It's been a long time coming, but we finally have a new Batman Arkham game on PlayStation. Well, kind of. Gotham Knights is very much its own thing — a co-op enabled adventure featuring Bruce Wayne's crime-fighting protégés. We quite liked this one, giving it a respectable 7/10 in our Gotham Knights PS5 review. Other reviews, however, have been a little more mixed, and so it'll be interesting to see just how warmly this game is received by players.
Of course, it doesn't help that Gotham Knights found itself steeped in controversy just ahead of launch. News broke last weekend that the game would be capped at just 30 frames-per-second on PS5 — and that's despite the developer scrapping a planned PS4 version. Not the kind of press that you'd want leading up to release.
But some people might not even see that as an issue — they're ready to return to Gotham and kick criminals to bits. And so we ask: did you buy Gotham Knights? Vote in our polls, and then grab your cape in the comments section below.
Comments 65
Been playing all day and honestly i'm really enjoying it. I had the Deluxe version pre-ordered and i don't regret it at all.
I'm stoked to play it after work!
@WallyWest same. Played for a couple of hours yet, but everything seems good at the moment. Not the best game of year and not 10/10 for sure, but not bad at all.
As someone who has played the Arkham games several times over, I know just how mediocre WB Montreal can be.
I bought their last game day 1 at full price. Never making that mistake again.
Waiting for it to show up right now. Can't wait to co-op it w/ my son.
I absolutely wanted to but the 30 frames has seen to it that I absolutely amen't
I’m poor
Been playing since I moved to New Zealand yesterday, it's solid. Far from perfect but it's easily a 7.5/10 kinda game. It's got some rough edges, But, I am enjoying it, it's great being able to play as all 4 characters and the story so far is keeping it interesting, I want to see where it goes. Without comparing it to the Arkham series, I think the closest I can compare it to is the newer Assassins Creeds, so, take that as you will.
Just unlocked on Steam. Downloading now.
I do plan to give it a go at some point but I'm just more interested in everything else releasing around it. I was never going to get it over Plague Tale 2 and by the time I finish that I won't have time to squeeze it in before God of War is out. I also want to play Mario+Rabbids 2, Bayo 3, and Evil West before getting to it. Unfortunately it doesn't seem like I'll get to it likely until like April or so next year. Just not enough time or money to get to everything. ☹️
I bought it. It's alright. Not perfect but not terrible either.
This is where my aversion to the $70 new normal rears its head. I would have probably jumped in at 60 based on the PushSquare and EG reviews, but for some reason the extra 10 bucks makes me pump the brakes. I know it’s not a big difference, but 70 is such an ugly number. Once it’s on sale, I’m on board.
Postal strikes means mine has been sitting in a sack somewhere for the past few days. No idea where.
I pre ordered it and am enjoying it. Like many others on here are saying it's a good game but won't make many too 10 of the year lists. But it's enjoyable for sure.
Yes, but on PC. I wanted to purchase it for PS5 but 30 fps is a no go, unfortunately.
Nope, I can tell burnout on this one will settle in faster than a copy and paste Ubisoft game.
I’ve played the beginning and so far I don’t think it deserves all the hate. It’s not the best game ever, but it’s not terrible. I’m looking forward to playing it co-op with my brother.
No! Never! If i want play a ps2 game ill buy batman begins. Better graphics etc. This game dont deserve even attention
This comes from the same studio as Arkham Origins, right? Afaik this has the best story of all the Arkham games or so I've heard (can't remember exactly soooo long ago xD) so I'll give this a shot when it'll be a little bit cheaper. It's priced at 75 € here atm and thats way too expensive.
Whatched the Digital Foundry comparison to Arkham Knight yesterday, what a disappointment :-/ Hope they'll get this fixed, although the publisher is not well known to support it's products well.
I put it on my wishlist and I’ll play it at some point. No idea when
Where’s the options: “I’m waiting for a deep price cut sale” or “I’m waiting for the inevitable Complete Edition”? Because those are my answers
ahhh as i said in the other article. everyone who bought it says its good. not experiencing all the flaws reviewers did.
how predictable.
poll options are bad. needs a sale option
I was vaguely interested in this but I don't have a co-op partner and have serious open world fatigue.
Asylum is the only Arkham game I played. I loved it but was quickly overwhelmed/bored with City.
Hell yeah I did and I’m having a blast those 4 and 5 reviews are a joke
@Anke It was God Of War 2018 that got me to change my habits and not order physical games online anymore. I preordered and was so excited to play, but there was some kind of delay on Amazon's end and I did not get it until four days after launch. Not the biggest deal in the world, but I was really itching to play.
Now I either buy from a store and walk out with the game or buy it digital. I want to spare myself the disappointment.
I hope you get your game soon!
I'm interested, but with all the other big games coming out in the coming weeks, cancelling my preorder and saving the $70 for now was an easy decision after checking out a handful of reviews.
I want to play it, but don't need to play it right now. I have no qualms with throwing it on my wishlist and waiting for it to drop $20-30 first. Who knows, maybe they'll even address some of the technical issues while I wait, which would be a nice bonus.
No as I'm on PC where it has real issues, oh and that 30fps cap is absolutely not a hardware limitation as it's usage on PC is so low as is the GPU actually as their optimisation is shocking to say the least.
@Relygon good luck on PC from what I've seen so far
When it's really cheap I'll buy it and play it with my brother. Maybe then it'll have some patches to sort out the performance issues
Plain Bold Italic
Thanks @Westernwolf4 I'm sure it'll plop through the letterbox tomorrow, fingers crossed.
I'm 50/50 on physical/digital these days, but the fact that physical prices on day one releases are so much cheaper is worth the risk to me. Saying that, base.com where I order from usually gets the games to my door before release so it's just a blip this time.
