Last weekend came and went without a PlayStation Plus leak, and for the fist time in five months, we thought that Sony had finally managed to keep a secret. It was all looking good until Wednesday morning, when a belated leak made its way online — and guess what? It was, once again, 100 per cent correct.
The party was spoiled, then, but at least November's PS Plus lineup is meaty. Assuming you have PlayStation VR, you're getting a total of six games as part of your subscription.
For starters, we've got First Class Trouble on both PS5 and PS4. This quirky multiplayer title appeared during Sony's latest State of Play broadcast, and... well, let's just say it isn't the kind of game that people wanted to see during a show. Maybe it'll be good fun to play, though?
Carrying on with competitive multiplayer, the very entertaining (and arguably overlooked) Knockout City is up for grabs, also on PS5 and PS4. And rounding things off is Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning — the PS4 remaster of the action-packed PS3 RPG. Still a solid game, although parts of it haven't aged particularly well.
Then we've got the PSVR games — three of them, to be precise. The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners is joined by The Persistence and Until You Fall. All in all, this is the largest PS Plus haul in quite some time.
But are you actually happy with this selection? As always, we want to know — so vote in our polls, and then feed us a brutally honest opinion in the comments section below.
[source News: PS Plus November 2021 PS5, PS4 Games Announced]
Comments 82
I think Amalur and Persistence are decent. Others may like the other games as well. Especially considering that PS Plus cost peanuts basically.
Yes very happy.
3 PSVR games! 1 of them, The Persistence, is playable in 2D with PS5 update. Amalur has a PS5 update so I'll get stuck into that. The Among Us clone, I'll give it a go but that'll not keep me interested long. Walking Dead, wanted it but never bought it. Excellent month. Let's see who finds a way to say its objectively a crap month yet again for a sub-£40 a year deal 😆😆👍
I already got kingdom of amalur re reckoning.amazing game but i might download knockout City.its a 🤔😏.weird month.word up son
The persistence i will download that also.you dont need a psvr. To play this game.word up son
Really happy. 6 games, finally some VR appreciation, and KoA is a game I’ve always thought about getting. Knockout City I wouldn’t have got but might give a go for free. Generally I don’t like online repetitive games but some rare ones are ok to pop in and out.
Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning makes this month good on it’s own. Such a good game and absolutely massive too. Should keep you busy all month!
It's an alright game selection, I'm just not especially jazzed since I own Knockout City and have no interest in replaying Amalur.
First Class Trouble might be fun but I don't see myself getting a crew together to really enjoy it. I'll give The Persistence a shot though, since it doesn't require VR.
VR love! Didn't try Saints & Sinners yet, so this is good news all around! Looking forward!
Amalur, Knockout City and First class trouble are games I don't have so yes amazing month for me, also I will redeem 3 VR games ready for when I get a VR back next year.
And to the people who think this is bad then go take a look at games with gold, will be greatful then
Already have half of them, but Walking Dead, First Class Trouble and Knockout City will get added. Mostly looking forward to Saints and Sinners, I'm glad people get to try the ines I do have, too, as They are great games!
Well, I don't have a VR, I'm slightly interested in Amalur, saw some good reviews. I'll give it try.
In general I think this is a pretty solid month, considering the wide variety of games we got this month.
Good month, especially for PSVR owners (The Walking Dead is really good!)!
Also happy with the fact we get both PS4 and PS5 version for most games...
Nothing really for me, I’ve already got the VR games (don’t have Until You Fall, but I wouldn’t play that anyway).
But none of that matters, November turned into GTA replay month anyway. Haha. Can’t wait to play through these updated games again!
Amalur yes, the rest I'm not too sure about but I guess we'll see
I am really interested in psvr and I’m happy for all the free offerings, but psvr NEEDS to come down in price. It’s outdated and overpriced.
Nothing for me this month. Not that bothered as I buy the games I want and don't have enough time to play much else. I get psplus to play online. Its not often I get a game I like that I don't have already.
Ask again after we’ve had a chance to play them.
Amalur I’ll probably add and then never get round to playing.
