Earlier this week, Remedy announced that it was remaking the first two Max Payne games. It's early days, but it's the kind of announcement that gets fans of the original titles dreaming of what could be. Indeed, remaking classic games is something that's becoming more and more common as our nostalgia for bygone console generations grows. And on top of that, remakes can be a great way to hook new players into an existing franchise.
What we're saying is that remakes are going nowhere anytime soon. When you consider the sheer amount excitement that enveloped the reveal of Final Fantasy VII Remake, for example, it's easy to see why publishers are often so eager to delve into their back catalogue.
But remakes don't always satisfy everyone, as you'd expect. Even extremely highly rated remakes, like Demon's Souls on PlayStation 5, can be chastised by fans for taking certain creative liberties. Developing a beloved remake of an already beloved game can be incredibly difficult — there's a very fine line between updating an old title for a modern audience, and removing what made it so special to begin with.
And so we have to ask: do you like remakes? Do you like it when your favourite games of old are earmarked for the remake treatment? Vote in our polls, and then expand on your opinion in the comments section below.
Comments 120
I remember saying to my cousin when the "reimagined" Battlestar Galactica first appeared on TV that some things were just ahead of their time and they deserve another shot with the technology of today.
We were both huge FF VII fans growing up, and we said, never believing it would actually happen, that we'd love to see a remake some day.
I feckin love remakes, and yes, they absolutely get me excited.
They do no harm to the originals, and sit nicely alongside as a complimentary suppliment.
I rarely replay games but I do play again if it is a remaster or remake
I think if remakes are done from the ground up and the original source material is treated with the respect that they deserve then i'm all for remakes..remasters i'm not that bothered about to be honest as i think that with todays tech that a complete remake is the way to go..remakes like demon souls warrant a premium rrp (not £70 though) if they are exceptional but remasters are just what i deem a bit lazy and the easy option..look at the gta collection that was recently released and at a premium price tag...disgusting to be honest and thats the sort of thing that needs addressing..
I grew up almost in a eastern european country (barely) had limited access to video games, most of which were borrowed or traded, played the original mafia when I was but 9, my english, as you can probably imagine was lacking but I managed to finish it. When the announced the remake, my god, nostalgia took over and I even shed a tear, same happened with KOTOR, not to mention all the great franchises that I just never had a chance to play (Metal Gear, FF, Metroid), so yeah, remakes are brilliant, they cater to both old and new players and as long as they are carefully crafted they deserve to be praised.
Haven't played enough of them yet to have a decent say but THPS 1+2 is a masterpiece.
What kind of question is that? Obviously, Bloodborn remake would make everyone excited!
@Northern_munkey right?? Everyone wanted an actraiser remake/remaster, til they actually got it. Now it's all but forgotten.
Wish they wouldn't bother, happy to have the memories would prefer they made something new instead.
Give me socom it's all I ask plzzzzzzz sony
Depends on the game. I'm interested in The Max Payne remakes. RE2, RE3 and FF7 were decent to great. The only Remake I'm really wanting at this point is Dino Crisis.
Not particularly big on remakes, especially in the current day where every second announced game is a remake. I'd prefer a sequel, or something entirely new. These days it just seems to be remake, or licensed properties announced (There's around 700 Star Wars games in development right now...zzzzz)
It's boring, and just makes the industry look creatively bankrupt.
It really depends on the game. Good games rise to the top regardless and Resident Evil 2 was just fantastic at reinventing the series by moving forwards while being true to the 90s setting.
I'm far more interested in new IPs and experiences, but boy did I enjoy playing FF7R and looking at how great Midgar was recreated, even better than I imagined it was when I played the original as a kid.
I love remakes and remasters. I don’t understand the hate for them. I understand if people don’t want to pay for the “same” game again or are disappointed with the outcome, but it’s no reason to not support other remakes and remasters. The few I’ve played recently were almost like new games to me because I played the originals when I was so much younger and have forgotten all the storylines and details. I’m looking forward to the Max Payne remasters, and I’m hoping rumors about The Last Of Us and Resident Evil 4 remasters are true. I’ll be spending the money to play them again. My fingers are crossed for a Red Dead Redemption remaster. I never played the original and would love to continue the story from Red Dead Redemption 2, which quickly turned into my favorite game.
