It's been a long road, hasn't it? Regular readers will probably know that we absolutely slammed Cyberpunk 2077 when it launched in December 2020 for PlayStation 4. We went as far as to call it "the single biggest disappointment of the generation" in our Cyberpunk 2077 PS4 review. But here we are 14 months later, and the open world title actually feels like a finished product on the much more powerful PS5.
A newfound, positive buzz seems to have enveloped the game, and we're honestly enjoying our fresh playthrough (which should result in us writing a Cyberpunk 2077 PS5 review in the near future). But we want to know if you're back in Night City.
Are you playing Cyberpunk again on PS5? Or maybe this is your first time? Vote in our polls, and then feel free to elaborate in the comments section below.
Comments 105
I finally got my save working today, and work just ended this minute, so I'll jump in now until midnight, then switch over to Horizon.
I’ve been waiting for the PS5 version. Booted it up the other night just to see if it “worked” played the first 10 minutes and turned it off.
As soon as I have finished Horizon, I’ll alternate between Gran Turismo 7 and Cyberpunk 2077.
I can’t be playing two story driven games at once.
I am currently playing the demo but even with a certain title on the Horizon, I do plan on buying the PS5 version and getting really stuck into it at a later date.
I haven't been blown away by what little I have played but I can see it's potential, just need to set realistic expectations.
Nah. I might try it out if they add a third person mode.
Who knows. No Man's Sky got one.
This game is actually amazing I’m loving it.
I’m planning on starting it again on PS5 once I’ve finished Horizon and Dying Light 2.
@SoulChimera man I will be playing cyberpunk a long side Elden Ring and horizon and gt7 there so many games to play right now but so little time to actually play them lol.
I played 3 hours on PS4 on day one, stopped… waited for PS5 upgrade. Played 3-4 hours since the upgrade has released and I think I’m hooked… but I’ll prioritize HFW and ER in the coming weeks!
@4kgk2 Don’t forget the huge backlog too. Haha.
It’s a full time job. Haha.
It’s been so good to be back in Night City with a fresh coat of paint and some meaningful tweaks and changes and I’m super excited for the folks who have waited to finally get to enjoy what is a very good game. My biggest word of consideration to new players remains the same: this is not GTA.
Playing again after one rushed backwards compat playthrough at release. It'll never be a 10/10 game but it's very enjoyable.
With all the flaws and all the frustration it caused me at launch, I still consider Cyberpunk 2077 one of the best gaming experiences I've had. Beat it twice on PS4, got my first Platinum. I'll play again on PS5 once they add story DLCs, these changes are not enough yet.
I gave up on playing it due to the terrible bugs and I was at the final mission that just didn't feel right. It felt like it should've been waaaay longer(Man if only they made that montage with Jackie an actual playable part). Right now I've restarted it on the ps5 version and I forgot that the heist was still part of the intro since it showed the title card right after it. So far I'm enjoying it a lot more due to how stable it is and the Dualsense support. Still sucks that the choices don't matter for ***** and it's coming from the people that made Witcher 3
With my horizon clock ticking, nothing will distract me!
However, with the free demo and half price offer I might at least try a few hours worth to see if I can get any value out of it. I doubt I'll be into it, but there's no harm in making sure if it costs nothing...
I am loving it. I can’t seem to play on quality mode, frame rate is awful…is it just me?
Bought it on initial release and ended up selling it because all the discourse soured my want to play the game.
Seeing the PS5 version came out, and that it was on sale for pretty cheap, I picked it up again and so far it's been pretty good.
I'm not getting deep into it since Horizon and Elden Ring are inbound but I plan to jump in when things start to slow down.
@PenguinL with the free trial you surely have nothing to lose trying it out?
I've had no crashes yet personally, which cannot be said for deathloop and ratchet & clank - games made specifically for ps5.
Already completed it twice (on XSX and PS5 back compat) and had a blast. I've already installed the native PS5 version. Going for that 3rd playthrough as soon as I'm done with Mafia DE. Gotta make it till March as then it's all GT7 till May/June.
It’s very solid. Stable, graphics are good. It’s fun. Not one of my top 10 ever, by far not but the current version is pretty good.
