The PS Plus Essential line-up for August 2022 has been officially announced, and as always, we would like nothing more than to hear whether you're happy with what's being offered. But first, let's run through a quick recap, shall we?
You could argue that August has not one, but two headline acts in the form of top notch remake Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2 and completely crazy RPG Yakuza: Like a Dragon. Both releases are highly rated, but then the same could be said of creepy horror title Little Nightmares, which is the third game that's up for grabs. At least on paper, it's a pretty impressive selection.
But again, it's your opinion that we want to hear. So vote in our polls, and then explain your stance in the comments section below. And remember, you can find a full list of All PS Plus Games through the link.
Comments 71
Yes. Even if I owned all the games I'd have to say it's a good selection. You'd have to be a tedious contrarian to say otherwise....so let's meet some in the comments below....😊
I already have (though am yet to play) Yakuza: Like a Dragon and Little Nightmares but have been weighing up buying Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1&2 for a while. The fact I will now have this in the library has piqued my interest and I’m thinking jumping it to the front of my backlog line.
This is an extremely good month in my opinion.
THPS and Yakuza 7 are both very good games but this is another case of me already having them because they're so good.
I own Yakuza and little nightmares, but this is a great month of games for anyone who doesnt have them. I can still pickup tony hawk and will be great to play
Extremely happy.its one of the best months ever. Yakuza like a dragon is the one im really excited for.tony hawk pro skater 1+2 is cool.and i already got little nightmares.i got the complete edition.amazing game.so overal its a really good month.word up son
I've always been happy with the selection although I rarely play them. I find it insane what people sometimes expect for a fiver a month. Imo, the value has always been there. But this month is obviously over the top.
I thought the expansion of PS+ to the three tiers was going to dilute the quality of the monthly Essential game, but I’m happy to have been wrong. The last two months have been really good.
I don’t have any of these. I’m looking forward to both THPS and little nightmares. No interest in Yakuza but I’m sure others will
Be happy with it
They’re ok. I’ve tried to like the Yakuza games several times because it’s a highly rated series but they never click with me, unfortunately.
Tony Hawk is a pass. Surely a good game but definitely not my type of game.
Great selection but no plans to play any as I've already played 2/3
Yeah Tony Hawks is right up my trumpet!
I’m looking forward to playing all three of these . I’ll probably start with Tony Hawk first, then play Little Nightmares on a random weekend. I haven’t started the Yakuza series yet, but I own all the other games through years of PS+ and deep discounts; I don’t think I paid more than $7 for any of them. So I might start that up soon and save Like A Dragon for the end.
Very good selection. I may only play Tony Hawk's for some tasty nostalgia, but I'm sure I'll claim the others, unlike last month where I just wasn't bothered enough to claim any. The Crash Bandicoot level in Uncharted 4 was enough Crash for me, thanks 😅
Does anyone know the best Yakuza game to play as someone who knows nothing of the series and has never played any though? I kind of liked the look of Judgement as a standalone, for example.
Wonderful selection! I already own Yakuza, but the two others have been on my wish list for a while. Next main quest in life: find time to play all these games...
Yeah it is a really good month. I've had THPS 1 + 2 on my wishlist for an age now, so will be good to finally play it.
This is a solid month. Two legit and somewhat recent AAA titles.
It has been a while since we have seen a month this good.
I remember a time in PS3 days when we wasn't guaranteed getting Yakuza titles outside of Japan, even at the start of PS4 we still wasn't guaranteed either. Of course we did get nearly all of them in the end just missing a few side games. Playstation being my preferred choice to play over everything else but you don't realise how pleasing and happy it makes me feel seeing all mainline Yakuza come to Xbox. It means it's getting more popular which means we are almost guaranteed now getting new Yakuza releases, this wasn't always the case a dacade ago
Ichiban would bring a happy smile to anybody's face.
Yes, a fantastic line up, not a weak title in the three (welll...technically four) games.
It's is a great month IMO, very impressed.
