
Have you tried Kid A Mnesia: Exhibition? Are you a big Radiohead fan? Try to remember in the comments section below.
Comments 25
I was gonna play this but I didn't because it doesn't have a platinum.
This free software is the PS5 killer app.
It's not in VR, but it surely will be better when putting the VR-goggles on so you have this cinema-vibe, I think?
Oh, it's not for PS4.
I might actually give this a go now. Probably my two favourite Radiohead albums even if I’m not the biggest fan of theirs in general.
I really enjoyed the experience, but I don’t know how anyone could do VR with it. Honestly felt a little nauseous in some of the exhibits playing it on the TV. It was a really unique and interesting way to experience two perfect albums though. Kudos to Radiohead for making perhaps the best or second best walking sim this year (really competes with Maquette, which I’m not 100% sure qualifies as a walking sim anyway).
It truly is a new way to experience music. There's some really magical moments which makes me think that this actually worked better as an app than it would of as a physical exhibition. I keep having half an hour here and there just exploring to see if there's anything I've missed.
Shame no trophies as I would have been intrigued to see what they could have been.
Definitely my favorite Radiohead albums. Excited to check this out!
Not a radiohead fan myself so I had no idea what I was looking at. Was a pretty interesting experience though.
I was very impressed by and immersed in this experience. I was only upset by the overall absence of my all time favorite Radiohead track -Life in a Glass House- from Amnesiac 😔
Nonetheless, as a Radiohead fan this release is one of my favorite experiences of the year.
It was an incredible experience: both haunting - made me slightly uneasy in places - and achingly beautiful. I love the fact that you "discover" certain rooms and can easily miss others. I did 2 playthroughs and still think I missed bits.
Wonderful work from Yorke and Stanley Donwood.
It is exceptional.
I'm only half-joking when I say that Arcane and the Radiohead game are my two favorite videogames of 2021.
Oooh sweet. Hopefully this is the first of many musician tie ins and they decide to make a Right Said Fred tribute with @ShogunRok as the centrepiece.
@nessisonett mate, GET IT!! it's absolutely incredible, TRULY immersive
(tip-have headphones on LOUD 👍)
@somnambulance hahaha agreed! After 2 mins I was thinking' this would be incredible in VR'
After 5 mins I was like ' NOPE, this would be too much in VR'😂
@themcnoisy Would it be called ‘I’m Too Sexy For My Vax’?
Yea played this the other day was truly a great experience i love radiohead such a great band. Will probably give it another go soon as im sure i missed a fes things. Even my bro who doesnt play much games was like have hou got this i want to give it a go lol.
@Roswell75 Would’ve been scarier than Resident Evil 7 in VR and… probably would’ve been the first time I literally vomited from a game. I came close to it while playing Half Life Alyx, so I know this one would’ve done me in.
This was the first time in a long time that I played a game and thought… this is the most original “game” I’ve played in a long time. I hope more music artist do something like this… truly a one of a kind experience… VR would be too much as it felt like I was in this experience whole time anyways without it.
I'm a big Radiohead fan so obviously I loved every minute of it. I was kinda drunk when I visited though and think I missed out on quite alot so definitely need to go back. I do remember spending about an hour messing around in the Idioteque room and loving every minute of it though 😄
I wouldn't call it a game, more of an interactive experience. It hangs between a walk trough a museum on steroids, Burning Man and Area 15. It's different and I loved it.
I did not have high expectations after the teaser ... and I was so wrong. This is fantastic!
VR: from a technical point of view it might require quite a few optimisations to get this into shape for VR (e.g. image reconstruction when turnings). Otherwise I do not share the concerns that this would be too much in VR. At least the parts I experienced were not too far away from what is possible in reality, in my opinion. Anyway who knows, maybe this will get a psvr2 treatment.
I loved Ok Computer...and that was about it.
Anyone who spells their name 'Tom' as 'Thom' gets a thumbs down from me.
Got bored after few minutes although I enjoy the “new” album in Spotify. Was big britpop fun although Radiohead are kinda different
“Everything in its Right Place” is an awesome song. If you’ve not heard it, pull it up on YouTube or Spotify or wherever, put on some good quality headphones, and crank it up. Let it immerse you.
Pablo Honey and the Bends are their best two albums and for me it’s not even close.
However all of their albums have been brilliant. This is brilliant.. other game designers need to look at this experience and realise what they can achieve in gaming. The scale and scope of some of the areas are amazing and honestly I’ve never felt similar in other games.
A hidden gem this will go down as.
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