@dre8472 cyberpunk, dying light, deathloop, ratchet & clank - all games I've tried on ps5 at 30fps and I've had to switch to 60fps.
I don't know if it's just me now being used to 60fps, or something with the way the ps5 is handling it, but I never remember titles on ps4 being this 'bad' and nauseating at 30fps, last of us 2 and witcher 3 play horribly to me on ps5 at 30fps.
Sort of. I got it on xbox for like £15 a few weeks back, was waiting for this upgrade but unfortunately Forbidden West is out tomorrow. I will DEFINITELY be playing this after though.
I stopped playing until this update came out. I booted up my save for about an hour and just realized this game just isn't fun aside from the technical fixes. The combat seems more challenging; however, the world still feels empty, the copy and pasted menu system form the witcher is very archaic, the side activities are phoned in, and honestly even with the update, 14 months later, the game just looks, and plays dated.
This "game," all bugs and lies aside, as is, is unfinished and a 6 out of 10 at best for me.
Too little too late for cyberpunk.
Tried it. Love the character customisation. Bizarre you never see the character you create! Not a fan of 1st person shooters. If they brought in an option of 3rd person I’d be into it.
@Jimmer-jammer - “My biggest word of consideration to new players remains the same: this is not GTA.”
That’s a good thing imo. GTA is the most overrated franchise ever.
I upgraded to the PS5 version and jumped back in…. 2 hours later I got my first PS5 trophy… for finishing the game haha. Then I was sad because I just completed it and was all excited to dive in on PS5….. so I might restart it.
I tried it for the first time on PS5 the other day. Played for 2 hours, didn't do anything I haven't seen other games do better. Reminded me of 90s PC WRPGs with less charm and surprising amounts of comparative jank. Stole a cop car in front of cops with no repurcussions, slammed into a GTA:SA style bridge block, walked around aimlessly for ten minutes, saw two interesting things and a lot of amusing fake ads. Oh, and experienced three inoffensive glitches in my 2 hours.
At no point did I think the game was bad. But the combat wasn't compelling, the stealth wasn't compelling, the plot was boring (so far), the nipples were honestly a little off-putting and gratuitous despite being thematically appropriate, and the whole game just feels like another AAA bore fest. Again, not bad, but so, so bland. You can say the setting is imaginative, except it's not. It's just a cyberpunk universe. The Witcher isn't JUST a fantasy universe. Bladerunner and Deus Ex have their own unique themes to set them apart from each other. But Cyberpunk 2077 is just cyberpunk that takes place in 2077 — I guess.
I went into it expecting nothing and came out of it wanting to play Skyrim instead. I still got 3 hours left (in case anyone was wondering about the trial, the 5 hours start when you boot it up and it looks like the counter pauses when the app is closed), but I have almost zero motivation to play it more. Even Pokemon Legends, absolutely an average, if fun, game, captivated me enough to get me playing for hours straight. 2077... the dancing girl in the club in the ostensibly pointless 'evil business man' story opening gave me and my girlfriend a laugh. That was about it.
(I'm aware this critique is poorly justified, given the 2 hour playtime. This is just a hot take, really.)
Upgraded but going to wait till after Horizon and GT7.
I'm waiting for the inevitable complete edition with all dlc on Ps5. I've waited nearly 1.5 years, I can wait another year for the full package.
I picked it up day 1 on release date, then after a couple hours of gameplay decided I was gonna wait for the next gen version. So glad I did. Game feels like a whole new experience, legit the NEXT CDPR game. Loving every second of it so far lol
Can't see the option, 'I completed the PS4 version on PS5'. I saved a corpo play through for the PS5 version and call me crazy to pay twice but I am going to play it again once the physical PS5 version is available.
I already got the plat and loved my time with it.
Playing it on my Xbox Series X.
Played it, looks cleaner, still buggy with npcs and cars. Didn’t try much, but it does look nice. Need an alternative to Johnny, too much Keanu.
Gonna play after I finish horizon 2
I'm really enjoying it! So glad it's not working properly to a degree
Wasn't even interested in the game before the launch debacle, lol
I haven't played Cyberpunk 2077 yet, was waiting for the PS5 version.
As soon as it's been fully patched AND all DLC has been released, then I will play the game.
