In 2023, there won't be a safer full-price purchase than the Resident Evil 4 remake. With the 2005 original still judged to be one of the best games of all time, it's extremely difficult to see how a PS5, PS4 modernisation could go pear-shaped. A recent Hands On session at Capcom's UK headquarters revealed to us that almost everything you remember from the PS2 classic is back — but better than ever. Resident Evil 4 is bigger and better; there's so much more to it, expanding on what was already there. We came away even more confident it'll be the 10/10 experience everyone is hoping for.

Our appointment gave us access to the game's famous opening sequence, from when Leon S. Kennedy meets his first Ganado through to the welcome chimes of the village's church bell. "Where's everyone going? Bingo?" he still quips as the late title card appears. That memorable fight for survival is even more intense in the remake, but you will already be on edge long before then.
There's so much more to see and do on the path to the Spanish village, which in the original only took a few minutes to reach. For example, the very first house Leon enters — where he asks a local if they recognise Ashley from a picture — is now maybe triple the size and given new meaning. It's a hunter's lodge in the PS5, PS4 remake, with a bedroom and a basement! You could imagine the Ganado actually living there now instead of wandering upstairs to find just a hallway and some handgun ammo placed on a dresser. Leon still retains his point of exit, though: jumping out the window.
However, that first residence reveals more. The Las Plagas parasite is being teased much earlier in the remake, with the first enemy joining you in the basement of the house with tentacles sprouting out of their neck having already been killed once. Additionally, the interactions you have with Hunnigan over the radio have been replaced with full cutscenes that show her working back at base. What was a static image with voiceover in the original has been turned into a full sequence 18 years later.
The more generic sheds and shacks that follow prove just as important: Leon's flashy melee moves are back, and used alongside the knife, you can get creative with combos — perfect for the few combatants that stand between you and the main village encounter. A new mechanic allows you to parry the thrusts and swipes of their farming equipment by timing a knife attack just before their attack lands. This stuns enemies and allows you to follow up with brutal kicks to the head.
Items are sourced along the way from the usual barrels, which reveals the crafting system from more recent Resident Evil titles has been implemented into RE4. As well as picking up standalone ammo and herbs, you can also combine gunpowder in your inventory to create more bullets. Speaking of which, the famed inventory management mechanic turned minigame is back! The remake even turns the Attache Case into a 3D model which you can rotate at will — if you weren't already convinced this will be a 10/10 game, you are now.
Then you reach the village itself and all hell breaks loose. It's always been an intense encounter against overwhelming odds, but Resident Evil 4 kicks things into overdrive. While the shotgun, hand grenades, ammo, and herbs are all in the same places you remember, it's no exaggeration to say the enemies have been dialled up to 11 for a fight that descends into utter chaos. Crowding around you and holding you in place so others can thrust axes into your flesh, these villagers have a chip on their shoulder — they're ruthless and incredibly aggressive.
Of course, the famous chainsaw enemy (do we still not have an official name for this guy?) then shows up a few minutes into the encounter to really test your survivability. It's here where our demo really took a turn: we managed to set him and the cow on fire, which carried over into a cutscene where the masked madman cuts down part of a house to limit your exits. It's disorder of the absolute best kind; the sort where memories are made that live beyond the credits of the game.
But no sooner has the chaos been unleashed does the church bell chime, calling an end to the fight and the conclusion of our demo. Capcom has already done a wonderful job with its remakes in the past couple of years, but Resident Evil 4 is really shaping up to be its magnum opus all over again. This is that same masterpiece of a game but with so much more to see and do: more areas, more lore and files. We have never come away from a preview more certain a game will deliver. Resident Evil 4 is going to be outstanding.
Resident Evil 4 releases for PS5 and PS4 on 24th March 2023. How excited are you about the remake? Share all your thoughts in the comments below.
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Comments 76
I am beyond excited. I was one of the doubters as to whether or not Resi 4 needed an update but they’ve completely sold me. I am hoping the camp, chaotic energy of the original remains somewhat intact. The trailers and footage seem to indicate a generally more serious tone.
I want to be excited for this Resi 4 is one of my favorite games of all time but after they butchered 3 and to a lesser extent 2 I just know huge chunks are going to be cut and what was once a twenty hour game will be lucky to be 8.