I hope you get to enjoy it too.
Removed - flaming/arguing
I will buy it as soon as there is a sale. I am still highly interested, but there is so much to play right now I see no reason to rush.
I have only pre-ordered and handful of games in my life. One of those was Arkham City. My anticipation for that game was through the roof, and it lived up to the hype! Knights probably won't get there, but I still think it will be a solid time.
@Anke I hear you-I stayed with mostly physical games for a long time just because of the price. As I get older and grumpier, I am opting more for the convenience and the certainty. Hopefully you will be gliding around Gotham tomorrow, and the game will be a good time.
@WallyWest C'mon Flash, shouldn't you be finished with the game already?
Loved the Rocksteady-developed Arkham games (never touched Origins), but unfortunately have no interest in this release whatsoever.
@carlos82 Ha yeah, it’s bad alright. FPS is fine but the stutters… not even my brand new 4090 is immune to that crap. I capped it at 60 fps to at least mitigate huge sudden fps drops when you enter a new area etc, it helps a bit with the stutter.
But I played Arkham Knight at launch on PC too, so I kind of knew what I got myself into.
Too much to play right now than to spend $70 on a game that will likely both go on sale quickly and hopefully be a better experience in a year (60fps please)
I pre-ordered it downloaded but didn't start it yet I'm going to wait until it get it patched. I really only pre-ordered it for the steelbook from Walmart.
@Relygon same here!!! I’ll consider buying this game, if 60fps come up in the future…but knowing that the GOW:Ragnarok on the horizon along the Hogwarts Legacy….I think it will be some time till I give it a go…..
I'm broke but have no interest in this, but love the other Arkham games. Glad some are enjoying it though.
Always wondered, are the results of these polls ever forwarded to external marketing parties ?
@xandercorvin Hold off on this one. It'll take them a good month or two to sort things out I reckon. GOW:R is just around the corner as you mentioned but Hogwarts Legacy was delayed until 10th of February. So perhaps you'll have time to play Gotham Knights in between GOW:R and Hogwarts!
Off-topic question as constructive feedback: why don't you guys do these polls on every Triple A game? It'd cover slow news days and also reflects what this very community is playing/buying or not.
If it does have 60 frame rate then yes I’ll buy it
Did they get rid of being able to counter?
@Relygon I've seen the utilisation on someone's PC and CPU usage seems to be very low and GPU usage less then 50% much of the time all whilst running poorly. It's very odd
Played about 2 hours ....more than happy with it right now
Currently playing through it right now... It hard to give a non bias opinion on it as I'm a massive DC/Batman fan. To the point that I have ended friendships because someone disrespected the bat. I have played all the Arkham game even the non Rocksteady ones (Origins, Blackgate, Origin Mobile, Underworld, Lockdown, and Arkham VR)
But I'm playing on PC where it runs at like 60FPS like 45% of the time even at 1440P on a 3080ti. x-X
Luckily I was able to grab the game for $40... So far it been worth the purchase
@WallyWest ditto. Haters gonna hate hahaha. I’m loving it so far. It’s not Arkham and doesn’t want ti be.
Rocksteady they know how to rock their games.
WB games failed in Arkham Origins and I knew this will be same too
I actually want to give it a shot but for me it makes no sense to buy it right now, currently I’m playing A Plague Tale Requiem, then I’m gonna play again God of War 2018 and just continue on with Ragnarok and by the time I finish it we’ll already be around Black Friday and most likely it’s gonna drop to $40 bucks or less.
As a bonus maybe by that time they’ll have solved some of the performance issues (which are not few) and overall it’s gonna be a better experience without spending $70.
Played the batman games, they were pretty good. But as far as this goes, I've not even watched a full trailer, I don't care about these people (I can't even name them all) To me DC has Batman, which became interesting to me because of Christopher Nolan, and pretty much every other hero in universe bores the hell out of me. DC has some quality villains, it has to be said though...
I'll give it a go, just not right now. I've got A Plague Tale & Mario + Rabbids ready to go, so I'm set for the next few weeks. Looks decent enough though.
The game does looks good to me but not $70 good. I do love all the Arkham games excluding Origins because I haven't played it (where's the remaster at WB?).
When is on sale and it's been all patched up I will absolutely platinum it!
I'm going to wait to see if there are improvements, or for a price drop, but glad to see lot's of people are enjoying it.
Getting ready to start it in the next hour or so. I just want a decent action/adventure game in the Batman universe. I look for this to fit the bill.
Yes I pre-ordered Gotham knights, but planning to return it to Best Buy now for a full refund.
Hopefully a friend or family member will gift me it for the Holidays, despite the high $70 price tag.
@carlos82 Correct. That is the main gripe. It’s utilizing less than half of my GPU/CPU at times. It’s mind blowing how they can release a game in such a state…
I am thinking maybe Santa will bring me this one as I am in no rush with Callisto, Wild West & GOW around the corner. Looking forward to playing though, love the Arkham games (minus the Batmobile), Asylum being by far the best IMO.
@Westernwolf4 Haha lol.
I'm having a great time with this game
Not my type of game. Recently picked up (& will probably be playing right through the winter) Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. Big fan of Kingmaker & so far, this looks to be just as good!!
if they can't make this game run at 60fps on an RTX 4090, Ryzen 9 5950x and 128GB how could they make it 60fps on new gen consoles that are a lot weaker than this PC build lol game runs at 40 fps tops on this build. they're just incompetent
Have to say as an absolute massive Batman geek I am going to give this one a miss. The story looks amazing but from watching some gameplay I really don't think this is for me. However it has given me the urge to dust off my Arkham games
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