@BritneyfR_ee completely agree! Though I do respect what GTA has broadly done for the medium. I guess I feel it’s important to understand that Cyberpunk is just not that kind of sandbox, and if one’s expecting that, they will be severely dissatisfied.
Played a few hours of the trial to see if I should buy as it’s on sale but just wasn’t impressed by it. There were no cars on the road in the cutscenes it just seemed an empty place. Early missions weren’t compelling, I won’t be going back.
This games release was a shambles, they should never have released it in that condition. Releases like this, unfinished games and micro transactions shouldn’t be encouraged in any way. Poor show
Played the demo on PS5. Glad to see it looking really good, for developers and players alike. Found the plot interesting and the world well realised. But the gameplay just felt a little … weird to me. Couldn't get into the mixture of walking sim, unimpressive stealth and FPS. Not going to buy the full version.
@Gunnerzaurus exactly
Can only speak for myself.
Played around 8-9 hours and mine hasn’t crashed once…..yet
Yeah, I'm playing the PS5 version and it's been running great so far. No crashes which is a very good thing unlike when I played the ps4 version on a Pro.
@Gunnerzaurus “what lesson are they supposed to learn?” Do you really think they believe they have repaired their reputation by doing this, and that people will flock to buy their next game just because it’s CDPR on the box? Of course not, the damage will need to be repaired over subsequent game releases. That’s clear. They will need to work hard now.
As for the state gaming is in, gaming is in the best state it’s ever been in.
Had to buy it seeing as it’s £20 for the PS5 version. I’ve been crazy patient so I’m looking forward to jumping into Night City!
@Shepherd_Tallon Glad to hear that. How did you fix it, just out of interest?
@JimbobLink Thanks for asking!
Well I tried everything.
In the end I uploaded my saves to the cloud, deleted them from my PS5, and deleted both versions of the game.
Then I reinstalled both versions, downloaded the saves again, loaded the PS4 version and made a new save, transferred that as instructed by @Uberjinks, and then finally when I imported the save in the PS5 version it came in corruption free.
I don't know what it is about this game, but two years later it still has this really distracting film-grain esque sheen over most of the things around you, especially when they're at a distance. The game is still carried by art direction and writing.. technology and graphics taking a back-seat.
I’m playing the trial (PS5). The character design was pretty cool. Visuals seem decent. But the movement seems off to me, that ramp up in motion speed and awkward climbing and vaulting has gotta make for some bad combat (when I get to that, only just met Jackie).
@Col_McCafferty going by your last posts you seem to.like single player RPG and adventure games eg Mass Effect etc. You'll LOVE Cyberpunk if you let it work its charms on you
@PenguinL I've completed it twice on Ps4 and been blitzing this PS5 version. It's never crashed on me once
I heard how broken the game was on PS4. Then I heard it's basically Saint's Row ridiculousness portrayed in a more serious manner with the exception of sex toys everywhere. In my experience, when you have to rely on sex to sell your item, the item isn't worth the time of potential consumers. It means the creator knows the content is weak. No, I'm not talking about simply adding sex scenes, but copious amounts of it.
I'm going to pass on the PS5 version as I did with the PS4 version. Maybe they can now focus on Witcher... but I'm not sure if modern CD Project Red can pull off the quality of the 3rd game.
Picked up a used disk for under $10 back when it was on sale. Played a tiny bit, but not enough to even say "played but didn't finish."
Downloaded the PS5 version and will check it out eventually...after I'm done with Horizon.
Cyberpunk 2077 Demo verdict.
Good graphics when playing in 60fps. Nice gunplay and car driving feels fun.
Bad is the lifeless character models when talking, empty feeling world and boring story
The game is absolutely stunning on PS5 and my V has never looked more detailed. Put 200+ hours into two playthroughs before this and can't wait to do a third.
@Luigia The story is fantastic and one of the most well-written experiences ever to be in a video game with side quests rivaling anything I've ever encountered. You need taste.
Nope. No support for left handed players. Would like to, but no.
Yeah upgraded from PS4 but started a new save as i never made it far into the PS4 version. I must say i'm enjoying it a lot more on PS5, its far from what was promised but its a big step in the right direction.
@Gunnerzaurus yet only 13% of the pole have actually bought it now as a result of the patch - that’s not people rushing out. And likely a good number of those have done so due to the generous 4 hour trial and £19.99 price tag.