You got to play it ? You lucky expletives
This has Luke's game of the year 2023 written all over it , looks incredible ! So faithful to the original yet better in everyway so hyped can't wait , my heart almost sank when they said regarding the PS4 version I thought they were going to say they'd dropped it for a second
I'm super happy that they didn't remove Leon's cheesy lines. It makes me even more hyped for this game. I'm wondering if they're going to possibly remake 5 and maybe even 6
Do you know anything about the 'psvr2 content in development' which was teased at the sony state of play and we've heard nothing since?
This is looking exceptional! I really can't wait to play it!
Wow the game is up for pre-order 70€ gives you access to both ps4 and ps5 versions. Capcom does what Sony doesn't. You get both versions by paying last gen price. They did the same with Village too.
Really looking forward to the game
It is one stunning game after another.
Not one for remakes, but wow this could be a purchase just to see the world in motion.
The remake looks fantastic! I'm beyond hyped!
I’m beyond excited. Just looks absolutely superb.
I'm one of the people that are getting tired of so many remakes, but even I gotta admit the RE4 remake does look excellent! There is actual new mechanics and areas and whatnot!
Man if this and SF6 deliver next will be hard pressed to name a more consistently high quality publisher than Capcom. Truly one of the good ones!
*GameCube classic
@GuyProsciutto I knew someone was going to comment that 😂
Im glad liam says resident evil 4 is one of the best games ever made.people always says its one of the best horror games ever.thats true.but its one of the best games ever made.period.yes this resident evil 4 remake looks amazing.i did beat the ps4 resident evil this year.its all getting it.i dont mind if the story change a little word up son
@LiamCroft Does it have the same tank-type controls, or is it updated to have the camera adjustable with the right analog stick? Or does it give you the option to pick classic controls vs modern controls?
What were the Trophies for the game?
The "Chainsaw Guy" is named Dr. Salvador.
I’m glad to see a preview for the game with a good amount of gameplay. Though I’m a huge RE fan, I wasn’t excited for the RE4 remake. I thought it was too soon and I was upset Veronica wasn’t getting the remake treatment. After seeing the video, I’m looking forward to playing this. They’ve made it darker and a bit grittier. I want to see what else they have come up with for this remake.
I'm always looking for an excuse to support one of the best consumer friendly gaming companies currently (while they were one of the worst on 7th gen!). This is an automatic day one and I do hope Veronica follows right after.
You would never know this company was on hard times just a couple of years ago. Amazing
Wow. I don’t know what I was expecting, but this looks fantastic. Like FF7R, it feels like something brand new, yet also dripping with nostalgia. I’m in.
Looking like my GOTY next year. Replaying all the mainline re games before this. Looks really good.
@dark_knightmare2 neither 2 or 3 were butchered. Entitled much?
@KundaliniRising333 or neither of those reasons 🤦♀️
@Th3solution why would it have tank controls?
@Arnna my dude the 2 remake cut or shortened areas and enemies and ruined the B routes while 3 cut whole damn areas and bosses like are you serious. It’s nothing about being entitled it’s about loving RE and being sad that these remakes aren’t more faithful
For starters I quite loved the 2 remake and every RE fan I have talked to has quite liked that remake as well. And now for my main point, did you not read the article? They emphasized quite a bit that this remake while expand upon the original. Does nobody read before commenting anymore?
@dark_knightmare2 Games are FAR more expensive to make these games. Fully realised 3D spaces with the level of detail expected, when compared to the low res renders of the original game are chalk and cheese. Cost isn’t the only factor that balloons either.
I’m a big fan too, but I also have realistic expectations.
@Arnna Well, maybe not the full on PS1 style tank controls, but I mean the modified tank controls in the original RE4.
In the original, despite the camera now being over the shoulder, the left stick doesn’t automatically move the player right or left, in the modern sense. You have to be facing the direction you want to go. You can turn the viewing direction to change direction of movement, but it has a “locked in” feeling when running around, which can get hairy when mobs of zombies are coming from all angles. The right stick does not have free camera movement independently with the left moving the player in all four directions.
If you haven’t played it lately, you’ll likely feel a significant difference in freedom of movement. Of course the largest byproduct of the weird controls is the inability to move and fire your weapon at the same time.
Apologists for these older RE games defend the restricted movement as a design choice to enhance the frightful and cumbersome feeling of panic when trying to flee and attack. But I suspect it’s more a limitation of the technology at the time and just older game design.
