Watching the credits roll on Uncharted feels like closure in a lot of ways. We’ve been writing about this movie since the site’s inception in 2009, which ironically is roughly the same year a pre-pubescent Tom Holland was photographed prancing around in a Spider-Man costume, praying that he’d one day get the opportunity to portray Peter Parker on the big screen. Having set the Box Office ablaze late last year with Spider-Man: No Way Home, Sony Pictures’ go-to guy has been roped back in for PlayStation Productions’ debut project. But while this glossy green screen spectacle packs plenty of action into its sub-two hour running time, we’re not entirely sure who it’s for.
With its 2007 PlayStation 3 exclusive Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune, and subsequent successors, developer Naughty Dog’s primary ambition was to create a summer blockbuster you could control. But by taking the DualShock away, this globe-trotting origin story treads a very familiar path to the likes of Indiana Jones and National Treasure. It all ends up feeling a little too familiar, and while Holland strikes a fine balance as the film’s protagonist – the narcissistic-heart-of-gold-petty-thief named Nathan Drake – the rest of the cast fail to fill their roles with anywhere near as much conviction.
If you’ve played the games, then you’ll know roughly what to expect from the storyline: legend speaks of a long-lost treasure, and through a combination of impossible problem-solving and sheer luck, it’s up to Drake to locate it. Mark Wahlberg stars as mentor Victor ‘Sully’ Sullivan, but fans may be disappointed to learn that his first encounter with Nate is a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moment, and within minutes the pair are hijacking an auction (hello, Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End), before jetting off to Barcelona – amid plenty of telegraphed banter, of course.
This perhaps speaks to the biggest flaw of the film: there’s nothing fresh here for existing fans, and we’re not convinced the characters are engaging enough to hook newcomers either. Chloe Frazer, played by Sophia Ali, is in-and-out of the story as the dizzying plot twists dictate, and subsequently she never really finds her voice like in Naughty Dog’s titles. The movie does effectively capture the uneasy alliance between this ragtag cluster of criminals, and Wahlberg’s comedic timing is generally on point – even if you get the feeling he’s a little envious of playing second-fiddle to Holland’s hero.

Despite the obvious shortcomings, though, this isn’t a disaster like video game adaptations of the past. As a glitzy rollercoaster ride around the globe, Uncharted features some beautiful backdrops, and the special effects are pristine throughout. Interestingly, the film leans on a mish-mash of set-pieces from Naughty Dog’s adventures, including the breathless cargo plane scene from Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception, which bookends the beginning and middle acts of the movie. Then there’s an all-new action sequence involving flying pirate ships – we won’t divulge too much, but it’s chaotically shot and an entertaining finale.
Still, while the stakes are ratcheted up relatively quickly, you never particularly feel like Drake is in peril – perhaps because none of the villains ever seem all that threatening to begin with. Antonio Banderas hams it up as wealthy megalomaniac Moncada, while the most menacing thing about Tati Gabrielle’s Braddock is her bleached blonde hair. In the movie’s defence, this has always been an issue in the games as well: Lazarevic from Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is best remembered for being killed by trees, and we awarded that game a 10/10, so a couple of weak antagonists aren’t really the end of the world.
Perhaps, then, you just have to take Uncharted for what it is: an explosive joyride through idyllic backdrops with plenty of eye-candy (Holland spends at least a fifth of the film with his shirt off, and it’s clear he’s been living on a diet of Grenade bars and fried chicken judging by the size of his chest). Unfortunately, existing fans are unlikely to come away feeling like they’ve learned anything new, while we can’t imagine too many newcomers will be taking a detour to pick up Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection on their return home from the theatre.
Does that mean it’s terrible? No, far from it: it will sit neatly alongside Alicia Vikander’s Tomb Raider as a perfectly serviceable adaptation – perhaps with questionable casting. But if the film fails to grow the franchise and stumbles at fulfilling existing fans, then is PlayStation Productions really serving its purpose here?
Did you see Uncharted yet? What were your thoughts on it if so? Do you think this franchise has potential for Sony Pictures, and what direction would you like to see a sequel take? Find out more about the film’s post credits scene through the link, and let us know in the comments section below.
Comments 101
I can’t believe they actually had a 12 minute interpretive dance sequence. Talk about iconic.
I'll wait for a digital release but I'm glad it's somewhat decent.
Also guurl, I never knew that Uncharted 2 had a villain that's Serbian.