Look, these guys have not committed murder. They released a ***** game off the back of a great one. People are going to be more suspicious of Witcher 4 or whatever comes next by default. There is no way CDPR will not have learnt lessons from all of this. They HAD to improve this as a step toward fixing the damage to their reputation, that in itself is a sign of a lesson being learnt.
@Yamato01 It's definitely a huge improvement over the ps4 version. Still a bit of a way to go, but a step in the right direction.
Certainly impressed so far.
Beat me to it. Played most the gta's, getting sucked in by the hype, but just not my sort of game I think. Get around halfway through and realize I'm not really hooked in or enjoying myself so drift away onto something else.
Need to revisit rdr2 but didn't particularly like that after a couple of hours either.
Played the game on Ps4 Pro which was a rough experience but gradually improved. Jumped in the Ps5 version and impressed with the load times and framrate. Time to finish those Gigs
Am playing but on my Series X and it is fantastic.
I put about 40 hours into the PS4 version via back compatibility on PS5. I thought the game world and design was extremely good and fresh. Game clearly needed far more time in the oven and should have been delayed for another 6 months...
PS5 native is a huge step up in all areas but there are some odd performance issues in the performance mode in two busy areas...it's not really a hardware issue as it's not incredibly taxing. I would guess cross gen issues that are too hard to update or most likely and in my opinion a too low of a gap in the dynamic Res application. I think it's 1800p in performance?. I feel it needs to drop near 1080p to hit smoother fps in the market area and the hub outside Vs starting apartment. Just needs a harsher hit to resolution to free up room ...otherwise I've had no issues with the game upon starting a new save. It's actually an incredible world to explore with a very mature and gritty world full of interesting characters..
Same performance issues on SX by the way.
As a whole gaming today is fantastic.
But I think AAA gaming has some big flaws that needed to be worked out.
Cyberpunk’s launch was a symptom of an industry wide issue.
Unreasonable expectations by publishers.
I believe that is at the core of why AAA gaming is controversial today. Many publishers are still acting like it’s the 1990s and blockbusters can be put out in a playable state with just a year of hardcore development.
@TheRedComet I agree, there are problems, some big, but you only have to spend an afternoon playing on your Mega Drive mini, as fun as it can be, to realise we have it pretty good these days.
*literally as I typed that, Pokemon crashed on me. Wow. Gaming sucks ass these days.
@Gunnerzaurus unfortunately modern gaming is more about numbers than gamers.
Nothing more pissing annoying than looking forward to a top tier game and on day one it needs patches as it's not finished or full of bugs. As a veteran gamer my time for gaming these days is harder to find and yet I still buy day 1 on games I know I want ..even though there are sometimes issues that need patching. Ive cut back this past year though unless it's a Sony first party title...they generally have a high level of polish and the patches that do come are minor and don't stop gamers player a game.
It's the big multi plat games that are the worst. Open world's are a bigger too, especially with their shear size. Bound to be patches needed on games with over 20 hours of open world exploration to do as the minimum. It's modern gaming.
Cyber was quite the shocker and was clearly pushed as a top tier PC game. Project Red generally push PC hard over consoles.
Looking forward to tucking into this for first time this evening.
Didn't get on with witcher 3, but loved mass effect, skyrim, fallout etc so will be interesting to see how this goes!
Of course, silly.
Oh trust me I agree. I love retro games I grew up with, but some of their mechanics… like limited continues? I’m glad those went away like the Dodo.
@B80 I hated RDR2 the first time I played it. 2 years later, I tried it again and absolutely loved it. You do have to get used to the awful R* gameplay, but once you do, the story is pretty awesome. It’s my favourite R* game by a huge margin.
That’s why I don’t get the hype around GTA. The earlier games, sure - they paved the way for open-world games - but the most ‘recent’ entries… GTA IV and V, didn’t have great stories (or gameplay). Maybe it’s because the last GTA game was made 2 console generations ago but it feels like the GTA name has become bigger than the game itself. I don’t know, it’s just bizarre honestly why it’s so popular. Could it be that playing GTA is seen as ‘cool’, whereas playing other games isn’t? Very odd.