There came a point some time ago that I had so many PSVR games on plus I just had to get a headset. So glad I did. Since then Sony have given away even more of the best PSVR games free. If you consider you wouldn’t even need to buy any games to get your money’s worth in that situation I don’t think the price is too high for the experience.
I'll definitely give these games a go, except kingdoms of amalur because I already own it on physical.
I'm happy as i've been wanting to play KoA for a while and have been tempted to get the remaster so this just saves me money on buying it.
Yeah, this is a great lineup of games, and a hefty one too.
You literally get 3 of the best PSVR titles you can get all in the same month.
For anyone that has a PSVR and are missing the titles......its pretty insane (probably the best month for PS+ ever.....thats before you add in the regular titles)
Unfortunatly I have them all.......sigh I was hoping for some "lesser VR titles to be given".
Terrible munf!
Great selection.
Only entitled babies would say otherwise.
I'm happy,6 games and don't have any of them.Looking forward to Kingdoms Of Amalur.
Meh, not a lineup I care about much.
Knockout City is pretty fun with a couple friends. I might give The Persistence a shot at some point. Walking Dead S&S seems pretty good if I ever get PSVR.
The vr games yes the rest of them no
Great month but I'm really unimpressed by the online, online, online games we keep getting. They are simply not for me anymore. I think they should ditch these mainly online games unless they do it in combination with others. Like this month
@Jacko11 Entitled because we don't share the same taste as you? It's not like taste is a choice. And btw, Sony is not your awkward little brother, no need to defend them.
I dont say this very often about psplus, but I'm stocked for once. Was hoping for that walking dead game!
Happy with Kingdom's of Amalur, will definitely give it a go, unlikely to try the other one's.
Was stoked until what I thought was Amular was actually Dragon's Dogma. Oh well, will try with an open mind and see how it goes.
Great selection, haven't had quality games like this for a while.
Its mostly good. Until You Fall is a very underappreciated game and Saints is almost as good as the VR versions of RE4 and 7. I don't care the multiplayer games or KoA.
The vr games make this a decent month, without them and its very poor again so understand why some people without vr are unhappy
People who complain about ps plus games are ungrateful asf
I'm interested in First Class Trouble. With one game being given that's of interest, that's enough for me. I don't have more than 5 hours to game per week though.
Not being a VR owner or remotely interested in multi player games this is a god awful month IMO. I'll probably add KOA but it's basically a 10 year PS3 game so really not impressed.
Nice for VR owners I guess...
I mean i get it, i appreciate the constant PlayStation optimism by some. It's novel. Kingdoms of Amular was shallow but with fun combat as a PlayStation 3 game. Play it now and you will see its a PS3 game. The remaster was almost unanimously heralded as a lazy rerelease with very little improvement on any aspect other than resolution. Just be forewarned and temper that excitement.
We need to be real. Its important to provide criticism and suggestions in any industry or aspect of life, whether that be via getting honest and objective or voting with your wallet
As a die hard Playstation fan since PS1, let me demonstrate objectivity aside from that brand loyalty:
-This is a crap selection and they have been crap for months. ----Sony phoned in the last half of this year.
-The PS5 is vastly underpowered based on what we were sold.
-Sony lied about generational importance, and thus the first half or more of the ps5's life are slated be cross gen games held back by last gen. (this means almost all major studios will not release a ps5 dedicated game after their upcoming cross gen games, for a minimum of 3-4 years more likely 5 based on trends, we're talking 2026 territory.)
Condoning disappointment through half baked arguments shrouded in subjective 'fan-humanism,' helps nothing and I highly doubt anyone is really super stoked with Sony's communication with those that keep 20-30% of their entire corporation afloat.
Not one of November's game interest me one little bit and for the VR games I bet everyone who has an headset would have purchased the 3 games on offer anyway?
I'm kind of indifferent. I'm so backed up on games to play that I doubt I'll ever catch up.
@KundaliniRising333 well said! I agree, these are all budget games other than Amular and I already have it and I couldn't play it again on current gen. Like you said it's a PS3 game and trying to play it now is very hard as it's shallow in comparison to modern games.
I see a lot of internet forums just become echo chambers of positive posts for no reason other than to give each other pats on the back for being fans. It's not very objective to just praise everything with no discussion about the negatives of the subject matter.