Final Fantasy VII is a pretty unique case, as it’s a game that tells the same story in a very different way. I thought it was great but it’s also what made it somewhat divisive.
On the other hand, presentation is not the only thing that can age badly in a game so making a remake very close to the original isn’t always a great way to go (it worked for Spyro and Demon’s Souls though)
@PhhhCough not too sure exactly what my post has to do with your comment but actraiser was a very niche game to start with and i remember playing it on my snes and being really baffled by it..never understood why that was chosen as a game to remake/remaster but i respect those that really got it and loved the remake/remaster whatever it was..
I'd like to have Rogue Galaxy, Final Fantasy 12 and PS3 emulator.
Generally just want devs to make new games and stories and have backward compatibility available that is legal and affordable.
My take might be very controversial but I think every big publisher should have a dedicated studio only making remakes. Not only for the fans of that particular game but especially for the determination of potential revival or continuation of a video game. Trying to attract even newcomers as oldtimers alike. There are so many games from previous generations I want to play but due to the technical obsolescence I really don't want to play them. Unbearable graphics, horrible frames, slowass loading, clunky controls, terrible audio design, cringe voice acting and so on and so on. Remaking video games to nowadays standard should be a regular routine for all big publishers.
My most anticipated game is KOTOR remake, so yeah I’m sucker for good remakes
@NinjaSixx 👍i agree 100%
Remakes can be awesome as it gives me a reason to go back and appreciate the original piece of art. Looking forward to some epic remakes this gen!
It may be because I am getting old but I love remakes and quality remasters.
Being able to play an old game with modern graphics and technology is fantastic.
It's definitely a game by game basis for me. Some games could really use the face lift while others just feel a little redundant. Yakuza Kiwami 2 made sense since they already remade the OG Yakuza so it made sense to go ahead and remake the second one too so that all they had to do was remaster 3, 4, and 5 to get the complete main series playable on modern platforms. Another good candidate would be Persona 3 so that people don't need to choose between FES and Portable and instead have one definitive version to play.
Ease of availability should generally be the driving force for a remake. The Last of Us 1, if truly getting a remake, makes much less sense to me. It's available already on PS4 and is perfectly playable today. Same with Dead Space although I'm still just happy to see anything related to Dead Space at this point.
FF7R is a bit of an oddball since it's more a reinterpretation of FF7 than a remake. That works too though since it's different enough to exist on its own.
So yeah it just depends on the game if it will excite me or not. New games will always take a higher priority to me though.
In most cases, I prefer accurate emulations of old games on new consoles. Most of the great old games don’t need remakes, they just need to be made available on current hardware.
Yeah remake everything, not everything's backwards compatible or even playable in a good state on current hardware. Not everyone is 40 years old either to have had the opportunity to play all of these games lol. Though maybe I say this because I've never played a bad remake.
Loved Resident Evil 2 but I think I liked the remake just a little bit more.
Depends on the game. Very glad Kiwami and Kiwami 2 got remade for example, and really wish they would remake Dead Souls. On other occasions I wish they’d just put effort into sequels or new IP.
Generally, yes. And I'm among one of the few who has been begging for a Dino Crisis remake since the PS3 days.
That being said, if we had proper backwards compatibility with resolution upgrade software similar to what Microsoft is doing then we can settle for that rather than full remakes, it'll be like a remaster. But Sony will never do that. (Disc based I mean).
It's why I'm actually starting to consider getting an Xbox Series X. Microsoft are really starting to gain ground. Plus I'm convinced they're slowly buying up the entire industry.
I'm worried about the possible news that Sega and Square Enix get bought. Then I'd have to switch.
Depend on the games.
Ratchet & Clank PS4 was the Best remake for me from Ratchet & Clank 1 PS2.
If it's an absolute bona fide classic then sure; pump it up. Preferably from the roblox era they deserve more love than that
It depends on the game. If it's a game I really enjoyed then yes admittedly they can otherwise no not really.
I don’t mind them but would prefer new games probably.
Having said that a proper Mario 64 remake would be an insta buy for sure…
Depends on the game. I'd rather old, more dated games get remakes than personal favourites however. Something like legacy of Kain would be perfect for me, it's a series that looks kick ass but by the time I got around to it it was too far gone.
