PS Plus Extra Premium November 2024 Poll
Image: Push Square

November's PS Plus Extra and PS Plus Premium selection is bound to divide opinion. On the one hand, Extra's got some potential bangers in the form of Like a Dragon: Ishin!, and the vastly improved Dying Light 2. Oh, and there's a little game called Grand Theft Auto 5 — but who hasn't played Rockstar's eternal open worlder at this point?

But then you look down the list, and it's admittedly a bit all over the place. We think Digimon Survive is a pretty good game but Digimon obviously ain't for everyone, while Overcooked — another solid choice — has been around for what feels like decades. Stick Fight: The Game? Clash: Artifacts of Chaos? MotoGP 24? It's an eclectic collection of titles, to say the least.

Premium is similarly interesting. Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain and Blood Omen 2 are both up for grabs — two classics, some would argue — and the Resistance series is finally making a comeback with Fall of Man and its sequel, Resistance 2. The catch? They've only available through streaming thanks to their PS3 origins.

So, what do you think of PS Plus Extra and Premium this month? As always, vote in our polls, and then give us a brutally honest opinion in the comments section below.

Are you happy with your PS Plus Extra games for November 2024? (1,678 votes)

  1. Yes, very happy11%
  2. Yeah, mostly happy23%
  3. Meh, they're okay22%
  4. Nah, they could be better17%
  5. No, it's a crap selection22%
  6. I don't have PS Plus Extra6%

Which PS Plus Extra game for November 2024 are you most looking forward to? (1,485 votes)

  1. Chivalry 21%
  2. Clash: Artifacts of Chaos  0.5%
  3. Digimon Survive4%
  4. Dying Light 224%
  5. Grand Theft Auto V5%
  6. Hungry Shark World  0.9%
  7. Killer Frequency3%
  8. Like a Dragon: Ishin!22%
  9. MotoGP 242%
  10. Overcooked  0.5%
  11. Stick Fight: The Game1%
  12. The Sims 4 Island Living  0.9%
  13. None of them, to be honest28%
  14. I don't have PS Plus Extra6%

Are you happy with your PS Plus Premium games for November 2024? (1,112 votes)

  1. Yes, super happy10%
  2. Yeah, I'm happy16%
  3. Hmmm, they're fine15%
  4. Nah, not really14%
  5. No, it's a terrible selection15%
  6. I don't have PS Plus Premium30%

Which PS Plus Premium game for November 2024 are you most looking forward to? (1,140 votes)

  1. Blood Omen 25%
  2. Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain16%
  3. Resistance 28%
  4. Resistance: Fall of Man13%
  5. Synapse5%
  6. None of them, to be honest23%
  7. I don't have PS Plus Premium30%