Let's start with the Essential selection, which, as per usual, consists of three games. We've got delightful indie Toem on PS5, the flashy Need for Speed Heat on PS4, and gorgeous PS4 fighter Granblue Fantasy Versus. Not the most explosive line up we've seen, but you've got to admit that there's some nice variety there.
Robert (or Rob if you're lazy) is an assistant editor of Push Square, and has been a fan of PlayStation since the 90s, when Tekken 2 introduced him to the incredible world of video games. He still takes his fighting games seriously, but RPGs are his true passion. The Witcher, Persona, Dragon Quest, Mass Effect, Final Fantasy, Trails, Tales — he's played 'em all. A little too much, some might say.
Pretty happy about the essential line up, been meaning to start getting into the granblue universe with the anime and versus so this is perfect timing with re link launching next year as well, also nice to see playstation including niche anime games.
And it's another cracking month for the Extra tier, playstation are on a roll with that.
I think Extra is quickly shaping up to be really good value, especially if you don't buy that many games to begin with. Solid selection already, and hopefully it only gets better.
Good month. NFS Heat has been on my radar and Toem looks interesting. As for Extra i played Deathloop at launch and i highly enjoyed it, especially Colt as a character. However im looking forward to Scott Pilgrim and Spiritfarer
Definitely going to give Toem and Granblue a shot. The PS+ Extra selection doesn’t have much for me that I haven’t already played, but it has enough added where I can really see some good value. Chicory, Spiritfarer, and Deathloop are all must play games. Whether they’re for you or not, they’re games I feel every gamer should try and assess for themselves. And of course it’s always a good thing when Sony represents Sly in some capacity.
The addition of games on PS Extra is genuinely very impressive. Month after month of games like that and Sony have a very decent service on their hands.
I’m honestly mostly excited for the ps3 Sly Cooper games. The main appeal of the service for me is to play all the ps3 games I either missed the first time around, or haven’t played in several years. The other games added this month are very strong too. PS Plus is shaping up to be a great service.
Alex Kidd was my first ever console game, built into the Sega Master System way back in the day. I don’t expect it to be any good, but I’d like to try it again for the nostalgia.
I’m probably one of a very few that don’t get all this backward old games stuff. Guess I’m from an era when you had a console played the games you wanted on it and when the next generation arrived you had new games for that new console, end of and everything moved forward very well and also no cross generation as well. How my old gaming days have changed. For me being honest for the worse, I preferred new console new games for that console so it took advantage of the new power a lot quicker. Also all resource and energy spent on new games none of this back wards compatibility taking resources. I know I’m in the minority and just old 😂😂😂
The essential games aren't my cup of tea so chances are very small I will play any of them soon. The extra and premium games for me are a lot better. Interested in chicory deathloop and never played a sly Cooper game so might try one of those out
No plan to download any of these. They're not my cup of tea but that's ok. Not every month has to be something good. I'm still catching up on Horizon FW.
@Dezzy70 you are not in a monitory for feeling that way, you are only made to think you are by all the spin companies like Microsoft put on backward compatibility because they've not invested much in new IP since the 360. And they're still not. All they want to do is buy up studios and franchises to add to GP. They have no interest in innovation or risk, even though, as they've proved with the unbelievable amount to of money they're spending on stifling competition rather than out performing them, that they could easily finance new IP and create a reputation for Xbox to rival PS on that front.
It's a fine month. Will have a digital version of Need for Speed Heat and Watch Dogs 2. I'm not a big Bethesda fan so I didn't want to buy Deathloop. Was willing to play it if it came to Plus so will see what it's like.
Looking forward to playing Toy Story 3 and try the Sly cooper games out but I'd have a better experience of it if I just play them on the PS3 instead. Might give Syphon Filter 2 a go if I can get round to playing the first
@riceNpea You have some good points there. In the Xbox360 era I guess Microsoft did things right and well, but instead of going that way they are trying a different way, but also buying up some heavy hitting studios. I think moving forward 2023 and onwards they will get back to big AAA games with all those studios they purchased. I guess it’s one way of doing it, just go out and buy it. Even if we don’t agree with it. Game pass, not sure on that one if it does get a lot more true big AAA games then it does become serious competition to gaming as we know it.
@Dezzy70 they will have AAA games like you say because they've bought studios with AAA games in their portfolio. What MS won't do is create anything new. They have no interest in adding to the culture of gaming, in providing innovation or new experiences, they won't even care about console architecture in the future as their entire focus will go towards GP and streaming service across all devices.