I'm Serbian, why not call me Sony? Jk.
@Luminous117 Yep, I would agree. Glad they got it done in the end, it's been a long time coming!
Just watched the movie & I don’t know what you guys watched.
It was classic uncharted. Peaks, valleys, action sequences & most of all Camoes & I’ll leave it at that.
Also whoever played young Drake & Chloe did a fantastic job.
Edit; loved seeing credit given to Amy Hennig & Nate’s theme
So it's what I expected... doesn't compare with the games but is a decent adventure flick a la Indiana Jones.
@Fight_Teza_Fight Tom Holland plays young Drake... 😏
@Uncharted2007 Well I mean young young Drake. We get old…😬
Haven't seen this yet myself but everyone I know enjoyed it.
Sounds like what I expected. It'll be a decent way to pass a couple of hours about four months from now when I can stream it.
Will we ever see a great video game movie adaptation?
@Fight_Teza_Fight Glad you liked it! I also liked it!
@get2sammyb Decent enough review for what will probably be a decent enough movie. My wife is taking off the 22nd so we can go see it (long story). We saw the new Tomb Raider in theaters, it was good enough, expecting the same from this. My biggest problem is Chloe not being Claudia, I'm a big fan of hers. She probably could have done it had the film been made in 2009 w/ Marky Mark as the lead.
So, have you gone back and counted all the previous PS articles about the film we never thought would ever get made? Has to be at least a dozen. And this should be the last. Next article will be about the sequel.😉 OK maybe 1 more about how wel! it does in theaters. Should have a decent weekend w/ those 2 as the stars.
I think Sony will get better with time when it comes to adapting games. They seem to have long term goals here.
I always felt it would be just a fun adventure movie. Nothing groundbreaking or award winning. Which is alright.
It doesn’t launch here for another week but I wanna see it
Received the voucher for the free ticket today for upgrading to the legacy of thieves collection, pretty cool, didn't expect it =) Looking forward to the movie, nothing special I suppose, but an entertainig romp at least I guess.
I haven’t played any of the games but I’m still interested in seeing this. Thanks for the review!
Took my Nephews tonight and we all loved it. They were doing slides and forward roles out of the cinema (and one of them hasn’t even played the games) 🤣
The obvious difference is that the actors are way too young compared to the characters in the games but it works. It almost feels like an origin story but they still borrow a lot of moments from the games. Tom and Mark have quite good chemistry too, which could be pushed even further if there’s a sequel. There were quite a few funny moments between them.
I think if you don’t go expecting an exact copy of the games, it’s a lot of fun. The end sequence was brilliant.
Also, there is a hidden scene after the first set of credits which you should stay for.
Way better than I expected honestly.
Edit : The screening we were in was packed too, which bodes well.
@Indoorhero I think that comparison does Uncharted a huge disservice because that Tomb Raider movie was dull as dishwater, which Uncharted definitely isn’t (and I am a huge fan of the Tomb Raider games).
"it will sit neatly alongside Alicia Vikander’s Tomb Raider"
So, nobody is going to remember this movie existed in two months?
@BeerIsAwesome They were compared to practically all of the other games available at the time. Which is another thing that works against the movie, as obviously films are held to a much higher standard.
Is Charlie Cutter in it?
I just watched Monster Hunter and Resident Evil Racoon City. Both by Sony Pictures.
I am not surprised this is trash too.
Mortal Kombat was meh and I am going to watch Tomb Raider expecting trash.
Oh. I haven't played world of warcraft and assassin creed but those were... What about Ratchet?
Witcher series is ok, it's too confusing.
I bet Halo and Tlou series will be meh too.
But you know what?
Arcane was fire so I have hope. Heard Castlevania was good too.
Sonic and Pikachu did pretty well.
But buckle up, ghost, twisted metal and jak n daxter and mario are getting ones too.
Idk what I just wrote but I'm very dissapointed that they're hurting their Ips like this.
@ralphdibny No.
Oh man! Can't wait till this hits streaming services. Love these characters!!!
@RevGaming I actually genuinely believe The Last of Us is going to blow up.
@RevGaming who said it's trash?
@get2sammyb 😭😂 ah well, it was probably a long shot anyway!
@get2sammyb I really hope you are right
Push square reviewing film's, lol!
@naruball Rotten tomatoes and me looking at the trailers and knowing it will be because mh and resident evil were horrible (they were by sony pictures).
