With the new PS5 model now available for purchase in the US — with other regions likely to follow in the very near future — we think it's time to ask whether you plan on picking up the PS5 'Slim'.
For those who already own a PS5, this is probably an unnecessary expense. Aside from being a bit smaller and having slightly expanded storage, this refresh isn't packing any upgrades. It's very much a replacement model that'll be cheaper for Sony to manufacture. But if you still don't have a PS5, this is obviously another opportunity to snap one up.
It's worth pointing out that we conducted a similar poll to this one back in October, just after the 'Slim' was revealed. Most of you said that you'd only buy the new model if your existing PS5 broke — so it'll be interesting to see if you've been swayed!
So, are you snagging a PS5 'Slim'? Whatever your plans, vote in our poll, and then explain yourself in the comments section below.
Are you buying the new PS5 model? (2,345 votes)
- Yes, it'll be my first PS5
- Yeah, I'm replacing my current PS5
- Yep, I'm buying it as an additional PS5
- Not yet, but I plan on buying one
- Nah, I'm undecided
- Nope, I'm fine with my current PS5
- No, I don't own a PS5 and I don't want this one either
Comments 81
I won't even be buying a PS5 Pro if / when that releases so definitely won't be getting one of these.
The only way may stance would change is if my OG PS5 decides to break
I foolishly did upgrade to from A PS4 to a Pro and it felt like a complete waste of time with the exception of double the storage space
Had my ps5 since launch, later interations have been worse and worse by reducing the heat sink more and more; will mean it'll get warmer more often I would only replace if my ps5 somehow breaks probably skip on the pro as well , as ps6 is meant to be out at the end of 2027/28
I didn’t vote because I’ll only buy one if mine karks it. But if a Pro releases I’ll be saying bye bye OG 👋
Yes and I'm going to hide it behind my current PS5 so my wife doesn't know I've bought it
@Dragon83 hardly next week is it ? It’s four years away
Nope I am quite satisfied with my FAT PS5
I would consider it if places were doing trade in offers. Might as well upgrade to a shiny new model to avoid issues with wear and tear down the line.
Quite happy with my swol' boi, thank you! No shame in sporting all those teraflops.
There ahould be one more answer. "If I did not have one I would prefer it than the original one."
This new eddition is not intended as an upgrade. Just an evolution. If there was not any, then it would have been "oh, why isn't there".
@Gremio108 I love the sound of a plan and that my friend is a good one 👌
My only reason would be to get one under warranty, or if I really need to replace one due to damage/faults, but honestly I can't be bothered to sell one just to replace it at the moment, as its not like I batter my consoles around like some you see on eBay 😬😬😬 like what are these people doing to them lol
Thinking about getting a new PS5 for my room, or an Xbox. I haven't decided yet. I have a Nvidia Shield currently, and using an app to play PS5 in my room, but it's not very good.
Only if my current PS5 digital version kicks the bucket. It's basically the same hardware so it's for the newcomers.
I want to wait for a "super slim" revision but if they release only an all-digital, I will get this one instead.
You'd think most people on here would probably already have one
Needs the option, "Don't have a PS5, I'm waiting for the PS5 Pro".
It's not a slim, it's a shorty!
No interest in a PS5 without true exclusives. I'll play FF7 Rebirth when it goes to PC in a year or so.
Have dam hard job in Europe and UK
We got to wait until March 2024.
Thanks Sony.
Yeah I know Sony you attacking your most competitive countries first the USA and Japan as you have Europe and UK in the bag.
Of course a world wide release was to much trouble when you way out in front.
Sticking with the base model till the Pro comes out.
If my current PS5 ever dies I'll definitely replace it.
But otherwise my next console will be a Switch 2 and then a PS5 pro (if there ever is such a thing).
Yes, buying one for the kid for Xmas.
If it wasn't for that I wouldn't be buying one, certainly wouldn't be replacing mine with a slim
My thoughts exactly. I’m waiting for PS6. It wouldn’t hurt if PS5 got some more gen-defining games as this gen has so far been a letdown IMO.
Not buying a slim (it’s somehow even uglier than the OG PS5). But if they release a Pro model and hire better designers, I’ll most likely upgrade if the benefits are worthwhile.
No not getting another PS5 unless it's the Pro. However my PS Portal is coming Wednesday which makes far more sense for me to splash the cash on, because I would only buy a second PS5 to play in second room if main tv is being used, and that is a far cheaper option
I'm still waiting for PS5 to have some actual exclusive games
Already did this morning!