When they did the first three REmakes, they updated the controls so your player would move freely with the left stick, more like you’re playing a modern third person shooter, but I think they also included the option to use the old classic tank controls where you have to rotate right or left with the stick and then push forward and the character will go the way it’s facing, rather than the modern where the character moves the way you point the stick and will turn itself automatically that way. I played all three remakes with the modern control scheme so I’m not sure if I’m just imagining that there was an option there.
Most people get used to the controls in RE4, but I’m playing it right now and I’m still struggling quite a bit with my spoiled 2022 muscle memory.
I'd say it's a bit premature to claim that the whole game is definitely better off the back of a 30 min demo. It's certainly different, but different isn't always better. The enemies grabbing you every few seconds looks more annoying than fun, for example. I see they're doing a darker atmosphere too, which will certainly distinguish it from the original, but isn't necessarily going to be "better". If you want to play a grittier version of Resi 4, I guess this is the game for you.
Edit: I'd like to ask, does it have gyro aiming? I played the wii version of the original, so if it's sticks only, that would be a downgrade.
@Th3solution There is no reason whatsoever why they would return to the tank controls of RE4. Did the remakes of 2 and 3 have tank controls? No, they didn’t.
You’re making a mountain out of a molehill.
@Arnna Oh, I misunderstood your first question. Sorry for the extended explanation.
But yes, I agree — I would fully expect they would update the controls and that Leon will now be able to freely moved in all directions. Liam didn’t explicitly state that fact in the preview and so I suspect that’s because it is assumed, as you say. But stranger things have happened (like current gen exclusives topping out at 30 fps. 😄 We can’t always make assumptions. 😜)
But I would say that, to your question — yes, they did include the tank control option in the REmakes although they weren’t the default controls, I do think there is a purist crowd out there that wants them (otherwise why would they have included them?)
It’s not a big deal. I was merely wondering about the RE4 remake and asking a question. That’s what this comment section is for, I thought. But if it’s a dumb question, so be it.
This looks incredible and Capcom have been at the top of their game for a while now, and this is easily the game I'm most looking forward to playing
@dark_knightmare2 haha butchered 2 and 3 your trying to be funny right? Considering 2 was widely received that year as one if the best games of the year also the game that has set standard for remakes. 3 sure maybe some more work could have been done still great game.
GTA trilogy now that was a butchering
Absolutely can't wait for this.
@Uromastryx I loved both games still just because I feel they were butchered from their original releases doesn’t mean I didn’t. I just don’t like how much they cut in short 6 to 8 hour games so this being the longest resi game ever at almost 20 hours hoo boy tons is going to get cut.
@PegasusActual93 yes I know there’s going to be things expanded but if you believe tons isn’t going to be cut I have a bridge to sell you
@dark_knightmare2 here's to hoping they don't, just full rebuild...with extras wishful thinking im sure but we will see, considering the price of this remake it better not be cut short...
If only Rockstar put this care into their recent remasters. Given they weren’t remakes, it would’ve been nice to see this amount of effort put in, instead of reusing their mobile versions with some AI up resd textures.
This looks great!
I loved the original, but never managed to get passed the knife fight/lazer grid QTE section late in the game.
My hatred of that section has prevented me revisiting the game at all since.
I've heard the dog/wolf that you can save at the beginning is dead in the remake when you come across it I hope that's not true :/
@KundaliniRising333 are you really calling Capcom greedy for releasing a game on PS4 & announcing a FREE upgrade to the ps5 version 🙄
Excellent news, I am embarrassed to say I missed out on this one when it originally released my son wasn't long born and gaming was somewhat on the back burner.
I constantly read this is the best one (I loved 7 & 8) so I'm really hyped to play a nice shiny version on the PS5
@Th3solution There wasn’t an option in the demo I played to select any tank controls, so I presume it’s all modernised.
Must be me getting older, but I have this funny feeling that this remake, while technically extremely impressive, has lost certain charm of the GC/PS2 original. For me, it's like new Star Wars: a technical marvel, no doubt, but...spiritless? Doesn't feel like the GC version at all (the first one I played before replaying it dozens of times on different platforms) - looks too gritty and horror-ish, while the original felt more like a horror-themed action, even the color palette is different. While it's clearly going to be a great remake technically, and, perhaps, it SHOULD feel like a different game, for me it just feels like a different game too much.
