You may not have realised thanks to a brief period of early access, but today marks the full release of Mortal Kombat 1. The latest instalment in NetherRealm's eternally popular fighting game series, it's got typically impressive visuals, punchy gameplay, and a twisted interest in watching entrails leave the human body in especially gruesome fashion. It's Mortal Kombat, alright!
We gave it a 'good' 7/10 in our Mortal Kombat 1 PS5 review, claiming that the core game's great fun, but the surrounding package is a bit hit and miss. "Mortal Kombat 1 is the best and most refreshing entry in the series since Mortal Kombat (2011), but it falls directly into the same traps as those prior entries," we concluded.
But we want to know if you're playing Mortal Kombat 1. As always, vote in our polls, and then tell us all about your plans to conquer the realms in the comments section below.
Are you playing Mortal Kombat 1? (1,276 votes)
- Yes, I'm playing it
- Not yet, but I want to play it
- I'm not sure about the game yet
- Nah, I'm busy with other games
- No, Mortal Kombat 1 just isn't for me
Are you a fan of Mortal Kombat as a series? (1,135 votes)
- Yes, I love Mortal Kombat
- Yeah, I enjoy Mortal Kombat
- Kind of, I've dabbled in Mortal Kombat before
- Nope, Mortal Kombat 1 will be my first Mortal Kombat game0.9%
- Nah, it's never really interested me
- No, I don't like Mortal Kombat at all
Comments 48
Haven't touched fighting games in about 5 years, got sick of ripping characters out as paid dlc as charging a fiver a character. Miss the good old days, when you unlocked characters by beating them or getting a high score/secret stage .terrible tactics a full price games 65/70 with microtransactions
I'm waiting on a price drop. I like fighting games, but down the list on my favorite video game genres. Make Injustice 3 and you can have full price money from me lol.
Removed - disrespecting others
I love the series, but am AWFUL at fighting games. So I don't tend to play them, MK included. Hahaha
I haven't played a MK game since the SNES. I mostly outgrew fighting games decades ago.
I want so see how kool Omni-man looks, plays and sounds. That decides if I buy this game or not lol
People seeing a 7 out of 10 and thinking the game is trash is why reviews shouldn't even have a score.
I love fighting games but suck at competing online. Therefore, Mortal Kombat 1 is a godsend for me with tho focus on singleplayer content an a story mode with over 4 hours of amazing cutscenes (on top of each individual tower ending sequence)!
As a singleplayer gamer, this is easily a 9/10 and must buy fighting game for me!!!
Those fatalities are always fun to watch but its the only thing it offers, constantly doing fatalities over and over again. Online fighting get my a** handed to me no thanks. The career stories get repetitive in fighting games super quick. Remember trying SF5 on Plus and it was the same thing repeating itself again and again. SF6 does look like it's added a little more though
I wish I was, but not yet. I want to play it in the future, this one really caught my atention.
Never cared about Mortal Kombat but that’s also because I’m not much into fighting games. Smash Bros is the only fighting series I could ever get into and that’s more because it’s a fun party game, but even that everyone takes to competitively nowadays.
If I were to try and get into a fighting game anytime soon, it would easily be Street Fighter 6. I enjoyed IV on my 3DS back as a launch title. Plus Street Fighter a little more silly and cartoony.
But I’ve been hearing good things about Mortal Kombat 1 so I hope everyone that gets it enjoys it!
Nope, not yet. Will wait for a Komplete edition some 1-2 years from now, since I don't play PVP.
I love the franchise a lot, ever since the first games back when Intel Pentium 1 CPU's and Playstation 1 consoles were kings. But only for the lore, story and PVE.
So, for me at least, it's not worth throwing 70$ or more on this game for ~6h of content.
I'm more hyped right now for Lords of the Fallen, which I can't wait to play next month.
How is disagreeing with the score you gave worthy of removing my post lol 😂 are we not allowed to have views ?
Game is good, but I enjoy 11 more, currently.
11 has the better base roster.
The Krypt is better than this Shrine thing.
The customization was better in 11, despite the fact there was too much to unlock.
Invasions is kind of dumb, and it also helps replace the Krypt.
The Kameo system makes little-to-no-sense. Why would the old version of Kano help someone like Kenshi, for example?
They took a few of the fatalities back to being sort of funny/campy, to an extent, too.
Will avoid due to DLC practices
It’s just gotten too over the top for me personally. I know I’m in the minority, but a handful of years ago the absurd gore was funny, but with graphics getting so insane, I find myself kind of wincing or turned off by watching it now. I dunno, I don’t wanna play a game for hours on end which my first reaction is to turn my head ever so slightly away
Nah too engrossed in one finger death punch 2 😜
Only fighting games that ever clicked for me were smash bros and soul caliber.
Mortal Kombat’s controls never clicked for me.. never understood how to successfully input ⬇️A⬆️⬇️BB⬆️➡️↘️C↖️↙️↙️↙️ perfectly every time. I just don’t get it, the controls on most fighting games are too difficult for me.
