The PS Plus Essential games for October 2022 have been officially announced, and you know what that means! As always, we want to know if you're happy with the latest lineup.
Just to recap, October's selection includes three titles (as per usual): rather fun racer Hot Wheels Unleashed (PS5, PS4), super-powered fighter Injustice 2 (PS4), and indie gem Superhot (PS4). You can find every game that's currently part of the service in our massive All PS Plus Games guide.
Out of October's trio, Hot Wheels is the higher value headliner. It launched just over a year ago, but its price hasn't dipped to any huge degree in that time. The same can't be said for Injustice 2 and Superhot, though. Both of those games are several years old, and they've been on sale for pennies through the PlayStation Store numerous times. What's more, Injustice 2 is also already available through PS Plus Extra. Hmmm.
So, what do you think of October's PS Plus games? Vote in our polls, and then explain your stance in the comments section below.
Comments 62
They are good. Hot wheels I’ll like. Superhot I would if I didn’t have the superior VR version. Can’t complain. Now let’s see what’s new in extra.
tbh not excited for any, but every month cant always suit everyone.
prob give hot wheels a spin at some point
I’ve had my eye on hot wheels for a while. Will probably buy some dlc packs for it as well.
All of them are good, but just games that most people who want them already own.
Hot wheels I still actually buy them from time to time
Yeah always a good month when you don’t already own any of them… but are at least interested in two, if not three of them. I’ll be checking out Hot Wheels and Superhot for sure.
Unfortunately own all 3 but otherwise this is a great selection
I wish we could get a tier of PS Plus that just enabled multiplayer...
If Injustice 2 was the complete edition it would have been a 1/3 for me, it continues the trend of we'll give you the vanilla edition so you can hopefully be tempted to buy all the dlc.
Hope this means thats injustice becomes populated again. I bought it on steam probably a year and a half ago and there were 6 (six!) people online, including myself.
Wish Superhot was the VR version. Haven't played it yet, only the demo. Now i don't care about any of 'em.
Own Superhot and Injustice 2 so its Hot Wheels i'm excited for.
Been wanting to buy Hot Wheels for a little while now. Glad it’s on plus save me a few quid
I bought hot wheels in a sale a while ago and its a brilliant racer if you like micro machines/mario kart (who dosnt?) Looking forwards to super hot but i didnt really like the injustice games as i found the fighting to be a bit stiff.
had hot wheels on disc not my cup of tea may try it again
Not interested but I'm interested in the Ps Plus Extra games so I haven't bought a game in months thanks to PS Plus
Pretty good games for people that are interested in them, just not for me. Not a fighting game player or a racing fan. But that's fine can't be something for everyone every month
Is that another way of saying that none of them have been given at release?
Pretty good month but none of them I'm excited to play. Might download Hot Wheels Unleashed as I enjoyed the trial of it. But it's not a game that would take away from other games that I'm looking to playing
3 games I never would’ve bought but now might play if I have time. So a good month.
Ha. I get it.
Injustice 2 is a great game. I’m not much of a fan of fighters but I really liked this. It’s a step up from the first game, it looks beautiful, and there’s a decent amount of single player content for those who are just casual fans.
I might try SuperHot and Hot Wheels. But neither have been games I was looking to get. I have so many others that I doubt I’ll ever get to them though.
People psyched for Hot Wheels are gonna be reeeeeal surprised when they see how friggin' hard that game is. Borderline unfair at certain parts. I gave up after about 25% of the way through the campaign. Tracks, physics, and rubberbanding are just bruuutal.
Like somebody said earlier different strokes for different strokes every month.i do feel injustice 2 is really old. So old I own it already lol.
Yeah I am mostly happy. I already have Injustice 2 but it's a good game. And the other 2 I haven't gotten them, so nice having a line up for once where I don't have the games yet.
Already own Hot Wheels and it's a class title. As for the others, a bit meh.
Glad I didn't renew my sub, lol.
I'd be willing to try Superhot if I owned a PSVR, but that's about it.
@Juanalf that’s surely the point of plus though isn’t it? The only negative I’d give is it’s very late to the party for it. However I got the dlc for a fiver in the sale so no complaints
Hot Wheels for me. Been thinking about buying it since launch, but held off because there was always something else to play.
Delighted to see it here.
Lol no, I don't care for the essential games, I brought a few games in the recent sale and that was enough tbh
This is a good month for me. I have wanted to try Injustice (after enjoying the first one) and Hot Wheels, but I have not been inspired to buy them. So: yay!