Better to have low expectations. I will watch it with a friend at least.
@Reyren 18th is the US release date - it came out today in the UK 😁
I’m hoping we might get a Fortnite collab next week for the US release. Dune got one so Uncharted should really.
Why no review score?
Yeah…I had a bad feeling about this from the jump.
@get2sammyb Unrelated, but did you see Marth getting censored by playstation now they can't ship the game physically? I dont get it. They published tlou2.
I got the email for the free ticket but the closest theater that's participating is a decent enough distance away that I'm better off just going paying for a ticket closer. 😞 oh well I'll still give it a whirl next week.
"it will sit neatly alongside Alicia Vikander’s Tomb Raider as a perfectly serviceable adaptation"
Well at least they were able to match Tomb Raider although that had a 52% rt compared to Uncharted's 44% but they are close enough I guess, like TR everyone will forget it exist two months or less from now.
So, exactly what I expected. A competent and passable little action flick that would have been served better as an original IP instead of being saddled with the baggage of having to please both the uninitiated and long-time Uncharted fans.
Did the movie release early or what? I will only see it on the 17th.
I know that it won't be nowhere near as good as the games, but I think I'll have fun...and that's good enough for me!
Never played the games...plan too one day...but the trailers for this looked garbage in my opinion ..have no desire to watch it
@Reyren It's out now in the US and UK I believe. Film releases are always weird, though. Especially from a gaming perspective, where we've become used to everywhere getting access on the same day.
EDIT: So, my bad, apparently it's actually not out yet in the US! Which is weird, but yeah...
@Boxmonkey We don't really review movies. I think I'd probably give it a 6 on the Push Square review scale, although I'm not sure how accurately that translates to film. 😅 (A 6 still means I liked it by the way!)
@Indoorhero I actually thought the Tomb Raider film was okay, but I think this is a bit better. It's definitely in the same bracket, but this is much glossier and will hold your attention more than TR I think.
@Saucymonk We've done about four now! I suspect we'll be doing a lot more if PlayStation Productions sticks around!
@rjejr would be nice to have the Nathan Fillion adaption with Claudia Black and Emily Rose.
@RevGaming Sony is the distributor for those movies, the studio that made those and own the film rights are Constantin Film.
@Indoorhero I think the Lara in the 2018 movie was their answer to the people who thought Lara was overly sexualised in the earlier games/movies. So they stripped away all of her personality, covered her up and made her deadly serious. Because being a dullard and dressing ‘appropriately’ is the only way a women can hope to be taken seriously, apparently 🙄
They should make a movie based on the Legend trilogy. That Lara was smart AND fun. She actually enjoyed her adventures and wasn’t just a victim of circumstance.
Honestly, I never had high hopes for this one. It just seemed like poor man's Indiana Jones.
I have much, much higher expectations for the TLOU HBO series. It seems like they actually care about that one.
Anyone been to a 4dx movie and was it any good? was thinking of trying it for this movie
Can't be worse than Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City and got a free ticket anyway because I purchased The Legacy of Thieves collection. Don't really have any expectations, most video game-to-movie adaptations suck so if this one does too, oh well.
@Deljo I'm going to have to Google 4DX
EDIT: Oh wow, that sounds like a lot of fun. I could definitely see them using the wind and water stuff at certain points in this film. Do it!
@Gravity_Bear Yeah I know but it's like expeting EA to make good games most of the time.
Well, I recieved my free ticket, and when the trailer was shown before Spider-man both my kids turned to me and said it looks awesome and can't wait to see it. So that's 3 people looking forward to seeing it!
Games and movies are two different mediums which don’t gel at all. I know some people love ‘cinematic’ games or whatever but the dialogue is always forced and rote, long cutscenes are jarring and the pacing is impossible to perfect because they are games, which are ‘gamey’ and interactive by their very nature and not films.
The games that control narrative the best use environmental storytelling, like Dark Souls or Bloodborne. No nauseating forced exposition.
Sounds like the review nailed the problem, Uncharted was always about being a interactive action movie. When you take away the interactive part your left with just another action movie. Still going to watch it. I enjoyed the Tomb raider for what is was so am sure this will be worth a couple of hours of my time.
Alicia Vikander’s Tomb Raider was horrible, I hated that movie and regret every coin, I wasted for the cinema.
I kinda knew, that the Uncharted movie won't be that good, after I saw that first trailer. Also I don't really like the cast after what I saw.