We'll never see MS take a HUGE risk like Sony did with PSVR, let alone sink multimillions into a long succession of varying brand new SP game IPs.
I think GP as the main focus of their gaming division is anti-gamer in the long-run. I prefer Sony's approach of PSPlus being a sub service that Sony want us to buy into without it being the priority for them. Sony still invest heavily in new IP, and I am so excited for PSVR2.
Extra is a good month again..but if i only had the basic tier it would have been pretty meh for me as i already own nfs:heat and i dont fancy the other 2...looking forwards to trying deathloop out..
Yeah im mostly happy.i wanted need for speed heat and granblue fantasy relink to be on psplus.so thats good.granblue have a rpg mode and thats amazing.psplus extra got syphon filter 2.and sly cooper collection.sly cooper thieves in time.bentley hackpack.is cool.word up son
@riceNpea I think Xbox will have big AAA games but apart from FH5 and probably the coalition studio overall their AAA games don’t get to standards of Sonys take HFW I can’t see them getting close to that overall graphically for a start and pure perfection especially in an open world game. Take Halo infinite, it looked bad overall really and the Starfield showcase, inside it looked good but outside what we saw look so dull and boring.
@dezzy70 i think covid, shortages and potentially now cost of living have screwed us this gen. delays etc just mean not enough have got ps5 for developers to solely focus it . give it a year and you will see much less on ps4
Yes it's pretty good month ,looking forward to need for speed heat as I haven't tried a need for speed game for like ages ,so interesting to see what that is like ,may try the other 2 but will add them all to library anyway and go from there ,if I see 1 game out of three on essential service a month that I think oh I'll try that ,then alls well and good and some months there is nothing out of 3 that i try but thats the way the cookie crumbles lol , am tempted to upgrade to extra but may hold out abit longer as still got alot to get through on discs so we will see
@stvevan This new generation probably could not have come at a worse time overall really, because of how things went with Covid, chip shortages and now the cost of living. I was in a department store the other week looking at TVs and the LG rep said look in here nothing is moving and no people about. It’s looking a bit grime I’m afraid. Most new cars are still taking about 6 months to deliver. I don’t know how some shops etc are surviving and what on, now all there electric and gas prices are about to up again.
i established to myself months ago that the only thing that can get me excited about plus is when it doesn’t charge you to use your own internet to connect to game severs (i.e play online)
@Royalblues Maybe if fighting games tried something different instead of the tired, lazy , same-old 2D anime crap with airdashing and quirky b-list characters rehashed from other characters , then they wouldn’t be tossed to the side like shovel-ware garbage anymore . MK11 is still kicking , i wonder why ? Street fighter is well established because it doesn’t mesh into the fold of what i mentioned earlier , and tekken is a big standout too being 3D and all as well . They need to renovate the genre and break off this weeb infested anime crap ; give us a new Def Jam Fight For NY or another Marvel vs Capcom or DC vs Marvel , or Tatsunoko vs Capcom remaster .
and multiversus is shovel-ware trash too . How these kind of cheap, low end indie , web browser games can pass for something as a console game is beyond me .
As someone on essential, I’ve been itching to try out Granblue and NFS Heat! I know the online for both is kinda dead, but they look like fun single player games and Granblue seems like an easy fighting game to get into and play with friends.
They continue to add useful decent titles to the service rather than bargain bucket stuff, it good to see. Nothing is perfect of course , and it remains to be seen how consistant these good addutions are, but after so long of everyone bigging up GP, Sony have convincingly shown they can opperate a very worthwhike service of their own. From my perspective Sony are nailing it at a time when gp has never looked so barren, ive played only a handful of gp titles all year. Good job so far, lets keep up the momentum!
I mean, Deathloop is surely a £20-30 game even in sales, right? So to try this when I'd probably not even buy it on sale, as I'm completely unsure of how it is to play, is definitely great value for me 😅
I'd get Watchdogs 2 and AC Origins if I'd not already bought them and played them on £8 sales anyway, a few years ago.
Mafia 3 and Guardians of the Galaxy will keep me going on Extra for a while, I think. But I will try Deathloop when it drops, out of interest to see what it actually is.
It's wonderfull that they are giving Deathloop already!! I tought last week about the game ,and in the next day they announced the line-up!! Assassin's Creed Origins is a solid too, I will play it later in the year!!
@Dezzy70 I respect that and have to say I feel the same. I’ve got too little time and too much modern to play to go back. I went for Ape Escape when it all launched and after I was done I realized it was fine. My nostalgia is good enough for me to remember without needing to experience it again.
