Sifu has high kicked its way onto PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4, and as we stressed in our Sifu PS5 review, it is not a game for everyone. It can be a brutally unforgiving brawler, but if you're up for the challenge (and actually have the time to master it!), then Sifu is superb.
But as always, we want to know whether you've snapped up this latest release. Do you have the patience for a game like Sifu? Maybe you're waiting to hear what other players have to say before jumping in? Vote in our polls, and then explain yourself in the comments section below.
Comments 79
When it goes on sale for a good price I'll get it.
I certainly feel up to the challenge, but I don't see myself paying R700 for that experience right now, just before HFW and Elden Ring drop.
I'm limiting myself to one title a month, so this month its HFW, and GT7 next month. sorry Sifu, it will have to be on a sale!
Not sure if anyone can explain further - the review on this site made it sound (to me at least) that enemies will attack you either 'high or low', but there was no 'tell' as to which it would be, leading me to think it was more about pot luck which sounds frustrating.
Yet another article today is on about speed runs and people attempting to finish the game without aging. If that's possible, how, if there is no tell? Is there a set attack cycle you must learn?
You are missing another option “when it deeply discounted a year or two from now”
Nope, didn’t really think Absolver was that fun, and honestly the talk of high difficulty is sort of off-putting for me. With the amount of big games coming out, I doubt I’ll have the time to hone in my skills for it (especially because I’ll be more in the mood to be pushing my skills on difficulty with Project Triangle if that has a difficult mode…). Then again, if the year really dies down in the second half and there’s a decent sale, I might buy the game anyway. I do love that feeling of gameplay mastery
I did indeed. Probably the only game I’ll pick up this month (Crazy I know). Only played a small amount so far, it seems good. Like playing a game version of The Raid. Gonna play it properly the weekend when I have more time.
Going to wait and get physical copy like I did with Kena
I do like harder games but there is a limit especially when they're designed to be played at breakneck speed. Cuphead destroyed me every time I played it. As did Furi - I just didn't have the reaction times or brain to get into the right spaces in time. Bullet HELL is right.
Slower more methodical games like Souls I adore and relish the challenge. On the fence about Sifu. I want to like it but unsure about it falling into the breakneck, fast reaction time category I don't like.
Regardless it will have to wait. Too much to play right now. Still haven't finished Horizon: Frozen Wilds.
The whole thing just doesn't look interesting, maybe one day it will.
I'll likely wait until the physical version releases in May.
@themightyant this could have been written by me, lol. I have no issue either when challenging or hard means in a strategic way. I love that. But I'm also with you there. When hard translates to simply reacting perfectly in fast games, I suck, lol. Probably why Sekiro was the hardest of the FS games to me.
@themightyant it's that quick? Quicker than DMC? If so I'd struggle like you.
@cheonseojin I got thoroughly sick of seeing all the non-stop coverage on it, you'd think it was the Most Most Important Thing in Gaming™. I however don't see any appeal in it. Pass.
Yep got it yesterday, its a good game but think its going to take a lot of trial and error before i get good at it. My only real problem with it it doesnt really tell you what to do just, think a decent tutorial would have helped. There is a place you can go to practice so might give that a try to try and get better.
I'm going to hold off until the next few games have passed, absolutely no rush in getting it. Did the same with Kena, and bagged that for £20. That would be a decent price point.
I’m also waiting for May, when the physical version is released.
@riceNpea I'm not sure. I watched a couple of videos and watched/read a couple of reviews that seemed to suggest it was more in that direction, but more importantly it was also very unforgiving.
Most games have a larger, or obvious, tell when there's going to be an unlockable attack for example. In Sifu there's nothing like that you just have to learn the enemies moves, and those attacks may come right in the middle of a combo.
I like the idea of mastery of Sifu, just not sure I've got the required physical dexterity and mental mindset for that.
DMC on the other hand has a difficulty setting so you can always get through it.
@MatthewJP Enemies (so far) have set combos that you can learn as you go - in the meantime you can block them until you're brave enough to use the avoid mechanic to sway out of the way and counter.
price not worth 10 hour game, may pick it up once its under 15 quid
I love a good challenge.been playing hard games since the 1980s.sifu is a beat em up i can get with.from the arcade in the 1990s and so on.and plus this game kind of reminds me of sleeping dogs.will definitely get sifu.word up son
This looks really good and I’m up for the challenge. I didn’t buy it purely because I haven’t got enough time between it’s release and HFW but will definitely be getting it down the line.
I’ve pre-ordered the physical Vengeance Edition… what with HFW and Elden Ring, May sounds like the perfect time for it.
I was thinking of holding off until after Horizon and Elden Ring but in the end decided to give it a shot and try to complete it before then. Very glad I did! I'm on stage 3 and itching to get home to give it another go. It's certainly challenging and as the review said it's certainly not for everyone but if it clicks with you, most likely your going to love it.
