There was a time when many (including ourselves, at points) questioned whether Black Myth: Wukong was an actual, real game. A lengthy development cycle and a series of stunning trailers contributed to this perspective, but here we are, four years after the title's initial announcement, and Wukong has arrived on PS5.
The action RPG has attracted an awful lot attention — particularly from its native China — and while we're still busy playing through it for review purposes, the game's quality is clear to see. The question, then, is whether you're playing Black Myth Wukong.
Again, we're aiming to have our own review published in the near future, but until then, throw a vote into our poll, and then start monkeying around in the comments section below.
Are you playing Black Myth: Wukong? (1,890 votes)
- Yes, of course I'm playing it
- I plan on playing it later down the line
- Nah, I'm not sure about the game yet
- No, Black Myth: Wukong just isn't for me
Comments 83
Nah, I've got enough on my plate at the moment. But I'll definitely get the game sooner or later, everything I've seen of it appeals to me.
It played with my heart so I won’t play it, probably, maybe.
Waiting for that physical edition they've been talking about
@WhiteRabbit call me when they add whales. I love whales.
@WhiteRabbit what does it play like. Dark souls with levels or is it sekiro which is all parrying and no ways to grind? Busy with other stuff and replaying DS3 to walk my brother through his first time lol
I have to face the harsh reality that it will probably be too hard for me 😂 I’m not really into “boss rush” games, which this appears to be, especially ones with no difficulty options. Shame, because the actual boss designs look amazing.
I'm definitely interested in it once I can buy a disc. I haven't had a lot of time to play anything lately, maybe 10 hours total this month.
I got it on release and have found it to be amazing so far. Great gameplay and the bosses are insanely fun to fight too. I'm on Chapter 3 right now and still finding new things out about the combat. The environment in the 3rd chapter is beautiful too.
I've been pleasantly surprised by the exploration too. After Chapter 1, there is actually good exploration to be had between bosses and more regular enemies to fight too and I've been enjoying fighting them too.
All the NPCs are a crazy cast of characters as well and this game has great dialogue. I'm surprised Wukong hasn't talked since the prologue though.
For me, the game is GOTY so far.
@RagnarLothbrok Neither. There is leveling but health and stamina increases are minimum, it's mainly about unlocking new skills and upgrading existing ones including the spells, transformations and using the set bonuses of armour.
It plays like its own game. I'd say its difficulty is harder than those games though.
Read that it's another souls-like and that made it a hard pass for me. I'm surprised people aren't getting burnt out by that style of game yet.
I'm waiting for your review still! Not purchasing it until then.
I’m finishing up Ys 8 in the coming days and then I’ll be playing Black Myth Wukong. I can’t wait — it looks and sounds awesome.
I don't usually bother with Souls-like game because I suck at it, but even I picked this one up just due to Wu Kong mythology.
Nah, I'm not sure about the game yet.
Considering most people are saying it's GoW-Souls hybrid, not my cup of tea.
@WhiteRabbit is there any exploration though? It looks more like a boss rush game. True?
Yeah, I bought it on steam and got to chapter 2 today. After Stellar Blade I'm definitely not a fan of stamina meter and mute protagonist, but still I enjoy the game. Returned to the first chapter since there is apparently three bells and I only found two.
Was considering it but decided to keep my plate open for Astro bot and space marines. So just small games for my next couple weeks.
Loving it. Its destroying me, my 60 yo reflexes are struggling big time, but its fun enough I dont mind the grind. Early days, but it looks like this will be in my goty considerations...
Yep I'm playing it. Not too easy not too hard.
Of all 6 chapters, Chapter 1 is closest to a boss-rush level, while the others are more expansive and offer more in terms of exploration. Pre-release reviews were only allowed to include footage and discussion of the first 2 chapters, and those who have had hands-on experiences (dating back to the last Gamescom) mostly played Chapter 1. All of this ended up giving the skewed impression that this game is all boss rush. Granted, there are are lot of bosses and mini-bosses still.
Once a physical edition releases I'll be ready. If it remains digital I'll go with PC.
Yes and i've just hit my first road block the Black Bear, he's tough.