I have a Ps5 so I decided to buy Cyberpunk, I play it now and again BUT I just can't get in to the game.
I can download the PS5 version for free as long as I have the PS4 disc........... BUT I find the game more of a choir
Yes I am. I played some of it on PS4 at launch and it was just awful so I had to stop playing. I was going to get a Refund but decided against it just to see what would happen and I'm so glad I did.
This is not the same game I bought, this is a new finished game.
I've been playing the trial version but I think I will end up picking it up. Like a few others in the comments though I think I'll put it on the back burner until I finish both Horizon and Elden Ring.
I love the art direction and attention to detail on display but not quite feeling the gameplay myself yet but it could be because I just haven't gotten far enough in the game yet.
Oh but man my V looks like a complete jack *** so far! 🤣
Really need some better clothes!
@jmac1686 I’m pleased you enjoyed and if you like it then this makes me happy 👍🏻 games are subjective like art
Playing the trail! Got a refund off Sony when it first came out, gotta say it looks and plays much better so I think now is the time
Bought the game at launch, hated it, took the refund from Sony and didn't ever expect to revisit the game. Was surprised to see the PS5 version almost appear out of nowhere, and that a free 5 hour demo was available. Tried it out, liked it a lot better this time, and decided to rebuy it at the £20 sale price. I think I did the right thing in 2020 by 'voting with my wallet' and returning the crappy PS4 version for a refund. Don't mind paying £20 in 2022 for the PS5 version, I think I'll get my money's worth this time around. Kudos to CDPR dev team for slogging away on this these past 14 months, and for reselling it at such a cheap price for its big new 'next gen' launch. Screw the CDPR execs though. Hope they learn some lessons from this for future game releases...
Played the game on Stadia at release. The game didn’t have the problems it had on other platforms, but I’m not going to play the PS5 version. I bought into the hype and came away feeling that the game was average at best. The narrative did nothing for me.
No. CDPR are a bunch of crooks, just like the rest of the AAA gaming industry
Fully playing it now, and wow, I am genuinely loving it. Gonna put off starting HFW to keep playing this.
I am going to keep playing dying light 2. I just find it more fun
Never played the ps4 version but loaded the ps5 demo the other night. Despite not really having a clue what i was doing and being confused by all the menus and boxes etc i didnt mind it. Far too much to play with horizon and GT 7 coming out tho. Ive got a feeling its going to be on sale quite alot so im in no rush to buy it yet. I will wait for a couple of major patches and another good sale then may grab it.
What a great month for PS5 gamers!
I've been waiting on the next-gen patch to drop. So now that that's done, I have a few more games in my backlog to play before I get to it, but it's definitely getting played.
Liking it a lot on PS5 but firefight with some Mechs in one of the first main missions caused massive slideshow frame drops which lasted about 20 seconds before returning to mostly normal
Something tells me that cyberpunk is going to wind up a ps+ or ps now offering so I'm not going to buy it unless it dips to like $15. Horizon is going to have my attention anyways.
Also I just started playing Ark on the ps5. Game is surprisingly beautiful...and incredibly addicting.
Did try it again but going to delve into new Horizon game. Turned Cyberpunk off again as soon as I saw some NPC's walk and disappear into the walls. Plus NPC's on the street are walking straight through me. This is definitely not a AAA game by any standards.
Nope. Never bought the game and don't feel inclined to do.
Just finished Uncharted 4 with the Legacy of Thieves Collection, and nearly done with Lost Legacy.
Now it's time for Dying Light 2 and Total War Warhammer 3 on PC until Elden Ring drops.
Horizon I've delayed for a bit till I can get it secondhand.
I might pick up Cyberpunk on PC later this year.
This month has been hectic in the gaming department, just as expected !
@kyleforrester87 We can only hope but several terrible releases has shown us thats not the case.
@BritneyfR_ee yeah feel I need to revisit it. Bit clunky/slow feeling, but maybe just needs getting used to. Didn't like when first returned to base at beginning and how it slow it felt wandering about the house thing, opening drawers and piking up a load of crap. Maybe need to do some searches and see how essential it is searching every drawer, cupboard nook and cranny. I completed rdr1 when it first came out.