THPS and LAD have both been games I have had my eye on in the past, TH just pips it as the one I'm looking forward to most, loved that game back when I were a lad.
THPS is a really good selection.. I could have swore that Little Nightmares was already free somewhere at one point
Can’t stand anime (other than Pokémon) so I have no say so on Yakuza.. i really went into Persona 5 with an open mind when it was game of the month and couldn’t make it past an hour
Yes a very good month indeed. It's good to see Sony isn't slouching on PS+ Essential just because PS+ Extra is a thing. Hopefully they keep it up!
Yes absolutely. I've had Like a Dragon recommended to me by a few people and had considered buying it, but had not yet. So to get it for free is fantastic. First time thats happened for me in a long while.
I'm also interested in the other Yakuza games that are coming to the higher tiers as well. Same deal.
I'm loyal to Kazuma Kiryu as my Yakuza. Ichiban seems fine though.
I'll take my talents over to help out Takayuki Yagami in Judgement (which I still need to get to...but yall know, backlog games).
Enjoy everyone!
I’m very satisfied. Mainly because I had my patience rewarded. I had planned finally biting the bullet and getting both Yakuza and THPS last time they were on sale.
But I held firm. And now I am rewarded lol.
I voted for very happy even though I have LaD and LN. Happy with TH and that others may be pulled into Yakuza, the best gaming series ever.
The selection's very nice, but on a personal note I've already completed both LaD and Little Nightmares so I have nothing to look forward to (not into skating). So I appreciate what this month adds to the service but it doesn't do much for me.
Yes, I never got around to buying THPS so I'll be downloading it now for sure. Yakuza: Like a Dragon I can't recommend enough to people who haven't played it yet, especially if you like turn-based JRPGs.
Very happy with the selection. Tony Hawk will be a lovely side game and yakuza like a dragon I didn't own on my ps5 yet. I also wanted to replay that before yakuza 8 comes so it's good to also have it on Ps5 so I can chose where to play. Little nightmares I haven't played yet so it's welcome. The first month in ages where I probably will play all 3
Very happy, great month for me, I have TH 1&2 but haven't started it so this will make me load it up, it's a really good month.
No interest in Yakuza!? Sacrilege!!
Terrible month. I was hoping for early access to both GoW and The Last of Us: Part 1.
Nah, I'm just kidding. It's an incredibly good month. Just with ONE of those games would have been great.
Really happy with Tony Hawk. Already played Like A Dragon and can recommend it. I admit I had doubt about the combat but it works really well. Didnt go for the plat yet as thats a big grind
@thefourfoldroot1 I tried it once and couldn’t get into it
Hell yes. Great month. Already have two of the titles (although Tony Hawk is the PS4 version). Love the Yakuza series but skipped Like a Dragon because I’m not fond of turn based combat. I get to try it now that it is free and maybe the Yakuza style will be wacky enough to make it tolerable.
Has anyone played Like a Dragon that doesn’t care for turned based combat?
Now I can sell my physical copy of Tony Hawk, which I bought for five dollars at a pawn shop. Should be able to get twenty on eBay.. Another perk of physical over digital. I frequently find used PS4 games for a few dollars at pawn shops and flea markets. Can’t flip digital. .
Yakuza 0-6 or Yakuza like a dragon? They play very differently ;and I do prefer the finger series) but I’d recommend trying again.
If you're on the fence with Yakuza 7 due to being the...well....7th entry in the series, please take the dive. Not only it has a new cast and story (even though they'll mention some prior events) it is balls to the wall zany and fun. It is also one of the best JRPGS you can play on the PS4/5.
@thefourfoldroot1 I can’t remember, I think it was one I got free with plus perhaps if that narrows it down?
Only getting little nightmares out of it, but still a banging month.
I don’t have plus but this looks to be a very good month! I imagine a lot of the attention will go to Yakuza and Tony Hawks (no problem with that) but don’t forget Little Nightmares people!