For personal favourites usually I'd just prefer a port (or access via backwards compat)
i think all the remakes we are seeing is a tell tale sign of how risk adverse most publishers have become. once upon a time, publishers and developers were at their most creative which is why we have so many great games to look back on in the first place. these days, a completely new IP that takes risks is becoming more uncommon by the day. so, back to the point on remakes... publishers are afraid to bring new ideas to the table as they have little confidence in it succeeding financially... so they are resorting to remakes that already have a strong following as that is a safer bet. i would say this is not something to be proud of and tells us that the current state of the AAA industry is not in a very good place. most publishers are now creatively bankrupt in the same way hollywood is for the most part.
@Dodoo I agree, forward and onwards!
@Porco to be fair you don't have to look far to see gamers asking repeatedly for ports and remakes (wind waker for switch for example, or final fantasy 7 for all those many years). Can't really blame publishers for giving the people what they want but I do agree with wanting more risky AAA games.
Even though I wasn't a fan of death stranding I do respect it for trying something, more games that try something different would be great, demon's souls did it and created a whole new sub genre after all.
Some of the games I'm most looking forward to are remakes (Dead Space and Max Payne) so yeah. My opinion on those should be clear.
Definitely Tony Hawks Pro Skater and Resident Evil 2 + 3.
And yes, Remakes and Remasteres are awesome. Can't have enough, so waiting for Klonoa.
As many have stated, it completely depends on the game and the quality of the remake as well. Games like Demon's Souls and RE 2, yes, I'm all for it. Games like RE 3......? ...... meh.
The big one I have my eye on is the Dead Space remake. As someone who's played the original NUMEROUS times, I'll be very interested to see how that turns out. Hopefully for the better and not for the worse....
The least exited im about FF7R it takes way to long and all the buzz is gone and i FF7 was one of my favorite games on the PS1. It looks looks like a way to milk as much money out of it with everything.
Resident Evil 2 is the way to go looks great and i wont be 100 or 3 generatios later when its finished. Resident Evil 3 was Corp trying to cash in such a pity.
And when i get a PS5 then i have my copy of the game ready thats one i want to play so badly.
I’m sorry but once again the poll lacks options andI didn’t vote.
Missing : ‘I like remakes for games I didn’t play!’
Demons Souls was great 👍🏻
I don't mind remakes of playstation 1 and 2 games but ps3 and ps4 remakes are pointless and then there's just some that are just straight up ports (Nintendo mainly) which again is pointless and greedy
FFVII, Demon's Souls and Shadow of the Colossus are the perfect examples of how remakes should be done.
Really depends on the title. Something like FFVIIR was an exception to the rule, where I had not played the original for almost 20 years and was a special game to me. But most of them I tend to not bother with if I have already played them.
@Shepherd_Tallon so say we all
@NinjaSixx I rather have a full game like a Demon Souls, Resident Evil 2, Rachet and Clank its a a remake where i dont have to wait two decades to play a complete game.
Bring me Legend of Dragoon looking great you dont have put all extra stuff in just a good looking game which i can play from start to finish. Dino Crisis with the looks of Resident Evil 2 and im in.
It’s easy enough to complain about too many remakes and remasters, but all gamers have favourite games and the majority of them will have games they would love to get the remake treatment.
So sure, I’m totally fed up of remakes.
…what’s that, SSX3???
I never would have gotten into Ratchet & Clank without the remake. I hadn't played any of the originals. I loved the remake and then platinumed Rift Apart.
Unpopular opinion, bad games should be remade so developers can improve on them and fix their mistakes.
Loved Mafia, Resi 2 and the Kiwamis. If its an older game I missed, or has seriously dated to the point of clunkiness, then I'm all for remakes.
Not a fan of the ffvii one though.
Not after playing the FF7 Remake.
I love remakes. The more the merrier.
Last one I played was Demon’s Souls and it was incredible.
No… unless it’s Bloodborne.
If done right it's amazing. Like Shadow of the Colossus and Demon's Souls. How they messed up Link's Awakening I can't even fathom how that got approved.