Yeah do wonder how much of GTA popularity is due to earlier versions and hype/advertising. Don't mean to offend people on here who love it, as imagine most are more than casual gamers and people have different tastes, but to me it's a series that casual gamers see as a must buy as they don't know better or know about/have any interest in many other games. A chap last week was talking about games and he hasn't played anything for years, but said he'd buy a ps5 when gta6 is released. Also mentioned cod, which is another series that casual gamers heavily lean towards, same as fifa... I have and like both of those games.
I imagine the new horizon games won't sell anywhere near as many units as gta, despite probably being a better game in most areas as its not as 'mainstream' despite still having big budget, aaa etc. Casual gamers don't tend to 'scratch below the surface' and just go for the usual established, popular titles, even if they're just average to above average overall.
I started playing last night. I've already encountered a few bugs still. Nothing huge but I've clipped through multiple cars while driving, had a car spawn on top of me, had DeShawns car drive away on the pavement and seen a 2D truck on the road.
I heard that there were more cars on the road while driving but it still seems to be somewhat barren of life as when I played it back in 2020.
Items I equipped were unequipped. There have been graphical issues when using the in-game PCs. NPCs have had trouble seeing me when I was right only across the street firing directly at them.
The Ray tracing is pretty, though it lacks the reflections I was hoping for like with Spider-Man MM. This game would of been great to have that as you don't really get to see your custom character at all during scenes or combat, being able to see them in reflections would have been great, but then they would have had to animate them.
I'll keep playing with it but doubt I'll finish it. The game lacks charm and excitement. Some of the early concepts they had planned which they gave up on would have made this game such as the parkour - it would have been a sandbox Mirrors Edge.
Maybe if they made a CP 2088, they could learn from this, but I doubt they'd want to touch this IP again.
I stopped playing very shortly after launch in 2020 since it was so rough. Just re-installed it finally. It’s a long time coming but it finally feels like what they promised via trailers, press releases etc. Not a perfect game but I’m really enjoying it now that it has a significant improvement on the quality of visuals and gameplay. Killing time till Elden Ring next week!
Just started. Seems awesome
I downloaded the demo to see how it looks on PS5 compared to my PC copy (both connected to the same 4KTV)
Looks pretty good... but not really playing it over again. If they make a standalone DLC, I'll consider jumping back to PS5.
I have it all downloaded and ready to go, but Horizon Forbidden West is priority #1. I might play Cyberpunk after that though. Looking forward to finally experiencing the game the way it was meant to be experienced.
Was. Got bored with the bad writing and bad acting, the superficial engagement with tropes, and the hyper-sexualized, hyper-violent vision of the future. The "edginess" is so embarrassing. Looks pretty though!
Unplayable for me on PS5 on release. Tried the trial, bought for £20. Loving it and an absolute bargain.
No, I am not playing it on PS5 nor did I play it on PS4....I bought the Xbox version at release.
Purchased it last night after playing the demo. With HFW not being delivered today (and doubtful it will be tomorrow either now), I guess I'll be playing even more of Cyberpunk than I had expected.
It doesn't feel 'next gen', more like a PS4 game released in 2018.
Counterpoint, I liked it better BEFORE the patch. Maybe I just haven't found the right setup, but I think nerfing the player has made the experience worse. At least, for me. A big part of the fun of the game for me was the ability to run and gun. I can get down with a tactical game, but my instincts want me to go back to playing it like a Wolfenstein and its resisting against me, now.
Bought it on PS5 due to it only being £20 and seemingly in a very playable state now.
I’ve played for around 8 hours and it’s fun
I particularly love the implementation of the hepatic feedback in gunfights. That’s an absolute winner for me and really seems to bring the fight aiive.
Glad I chose to purchase it on PS5 rather than series x just for that factor alone.
Hey, updated to PS5 version and it crashed after 20 minutes. I don't even. What an utter piece of *****.
Still can't recover or upgrade lost or missing weapons that disappeared back when I was at level 25, completed the game long ago so now at 50+.
Time to start a new game now with the PS5 upgrade finally arriving, had the game since it was released on PS4 and with an upgraded SSD it was just about playable but with a PS5 and an Eve 4K monitor it's like a whole new game.
Digital foundry video analysis said that the game runs slightly better on ps5 than XSX on all modes plus the dualsense features add to the mix.
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