So it is possible to completely remake a game with new gameplay mechanics, environments and new voice acting, all without charging £70 🤔
This is how to do a remake of a classic horror game
@Th3solution Fair enough mate. Purists are very weird folk - they want thinks to be less intuitive because of their nostalgia. Will never understand that. Have a good day
Finally! Finally! Leon can parry attacks. Made no sense that the only thing such a bad ass could do was run or roll away. Parrying a chainsaw with a knife looked so damn cool
I played the original on PS2 and loved it back in the day. Then a few years ago I tried to replay it on Wii and hated it. The graphics were muddy and I didn't like the Wii controls. They changed the way the game feels.
I had basically written the game off as rubbish. Then recently because if the remake in the works I thought I'd try the PS4 version. Wow is all I can say. It is absolutely incredible. I recommend it to anyone who has not played it on PS4 to do so now. It is so good. As for the tank control's, they are what makes the game what it is - a masterpiece. Proper old school.
The cheesy lines and the parry mechanic is what sold me. And the freaking village section.
2 was fantastic. Even without the cut content it’s the definitive way to experience that game’s story. They translated 90% of the game.
3… I was never a fan of 3 even in original guise. But they did cut out a TON of that game’s events. It’s still very solid. But I can see why people felt it was butchered in ways. Because a solid 5th of the game’s events were cut out.
When was this a PS2 classic? It was terrible on the PS2.
I tried this one for the first time on the Wii and it was too Resident Evil for me. Awful controls/bad viewpoint/slow.
One of the chainsaw guys is named Dr. Salvador... is that the one at the start, perhaps? (Plaid shirt, braces, burlap sack, etc.)
@Ron22 now here's a man who knows his ganando
How about giving you're fans a early Christmas present and let us play that demo Capcom. I really can't wait to play this game. The trailer looks amazing, and I'm sure Capcom improves the story to. Resident evil 2 is a amazing remake and I have a feeling this is going to top that.
@Korgon Which is just nuts considering how Capcom were early last gen. The first REmake single-handedly kept them afloat.
Best game of all time? Obviously this is subjective, but really only the first third of the game was truly great to me. Everything after was the usual japanese over the top weird.
Considering how heavy re3 was criticized I don't understand how you have such a major assumption, especially from a company that has proven in the last several years that they listen to feedback. Re4 wasn't even that long of a game to begin with. You would hard pressed to find any playthrough online that surpasses 10 hours, so why would they not expand on it to justify the price tag. We will see if your tune changes after it's released.
@PegasusActual93 nah resi 4 is the second longest resi behind 6 with an average playthrough time of 18 hours and go anywhere else on the net like resetera and you see tons of people expecting a lot to be cut after what happened with 2 and 3
This look great, really excited for Resident Evil 4 remake on PS5.
@GuyProsciutto Reacted in exactly the same way when I read the article. It’s a PS2 classic in the same way that FFVII is a Switch classic.
Glad to hear your first hands on impression was great! I look forward to seeing the reviews and launch day gameplay .
@dark_knightmare2 Thats gonna be short when the start has been made so much bigger. The only thing that dissapointed me in 3 is that they wasted the the time on the multiplayer and i had to leave Jill.
@DiggleDog I bet you was
@dark_knightmare2 omg hush
@EvilSilentFrame too soon for Re4remake? Um sweetie it's been 17 years and yet when the original resident evil game out in 1996 then 6 years later it got a remake on GameCube
@Flurpsel be quiet thank you😊
@Zombiechris chill guy it’s a message board and it’s not like I’m saying the game is garbage lol it’s my favorite resident evil game ever behind 2 so I just really want to see it done justice
@Zombiechris Not really what I meant but thanks for the history lesson schnookums.
@Zombiechris great argument. You really convinced me.
@dark_knightmare2 obviously it's gonna be good like 2 and 3 remake and don't even start complaining about the same crap about 3 remake
@EvilSilentFrame you're welcome boo
@Flurpsel listen to daddy princess 😊
@Zombiechris I won’t I loved 3 almost as much as 2 but I was disappointed in the cuts to both games
@dark_knightmare2 cause the clock tower wasn't explorable ? Which wasn't even huge like the police station anyway plus y'all can play the original
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