@Ralizah spoiler alert.... Don't I've tried it in psvr and it was absolute garbage, I can't even bother to download this "normal" version if it's the same thing smdh
Superhot I'm keen to try... injustice 2 I already have and am not much enthused by hot wheels. I guess it's a varied selection, but seems a bit if a wasted opportunity not to have a more 'scary' selection for Halloween.
@brazzios_84 for sure
Meh for me, but a good selection. I liked Superhot quite a bit, but I beat it ages ago, perhaps even half a decade ago now. No interest in Injustice 2. But Hot Wheels is relatively new though and perhaps it’ll be fun to play with my son, so I’ll at least download it perhaps.
With the October release schedule, there was zero chance I would invest time into PS+ games.
PS+ is to race F1 Online tomorrow.
Hot Wheels I'll keep for a slow month down the line. PS+ games are a good schedule gap fillers.
@huyi Ahh, that's disappointing to hear. It looked like it'd be a good fit for VR.
@tameshiyaku Indeed. To say nothing of the fact that at least two of these games are years old. Superhot is borderline ancient by gaming standards.
@Ralizah it originally was psvr but they converted it for normal play, still the same game tho.
I got it on disc with other VR games with the psvr headset as a bundle and traded it in as the game just didn't work with me, you are free to try out the game yourself this month still if you wish
Nope , maybe if they'd included the vr version of Superhot
I've always wanted to play Superhot after watching everyone else play it.
Two car racing games two months in a row? I was hoping for MLB the Show since the season is winding down. Horrible month. I’m sure Hot Wheels is the only game I’ll play and it’s going to be a while before I download it.
Not in any urgency, bu Injustice 2. I read the comics and played the 1st. Now I must continue the story. But in the future.
I think about buying Superhot every time it’s on sale, so I’m very glad to get it for free. And I’ve wanted to try Hot Wheels. So I’m happy.
I'm glad there's no PS5-only games.
Superb month, the best this year so far.
Every game is really good and I don't own one of them physical. I had Hot Wheels, it's really good.
@tameshiyaku quite the opposite, I'd say. They're the definition of games people are interested in, but may not buy immediately because they plan on doing so later on (and then never actually do). It's not like God of War or Gran Turismo that have loyal fans.
@Mythologue Super Mario Bros 3 is ancient. Superhot is not.
Its ok selection.word up son
Would there ever be a consensus “awesome” month? Even if Sony gave away God of War Ragnarok on day 1 with Horizon Forbidden West and Madden 23, you’d still have gamers rip the picks because there’s not a driving game or a role playing game or a puzzle game…or there’d be people who’d already paid for all three games and were mad that other players are now getting those games for free. Whatever.
October is a dud for me. Superhot was part of PS Now quite a while ago, Injustice 2 I’ve had for a long time AND it’s already in the PS+ extended tier, and I already have Hot Wheels. All three are fine games, but they don’t tingle my trigger finger.
As an aside…it’s October and they’re not featuring any scary games or survival horror? What a bunch of Halloweenies!
I hate to say it but having two racing and fighting games in back to back months is pretty bad. Better racing game, worse fighting game but it’s not like you couldn’t buy these games for less than $15 anyways, gross.
Not to mention the third games were a switch game masquerading as a PS5 and a 5 year old game whose VR version is more popular.
@Deljo Which is why it's not a great selection. The fact they have to use older games is ridiculous. What's the point?
Hot Wheels is terrible. I am rarely disappointed by a videogame but Hot Wheels did it.
What was the point of adding Injustice 2?
It was already in the extra catalog...
@memrii Me too, and I really shouldn't at my age 😂 I picked up the Bat Mobile from the new film (with R Pat's) it's a cool model with good detail. I am pretty sure I will buy some DLC packs for this too!!
No pleasing some people, I'd advise you all hop off to team green you'll fit right in.
They're good games, just personally not interested in any. Can't complain, there's plenty to play.
@brazzios_84 'I wish we could get a tier of PS Plus that just enabled multiplayer...'
I agree with you brazzios. However, I doubt that it will happen as Sony need something as a counter argument to the high cost that they charge for playing multiplayer on their system. Giving away some paltry titles once a month, that hardly anybody wants, still seems to be working for them.
It isn't so bad. But I already played the hell out of Injustice 2 and have owned it since launch. I've been curious of Hot Wheels after positive reception, but still not freaking out excited. But glad to have the option to play it now.
Yes. Better than last month.
The October PS+ games should be more Halloweenie.
PS Give us Dino Crisis.
I'm content, finally get to play Hot Wheels Unleashed!
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