In my opinion Sony are just constantly giving us the faff that is left over and no one is buying and on the occasion we do get a good game it's usually because it's very old, about to get a sequel and needs hype, or the publisher isn't selling it anymore and wants to offload DLC or microtransactions on it.
To be honest.
I am very super great happy 😁
Another great month
I cant wait December
I just want to end this 2021
Once and for all !!
@Smiler62 I have an headset and I don't own 2 of those games, there's more PSVR games out there then you think.
Know nothing about first class trouble, but will check it out, only looking forward to kingdom of amalur, although I already have on PS3, but will take it on PS4. Don't have vr and have no interest in getting vr. I don't play online as I don't enjoy it, much prefer single player campaigns and story much more enjoyable for me. PS plus membership runs out at end of November and not really sure whether I shall rejoin again, as free games are getting less for me, just one here and there and not every month, most of my games are either on disc or bought download.
@KundaliniRising333 You talk about "objectivity" yet all your points come across as opinions.
You say the Plus games are a "crap selection" yet all aside from First Class Trouble (which is a new game) reviewed reasonably well.
"The PS5 is vastly underpowered" I don't know how, considering it was advertised to play at higher resolutions and framerates compared to PS4...which it does.
"Sony lied about generational importance" Now yes it wasn't great when they weren't upfront about Horizon and God of War but your also ignoring that in the first year of PS5 we've had Astro's Playroom, Demon's Souls, Destruction AllStars, Returnal and Ratchet and Clank as PS5 only games, that's not a bad return in terms of quality and variety.
"Cross gen games held back by last gen" without hearing from multiple developers with a lot of knowledge on the games and platforms then there's no objective truth, no two games are made equal after all.
Another nail in the coffin of Playstation.
@KundaliniRising333 the shills will jump on your throat because you say the truth.
Another meh month for me personally.
The last good game added for my tastes was Final Fantasy VII Remake back in March and I already owned that.
I knew we'd get Amalur eventually.
Xbox got FH5 and Halo in this holiday, the only thing PS5 users got was this crap PS Plus lineup.
@Illy333 yup
I've been interested in Kingdoms for awhile, I almost bought it for Switch. Todd McFarlane's contributions really interested me.
I have PSVR so I'm super jazzed to get Walking Dead and Persistence, have heard really great things about Saints & Sinners. When the devs of Persistence became first party, that caught my attention too. Never heard of Until You Fall but I'll definitely add it to the library.
The other two games don't interest me but that's okay. The others are enough. Good month!
I really don't understand some of the gaming community. I must not be diehard enough or something.
I love PlayStation, I love gaming, I have so many amazing games to play & I don't even own a PS5. It's simply been too difficult to get ahold of one & I don't have the time to put the effort in to get one when they pop up in stock for an hour.
PlayStation Plus the last few months hasn't been great but I've gotten a few things here & there, I've played a ton of stuff from PS Now that I wouldn't be able to play otherwise, and I'm excited for the future when I enevitably get a PS5. Until then I can still play most of the new games on my PS4 Pro, which allows me to still get really excited about the new stuff coming out.
I wish I could play most of my collection with a higher frame rate at 60FPS, enhanced visuals, faster loading times, and other improvements....I wish I could play Rift Apart, Returnal, Demon's Souls, Deathloop, Death Stranding DC, and others that have gotten native PS5 upgrades. I really do wish I could get a PS5, I would really LOVE to get one, and I know I will eventually. It would make me unbelievably happy to get one soon even if there's not a ton of next gen exclusives, there will be eventually.... Spider-Man 2 & Wolverine have me so excited, as do Horizon & GoW, I cannot wait to dive back into two of my favorite worlds in gaming.
I'm very excited about the future even if I'm just playing on my underpowered PS4 Pro for awhile. I really appreciate it & am grateful my life allows me to have such a luxury, to spend hours gaming on it. So all this negativity & pessimistic attitudes in this comment section really feels weird to me because I do love PlayStation & I will continue to. No matter what decisions they make I don't agree with or what they offer on PSPlus...
I love the fact that I have the privilege to own one & have the time to spend playing it at this point in my life. There was a time I didn't, so now that I do.... I'm very grateful that I do.