I got the game a week early thanks to the Premium Edition and although it’s a typically awesome entry from NetherRealms, I definitely would say that 10 and 11 are better games. MK1 is also missing some characters that I would have thought were Shoe ins, but it’s still an awesome game like I said. Having Smoke in the lineup really helped aswell!! 😄
Im on the dence with this one. I loved MK1 and got pretty good with Scorpion ( yeah im a scorpion fan) at a competitive level with over 350 hours clocked but for some reason this just doesnt click with me. I dont really care for the cameos and i dont find the roster as interesting and from the footage ive watched online i dont actually think it looks as good but that just might be me. I will get it in a sale down the line.
No, I still am unlocking the 2nd best MK game, for the PS3...but would be neat if they released a pixel perfect, frame for frame, arcade version of Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3!
Not yet. I'll wait until I finish Baldur's Gate 3. Although at the pace I'm playing through that it might be a while till I'm done with it.
Yep i"m playing it and i've already put 30 hours into it since Thursday.
@Dragon83 Remember when Street Fighter 2 had endless different versions or when MK3 locked Scorpion behind a Ultimate version? Fighters have always had DLC its just instead of downloading them you had to buy a new version of the game to get them.
We still upset about DLC characters in fighting games? It's the industry norm now to get the game out, work on characters post launch and offer them up as DLC. The only instance of ripping characters out of a game before it released was SFxTekken and that was way back in 2012. I think we can move on now.
Too busy with Starfield and then the Cyberpunk and Resident Evil 4 dlc's are about to drop so I simply don't have time, I might pick it up in the new year
There’s just something too “samey” about this game to me. I dunno. Feels behind compared to Street Fighter 6.
Not that anybody cares but I have not seriously played a Mortal Kombat game since MK2 on the SNES and my last fighting game that I tried to learn well was Soul Caliber 2 on the GCN not that there is anything wrong with fighting games I just don't have the discipline to get good at them.
havent bought Mortal Kombat 12/1 yet since im busy with the older games such as Deadly Alliance, Deception and replaying through Mortal Kombat 9, Mortal Kombat X and playing online for Mortal Kombat 11.
Other people online for Mortal Kombat 11 are annoying. they keep going overboard with Scorpion and keep doing crazy combos that take my health bar down alot and its really annoying when they do that
It might be something I get later on. Not the biggest MK fan. I’ll stick with Street Fighter 6 KOF 15 and wait on Tekken 8. Plus I’m looking forward to the new Fatal Fury game(GAROU).
Not yet but i plan to play it.i enjoy mortal kimbat since the arcade games in the legendary 1990s.word up son
I definitely want it, it seems they finally got Reptile right since the original trilogy. He's my favorite ninja, Rain being my second. Yeah everyone says Scorpion or Sub-Zero first, and they're cool, but green is my favorite color and Reptile has always been more badass in my eyes.
Anyway, only exclusives are worth buying day 1 at full price, so this will wait for Black Friday
I love MK and watched the story online as soon as it came out.
But, i accepted that i don't have time to invest in fighters in a way that will satisfy me. Also, i don't really like how live service and guest character centric the series has become. So, i'm no longer interested in them.
An action game i would probably go for.
I've sunk a lot of time into it, and am learning Li Mei now, climbing to Master from Champion in Kombat League (Hell). Wish there was better online play, but it's fine. I'm enjoying it a lot. Story was great! My favorite MK story I think.
Playing this so much is really messing me up in SF6 though. Really HATE holding R2 to block!
Not really my thing, but I did get a good laugh watching the Switch version videos.
Waiting for a deep discount to buy it. I love mortal kombat, but my bag log is huge, so I can wait for a “Komplete” version
I’ll probably wait for a sale, Starfield is still taking all my attention.
MK means Mario Kart to me...
The second part should have a "Yeah, it was the 90's" option. 😂
1% voted for this will be my first Mortal Kombat game. Wow, that is... low
I imagine it's been made to solely to cater for the current fans of the series, which can be good. But 1% new players? No growth for the series at all? 😬
Compare that to "it's my first Baldur's Gate game" which had 50% of the vote 😱😱😱
Haven't really been interested in tournament fighter since the good old arcade days.
I might give it a go if it ever comes to PS plus tho.
@Ravix well the difference is that the last Baldur's Gate was released in 2000 while the last MK was in 2019 and MK is readily available on PS plus.
@dBackLash that's fair, BG3 is an anomaly, but it still seemed super low growth for MK. It's just something that stood out looking at the results tbh
I'm planning on picking it up on Black Friday but we will see. I might still be too busy with what I got by then to bother! It does look like some decent fun though from what I've seen online but I'm not really planning to play it competitively since I already got SF6 for that and the Invasion mode doesn't sound great.
So I'd only be getting it for a short story mode and to occasionally play with friends. Probably not worth $70 just for that.
I'm definitely going to get it. Just waiting for the complete gold edition. I want all the dlc in one shot.
@Dragon83 that’s always been the practice with fighting games though. How many editions of Street Fighter II did we have? Adding character, stages, etc. Same with Mortal Kombat 3, UMK3 and finally MK Trilogy. All updates that added different characters and updates to the same core game, and I would argue all should have been included at launch. And back then it was even worse, you couldn’t upgrade your base game or t you wanted from the new characters, you had to buy the whole game again.
@ThaBEN For sure! Ever since Mortal Kombat (2011), the MK series has been the best fighting game series in terms of single player kontent.
I am playing Mortal Kombat with a passion already have 60 hours 🙃
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