So I won't watch this and rather go on with the stunning PS5 collection of the last 2 games.
Hmmmm, I wonder if this is stupid-entertaining like National Treasure, or just stupid-stupid like Red Notice.
Hope it's the former.
@StylesT you are in a playstation community and you didn't play Uncharted. That's really weird.
If its as good as the last Tombraider movie im all for it i loved that one.
@Nintendo4Sonic Dont agree one bit the movie was great fun to watch for me and in no way terrible.
So does that mean the Uncharted Movie is Great but not Amazing or Spectacular??
@Flaming_Kaiser if you think so, that's OK. Everybody has it's own taste.
I prefer the Angelina Jolie movies. Vikander had absolutely no Charme to me. The movie had many flaws and was a useless ripoff from the game with worse story.
That's just my opinion.
It was ok-ish but Marky Mark was totally miscast as Sully.
Hmm, I hope SONY are not going to ruin their amazing ip's :-/ (well the names of them) Saying that I would probably enjoy it I sometimes like mindless fun movies
@Nintendo4Sonic Hardly seen as I never owned a PS3 or ps4
I'll wait to watch it at home. All the trailers just make it look much cornier than I was hoping. The games are insanely over the top, but Naughty Dog still finds a way to ground the absurdity. The trailers don't suggest a similar approach.
Did anyone truly expect this to be a great game to film ?
Doom with The Rock is closest for me.
@Grimwood Not sure what Geoff is referring to. Maybe the embargo is different in the US...
Nice read.
It sounds like the kind of popcorn fodder we were expecting.
I'll watch it for the craic at some point.
When Sony decide to make a Demon's Souls or Bloodborne movie I'll get excited.
@get2sammyb 😁 looks good doesn't it? They sent me the free ticket and my local cineworld has a new 4dx screen so thought I'd give it a go...
Red Notice wasn't the best movie ever but I had fun watching it. As long as it's entertaining, right? (and not Uwe Bol bad)
Not a big fan of Nathan Fillion but that Uncharted Live action thing, I liked it!
Wahlberg just doesn’t seem like the right casting for sully imo…
I believe my expectations are fully in check for this one and am rather excited for it!
Still think that Nathan Fillion would have been a much better choice for the character of an adult Nathan Drake as evidenced by his mini movie on You Tube. If you got this actor, the script would have naturally followed.
Watched it in IMAX and I was very satisfied. Met my expectations and I even got a bit more. Servicable origin story! After almost 14 years it’s a feat it end up so well!
@SilenceCZ yeah, I thought it was great. I think the ‘professional’ critics will dump on it but the general public will love it. The general talk I heard as we left the cinema was very positive, so hopefully word of mouth turns this into a hit regardless of the ‘professional’ reviews are saying.
@Svark Nathan Fillion may have been a better fit years ago, when he was much younger. But he doesn’t have the same star power as Tom sadly, and never did (even at his peak).
Tom Holland is huge right now, so although he isn’t most people’s first choice to play Drake… love him or dislike him (it’s impossible to hate Tom)… he is the only young actor (maybe the only actor full stop) who can get millions of butts in seats.
@BritneyfR_ee Good to hear! Since it’s a prequel I expected to be as good as Drake’s Fortune. Ofc the whole series is now on a different level. But the after credits scene more than established the proper feeling we could expect in the next movie and it was spot on. Plus it’s really a movie for the whole family and doesn’t have nowadays any competitor in it’s genre. I believe it won’t be a financial flop.
I have been wanting a Uncharted movie for a wile now, and nice to see that it isn't a garbage of a film, and this its something that can be Enjoyed.
I will watch it at some point.
Bummer it is a bit of a cookie cutter let down.
I always felt like Uncharted was far better suited as a movie than an on rails scripted game with little in mechanics and actual dynamic gameplay or depth of any kind. Especially the climbing sequences that just feel like filler. There is one way to climb, some lame scripted slip or momentary barrier or fall and continue climbing to the next arena with an unrealistic smattering of things littered everywhere to take cover behind and mindlessly shoot the target dummies. While the last of us really is much of the same copy and pasted gameplay with a few more stealth mechanics and, more open areas to engage the repetitive and simplistic gameplay elements, and different tone and deeper story.
