February 2023's PS Plus Essential games have been officially announced, with four titles up for grabs (although one of them is technically just an expansion). Next week, you'll be able to download and play OlliOlli World, Mafia: Definitive Edition, Evil Dead: The Game, and Destiny 2: Beyond Light.
We'd say there's a bit of something for everyone this month. Fantastic indie skate-'em-up OlliOlli World is the highest rated addition (at least critically), and it's hard to fault the Mafia remake, especially if you're up for a well crafted crime spree.
The Evil Dead adaptation has been a little more divisive, but it should still be good fun with friends. And finally, Destiny 2's Beyond Light DLC opens up Bungie's otherwise free-to-play shooter in some interesting ways. It might be worth jumping in and seeing whether Destiny 2's your sort of thing here in 2023.
But we're not here to tell you whether this is a good lineup or not. In fact, we want you to share your own opinion. So, are you happy with the PS Plus Essential games for February? Vote in our polls, and then explain your stance in the comments section below.
Comments 50
if and suppose Sony gives GOWRagnarok then also that 11 million Gamers will complain that they own it already😉
I have no idea how 7% of respondents can say in good faith that this is a crap selection. I've already played and highly enjoyed Mafia, but I'm looking forward to Ollie Ollie.
OlliOlli World and Mafia DE I already have on Xbox. I’m quite looking forward to trying out Evil dead the game. I’m still not sure about Destiny 2 beyond light - is this the new expansion? Do I need the base game to play or is that included? I think I have the base game on PlayStation but honestly can’t remember 🤪
A good variety of good games this month. Not much to complain about as far as I’m concerned.
Playing Hogwards on tuesday and after that I am lost in the VR worlds so I do not care about these games to be honest. Time is rare too.
Its a fairly decent month on paper just not much of interest to me personally.
Looking forward to trying Olli Olli world though
Super happy for Olli Olli World. It's been on my wish list since it came out. The other games are probably decent but not of any interest to me in the slightest.
Mafia is just the type of game I look for in the plus monthly games. Something I’m curious to try but not quite enough to buy it.
If I get at least 2 or 3 of those a year I’m good with that. There has been many games I’ve ended up enjoying that I otherwise would never have played.
I give two thumbs up for this month👍👍.
They’re fine. I’ll probably at least install OlliOlli World for my son to play around with, though the game was just sorta ok for me.
It goes too far to call it a crap selection month after month; it's (PS Plus as a whole, including Extra and Premium) just not the service I hoped it would be. I had high hopes when the three tiers launched with titles such as Demon's Souls and Returnal but after that I've been disappointed every month. I just don't feel like playing all these old games when there's so much around to play.
For this selection I might check out Mafia if it really is that good. The other three aren't interesting for me personally for different reasons (haven't played the base game of Destiny 2 and I'm not interested in arcade games and multiplayers). Evil Dead might have been my kind of game if it had a single player campaign.
Haven't played them yet
Nothing here for me this month. Could be better I think.
Of course, it is still vastly better than anything GwG has to offer so I can't be too disappointed.
Overall, I am still pleased with the service.
I'll probably check out Mafia at some point.
Well I don't like platformers, online games or games where you run around with nothing to do but shoot a gun. Mafia looks like the better one but I got bored of GTA type games In the PS2 era. You just drive to an icon, get a cutscene, shoot people, end mission, repeat. If Mafia is different from that, I'll give it a try.
If I hadn’t already played Mafia I’d be pretty happy. Couldn’t care less about the rest.
@Nightcrawler71 the game is now free to play anyway, so you can download it at no cost- this isn't the latest expansion, but will effectively let you play somewhat past the base gane and dip your toes into whatever comes after.... I can't say how far, as I dropped off from D2 a while back!
Dare I go down the Destiny rabbit hole on PlayStation?
It's nice to see that the polling shows that thus far that the two live service games are the least ones being looked forward to. That bubble is bursting and it will burst quickly.
Sony is late to the party and it will show with how many of their upcoming cash grabs fail.
The psplus games are cool.i already got a physical copie of mafia definitive edition on my ps4 pro.olliolli world.evil dead the game.and probably destiny beyond the light.but destiny 2 got a lot of dlcs.but my backlogs of games is huge.i got a lot games to play.word up son
@BearsEatBeets you might say that they made you an offer you couldn't refuse?