If how I feel or my positive attitude makes me a fanboy or shill to other gamers on this site, that's okay I guess. I'm sorry that bothers you & that I don't really have the desire to put my energy & time into negativity & reactionary criticism. Sorry for the essay. ✌️
Serious question to those saying the selection is crap: what do you need for it not to be crap?
Here we have 6(!) games, including single player, multiplayer (one being brand new) and VR. I understand some people might not have VR for financial reasons but, really, how can people say this is bad for the low price?
What games would you guys need to see to say it was acceptable at the price? (Which at maximum possible yearly cost equates to £4.17 per month).
@AdamNovice happy days 👍
The main problem is compensating quality of regular games with VR titles (Except for Kindom of Amalur, which looks like low-budget Skyrim). I see that VR owners are happy, and I am glad for them, but here is the fact... Only 4% of the PS4 and PS5 users own PSVR headsets. On the other hand, no one will buy it because the device is outdated and too expensive for today's quality standards (heavy cables, you can see pixelization, image is blurry). Compared to Quest 2, which is wireless, has higher resolution and image quality without pixelization, it is like comparing PS3 with PS4.
So, to get to the point, even if all news titles start with "PS Plus Subscribers Are Getting 6 Free Games for November 2021", the truth is that 96% of PS Plus subscribers actually got three average games, two multiplayer for kids, and one game that is ten years old:
Regarding PSVR, here are the sales numbers:
@SONY Next time, please give us two proper AAA titles instead of 6 or even 16 (it doesn't matter) average games that no one wants to buy at the end of 2021.
@AV_aka_577_ex-Xbox it's the PSVR anniversary month, do people not understand that? I got my PSVR for peanuts on Facebook marketplace and I love it despite some of the flaws. It's five years old and they are celebrating that. I'm sure there will be other similar promotions for other anniversaries. Calm down, most months are going to be very mild. The expectations and entitlement of some of you guys is just ridiculous. Like you deserve AAA games for peanuts when all you do is complain about their business decisions & their choice of promotions. If you want AAA games that is competing with Game Pass, get PS Now. Plus isn't the equivalent of GP, it's the equivalent of Games with Gold, which also gives away games of varying quality that are usually budget releases. Plus has given out several AAA titles this year like FF7 Remake, Days Gone, and whatever else. Control isn't AAA but was another top quality game they gave out this year. Persistence is first party and can be played without VR, so maybe you'll like that? Besides that, I'd recommend picking up a PS Now sub if you want AAA games for your money, it's a great deal & has a ton of quality games.
finally someone with more than 2 brain cells that can objectively voice what we all want to say.. Thank you a lot. People have a RIGHT to be upset, people get upset that the Big Mac has decreased in size over the years.. If you DON'T voice your opinion nothing changes in the long run. I think its funny, when people get upset at OTHER people for not liking something, whether it is given away for free or not, regardless pushsquare puts up these polls and forums to spark dialogue. Maybe someone in SONY is watching and sees how upset some users are? Maybe something will change? There is an old saying "a closed mouth doesn't get fed". Keep rolling over and not saying anything, changes nothing.
Thanks to all of you for voicing your pros/cons , love/hate for the games of this month... And its OKAY.... keep gaming...
"it's the PSVR anniversary month, do people not understand that?"
"The expectations and entitlement of some of you guys is just ridiculous. Like you deserve AAA games for peanuts when all you do is complain about their business decisions & their choice of promotions. If you want AAA games that is competing with Game Pass, get PS Now. Plus isn't the equivalent of GP, it's the equivalent of Games with Gold, which also gives away games of varying quality that are usually budget releases."
To note, I am not a subscriber to PS Now or Game Pass. Like the rest of the 47 million subscribers, I care exclusively for PS Plus and what that's going to get me. I have been paying PS Plus for more than six years, their income is drastically growing from month to month, but the quality of the games does not follow that.
@Infernal Entitled because you lot cry every month even when there are solid games its getting old fast.
Less complaining! This is actually a really good month, even without psvr. The persistence looks like a great game! The only thing I don't care for is when they add psnow games or games that were obviously intended to be free2play. Also, VR is very affordable 2nd hand and is a great buy if you already got some games in your library.