@ErrantRob Nostalgia is a wonderful thing but for me never works out, basically out dated everything compared to new games. That’s why I always moved forward and play new AAA games only. Apart maybe from Knowledge is Power with the gang 😂
@nomither6 I think the sales of Multiversus show you’re in the minority there. It’s F2P and it still topped the sales charts last month. Has a large player base because it’s the best Smash alternative out there.
@ErrantRob you lost me at sales - it’s a free game , whos it selling too ? and it had no choice but to be free or it would’ve been dead like the nickelodeon flop
@Royalblues that’s the same reason i want a series X , because of FOMO , haha . i was an xbox player during the 360 days , but the ps4 was so damn good early to mid in it’s lifespan , and then towards the end into the ps5 era , gaming just is in a weird spot & not in a good way either . i’d assume that the reason games seem to be tossed to the side like they do is because of how much more accessible things are nowadays and how fast news spreads about games ; basically the internet .
& my current platforms is PS5 , PC & Switch , but most of my gaming is on PS5 and switch is just there for show 😂 i just got into PC gaming but honestly for me personally i don’t think i’ll ever not have a console around .
@Dezzy70 I think some people aren't enamored with where the gaming industry is going. They prefer to play an older game that 1) works and doesn't wait on patches to make it playable, 2) don't microtransaction you to death, and 3) riddled with ads. I mainly stick to my single player experiences but when those eventually die out to make room for live service games then I'll be one of those back-compat Romantics
i indeed to play all 3 Essential games for the first time in forever. Now if Tales of Arise would stop being so darn good, I'd put it down for 5 minutes
Comments 55
Pretty happy about the essential line up, been meaning to start getting into the granblue universe with the anime and versus so this is perfect timing with re link launching next year as well, also nice to see playstation including niche anime games.
And it's another cracking month for the Extra tier, playstation are on a roll with that.
I think Extra is quickly shaping up to be really good value, especially if you don't buy that many games to begin with. Solid selection already, and hopefully it only gets better.
Good month. NFS Heat has been on my radar and Toem looks interesting. As for Extra i played Deathloop at launch and i highly enjoyed it, especially Colt as a character. However im looking forward to Scott Pilgrim and Spiritfarer
I’m definitely going to give Kingdom of Paradise a try. Seems right up my alley.
Finally, some Ubisoft games
Definitely going to give Toem and Granblue a shot. The PS+ Extra selection doesn’t have much for me that I haven’t already played, but it has enough added where I can really see some good value. Chicory, Spiritfarer, and Deathloop are all must play games. Whether they’re for you or not, they’re games I feel every gamer should try and assess for themselves. And of course it’s always a good thing when Sony represents Sly in some capacity.
Yeah, they're good. I mostly want to play Spiritfarer and TOEM, but also maybe Deathloop, Chicory and others.
The addition of games on PS Extra is genuinely very impressive.
Month after month of games like that and Sony have a very decent service on their hands.
I’m honestly mostly excited for the ps3 Sly Cooper games. The main appeal of the service for me is to play all the ps3 games I either missed the first time around, or haven’t played in several years. The other games added this month are very strong too. PS Plus is shaping up to be a great service.
Excited to play Toem and Chicory. Never even heard of Chicory prior to this announcement but it's got amazing reviews.
Alex Kidd was my first ever console game, built into the Sega Master System way back in the day. I don’t expect it to be any good, but I’d like to try it again for the nostalgia.
Yes. The inclusion of Syphon Filter 2 makes me wish they'd remake it. Colony Wars and G Police too while they're at it.
NFS Heat is actually pretty good. I buzzed off the cheesy cop in it.
I’m probably one of a very few that don’t get all this backward old games stuff.
Guess I’m from an era when you had a console played the games you wanted on it and when the next generation arrived you had new games for that new console, end of and everything moved forward very well and also no cross generation as well.
How my old gaming days have changed.
For me being honest for the worse, I preferred new console new games for that console so it took advantage of the new power a lot quicker.
Also all resource and energy spent on new games none of this back wards compatibility taking resources.
I know I’m in the minority and just old 😂😂😂
The essential games aren't my cup of tea so chances are very small I will play any of them soon. The extra and premium games for me are a lot better. Interested in chicory deathloop and never played a sly Cooper game so might try one of those out
@TeapotBuddha improve Cyberpunk 2077 1000% by adding G Police DPC
No plan to download any of these. They're not my cup of tea but that's ok. Not every month has to be something good. I'm still catching up on Horizon FW.