I had that game on gold about a year and a half ago and tried it on a whim. It turned out amazing, so much so that I bought the dlc (which I almost never do these days) and of course it’s sequel that somehow upped the ante (my personal goty of 2021)
That might be Yakuza 4 on the PS3? If so that’s the worst version of my worst game, lol. Still, the worst Yakuza is still very enjoyable for me.
Then again, think we also got one of the Kiwami’s perhaps? Get mixed up with those that were on Now.
This is a great selection, even though I already own all the titles. I'm happy that 3 great games are being offered to everyone. From a gameplay point of view they are all really different and I hope people give each game a chance.
Already have Like A Dragon but am looking forward to playing some Tony Hawk again
This is the first time I'm actually happy with the selection. I've neglected like a dragon for a while and can't wait to play it.
First genuinely solid month in well over a year of not longer
Yakuza is a good one. Surprised they actually giving us both the PS4 and PS5 versions. Already 100% all achievements on Xbox but still might claim it. I have not even bothered claiming PSN+ games in almost a year now.
Great month, even if I already own the selection.
@WolfyTn Little Nightmares is currently free on PS+ Extra. And I guess you'll be happy to find out Yakuza isn't an anime game.
It's an amazing selection of games, I know because I own all of them...
Looking forward to playing all of them at some point. Awesome month 🤘
If anyone actually thinks this is a bad selection, may as well cancel your subscription because this is as good a selection one could hope for.
Starting Yakuza this week
Ps+ has been great for a while. Keep it that way and it’s too bad if some people whine for no reason.
I have them all already, but i'm happy for the people who don't. It's a great selection!
"If you don't agree with me, you are a bad person" sure bud..
Own little nightmares and have little interest in the rest. I guess i'm just a horrible person.
i think they are a good selection of games, i played little nightmares before, was never a fan of turn-based games at all i know almost everyone likes Yakuza games so i'd have to assume it's a good game, and about Tony hawk .. ummm i played a tony hawk game on pc when i was a kid, i remember it was alot of fun and i spent alot of time playing it, i'm just not sure if i would still enjoy it now but that's not to say it's a bad game at all, so basically what i'm saying is yea they all sound like good games, they are just not on the top of my personal preferences.
Best month ever with 2 great PS5 upgraded games. Wish every month would be as good as this
was literally about to buy Yakuza...
So happy right now 💯
I AM FURIOUS!!!...I haven't even looked at the games yet...
Sounds like a good line up of games to me
@WolfyTn I have Little Nightmares in my collection already and I don't remember buying it, so I thought it had been free already. Maybe it was really cheap in a sale at some point (ie. under £5), so I decided to snap it up.
One of the strongest months, period. So happy to finally play THPS again!!
I already own all of these games, but this is a great selection this month. Happy to have a digital version of Like A Dragon.
I've never enjoyed skating games, so while I recognize the popularity of Tony Hawk, I wouldn't give it a go if it weren't free. I doubt it will change my mind, but I'll give it a shot.
Meanwhile, I nearly pulled the trigger (pardon the pun) a couple times on Like a Dragon, so I'm really happy about that one.
I am extremely happy with this month's selection, will be happily claiming all three games tomorrow!
Already own Yakuza and Little Nightmare physically, but never got Tony Hawk.
I'm extremely happy with this month's selection — I've been curious about the THPS and Yakuza games for quite a while, I like turn-based combat, and Little Nightmares sounds really interesting. (Though to be honest, I'm just happy that we're getting a month without games focused on children's cartoon characters, ball-based sports, first-person shooting, or online multiplayer.)
Yes very pleased with this month 3 games ,I haven't played any of them so will add them to library and go from there.
Especially looking forward to playing yakuza like a dragon as I've not played any of the series but read plenty of great reviews of it ,sds very interesting as I've not played an jrpg before,so thank-you sony for another great month
Best month in ages.
Yakuza 0 without hesitation. It's totally awesome. But it's a prequel released after yakuza 5 and it gonna look weird to regress with further games... But Yakuza is a fantastic serie who merit to be tried.
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