Nope, make new games. Only checked out Final Fantasy VII Remake because it was free.
I saw the The Final Fantasy VII Remake Orchestra World Tour when it came to Carnegie Hall in January.
That was actually worth the cash.
@koffing have the ps5 play all games below it would solve the problem
If it's a game I haven't played, then it's a chance to experience it in some form - often with overall improvements if the remake is actually solid.
If it's a game I've played and love, then I'll be excited for a new take on it in modern hardware. A remake of Fire Emblem 7 would probably make me tear up, for example.
If it's a game I didn't like all that much, then it's just another thing to add to the 'ignore' pile and move on from.
So yeah, generally I see remakes as a good thing or, at worst, products I have no interest in. The argument that work on a remake means new projects won't be done instead is also pretty shaky in most contexts - often, the "choice" is either a remake or nothing at all.
Still waiting for LBP 1 & 2 to get a remaster - they deserve better than being stuck on the (dead or terminally ill) PS3, Vita and PSP and it's not as if Media Molecule are doing anything better.
I used to, but the fact everyone seems to be putting in zero effort with remakes and remasters these days its hard to get excited over them.
I like Remakes when they are done properly. FF7 isn't a remake for instance. The gameplay and music is top notch but the story clearly makes it a sequel not a remake (and not a very good one).
@Steve30000 how should I play Persona 3?
Most of the ps4 remakes were fantastic to be fair.
ff7, crash, spyro, ctr (minus the WORST NET CODE I HAVE EVER EXPERIENCED), tony hawks, re2 (didn't play 3, heard it wasn't as good)..
HeartGold/SoulSilver still remains the absolute pinnacle of remakes though.
So many games just crying out for a remake from yesteryear though.
It depends on the game being remade and what they do with it I suppose. Last gen we got a few and Resident Evil 2 was comfortably the best I played and one of my favourite games of that generation full stop. Then there are the likes of FFVII which I wasn't overly keen on despite a few highlights but at least they tried to do something different.
The one to one remakes I don't really care for, like the Crash games or Demon's Souls, even Link's Awakening I found disappointing
@NinjaSixx Dont get me wrong its quality but it takes way to long they should have finished more before releasing it.
But that my opinion im just waiting because its not finished for a long time and its easier to finish the games that are released and finished.
And as happy as i was the more i see the new Square Enix the more worried i am how they are going to handle it.
@nookie_egg If you get it cheap the singleplayer isnt that horrible i had fun its a pity i have to leave Jill for Carlos now.
If I did not see ff7 and re2 remakes on top 1 and 2 I was going to be shocked
It 100% depends on the game, same thing with remasters. I think about Link’s Awakening or FF7R or RE2 and they all deserved it, and they all got new life from the remakes. FF7R is the best remake so far, in my opinion, because it went somewhere new with the game. It’s special in how it was done.
But remakes can also sully a game’s legacy or be pointless. I mean, that Panzer Dragoon remake… why was it made? And the same goes for remasters… I love Alan Wake, but was Remastered anything more than a PR for Alan Wake 2. It made me question why I praised the original game so much over the years.
@Flaming_Kaiser Hear there was lots cut, and the zombies don't even have dismemberment for some reason. Also I hate Nemesis' nose.
But original re3 was my favourite out of the resi series, so will probably get to it at some point.
I think ports, remasters and remakes are fantastic. They not only bring a new life to old games but also help the console library feel more alive. But which is the best approach depends on the game, for example a Master Chief Collection style collection would be a better fit for the Resistance franchise than remakes.
That's like asking: "Do new games get you excited?" I mean... some do, and some I couldn't care less about. I also don't universally like or dislike older games getting remakes. It depends on the game.
I don't really think about games in terms of old vs new. A "new" game isn't any more inherently valuable to me than something that's a remake or remaster of something older.
@UltimateOtaku91 Remasters and ports are far from "pointless." Not everyone has owned every console ever released. For example, if Sony had never ported the Uncharted trilogy to PS4, I'd never have had the opportunity to play it, and probably wouldn't have bought Uncharted 4/The Lost Legacy. What sense would it make to allow the series to rot on outdated hardware when you could introduce it to a new playerbase?