I'm always late to the next generation of systems. I was on the verge of buying earlier this year until the rumours of a new slim design became more concrete. I honestly do not like the design of the PS5 at all, it is style over function and this slim model, while quite clever with its simple detachable drive etc, is still ugly to me. But at least it's smaller so yes I will finally upgrade once this system becomes available in the UK. Though honestly I'll probably be playing PS4 games on it mostly, just now they'll run better. Not really a single PS5 exclusive I'm desperate to play yet.
@Mikey856 Thank you for letting us know you didn’t vote. Im sure many others are thankful too.
Convinced my sibling to buy the original PS5 instead of the slim and very happy they went with my decision
The old PS5 looks so much better, much more streamlined. There’s something completely off with this slim version.
In the words of Vince McMahon's old entrance music, NO CHANCE!
I like what I have better. Obviously if mine dies years down the line, I won't have a choice, but for the immediate future it's a definite no. The only way I'd ever consider it down the road without mine dying would be if they actually made it better, as in they took the time to make sure there wasn't coil whine this time around, but that would be years from now one way or the other.
Nope, my launch day PS5 still does the job just fine
Also, 81% for one choice on one of these polls? Crazy.
Good with what I have, thanks.
No I won't get a ps5 slim unless my launch day ps5 calls it a day ,it's been an amazing console so far quiet and very reliable, I'll hold out for ps5 pro if it gets launched next year,but for anyone getting a ps5 slim hope you really enjoy it.
I’d consider buying a PS5 Pro but not a slim
35 people don’t have or want a PS5 and are reading this article and voting??? Make that make sense.
Only if my current PS5 dies.
Nein! Already have the OG PS5, that didn't even have a proper chance to be used as much as it should, given how many PS5 exclusive games Sony released since it launched...
Will maybe go for PS5 Pro if - and I stress IF - Sony releases more of those exceptional AAA epic single player games.
But if they switch to making more GaaS titles than the rest of them (they seem to be gearing up for it...), then they can keep the Pro, I'll stick to my PC.
I do like the idea of a smaller ps5. I hate the look and size of my original model. This one is not enough of a "slim" for me to bother. I also need it vertical in my office and having to pay extra for the vertical stand is a slap in the face.
Nope, super happy with my launch PS5.
Never been a fan of the design so I keep it hidden behind my TV. Slim or not, cant see it anyway
All my gaming budget is going towards buying games.
Very happy with my current PS5 and let’s be honest, this isn’t a Slim console, just a remodel.
I'm not sure. I don't have a PS5. I got my PS4 back. I don't know if want a PS5 slim, as it's still space consuming. And there's only one game I'm playing on PS4. I have a decent gaming PC that's as good as a PS5, so I don't really need a PS5. But it would be good to play that PS4 game on the PS5.
I don’t see the need for a slim when I already own a PS5. This new sku doesn’t even seem to be much of a change in length/width. I’ll probably wait for a PS5 Pro, but even then I don’t know if I’ll buy it because I’m quite content with what I have. I can see people buying this model if it’s their first PS5, so hopefully people will be able to snag one up for Christmas!
Gonna sell my ps5 to my brother and get the slim
I am not. I recently bought the Spider Man 2 PS5 and I'm happy with that plus I still have my launch PS5 as well.
Yup, I’m definitely ok with the PS5 I currently have. No need for the Slim.
I wouldn't buy ps5 if I were you.
But then I hear people have more that 2 consoles, pc and other entertainment which I feel is a bit too much personally.
I am just a casual gamer nowadays, and in my circumstances, I would be better off with a ps4 and a premium wheel than a ps5 itself.
Not even in the slightest
No, i got a PS5 already that i barely play now. I like the hardware minus the controller. But there’s just not many killer exclusives yet. There will be. But until then i have enough PS products that see little use. Main reason is the controller and i don’t get along. I have 580 odd hours into Diablo 4 on Series X that could have been on PS5, if not for the controller. Exclusives only for me. I also think this new console does very little for the consumer and more for Sony’s bottom line, which is fine. I ain’t complaining, but it seems like a very small update for the player and a much larger one for the company. No need to get rid of my Digital one with the Black plates. However a PS5 pro i would buy. Even tho that won’t fix my beef with the controller. I’ll still sell my console and get the Pro.