Must say i'm happy my fears about performance and its technical state ended up amounting to nothing. Yes performance isn't perfect and it will drop when it gets too busy on screen but its perfectly playable and while visuals aren't as great as i wished they are still good and its a very pretty game with strong art design. So yeah overall really enjoying it.
Playing and loving it. Game is a blast to play.
For me, depending on the boss one fights the combat experience varies a good deal, from your typical Soulslike, to FF16, and God of War, if that makes any sense. As you don't get penalized for dying, you naturally level up en route to fight the same boss each time. I got stuck on an early boss and it took me half a dozen trips to beat him. During the process I gained two levels and was able to beat the next couple of bosses on my first go.
@Titntin happy birthday mate..
I've only played the intro so far as it's still downloading but what an awesome introduction that was. I really can't wait to get stuck into this.
Later on PC possibly with patches or in reality we get GPUs 2-3 times beefier than a 4080/4090.
Console not until they can fix multiple issues on PS5 I'd personally feel like are game breaking. Also due to the current issues NOT digitally so I'd only take the chance on a physical PS5 release. Or a PS6 native version that was a significant upgrade in hardware.
Very much doubt it's for me. May consider it when it's dirt cheap down the line if got nothing more suited to me to play
The second option for me. Like I mentioned before, my cash is going too much towards other stuff at the moment.
I've learned that you'll get a much better and cheaper experience waiting. Whatever needs to get patched will get buttoned up. They'll add new things, ie photo mode, new game + and more likely it'll drop in price.
Waiting on the physical copy
this game rules. absolute banger
@Frmknst its 60 bucks and lots of people buy digital games. most people don't care get with the times. its a great game and you get what you pay for
@Frmknst it's 50 quid you 'tard 🤣
Just popped the Platinum 😁 a great, solid game that's worth buying!
@Zemo55 wow that was fast! was it a fun plat? it seems a little intimidating but i am loving the game so much i might go for it. still pretty early to say though
@WhiteRabbit thanks for the input on the game. and ill be sure he fully experiences DS3 loo
Well DF told me why Balance mode feels awful and its because for some reason its capped at 45fps.
I intend to play it eventually but it’s going to need a price drop first and secondly, from everything I’m reading, it’s going to need some patching to fix some bugs and other issues I keep hearing about. But yeah, I definitely want to play it.
The game runs like absolute garbage and uses frame gen in performance mode which means you have really bad latency, I'm going to wait until they patch it before I start it up again, at the moment it's very janky.
@DennisReynolds loving it mate. Performance is pretty solid and it looks great. Controls are very responsive and slick. I really like the graphics and for me personally it's one of the rare ps5 titles that actually looks like it's using the ps5 hardware instead of looking and feeling like a cross gen title (know what I mean?) I'll play this more at the weekend and I have next week off so it will get a good going over then as well. Contender for my goty so far.
Timesplitters? Of course I'm playing Timesplitters. What a silly question!
I somehow missed that this weekend is a bank holiday in the UK (woooo) so I might pick it up for the long weekend. I do however have concord on preorder (hides) and an incomplete FF7 Rebirth in my backlog so I may pick it up further down the line.
@Northern_munkey Good to hear. Just made it to Chapter 2 myself, the boss battle to get there had me on edge as its tough haha.
@Zemo55 'tard' 🤣🤣 love it
Chinese FF16. Awesome. Get ready for monkey business!
@LikelySatan Cheers to the Timesplitters trilogy re-release! 🥂😁
The game is awesome. Play it. It is beautiful and runs just fine on performance mode PS5
@EVIL-C Yuuuussssss!
Planning to play it on PS5 Pro, after it hopefully gets a bespoke patch for improved performance and image quality. Have too much of a backlog currently anyway.
@OptimusPrime1 there's nothing wrong with it..as always everything is blown way out of proportion.
5 minute wonder. Press X repeatedly to win.
PLEASE can people understand that different people can see different levels of performance issue, and have different tolerances to it!
Some can barely see a 10fps difference between 30 and 40fps - others (like myself) can see very minor fps changes up to 90-100fps (and still others all the way up to 120fps).
Even if you can see a fps drop or frame pacing issue, you may have tolerance towards it, whereas others do not.