Moreover, remasters often allow companies to touch up the performance and image quality in older games. Even if it's not dramatic, I'd much rather play a game like Mario Kart 8 at 1080p than 720p on my TV. And that's not even counting the boon of handheld play that comes with ports to the Switch.
It's really no different than a movie re-releasing in newer media formats that allow for better image quality and ease-of-use. And the complaint is particularly ridiculous with Wii U exclusives when you consider almost nobody bought that console in the first place.
Frankly games should only be remade if they had potential but the execution wasn't right. That's why the upcoming System Shock remake to me is one of the few that makes sense.
It depends on the game. If it's one that I liked in the original form, I would definitely want to play it's Remake version.
Same goes for good games that I didn't get to play in the original version, and now they are outdated, no longer supported, unpatched etc... overall suffer from issues that would severely diminish my experience with them.
Demon's Souls is such a game. I got the Remake as soon as I bought the PS5 and it was the first game I played on it. That's one masterfully done Remake!
Other games that I would get very excited to play a Remake of:
@Ralizah fair enough maybe I was a tad bit harsh with the "pointless" remark. But if you're going to port a game that's one or two generations old (maybe more) and isn't selling anymore to another system then don't charge full price, that's my main gripe with Nintendo and I will use skyward sword as an example, there wasn't enough added to that game to justify full price and it was originally on a system that had sold over hundred million? Same with xenoblade chronicles definitive edition which also was ported to 3ds and then switch so its been on three systems, There's also some more very lazy ports/remasters out there with minimal change and some don't even run well such as the new chrono Cross and the GTA trilogy.
Decent remakes on the other hand I can agree with such as the legend of zelda awakening, Pokémon let's go, final fantasy 7 remake, resident evil 2 and trials of mana.
Also I don't mind ports of games coming west that never originally released in the west
I love remakes. The Spyro Reignited trilogy was excellent. RE3 remake was also very good - preferred it to RE2 remake (didn’t like Mr X).
R&C remake wasn’t really a remake at all. They changed so much. It was more of a reimagining. The original R&C was brilliant but the reimagining was just ok.
I enjoyed the Crash Trilogy but I was never a huge fan of the original Crash games. Naughty Dog games (Crash, J&D) didn’t really connect with me back then. I was more into Insomniac’s offerings (Spyro, R&C).
Still holding out for a complete remake of the original Tomb Raider games (all 5), keeping the original controls, music and level design but with updated graphics and checkpoint system.
I don't see a problem with remakes when you consider that younger gamers won't have experienced games that older generations have experienced. The added bonus being better controls implemented which i would hope to experience should Killzone 2 ever got the remake treatment
@UltimateOtaku91 Nintendo charges full price for almost everything they release, and I respect that approach. Their games aren't filled with micro-transactions, they aren't pushing for a higher MSRP like Sony, and they don't bottom out the price the moment they're done milking the people who buy at launch. They respect the value of their products, and, as a result, so do I.
Anyway, I don't know how it is in the UK, but in Freedom Land™, I can find most physical Switch games at almost $10 under MSRP near launch, and for the games I want even deeper discounts on, it's easy enough to snag them in sales down the line. Like, Skyward Sword HD was on sale on a few storefronts for $30 just recently.
A few just never drop much in price, but I can't really fault Nintendo for keeping prices high on games that sell millions of copies year after year. The entire reason prices go down with games over time is because demand drops off. The majority of game sales for other companies are extremely front-loaded. If demand doesn't drop off significantly, then it'd be foolish to charge less for the product, right?
Of course, I'm not saying you're not right to feel the way you do about Nintendo's pricing strategy. I just think it's a separate issue from Nintendo porting older games to newer platforms, which I genuinely can't comprehend people being against.
@Shinnok789 couldn’t agree more re. inFamous 1&2. Those two games had real personality and depth. The PS4 games just weren’t as good - they felt completely sanitised in an attempt to appeal to a wider, more mainstream audience. Still good but completely forgettable. The guy with the beanie and the girl with neon powers (I don’t ever remember their names). Cole on the other hand was the sh*t.
I loved the Demon’s Souls remake, but I also put it down faster than expected, likely because it was the exact same game that I’d already put a hundred hours into on PS3. So double-edged sword, I’d say.