Considering how the OLD PS4 still gets blockbusters to this day, I will definitely hold on to my PS5 for a very, very long time. I invested in a PS4 Pro because I had a very old PS4 and I remember I felt a difference both in UI-speed and game performance, but it is the assertion that game development are held back that will probably make me very conservative in terms of replacing my beast of a console.
Where's the 'yes, but only when I've seen what Digital Foundry have to say' option?
Not interested as it looks nasty.
Ridiculous to even suggest this is some sort of 'upgrade' path for current PS5 owners. Its not a Pro and clearly the ambiguous reporting has confused some if you read thru these comments and see a few of the responses.
Its bordering on irresponsible tbh.
"Nope, I'm fine with my current PS5"
Or until the liquid metal starts to seep and short out. Or until a "pro" model gets released.
I still have a decent backlog of Switch and PS4 games, so I'll continue to hold off on buying a PS5 until Black Friday next year. Then again, if a Super Switch is released that'll take priority and a a PS5 will become a late 2025 purchase.
Nah utterly pointless even if you already have a ps5...I will wait for the pro if I'm to get another
Like everyone else I’d only get one if my existing one went south. I would be up for a Pro though
I've got s PS5 - I keep it hidden behind my TV unit so it doesn't frighten the locals.
Only way I'd upgrade from this monstrosity is a) a Pro or b) an iteration that doesn't look disgusting.
Nope, I'm totally ok with my current PS5. PS5 'Slim' is a nice thing for new gamers, who still didn't have their own PS5.
No, I don't own a PS5 and I don't want one either. Or any console for that matter.
My next hardware purchase is a new GPU for my PC and a Steam Deck OLED for gaming on the go.
@Member_the_game I got the PS4 Pro too. It did seem to me to perform a little better with PSVR but otherwise not worth the upgrade.
@__jamiie Will you go PS5 Pro then?
I'm good with my launch PS5. The Slim is ugly as sin with that racing stripe lol
Its 10% quite and thats it the same as models out now apart from a few miner things. & i recon next year they might bring out PS5 pro anyway. Its great for people that don't own a PS5.
waiting for the pro
It's not really that slim
This one looks like some counterfeit Chinese knockoff.
@Ninerguy1608 my pleasure and fyi I was merely pointing out there was no option for people who would have to buy a new one out of necessity. 👌
@Tr3mm0r A PS5 Pro would have to show a definite improvement for me to buy it. I also think Sony should be sued for STILL putting an 8K logo on the PS5 box. What are we watching/playing in 8K???
Nintendo GameCube was technically able to produce stereoscopic 3D but it wasn't advertised on the f***ING box!
@Mikey856 actually i was being a piece of *****. I am sorry for the original comment. No excuse to be a piece of ***** like I did. Sorry
@__jamiie It is actually PR fault of Nintendo to not display that. Times have changed. I describe myself that i can do it for 2 hours straight on Tinder. Doesn't matter i actually talk about snooze between meals.
@__jamiie I found ps4 pro was able to run games at their designated frame rates compared to base ps4. I also found higher resolutions on games, definitely an improvement across the board. Don’t forget pro had nearly double the hp of the og
@Mikey856 The PS4 Pro was nothing like the things Sony promised. Of course things ran a little better. I actually said that myself. They said it would do things it couldn't and I fell for it like many others.
However, the Xbox One X compared to the original Xbox One is night and day. That was a massive improvement during a generation. I hope Sony follow that model rather than the one they seem to be right now.
@Tr3mm0r So Sony should carry on putting 8K on the PS5 box? Why? It's a lie. What about the PS5 is 8K?
I guess the box itself is pretty high res.
Also, one of my friends swiped left on you several times and asked if you could stop making fake profiles to try and trick her.
I already got one
my day one ps5's heat sink melted off.
the slims are fantastic.
It's really not 'Slim'. I'm not a fan of glossy finishes to consoles (the OG PS4 looks a little dated for that design choice now). There is zero reason to buy one of these if you have a launch PS5.
Nope. I already have 2 digital PS5 units and see no need to update.
@__jamiie None of the midgen refreshes were worth the upgrade, they were for the naive casual hobbyists. Here's hoping we get 0 pro models this gen.
@RobynAlecksys I disagree. The Xbox One X is leaps and bounds better than the launch Xbox One. Load times, resolution boosts, upscaling and the lack of a power brick make it far better in my opinion. But that's also because the launch Xbox One was a badly designed system.
I have a later model PS5 and the fan is waay too loud. I'll see what the reports are on noise from the Slim and 'upgrade' only if it's quieter.
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