I starter playing mafia while it was on the other ps plus. The extra tier one. It was removed after a couple of months. I couldn't reset licenses and remove the game so I wasn't allowed to buy it from the store which is what I was gonna do. so I'm glad its back so I can actually finish the game. Looking forward to playing evil dead as well
@J2theEzzo Thanks for the info 👍 I haven’t played it in quite a while either. I found there were too many currencies, systems etc at play, though I think I read they are going to be streamlining these so I may jump back in!
I went for evil dead as I own mafia on three different platforms already.
Looking forward to solo player stuff in evil dead been on my list for a while.
I'd be happy if Sony would stop double dipping with Extra.
yes & no , i dont have plus; pc been taking all my time with free online.
@somnambulance thank you!!! God bless you for your effort... you hero!!.
@Toypop your life sounds so hard!!!?, how do you make it through each day? I mean its ridiculous how in this day and age they expect people to put up with these conditions. Stay strong.
@Woods-PS Not sure why my comment elicited such a response, but ok?
It's crap but whatever, I'll be too busy playing Like a Dragon: Ishin that I wouldn't bother with these games anyway even if I were interested.
@Gamer83 but your new game is so great!!!, that here you are commenting on games you have no interest in, must be amazing...
@somnambulance sorry you're not the worst. It's just this, Urghh free games well if I have to I suppose I mean urghh... this is a great month of games and to listen to people on here youd think Sony had just asked them all to donate a kidney!... first world problems aye?
I'm positive it'll be a good game and that doesn't mean I can't comment on other stuff. That's the whole point of having a comment section on the website.
@BearsEatBeets yeah same here. I'll give it a go. If it's nothing then no worries. But a couple times a year something comes along thats actually a cool game that I otherwise would never have tried.
I've already finished Mafia: DE a long time ago and the other games (including the D2 expansion) don't really interest me THAT much. So this month is kinda meh to me honestly.
I'm mostly happy about OlliOlli World, but will gladly redeem Mafia so I can resume my playthrough.
@Woods-PS I suppose. For me, I already have the Destiny 2 DLC, played the trial of OlliOlli World and thought it was fine, but not really something that was for me. It’s visually pretty nice though and I like the developer since Rollerdrome was fantastic. I think my son would like it though because it’s Adventure Time-esque. The original Mafia game was fine, but I don’t think I’ll go back to it. Evil Dead, eh, not really a fan of that style of game, as much as I do like horror. It’s decent value, honestly, as PS+ Essential typically is. If you don’t buy games often, you can do pretty well with the service.
I’m a PS+ Premium guy though. I like getting the classics and cloud gaming. The day DinoCrisis is announced that’ll be the day I pop. Lol. Or Vib-Ribbon… I love PS+ Premium when I just want to casually play.
As usual I’m unimpressed. It’s not that the games are bad per se, it’s just that by the time they’ve come out I’ve usually bought the games I know are for me. However I was pleasantly surprised by Gone Home and Meat Boy - both amazing games.
I usually use PSPlus for the online component in FROMSOFT games and if I feel like being yelled at by neckbeards - the Modern Warfare remaster that was also a PSPlus freebie, but only with friends.
If I hadn’t already purchased Ollie Ollie World last year and olayed the heck ot if it id be super excited. But im glad others will get a chance to try that game its a great one. And i might dio into the Mafia game.
No knack 2 so best I can give it is an okay rating.
On one hand, none of these games in particular does it for me, but on the other, it's the first month in a long bit where I didn't already own some/all of the games, so I guess that's a plus. OlliOlli seems like it would be fun though, so while I wasn't interested enough to buy it, there's nothing stopping me from trying it for free™.
@Toypop LOL
No offerings that I'm interested in this month.
@DigimonMonster. No dog.like frank sinatra i did it my way digimon monster😏🤔.word up son
Not really interested in any of these games but with so many games I’m looking forward to coming out, and soon, I don’t really mind either.
I’ll be damned. Decided to jump on Mafia: Definitive Edition after finishing up Dead Space, and boy it’s surprisingly good. Granted I had no expectations but still.
@Nightcrawler71 Beyond Light is the expansion from two years ago. The base game is free to play.
It's good fun - give it a go
I can't remember the last time I was happy. Probably 2008 or prior.
If those four games were in a poundshop bin (which is effectively what they cost) i dont think anyone would pass by. I think its the best selection in months. Paradoxically, i am a bit cheesed off by the inclusion of OlliOlli World, which i think is best in the group, because i really wanted to get that for my Switch to play on the go, but it's never been less than £16 and is current £25 - so puts the value into context.
I had MAFIA's remake for a while now. I'm excited to play Olli Ollli World. I spent alot of time with the 1st 2 Olli Olli games on PS VITA.
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