I’m really surprised that people prefer Ratchet and Clank PS4 to the original ?
The story is so much better in the original to me. Sure it looks better technically but a modern remaster of same story would have been better than a remake. They literally abandoned a sequel to the PS4 game as well and went back to the future series which followed the original trilogy
A remake of Panzer Dragoon Saga would be welcome, but only if it was done right. Bluepoint would do a good job I think.
See what they did when they tried to remake total recall?
Depends on the game something like the final fantasy games or that recent chrono cross I have no interest in however games like NFS underground 2 , most wanted , the Simpsons hit & run etc I would love to get remasters / remakes
Depend on the games, as long as the remake quality is good and the price is fair, I don't have problem with remake.
Also while I love ff7 remake, I don't think rhe game is a remake, it's more like sequel and/or reimagining.
All depends on the game. Resident Evil 2 is my favorite game of all time and when the remake was announced I was excited because I trusted Capcom to handle it right. Something like the Max Payne remakes seem like they are being handled correctly. Stuff like the Mana and Chrono Cross remakes I'm less keen on because they feel a bit low effort.
Depends on the game. Give me parasite eve or vagrant story(spent over 2 hrs fighting that crab boss as I had the wrong weapon equipped) I would very much like my revenge please.
Final Fantasy remake is the only Final Fantasy game I have played and absolutely loved it.
I don't like the volume of remakes we get now. I think there is some value in reimagining old games for new audiences, but there's a ton of games that I don't really think need revisiting and/or don't need updating.
There's a remake of Shadow of the Colossus? I thought there was only the HD remaster.
I think it depends on how hard the original is to access. A Crash remake? Try a little harder. Skies of Arcadia? Shut up and take my money.
Two things i look forward to in video games: the next game i will like very much and replaying a game i like very much. So remakes and remasters do get my interest. Remakes like Mafia, RE2, and RE3 got me excited and after playing had me wishing for more remakes.
Many gamers are first timers with remakes of PS2 and PS1 gen games. Some were not even born yet when the older gamers were playing the originals.
Still waiting for a remaster of Impossible Mission or Winter Games to appear...
Heck, I'd even take Monty on the Run at this point...
I really enjoy remakes when they're made with proper care.
For me, remakes should come in one of two varieties:
A) A wonderful old game that was made when technology was really inferior. However, it shouldn't aim to be a "shot for shot" retelling (like the FF7 remake), but rather simply in the spirit of the old game, using the same characters and story outline, but with the freedom to be made as if it were new today.
B) A game that had a really good idea but was executed poorly the first time, for whatever reason, and now will be redone by a group who really knows their stuff and will get it right.
Kinda depends on what game it is for me.
I love remakes. When done right it can be a boost to a dying franchise or just a great revisit to a game you love.
Mafia, FF7, Resident Evil 2 are all great examples of awesome remakes.
remakes like the ps1 resident evil games were great , i enjoyed the crash remake as well , i thought the final fantasy 7 remake was done really well so far. i mean i would love a remake of silent hill 1 and metal gear solid 1.
I love remakes, but not when they ruin them by changing the gameplay style (from turn based to action, for example)...
@Lup no, there's a ps4 remake, also. Many mistakenly call it a remaster, because it has the same gameplay, but the engine & all the assets are new & remade, so it's a remake.
Final Fantasy VII Remake and the Spyro Trilogy for me imo.
Resident evil 2 remake was excellent, and then resident evil 3 lost levels, boss fights, and more.
@nookie_egg I dont say its perfect but it looks fantastic plays really fantastic and with Jill i had a lot of fun. I just believe id they should have left the crappy online stuff out of the game they could have expanded a lot on the singleplayer. And after the fantastic Resident Evil 2 that was a hit thats a pity that they just didnt understand what gold they had. Just make Break out with optional online coöp and youre golden.
Yes some of my favorite games ever are remakes so its all good.word up son
Mostly just for PS2 or earlier games, imo. PS3 games and newer still look good enough.
The exception is VR remasters/remakes. I want everything in VR.
I rarely replay a game that I've beaten. But if a remake releases for a game that I missed out on that I'm interested in, then I'm all for it.
I was super stoked for the FF7 remake when it was announced.