@Frmknst for one thing because you can get top up cards online for far less than that. E.g. cdkeys/ shopto.
@jrt87 there is nothing that is game breaking as far as I can see. It's not perfect granted (nothing ever is) but what little niggles are there are just that..little niggles and nothing that detracts from the game..yeah go spend a stupid amount of money on a really strong gaming PC for a few extra fps and graphical settings..well worth the extra expenditure.
@Rich33 yeah I get what you are saying and I agree but there really is very little wrong with this game. Every game that releases has issues. Look at elden ring which has much bigger problems than wukong even now but like bloodborne it's accepted as one of the greatest games ever. Compared to those 2 titles and lords of the fallen this game is solid but it's being knocked right out of the gate. This is the first console game for the devs so I think it's a rather good debut just like the guys that made lies of p.
Ahh im so tempted to buy this as soon as possible but had to wait till next month. Glad to hear it’s up to the hyped. Can’t wait to play. Bravo Game Science 👏🏻
A furry game where you play as a monkey? Might play it sometime....
ill buy it on disc not getting ripped off buying digital ever again!
I havent played this game - though i do plan on sitting down and watching the DF review properly later.
I am currently playing Rise of the Ronin, which after technical issues at launch and patches, i only bought after playing the demo and finding it was ok for me (though it is about at my limit for tolerance of frame pacing issues).
This game really feels like it needs a demo, and it may well be that after watching DF i decide to wait until a demo is available and buy when on sale if i find it acceptable enough.
I wrote my comment as whilst I have read plenty of reviews/comments saying that this game is not perfect, but is acceptable, i was also reading some peoples comments (not picking out your comments) that were saying this game has no issues or how good this games performance mode is - it clearly isnt, even if it is better than other games, and it may still cause problems for some.
Im not saying people in the most part are lying, just that they have low sensitivity or high tolerance / adaptability to performance issues. Some do not realise this is the case, and some do not realise how massive a difference there is in peoples sensitivity, and tolerance/adaptability.
Nearly Locked 60fps with no frame pacing issues, which is the only thing we should be classing as 'good' performance, is easy enough on PS5 as shown by lies of P last year and Stellar blade more recently (both of which also look very good), providing developers correctly target hardware and don't aim for the rare(ish) elite PC then scale back. In fact, a number of games have pretty far exceeded 60fps.
Lies of P was nearly flawless in its performance, but elden ring bordered on unplayable for me until a few patches in, and VRRs addition a few months after launch - even then i find the weird (loading?) Stuttering very off putting. I would note that I and others have given the DLC a miss as performance is worse than the base game.
(Whilst comparing other games, It hasnt altogether helped that i read on pushsquare a comparison to FF16 which i played the demo of and found to be ridiculously bad performance, though it was stated that BMW was better).
Not a soulslike fan, it's like when I see MMORPG in a description, immediately puts me off
Its funny how the vast majority of people who have 'concerns' for the games performance havent played it and simply quote DF.
Yet the overwhelming experience being shared by those who have actually played it, is very positive in performance mode.
Whilst I cant play it in quality or balanced mode, performance mode with vrr on has been smooth as silk, and the hit on image quality to achieve this is more than good enough.
I would suggest that most people reading these comments want peoples real shared experiences, not those who quote another article and get hissy at those who are playing and having a good time....
I'm playing it on quality mode , and the graphics is mind-blowing really. I haven't seen anything close on ps5 so far. For me it plays very well, I don't mind playing it on stable 33fps in exchange for beauty.
The game itself is definitely not as hard as fromsoft games, it's more like an action rpg, than a soulslike. I'm in the 1st chapter, and so far I only encountered one really tough boss called Wandering Wight (big headed guy on a clearing), which is an optional boss, you don't suppose to fight him this early. Just run past, and come back later, when you are stronger (make sure you come back before ringing the three bells, if you want the loot because he will disappear after ) Anyway this game is a gem.
They need to make Demo of this game. This is probably not my type of game, but it would be nice to find out via a Demo.
Black Myth Wukong looks similar to Stella Blade, after trying the Stella Blade demo that confirmed that I did not like it, but the Demo gave me the opportunity to check for myself.