Bravo SloClap!
After seeing the reviews it just does not appeal to me. I don't mind a hard game. But Elden ring is going to fill that slot in the near future
My backlog far too big to justify buying it now. Just started Horizon Zero Dawn for the first time and love it, nearing the end of DQ11, then I have the FF7 Remake, then the Witcher 3 when the PS5 patch come out, then Control, and I have to get GT7 and Forbidden West too. So many games, too little time 🙂
I’ll be sure to pick it up at some point. It looks excellent.
I'm not one for harder games usually. I did beat Bloodborne but that was a long time ago when I probably had more patience. It looks interesting but I guess what worries me now is something like Returnal where you can play for hours only to die and have nothing to show for it. Then have a level regenerate in a totally new way. Sifu seems to be a shorter experience and the levels aren't randomized though. So if restarting over a level only sets me back 10 or 15 minutes and I can learn a pattern it might be worth ago.
I really want it but HFW, Elden Ring Collectors editions are first. Nothing against the game but when i get it ill get the physical copy.
It looks like fun. I'll definitely buy it for PS5 when the physical version releases. Did the same thing for Kena. Loved that game by the way...
Nah I didn't feel like paying Sony for something and then not getting it.
I like a challenge, but given my condition, this sounds like it's too much for me without difficulty settings or accessibility options - it would utterly ruin me.
I get that not all games are for everyone, but if they don't add anything to make the game more accessible, I'm unlikely to play it unless we get it free with Plus, at which point there's no harm in giving it a go.
Surprised to see the price of this one at release, I thought it would be a cheap Indie game.
Sadly, I think I'm going to have to pass. I platted/100%'d/etc. Sekiro, but this game looks ridiculously tough, and Elden Ring is just around the corner, which I have massive interest in.
Nah. It looks like another soul-like game. Just with a beat-'em-up twist.
Harder difficulty doesn't bother me if it's fair, like in Cuphead.
Anyway, it's not a 'day one' sorta game for me, but I'll definitely snag it in a sale at some point.
I want for PC, but like most people, a Steam version.
Else if it doesn't come, it'll be PS4.
Of course, easily a GotY contender. From the combat to the bosses to the world building and upgrade system, I'm amazed. What a nice surprise of game this is.
Really thought, it'd be a short melee game with an interesting story, but damn it's so much more sophisticated than that. I can see Sloclap being part of Sony's WW studios.
The game did not interest me until I saw people talking about the difficulty. Now I might give it a try.
I think this is a game I'd be willing to buy and try once it ends up on sale. That and Horizon Forbidden West and Gran Turismo 7 are out very soon.
I feel like I'm on arcades again. Yeah it's 3d, but it's unforgiving in the same way. Observation and practice is the key
$40 for a 40 minute game? No thank you.
@Milktastrophe good luck with beating it in 40m
I'll wait for it on Xbox because I prefer playing fast paced action games with that controller.
I'm also going to assume that more content will be in the game once the PlayStation timed exclusivity deal runs out.
Waiting on physical. Looking forward to it!
@Daleaf Yeah, In the Club section It was pretty easy to move forward until I met that guy who jumps in & out of the bushes. Almost died at the spot (I got him in my sixties ) The thing is, moves will be unlocked as you play through the campaign ...
I chose the girl to start with because I haven't seen much of the female character in reviews.
Oh, and 40 minutes? I think the one who managed to do that has played already for many hours. I share the same sentiment Michu2951 has about the arcade thing. It's not the same game type but back in the day I spend hours playing Kung Fu Master in the arcades
I already platinumed it as well. I. Absolutely. Loved it. Took me 25 hours.
Waiting on the physical but most likely when its discounted
Was planning on getting it, but once they've announced the physical I decided to wait. Will get it full price though to support the dev. There are not enough games that really capture the feeling of a good martial arts movie, so I can't wait. Just imagine they'd make a game based on the raid.
I bought it for my kid’s birthday, but I benefit as well. I like it. Haven’t sunk much time in, but I’ve beat the first chapter with only a few deaths.
@3MonthBeef Lol. Intentions are one thing.....
My wife is having a hard time believing me too!
@Pusher2021 haha yea thats where i usually get my arse kicked. Yea i need to start paying better attention to the new moves, going to give it a good session over the weekend and try and get better. Its a good game though, enjoying what ive played so far.
I'll wait for the inevitable 50% sale in a couple of months. My backlog is far too high at the moment as it is
Yes, but not on ps5 but on epic games store. First, the (regional) price is only $15 on EGS, while it's $40 on ps5 (both regional and worldwide). Second, I got a coupon from egs that make sifu only $5.3(!).
