PS5 Slim Poll
Image: Push Square

With the new PS5 model now available for purchase in the US — with other regions likely to follow in the very near future — we think it's time to ask whether you plan on picking up the PS5 'Slim'.

For those who already own a PS5, this is probably an unnecessary expense. Aside from being a bit smaller and having slightly expanded storage, this refresh isn't packing any upgrades. It's very much a replacement model that'll be cheaper for Sony to manufacture. But if you still don't have a PS5, this is obviously another opportunity to snap one up.

It's worth pointing out that we conducted a similar poll to this one back in October, just after the 'Slim' was revealed. Most of you said that you'd only buy the new model if your existing PS5 broke — so it'll be interesting to see if you've been swayed!

So, are you snagging a PS5 'Slim'? Whatever your plans, vote in our poll, and then explain yourself in the comments section below.

Are you buying the new PS5 model? (2,345 votes)

  1. Yes, it'll be my first PS5%
  2. Yeah, I'm replacing my current PS5%
  3. Yep, I'm buying it as an additional PS5%
  4. Not yet, but I plan on buying one%
  5. Nah, I'm undecided%
  6. Nope, I'm fine with my current PS5%
  7. No, I don't own a PS5 and I don't want this one either%