This movie sounds like a missed opportunity to capitalize on all that uncharted really is, a spectacle of borrowed ideas from Indy, and tomb raider meant to be watched rather than played. I'll give it a view when it inevitably bombs at the box office and comes to streaming.
@Pat_trick exactly what I thought!🤣
@BritneyfR_ee not sure about that. He may be "huge" right now, but have you looked at how badly his recent non-spiderman movies did?
Edit: Just an example:
Chaos Walking
Budget: $125,000,000 (estimated)
Gross worldwide: $26,508,132
@RevGaming I love how you summed up all the movies that were trash.. Its TRUE!! I had no ideal that there were so many forgettable video game/movie adaptations... What do they take gamers for? Fools??
@MakersMark I watched Tomb Raider and it was pretty decent, but yeah, they're typically ok to trash. Arcane was an outlier for me.
I'll stream it as hey it's a movie so why not, but Holland still looks out of place. Speaking of out of place .. that pic in the article where he's holding onto the cargo boxes - is that holland superimposed onto actual PS3 game graphics? It looks so fake I thought it must be.
@MakersMark Yes. Yes they do.
I watched this today at the pix with my family.
Easily an 8/10 for me; and I am one heck of a fussy bugger; I won't touch anything with less than 7/10 on imdb and typically look for 7.5+. [yes, its not the one website ranking to rule them all; my point is this was great for me].
This had everything a good old fashioned 80s romp movie had; of course its very like Indiana Jones for the new generation. I suggest lets not be nostalgia snobs and imho is was almost as good as Indy 1, better than Indy 2 and on a par with the others.
A good, pacey, fun and filling Saturday morning action flick. Done well, played well (both leads were fine, Sully better than Nate tbh but both well enough).
Don't be put off by the "its not in black and white at the art-house , it must be pants" crowd - its a great blast.
Lazarevic was actually killed by the Guardians in Shambahla, after being weakened by Nate shooting at the tree of life.
Ignoring the review and comments, watching this opening weekend without a doubt!
(Americans have to wait until Friday, Feb 18th sadly)
Ignore the negative reviews this film is absolutely brilliant. Tom Holland is much better as Nathan Drake than I expected and I enjoyed it thoroughly. A great film to kick off PlayStation's involvement in the movie scene. Looking forward to the inevitable sequel!
That sounds like just short of 2 hours I could put into trying to finally finish HzD.....
Just got back from watching it. I'd give it an 8/10 quite easily, turned up expecting a mess but was pleasantly surprised and wanted more by the time the credits rolled.
Odd question for anyone that's seen the movie but is there much water in the movie (like rain or waves)? I've booked the 4dx showing for Saturday and want to know if I need a coat or not.. 😁
I really enjoyed it, having played only the first game in the series (being a newcomer to the PlayStation world)
man, i hope this movie bombs hard and sony re-thinks its strategy with its film adaptations. this is not going to cut it. haven't they learned a single thing from all the poor adaptations over the years? all the hard work was already done by naughty dog as far as characters and story goes, so they just needed to spend time on adapting it with some level of competance. sadly, competance was in short supply here.
@Deljo I saw this in 4dx, thought it was awesome, you don’t get soaked! Pretty sure my local Cineworld turned up the settings as felt like I’d been hit by a bus afterwards, it’s really good fun though!!
Saw a pretty bad review from a hardcore fan journalist online. Uncharted is a Sony property through and through. The movie should have been better than the games was his quote.
As I like to say to anyone that doesn't like it or doesn't want to see it, at least we can go back to the source and enjoy that.
Personally not going to watch.
@Nermil sweet, thanks for the response 👍
I give it an 8/10 as a movie and a 0/10 as an Uncharted adaptation. The main three (Sully, Nathan, and Chloe) are both not similar to their game personalities (especially Sully) and highly miscast (especially Sully). However, if you go in understanding that this is some random adventure movie and Uncharted in name only then you get some solid entertainment. Really liked the third act in particular.
I didn't know Nathan Drake was a narcissistic.
Using narcissistic as a buzzword doesn't make you look smart.
@Grimwood grow up
@CynicalGamer Surely there got to be a God Of war game in the works. I don't care about Sony denials on that matter.
Finally watched it, a perfectly fine film.
As a lover of the games, its terrible. Removing that context, its actually a pretty solid romp.
My dad has no attachment to the games and generally dislikes a lot of films he sees, and he really enjoyed it.
So in regards to the mission of PlayStation Productions, I think it did its job more than well enough.
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