I'm curious about First Class Trouble... might be a great and different multiplayer game everyone actually has.
The poll will never not have “Terrible Month” as the winner unless Sony adds a game that game out 3 weeks before and also gives out a $50 PSN code.
I guess not many PSVR owners in the polls. As one it it’s great. They really should give out two VR game a month.
@AhmadSumadi For me, a quality game consider any bestseller I would install and finish the game. Unfortunately, I won't even install most of the PS Plus games provided in the last couple of months. On the other hand, there are thousands of good games on the PS Store that are worth playing, from best-selling indies we used to get in the first years ( like Limbo, Mercenary Kings, Slain, etc ) to a bit older AAA hits like Control.
My previous comment... It explains why they need to improve the quality of the games. It is clear their income is growing, and games quality stays the same.
"Every month, we pay real money to get at least older best-selling games like Control or Shadow of the Tomb Raider (I can agree that AAA is not a good term, it could mean something else). I will clarify why I said that. If we say that the average monthly subscription is 5 USD, it means that Sony's monthly income is at least 200 million US dollars. For a fifth of a billion dollars... Yes, we expect quality.
To note, I am not a subscriber to PS Now or Game Pass. Like the rest of the 47 million subscribers, I care exclusively for PS Plus and what that's going to get me. I have been paying PS Plus for more than six years, their income is drastically growing from month to month, but the quality of the games does not follow that."
Silly question no one is ever happy at anything given away.
I already own Amalur physically, but will happily score a free digital copy. Also been wanting to check out Knockout City.
No interest in the other games, they just aren't my cup of tea.
With a year subscription the most people can pay is £4.17 a month. Many people don’t even pay that as we get deals. Pretty much any 3 games (let alone 6) make that good value for money.
@Flaming_Kaiser I personally wrote my first comment on this page a couple of days ago. And is it so hard to comprehend that there's several users on this page, so there will always be people liking or disliking the monthly selection.
Do you expect everyone to answer the same as you on every poll?
You say others cry and are entitled, while you yourself are the one lashing out like a baby because not everyone agrees with you.
Love listening to all the 'I'm so happy sony gives me anything for my £50 cause really I'm not worthy and any old sh1t will do' get a grip, you pay for this service so of course its OK to not be happy with the selection. As for the monthly ' if your not happy your soo entitled' bullsh1t, get a life mate it was boring 6 months ago but still every month your here with your begging cup out
@AV_aka_577_ex-Xbox sigh. So I guess they should just ignore PSVR and their users? Sorry that we are happy with the offering & you disagree with their choice to acknowledge those users. I guess some people just can't be happy and want to use statistics to justify their negativity. That's okay, hopefully you are happier with future offerings. Probably not though.
@thefourfoldroot yeah I got my subscription for half off for the year a few months back. So I paid $30USD, which so I'm paying $2.50 a month.... which is less than a gallon of gas.
I already got Kingdoms of Amalur on PS Plus back on PS3 and I didn't play it then. So I guess at least now I can not play it on PS5 too.
I will literally never even remember that I've got any of the other games, let alone consider playing them.
Poor selection IMO.
Knockout City is average.
The Among Us clone, no thanks.
The Knight game looks as old as it is.
Don't own PSVR so couldn't care less about those games.
Crap selection.
I was expecting Rachet and Clank, returnal, and GOW rag release early specially for PS+ sub.
GTA6 would have been nice too.
Nah it’s great
No mater what games they put in it there is always a bunch of people crying about them because they thank everyone has same opinion on games as them !
I own a few of these, but it's still a fantastic month. I'm excited to finally play the persistence. People whining about this being a poor selection because it doesn't apply to them is the epitome of solipsism.
I don't own PSVR so half the games are not for me. I thought Knockout City was free to play anyway but it turns out not! Might give that one a go. Kingdoms of Amalur looks maybe more fun if you played it the first time around? And I already have Among Us to fill the gap First Class Trouble sits in.
But it's ok because the Animal Crossing update is out this month so I won't have time to play any of it anyway!
Looks like HK got The Sexy Brutal this month too. Really wish we could've gotten that one, it's way better than everything we got.
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