Honestly there's so many games on the service it's hard to keep up, o only get to play a game or so a month 😅 really happy with the service!
@Dezzy70 you are not in a monitory for feeling that way, you are only made to think you are by all the spin companies like Microsoft put on backward compatibility because they've not invested much in new IP since the 360. And they're still not. All they want to do is buy up studios and franchises to add to GP. They have no interest in innovation or risk, even though, as they've proved with the unbelievable amount to of money they're spending on stifling competition rather than out performing them, that they could easily finance new IP and create a reputation for Xbox to rival PS on that front.
It's a fine month. Will have a digital version of Need for Speed Heat and Watch Dogs 2. I'm not a big Bethesda fan so I didn't want to buy Deathloop. Was willing to play it if it came to Plus so will see what it's like.
Looking forward to playing Toy Story 3 and try the Sly cooper games out but I'd have a better experience of it if I just play them on the PS3 instead. Might give Syphon Filter 2 a go if I can get round to playing the first
You have some good points there.
In the Xbox360 era I guess Microsoft did things right and well, but instead of going that way they are trying a different way, but also buying up some heavy hitting studios.
I think moving forward 2023 and onwards they will get back to big AAA games with all those studios they purchased. I guess it’s one way of doing it, just go out and buy it. Even if we don’t agree with it.
Game pass, not sure on that one if it does get a lot more true big AAA games then it does become serious competition to gaming as we know it.
@Dezzy70 they will have AAA games like you say because they've bought studios with AAA games in their portfolio. What MS won't do is create anything new. They have no interest in adding to the culture of gaming, in providing innovation or new experiences, they won't even care about console architecture in the future as their entire focus will go towards GP and streaming service across all devices.
We'll never see MS take a HUGE risk like Sony did with PSVR, let alone sink multimillions into a long succession of varying brand new SP game IPs.
I think GP as the main focus of their gaming division is anti-gamer in the long-run. I prefer Sony's approach of PSPlus being a sub service that Sony want us to buy into without it being the priority for them. Sony still invest heavily in new IP, and I am so excited for PSVR2.
Extra is a good month again..but if i only had the basic tier it would have been pretty meh for me as i already own nfs:heat and i dont fancy the other 2...looking forwards to trying deathloop out..
Is knack 2 in the higher tiers?
Yeah im mostly happy.i wanted need for speed heat and granblue fantasy relink to be on psplus.so thats good.granblue have a rpg mode and thats amazing.psplus extra got syphon filter 2.and sly cooper collection.sly cooper thieves in time.bentley hackpack.is cool.word up son
I think Xbox will have big AAA games but apart from FH5 and probably the coalition studio overall their AAA games don’t get to standards of Sonys
take HFW I can’t see them getting close to that overall graphically for a start and pure perfection especially in an open world game.
Take Halo infinite, it looked bad overall really and the Starfield showcase, inside it looked good but outside what we saw look so dull and boring.
Very good month. This is the way to make the fee worth it. I am with Extra and very happy.
@dezzy70 i think covid, shortages and potentially now cost of living have screwed us this gen. delays etc just mean not enough have got ps5 for developers to solely focus it . give it a year and you will see much less on ps4
why are they only going to be available on sep 20th?
at this point its more like they're october's games than september...
I'm just happy I can play Sly Cooper on my PS5 finally
I was intrigued by Deathloop but wasn't certain if the game was for me, so this is a brilliant month for me
Yes it's pretty good month ,looking forward to need for speed heat as I haven't tried a need for speed game for like ages ,so interesting to see what that is like ,may try the other 2 but will add them all to library anyway and go from there ,if I see 1 game out of three on essential service a month that I think oh I'll try that ,then alls well and good and some months there is nothing out of 3 that i try but thats the way the cookie crumbles lol , am tempted to upgrade to extra but may hold out abit longer as still got alot to get through on discs so we will see
This new generation probably could not have come at a worse time overall really, because of how things went with Covid, chip shortages and now the cost of living.
I was in a department store the other week looking at TVs and the LG rep said look in here nothing is moving and no people about.
It’s looking a bit grime I’m afraid.
Most new cars are still taking about 6 months to deliver.
I don’t know how some shops etc are surviving and what on, now all there electric and gas prices are about to up again.
Wanted to check out RPG mode in GrandBlue Vs, so excited for that.