Then several years went by and then they released it and I thought it was objectively just bad. Fun combat butchered story.
It's hard to be excited about remakes now.
Spyro, Crash, and Resident Evil 2 were great remakes.
Resident Evil 2 was just a masterpiece, I was so glad to see it rereleased and in the quality that was present in the remake.
I’m all for it. There are so many great games that a lot of younger gamers have never experienced.
I was too young to even play FF7 & MGS when they first released for example.
For me Crisis Core: FF7 is my entry into FF7 & is the real story.
There are countless games from over the decades that deserve another round of exposure to the current generation of players. Some would be absolutely fine without any remastering or remaking whatsoever (for example, a compilation of Sega's Arcade coin-ops from Zaxxon, Pengo, and Congo Bongo through Afterburner, Out Run, and Super Monaco GP, to the later ones like Daytona USA, Sega Rally Championship, Virtua Fighter, and Super Star Wars Arcade). Others would certainly need modern-day upgrades to their visuals but otherwise would blow gamers away, like Skies of Arcadia, Shining Force III, Dragon Force, Panzer Dragoon Saga, etc.. I realize this list is Sega-centric, but the most important issue is the willingness of a publisher to revisit its dormant IPs, and aside from a smattering of titles outsourced to smaller developers to mixed results (the most recent being The House of the Dead Remake), Sega has been notoriously stingy outside of their myopic focus on Sonic.
Aside from remakes/remasters, certain entire genres have pretty much vanished for many years now, and perhaps none more so than light gun games. Time Crisis, the Point Blank series, The House of the Dead, and many others would likely find a welcoming audience today if the tech to work with current flatscreen displays would surface (THOTD Remake's control issues on Switch highlight the challenge of translating such titles to standard controllers), but there might be another avenue for them to make a comeback: VR. Even on-rails shooters would likely be awesome experiences in VR, and both help to fill out the catalogs of various VR platforms while giving light gun games a new lease on life.
@sonicmeerkat do i wish some of the stuff from re3 was in the remake? of course. but as a fan of the original game , i was still pretty happy to see it be remade. imo they should have either released it as a bundle with re2 ( which was rumored but re3 wasn't ready in time for them to do this). or as dlc for re2 since it happen to take place during the same time line.
If they announced Dante's inferno remaster I'd preorder seconds after it went live.
@twitchtvpat You know what I am not done, also the tacked on multiplayer game had horrible connectivity and was how they justified the $60 price tag to themselves for what should have been $40.
Looking forward Max Pain 1+2. Loved them years ago. I'ttl make me dig out #3. Great story.
I feel like the problem I have is that I never played the games they're remaking nowadays. If they remade Battlestations Pacific or Mobile Suit Gundam Federation Vs Zeon or other games I played as a kid I would probably be very excited, as it is it's just kinda meh.
@sonicmeerkat i don't disagree with you , but i enjoyed it though. do i wish they included everything of course. but was it cool seeing re3 as a current game , was pretty cool imo.
Yes, because I never grew up with the old consoles, and now that I have a PS5 I would like to play the classics, but with more contemporary graphics and sound
I love having remakes of popular games. It's great getting another chance to enjoy them again or play something I missed. While I could boot up the orginal version, it's nice to have the option of playing a newer made version for modern consoles.
I don't want them holding back on newer games though but if a remake is being done to give developers a job as they wait for the next project then I welcome it. A lot of older games were better made than newer ones we get today. New ones are released broken, open world is too big with a lot of filler, mtx, online only, etc. The older games had more heart put into them while newer ones are more of a money grab.
Look at GTA for example, the older games were so much fun and I enjoyed messing around just to make the police chase, use cheat codes. But the newer games were more about just playing the story, didn't want those police chasing, no cheat codes, and a money grabbing online mode.
Hands down the best remake of a game ever is Nier Replicant ver 1.22.
NIER is god tier, however it does have some glaring issues, e.g. poopy performance, bad frame pacing, dated graphics.
The remake fixed all that, gave us an extra chapter, gave us the canon E ending from the short novel, let you play as Kaine. Love it.
No. Please stop. Make great sequels or even new IPs. Stop the madness!
@tselliot paying for a game twice sounds good to the developers
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