Should have asked who's playing it on PS5 because from what I read yesterday it's barely playable in anything or than performance mode and even then it can't keep 60 frames.
Also I don't get what the hype is with this game? Is just more look at the shiny shiny again? Can I have something more than just visuals approaching photo realism and lighting in my games. I get tired of seeing ray tracing all the time, it adds nothing of substance to the games mechanics at all, I'd prefer low graphical fidelity and more involved physics Inc the way both your player character and enemies interact with it, maybe some better AI as that seems to have been stuck on the same dial circa 2000.
@jrt87 if it compromises the game and negatively impacts performance more then yes you do.
@Rich33 I am actually listening to you because you are having a civilised discussion with me. I can't grumble about the performance of wukong at all because I'm a gamer that's been around since video gaming began. I had to endure coin op conversions of my favorite games on the spectrum,c64 and amigas not to mention all the games on megadrives and snes and believe me those were compromises that would make the gamers of today that never experienced those horrors cry in the corner of a dark room. So wukong on the ps5 is not as good as the pc version but I don't care..its rock solid to me and I'm loving it.
@jrt87 I cannot deny the truth of your statement.
But I can respectfully disagree with someone who has played for themselves and sees it differently, whereas someone who is simply jumping on a 'meh' bandwagon with no personel experience is simply after attention.
Ultimately I shouldnt really care, I paid £46.20 for this game and Im loving it, I feel value in my purchase.
My only concern is that those who parrot concerns without any experience to add to the debate, are potentially putting off many who are on the fence, and they may miss a good time simply due to comments by those who have no idea. I share my experience, like many others, to help people make more informed choices based on real gamers feedback. In performance mode with vrr on, Ive not noticed a frame drop yet, zero. Im am early mind you, maybe that will change.
All games are too expensive now, it's £54.99 on the ps store, i managed to raise the money by selling some second hand gear and games otherwise i could not afford it. I can't remember playing a game like this before? graphics are good, traditional music and environment sounds are great. Boss fights are very challenging for me and not much fun if i'm honest, sprinted to Guanyin Temple and upgraded some armour/gear back tracked and multiple attempts at Guangzhi and Wandering Wight, no joy haha, not sure this game is for me? but i'll keep at it. Forgot to add that i'm playing on performance mode on PS5 and it's ok for me, i'm a pc gamer at heart and framerate is a priority but unfortunately i have been priced out of that platform.
According to DF, The input latency when playing in performance mode (the only just OK but has problems mode), is bad. Can people that play this and aren't wearing rose tinted glasses confirm this?
Aside from visuals if the input lag is bad in the only sometimes smooth mode, it's definitely a wait for me in a. Fast paced combat game like this.
Amazing game! It was worth the wait! Poor souls still undecided about this immortal game! Go on, you'll love it!
If you like difficult challenging games you're in for a treat but i can't recommend it for casual gamers like myself. It's hard for the sake of being hard. They should of added an easy medium and hard mode, i can see why they didn't put out a demo, if they had i would not have wasted my money on it. Because it's digital i can't trade it in so will have to probably wait in vain for patches to improve performance and difficulty toggles.
@KundaliniRising333 i tried quality mode and it is bad, performance mode is not always smooth feeling, for me there felt some judder, unreal 5 engine is demanding, ps5 doesn't really cope well. I'm at 1280x720 60hz on small tv in bedroom, tried 1920x1080p 144hz ips monitor but it's just as bad but i think the monitor is poor quality to be fair. I can't recommended this game for casuals.
Thank you - i try, though sometimes what i write comes out a bit wrong in terms of the way im saying it!
I have been gaming since the MegaDrive/SNES properly but did have a NES / Speccy +2, so do understand. Street fighter 2 on Speccy was "priceless".
I have replied to people that were having (genuine) difficulty understanding, a couple of times about how problems with performance really came to the fore mid last decade, and a good part of this is the way in which TVs work / the amount of detail on screen etc. Also that people like myself's tolerance is going down, and this can be attributed to a number of factors including even newer TVs, age, length of time playing at locked 60fps (or higher) etc.
Also from a personal point, that i know i (and others) have had problems with performance for a long while, but it is only more recently that I/we have the knowledge to describe and enumerate this (thanks in part to material from places like DF).