I mean, wtf? I only realized this right now lol, I got the coupon from connecting EGS to my email for promotions and stuff. For $5, yeah I got it on pc
I was excited for it until I heard about the difficulty. I don't have the time for that anymore, I'd rather enjoy it at my own pace and be impressed at other people completing it on super-ultra-turbo-hard mode with a blindfold on and using only the Donkey Konga Bongos.
It is a lot of work to balance such things, but it makes the game much more accessible and doesn't take away from the default hard mode. If they do an accessibility patch with it in, I'll probably pick it up.
If u are over 40 and played arcade games in the 80’s, you will love Sifu. It reminds me of Kung-fu Master, if it was remade to new gen. Don’t sleep on this game. There is a learning curve but any great game has that. The negative reviews are mostly about it being too difficult. Don’t get me wrong, it’s difficult but not impossible.
@wiiware Not saying I don’t believe you, but I don’t believe you. It’s been $39 on Epic since before launch and still is. I’m in the states, if it’s $15 somewhere else, that sucks for us.
@__jamiie Ur missing out on the Dualsense’s benefits. Shame!
@Milktastrophe 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@Culjoseth No I'm not. The layout, shape and size are much more preferable to me than haptic feedback.
@Culjoseth I'm in Indonesia and pc games (on steam and EGS) is way cheaper here, here's the egs confirmation email:
@wiiware Dang dude that’s awesome. Good for u. Kinda sucks for the developer tho.
@__jamiie I’m glad u like it. It’s an inferior product but it meets the needs for xbots. 👍
@Culjoseth What a pathetic and childish comment. Grow up.
Thing is it's £40 which seems overpriced tbh... And I already bought Dying Light 2, next week is HZD and then Elden Ring. so like... I might get it in the future, but right now? Nah.
I'm waiting for the game to drop down to $20 New or cheaper during a sale!
As for challenging games I do enjoy them, as long as they aren't too difficult.
@__jamiie Ur on a PlayStation website trolling, so I’m good.
@Culjoseth You're clearly a child because you said "UR" instead of "you're". I'm not trolling anyone. I'm lucky enough to own many PlayStation consoles, many Xbox consoles and many Nintendo consoles. I don't scream my allegiance to them as you do. You are pathetic. As I said, grow up.
One day, when you're a big boy and have big boy thoughts, you may have an opinion worth listening to!
i brought it reminds me of the double dragon games
@__jamiie 😂😂😂😂😂😂
U really got me with that 1! No one that owns a PS5 would rather play a game that may not come out for another year on xb. So troll u r! Oh btw, shorthand is a way to get ur point across without having 2 type as much. But in case u need another def, here ya go…….. “shorthand” -a method of rapid writing by means of abbreviations and symbols, used especially for taking dictation. The major systems of shorthand are those devised in 1837.
@Culjoseth Well, it's the dev that choose to have regional price for my country, and I believe the coupon is all on epic (the devs still get the undiscounted price). Some dev like squareenix still have full $70 price on EGS.
@Culjoseth I own a PS5. I prefer the shape and layout of the Xbox controller. As I said, at the beginning of your nonsense, that's my preference.
You are the person calling me a troll. When actually, I'm a grown up gamer, lucky enough to own multiple systems.
You seem to have this ridiculous need to slate anyone who may own other systems. That's pathetic. Grow up. Stop creaming your life over everything you think is brilliant.
You should try and get a better job/more pocket money so that you can buy more than one console and actually enjoy the games industry, rather than aligning yourself to one system in your parent's basement.
Removed - flaming/arguing
Removed - flaming/arguing
@__jamiie Don’t hate XB just the controller. Wouldn’t mind buying one if something comes out I want to play. Hopefully Starfield will be that game. Unfortunately my Switch has collected dust for the last few years.
@Culjoseth Just play the games you love and stop calling others idiots. 👍
Nope. Can’t do fighting games.
Caved to all the hype and downloaded this yesterday... hoping to get stuck in at the weekend!
Quick question re. Controller remapping...
As a Souls-player, I intend to remap Light/Heavy attacks to R1/R2 and then remap Dodge to O.
I have seen there are some other multiple-button options like 'takedown' and 'throw item'(?)
Would be keen to hear how others have remapped in such a fashion, I fear that my muscle memory will absolutely require the attack buttons to be trigger based
I'm really interested in Sifu, but Witch Queen is coming out this month, so is HFW and I have GT7 on preorder as well.
I've delayed getting HFW until the summer, so I can get to grips with Witch Queen and I'll have GT7 as my Destiny downtime game.
It's quite a busy release window at the moment
I would've bought it already, but for some reason, Sloclap haven't released physical copies yet. Error on their part I reckon.
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