If I didn't already own NFS heat I'd say yeah the others I've no interest in
i established to myself months ago that the only thing that can get me excited about plus is when it doesn’t charge you to use your own internet to connect to game severs (i.e play online)
@Royalblues Uhm, Guilty Gear Strive playerbase is very healthy.
@Royalblues Maybe if fighting games tried something different instead of the tired, lazy , same-old 2D anime crap with airdashing and quirky b-list characters rehashed from other characters , then they wouldn’t be tossed to the side like shovel-ware garbage anymore . MK11 is still kicking , i wonder why ? Street fighter is well established because it doesn’t mesh into the fold of what i mentioned earlier , and tekken is a big standout too being 3D and all as well . They need to renovate the genre and break off this weeb infested anime crap ; give us a new Def Jam Fight For NY or another Marvel vs Capcom or DC vs Marvel , or Tatsunoko vs Capcom remaster .
and multiversus is shovel-ware trash too . How these kind of cheap, low end indie , web browser games can pass for something as a console game is beyond me .
As someone on essential, I’ve been itching to try out Granblue and NFS Heat! I know the online for both is kinda dead, but they look like fun single player games and Granblue seems like an easy fighting game to get into and play with friends.
Eh, a racing game, a fighting game, and a game I can't play...not impressed.
NFS Heat is a game I've nearly bought several times, so I definitely don't mind it being on PS Plus
They continue to add useful decent titles to the service rather than bargain bucket stuff, it good to see.
Nothing is perfect of course , and it remains to be seen how consistant these good addutions are, but after so long of everyone bigging up GP, Sony have convincingly shown they can opperate a very worthwhike service of their own. From my perspective Sony are nailing it at a time when gp has never looked so barren, ive played only a handful of gp titles all year.
Good job so far, lets keep up the momentum!
I mean, Deathloop is surely a £20-30 game even in sales, right? So to try this when I'd probably not even buy it on sale, as I'm completely unsure of how it is to play, is definitely great value for me 😅
I'd get Watchdogs 2 and AC Origins if I'd not already bought them and played them on £8 sales anyway, a few years ago.
Mafia 3 and Guardians of the Galaxy will keep me going on Extra for a while, I think. But I will try Deathloop when it drops, out of interest to see what it actually is.
It's wonderfull that they are giving Deathloop already!! I tought last week about the game ,and in the next day they announced the line-up!! Assassin's Creed Origins is a solid too, I will play it later in the year!!
@Dezzy70 I respect that and have to say I feel the same. I’ve got too little time and too much modern to play to go back. I went for Ape Escape when it all launched and after I was done I realized it was fine. My nostalgia is good enough for me to remember without needing to experience it again.
Nostalgia is a wonderful thing but for me never works out, basically out dated everything compared to new games.
That’s why I always moved forward and play new AAA games only.
Apart maybe from Knowledge is Power with the gang 😂
@nomither6 I think the sales of Multiversus show you’re in the minority there. It’s F2P and it still topped the sales charts last month. Has a large player base because it’s the best Smash alternative out there.
I am happy with my PS+ premium and I am looking forward to downloading and trying Toem & Chicory: A Colorful Tale
@ErrantRob you lost me at sales - it’s a free game , whos it selling too ? and it had no choice but to be free or it would’ve been dead like the nickelodeon flop
@Royalblues are you mainly a PC or nintendo player ?
@Royalblues that’s the same reason i want a series X , because of FOMO , haha . i was an xbox player during the 360 days , but the ps4 was so damn good early to mid in it’s lifespan , and then towards the end into the ps5 era , gaming just is in a weird spot & not in a good way either . i’d assume that the reason games seem to be tossed to the side like they do is because of how much more accessible things are nowadays and how fast news spreads about games ; basically the internet .
& my current platforms is PS5 , PC & Switch , but most of my gaming is on PS5 and switch is just there for show 😂 i just got into PC gaming but honestly for me personally i don’t think i’ll ever not have a console around .
@Dezzy70 I think some people aren't enamored with where the gaming industry is going. They prefer to play an older game that 1) works and doesn't wait on patches to make it playable, 2) don't microtransaction you to death, and 3) riddled with ads. I mainly stick to my single player experiences but when those eventually die out to make room for live service games then I'll be one of those back-compat Romantics
i indeed to play all 3 Essential games for the first time in forever. Now if Tales of Arise would stop being so darn good, I'd put it down for 5 minutes
I've already got KOV XV, is Granblue even worth downloading?
I'm def looking forward to trying out Deathloop...also replay the Sly Cooper series since they never bothered to remaster the games.
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