Unfortunately because people can have such varied ability to detect performance issues, and tolerance to them even if detected, comments sections can be "fraught".
I will give one odd example - RE4 remake (which i generally got on with well), when you return through the village square (its raining and night time but i cant remember what you are doing) - the fps drops and varies, and it literally nearly made me physically ill and certainly gave me a headache. Odd, but true, and consistent on NG+.
I have now seen the DF analysis of BMW, and it really is an odd one. Just talking performance mode they are using frame generation to create additional frames to take the framerate all the way from 30fps to 60fps which it wasnt really designed to do. The source of the issue is that this game was really designed for "elite" PC, not "standard" PC or console. It seems the devs didnt even drop back foliage or effects for performance mode.
The quality mode is not capped correctly and oddly runs between 30 and 38fps in a 60hz mode.
The game also does not support VRR, only system level VRR.
There is much higher input latency in the performance mode than you would expect (due to the way it uses frame gen).
I really think this is going to lead to a mixed bag of viewpoints, and people will see the game very differently (perhaps the TV type will affect this game more than most). It may also work - frame gen made immortals of aveum (got this via PS+ monthly and delayed until it was patched in) playable for me (just), and whilst it isnt always accurate - the DF video did look quite smooth in performance mode to me (and i could see framerate differences on the video), even if there were a lot of artifacts.
I really would like to see them put out a demo!
Sadly, the PS5 version seems to have major issues, so I'm passing on it. I have enough other games on my plate anyway.
@KundaliniRising333 I'm not noticing any input lag and everything seems quite responsive to me. My glasses aren't rose tinted (more of a dark grey when the sunlight hits them) but I'm just being honest. The game stacks up really well and is great fun. The frame rate is so much better than elden ring and the controls feel tighter to me . anyway...make of my opinion what you will.
@Northern_munkey appreciate it your thoughts.
I only ask because I was about to pull the trigger on it but after that report I'm hesitant.. As I'm super sensitive to control input lag and it's something that can really annoy and spoil an experience when I'm messing with sensitivity controls more than playing the game.
I may just jump in and give it a go. Do you think it could use a few. More patches before playing? Although doing that with Dragons Dogma 2 would have been pointless as those technical issues have never been addressed meaningfully lol, but ironically they didn't Bother Me Much.
There's really nothing about this game that appeals to me, so that's a hard no.
Though it's not my type of game, I'm glad to see such quality titles coming out.
Healthy competitions always benefit consumers.
I will say as 'devils advocate' that just looking at performance mode (as the other 2 modes are non starters) that DF did suggest the game ran fairly smoothly most of the time, and a few simple fixes could improve matters for owners of 120hz VRR TVs (which I have).
I would also tend to agree with @northern_munkey (who has actually played it on PS5) that for my part notably purely based on the data provided by DF that this game seems to often run better than a lot of other games.
It seemed most of DFs complaints for this mode were visual quality issues and input latency related to the over use of frame gen.
The framerate graph they showed on screen did show some horrible drops - but i am presuming from what they said that these were Worst case, and limited.
Right now i think i will wait a bit and hope for a demo, as no one i know with a PS5 is buying this game, and i am just not convinced atm - i suppose if i had more knowledge as to how i personally react to frame gen i might think otherwise, but i have only played 1 game with it used a bit more sparingly.
The trouble is that DF do not always do follow ups following major performance patches.
@KundaliniRising333 it will benefit from more patches and I had no issues with dragons dogma 2 either. I cant tell you to purchase the game as that's entirely your decision but I was going to wait and ultimately pulled the trigger on it yesterday after much deliberation and I'm glad I did.
Playing it slowly on my PC, reached chapter 3 with all secrets/bosses uncovered so far I believe. Stunning game visually indeed and very fun!
1440p / DLSS 89% + FG, Cinematic Preset + Full RT Very High @120-140FPS VRR, no problems here (",)
Nah, it looks like Sekiro which reminds me I haven't beat it yet. So I don't plan on adding to my backlog. It's been very long since this game was announced, if I wasn't interested then, I doubt I will be now. But happy to those who are loving it.
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